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* Copyright 2009 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.jspecify.nullness.Nullable;
* An abstract representation of a source file that provides access to language-neutral features.
* The source file can be loaded from various locations, such as from disk or from a preloaded
* string. Loading is done as lazily as possible to minimize IO delays and memory cost of source
* text.
public final class SourceFile implements StaticSourceFile {
private static final String UTF8_BOM = "\uFEFF";
private static final String BANG_SLASH = "!" + Platform.getFileSeperator();
/** Number of lines in the region returned by {@link #getRegion(int)}. This length must be odd. */
private static final int SOURCE_EXCERPT_REGION_LENGTH = 5;
* The file name of the source file.
It does not necessarily need to correspond to a real path. But it should be unique. Will
* appear in warning messages emitted by the compiler.
private final String fileName;
private SourceKind kind;
private final CodeLoader loader;
// Source Line Information
private int @Nullable [] lineOffsets = null;
private volatile @Nullable String code = null;
// Code statistics used for metrics.
// For both of these, a negative value means we haven't counted yet.
private int numLines = -1;
private int numBytes = -1;
private SourceFile(CodeLoader loader, String fileName, SourceKind kind) {
if (isNullOrEmpty(fileName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("a source must have a name");
if (!"/".equals(Platform.getFileSeperator())) {
fileName = fileName.replace(Platform.getFileSeperator(), "/");
this.loader = loader;
this.fileName = fileName;
this.kind = kind;
public int getLineOffset(int lineno) {
if (lineno < 1 || lineno > lineOffsets.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Expected line number between 1 and " + lineOffsets.length + "\nActual: " + lineno);
return lineOffsets[lineno - 1];
* Returns the number of lines in the source file.
NOTE: this may be stale if the SourceFile has been {@link #clearCachedSource cleared} and
* the file has changed on disk. If being fully accurate is required call {@link #getCode} and
* then call this method.
int getNumLines() {
if (numLines < 0) {
// A negative value means we need to read in the code and calculate this information.
// Otherwise, assume the file hasn't changed since we read it.
try {
var unused = getCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
// this is consistent with old behavior of this method.
return 0;
return numLines;
* Returns the number of bytes in the source file
Oddly, bytes is defined as 'length of code as a Java String' this is accurate assuming files
* only use Latin1 characters but may be inaccurate outside of that.
NOTE: this may be stale if the SourceFile has been {@link #clearCachedSource cleared} and
* the file has changed on disk. If being fully accurate is required call {@link #getCode} and
* then call this method.
int getNumBytes() {
if (numBytes < 0) {
// A negative value means we need to read in the code and calculate this information.
// Otherwise, assume the file hasn't changed since we read it.
try {
var unused = getCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
// this is consistent with old behavior of this method.
return 0;
return numBytes;
private void findLineOffsets() {
if (this.lineOffsets != null) {
String localCode = this.code;
if (localCode == null) {
try {
localCode = this.getCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
localCode = "";
this.lineOffsets = new int[1];
// getCode() updates numLines, so this is always in sync with the code.
int[] offsets = new int[this.numLines];
int index = 1; // start at 1 since the offset for line 0 is always at byte 0
int offset = 0;
while ((offset = localCode.indexOf('\n', offset)) != -1) {
// +1 because this is the offset of the next line which is one past the newline
offsets[index++] = offset;
checkState(index == offsets.length);
this.lineOffsets = offsets;
/** Gets all the code in this source file. */
public final String getCode() throws IOException {
if (this.code == null) {
// Only synchronize if we need to
synchronized (this) {
// Make sure another thread hasn't loaded the code while we waited.
if (this.code == null) {
return this.code;
final void setCodeDeprecated(String code) {
/** Gets a reader for the code in this source file. */
public Reader getCodeReader() throws IOException {
// Only synchronize if we need to
if (this.code == null) {
synchronized (this) {
// Make sure another thread hasn't loaded the code while we waited.
if (this.code == null) {
Reader uncachedReader = this.loader.openUncachedReader();
if (uncachedReader != null) {
return uncachedReader;
return new StringReader(this.getCode());
private void setCodeAndDoBookkeeping(@Nullable String sourceCode) {
this.code = null;
// Force recalculation of all of these values when they are requested.
this.lineOffsets = null;
if (sourceCode != null) {
if (sourceCode.startsWith(UTF8_BOM)) {
sourceCode = sourceCode.substring(UTF8_BOM.length());
this.code = sourceCode;
// Update numLines and numBytes
// NOTE: In some edit/refresh development workflows, we may end up re-reading the file
// and getting different numbers than we got last time we read it, so we should
// not have checkState() calls here to assert they have not changed.
// Misleading variable name. This really stores the 'number of utf16' code points which is
// not the same as number of bytes.
this.numBytes = sourceCode.length();
int numLines = 1; // there is always at least one line
int index = 0;
while ((index = sourceCode.indexOf('\n', index)) != -1) {
this.numLines = numLines;
* @deprecated alias of {@link #getName()}. Use that instead
@InlineMe(replacement = "this.getName()")
public String getOriginalPath() {
return this.getName();
* For SourceFile types which cache source code that can be regenerated easily, flush the cache.
We maintain the cache mostly to speed up generating source when displaying error messages,
* so dumping the file contents after the compile is a fine thing to do.
public void clearCachedSource() {
boolean hasSourceInMemory() {
return code != null;
* Returns a unique name for the source file.
This name is not required to be an actual file path on disk.
public String getName() {
return fileName;
/** Returns the source kind. */
public SourceKind getKind() {
return kind;
/** Sets the source kind. */
public void setKind(SourceKind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
public int getLineOfOffset(int offset) {
int search = Arrays.binarySearch(lineOffsets, offset);
if (search >= 0) {
return search + 1; // lines are 1-based.
} else {
int insertionPoint = -1 * (search + 1);
return min(insertionPoint - 1, lineOffsets.length - 1) + 1;
public int getColumnOfOffset(int offset) {
int line = getLineOfOffset(offset);
return offset - lineOffsets[line - 1];
* Gets the source line for the indicated line number.
* @param lineNumber the line number, 1 being the first line of the file.
* @return The line indicated. Does not include the newline at the end of the file. Returns {@code
* null} if it does not exist, or if there was an IO exception.
public @Nullable String getLine(int lineNumber) {
String js;
try {
js = getCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
if (lineNumber > lineOffsets.length) {
return null;
if (lineNumber < 1) {
lineNumber = 1;
int pos = lineOffsets[lineNumber - 1];
if (js.indexOf('\n', pos) == -1) {
// If next new line cannot be found, there are two cases
// 1. pos already reaches the end of file, then null should be returned
// 2. otherwise, return the contents between pos and the end of file.
if (pos >= js.length()) {
return null;
} else {
return js.substring(pos);
} else {
return js.substring(pos, js.indexOf('\n', pos));
* Gets the source lines starting at `lineNumber` and continuing until `length`. Omits any
* trailing newlines.
* @param lineNumber the line number, 1 being the first line of the file.
* @param length the number of characters desired, starting at the 0th character of the specified
* line. If negative or 0, returns a single line.
* @return The line(s) indicated. Returns {@code null} if it does not exist or if there was an IO
* exception.
public @Nullable Region getLines(int lineNumber, int length) {
String js;
try {
js = getCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
if (lineNumber > lineOffsets.length) {
return null;
if (lineNumber < 1) {
lineNumber = 1;
if (length <= 0) {
length = 1;
int pos = lineOffsets[lineNumber - 1];
if (pos == js.length()) {
return new SimpleRegion(
lineNumber, lineNumber, ""); // Happens when asking for the last empty line in a file.
int endChar = pos;
int endLine = lineNumber;
// go through lines until we've reached the end of the file or met the specified length.
for (; endChar < pos + length && endLine <= lineOffsets.length; endLine++) {
endChar = (endLine < lineOffsets.length) ? lineOffsets[endLine] : js.length();
if (js.charAt(endChar - 1) == '\n') {
return new SimpleRegion(lineNumber, endLine, js.substring(pos, endChar - 1));
return new SimpleRegion(lineNumber, endLine, js.substring(pos, endChar));
* Get a region around the indicated line number. The exact definition of a region is
* implementation specific, but it must contain the line indicated by the line number. A region
* must not start or end by a carriage return.
* @param lineNumber the line number, 1 being the first line of the file.
* @return The line indicated. Returns {@code null} if it does not exist, or if there was an IO
* exception.
public @Nullable Region getRegion(int lineNumber) {
String js = "";
try {
js = getCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
int pos = 0;
int startLine = max(1, lineNumber - (SOURCE_EXCERPT_REGION_LENGTH + 1) / 2 + 1);
for (int n = 1; n < startLine; n++) {
int nextpos = js.indexOf('\n', pos);
if (nextpos == -1) {
pos = nextpos + 1;
int end = pos;
int endLine = startLine;
for (int n = 0; n < SOURCE_EXCERPT_REGION_LENGTH; n++, endLine++) {
end = js.indexOf('\n', end);
if (end == -1) {
if (lineNumber >= endLine) {
return null;
if (end == -1) {
int last = js.length() - 1;
if (js.charAt(last) == '\n') {
return new SimpleRegion(startLine, endLine, js.substring(pos, last));
} else {
return new SimpleRegion(startLine, endLine, js.substring(pos));
} else {
return new SimpleRegion(startLine, endLine, js.substring(pos, end));
public String toString() {
return fileName;
public static List fromZipFile(String zipName, Charset inputCharset)
throws IOException {
try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(zipName)) {
return fromZipInput(zipName, input, inputCharset);
public static List fromZipInput(
String zipName, InputStream input, Charset inputCharset) throws IOException {
final String absoluteZipPath = new File(zipName).getAbsolutePath();
List sourceFiles = new ArrayList<>();
try (ZipInputStream in = new ZipInputStream(input, inputCharset)) {
ZipEntry zipEntry;
while ((zipEntry = in.getNextEntry()) != null) {
String entryName = zipEntry.getName();
if (!entryName.endsWith(".js")) { // Only accept js files
.withOriginalPath(zipName + BANG_SLASH + entryName)
.withZipEntryPath(absoluteZipPath, entryName)
return sourceFiles;
public static SourceFile fromFile(String fileName, Charset charset) {
return builder().withPath(fileName).withCharset(charset).build();
public static SourceFile fromFile(String fileName) {
return builder().withPath(fileName).build();
public static SourceFile fromPath(Path path, Charset charset) {
return builder().withPath(path).withCharset(charset).build();
public static SourceFile fromCode(String fileName, String code, SourceKind kind) {
return builder().withPath(fileName).withKind(kind).withContent(code).build();
public static SourceFile fromCode(String fileName, String code) {
return builder().withPath(fileName).withContent(code).build();
* Reconciles serialized state in a {@link SourceFileProto} with the existing state in this file.
* This should be called whenever initializing a compilation based on TypedAST protos. For
* these compilations, the compiler initalization methods require creating SourceFiles before
* deserializing TypedAST protos, so we sometimes get two copies of the same SourceFile.)
public void restoreCachedStateFrom(SourceFileProto protoSourceFile) {
"Cannot restore state for %s from %s",
// TypedAST proto information is expected to be more accurate for:
// 1) whether a SourceFile contains an @extern annotation or not. In non-TypedAST
// builds, we allow passing @extern files under the --js flag. For TypedAST builds, we
// could support this, but it's an uncommon pattern and trickier to support than ban.
// 2) tracking some extra state that is lazily computed in a SourceFile, like the number of
// lines and bytes in a file. SourceFile::restoreCachedStateFrom handles this case.
// Note: the state in the proto might be incorrect in other cases, since some state cannot be
// computed during library-level typechecking (e.g. what files are in the weak chunk)
if (protoSourceFile.getSourceKind() == SourceFileProto.SourceKind.EXTERN) {
this.getKind() == SourceKind.EXTERN,
"TypedAST compilations must pass all extern files as externs, not js, but found %s",
// Restore the number of lines/bytes from the proto, unless we already have cached
// numLines and numBytes. Offset by 1. the proto "unset" value is 0, where as in SourceFile we
// use "-1"
int protoNumLines = protoSourceFile.getNumLinesPlusOne() - 1;
int protoNumBytes = protoSourceFile.getNumBytesPlusOne() - 1;
// It's possible that this.numLines and protoNumLines are both not "-1" but contain
// conflicting values. This would happen if a file changes on disk after TypedAST
// proto serialization. We choose the proto value over this.numLines because this
// data is intended for metrics recording, which should care most about the size of a
// file when compilation began and parsing ran.
this.numLines = protoNumLines != -1 ? protoNumLines : this.numLines;
this.numBytes = protoNumBytes != -1 ? protoNumBytes : this.numBytes;
public static SourceFile fromProto(SourceFileProto protoSourceFile) {
SourceKind sourceKind = getSourceKindFromProto(protoSourceFile);
SourceFile sourceFile = fromProto(protoSourceFile, sourceKind);
// Restore the number of lines/bytes, which are offset by 1 in the proto.
sourceFile.numLines = protoSourceFile.getNumLinesPlusOne() - 1;
sourceFile.numBytes = protoSourceFile.getNumBytesPlusOne() - 1;
return sourceFile;
private static SourceFile fromProto(SourceFileProto protoSourceFile, SourceKind sourceKind) {
switch (protoSourceFile.getLoaderCase()) {
return SourceFile.fromCode(
protoSourceFile.getFilename(), protoSourceFile.getPreloadedContents(), sourceKind);
String pathOnDisk =
? protoSourceFile.getFilename()
: protoSourceFile.getFileOnDisk().getActualPath();
return SourceFile.builder()
SourceFileProto.ZipEntryOnDisk zipEntry = protoSourceFile.getZipEntry();
return SourceFile.builder()
.withZipEntryPath(zipEntry.getZipPath(), zipEntry.getEntryName())
throw new AssertionError();
private static SourceKind getSourceKindFromProto(SourceFileProto protoSourceFile) {
switch (protoSourceFile.getSourceKind()) {
case EXTERN:
return SourceKind.EXTERN;
case CODE:
return SourceKind.STRONG;
throw new AssertionError();
private static Charset toCharset(String protoCharset) {
if (protoCharset.isEmpty()) {
return UTF_8;
return Charset.forName(protoCharset);
/** Create a new builder for source files. */
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* A builder interface for source files.
Allows users to customize the Charset, and the original path of the source file (if it
* differs from the path on disk).
public static final class Builder {
private SourceKind kind = SourceKind.STRONG;
private Charset charset = UTF_8;
private @Nullable String originalPath = null;
private @Nullable String path = null;
private @Nullable Path pathWithFilesystem = null;
private @Nullable String zipEntryPath = null;
private @Nullable Supplier lazyContent = null;
private Builder() {}
/** Set the source kind. */
public Builder withKind(SourceKind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
return this;
/** Set the charset to use when reading from an input stream or file. */
public Builder withCharset(Charset charset) {
this.charset = charset;
return this;
public Builder withPath(String path) {
return this.withPathInternal(path, null);
public Builder withPath(Path path) {
return this.withPathInternal(path.toString(), path);
public Builder withContent(String x) {
this.lazyContent = x::toString;
return this;
public Builder withContent(InputStream x) {
this.lazyContent =
() -> {
checkState(this.charset != null);
try {
return CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(x, this.charset));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return this;
public Builder withZipEntryPath(String zipPath, String entryPath) {
this.path = zipPath;
this.zipEntryPath = entryPath;
return this;
* Sets a name for this source file that does not need to correspond to a path on disk.
* Allow passing a reasonable human-readable name in cases like for zip files and for
* generated files with unstable artifact prefixes.
The name must still be unique.
public Builder withOriginalPath(String originalPath) {
this.originalPath = originalPath;
return this;
public SourceFile build() {
String displayPath =
(this.originalPath != null)
? this.originalPath
: ((this.zipEntryPath == null)
? this.path
: this.path + BANG_SLASH + this.zipEntryPath);
if (this.lazyContent != null) {
return new SourceFile(
new CodeLoader.Preloaded(this.lazyContent.get()), displayPath, this.kind);
if (this.zipEntryPath != null) {
return new SourceFile(
new CodeLoader.AtZip(this.path, this.zipEntryPath, this.charset),
return new SourceFile(
new CodeLoader.OnDisk(
(this.pathWithFilesystem != null) ? this.pathWithFilesystem : Paths.get(this.path),
private Builder withPathInternal(String path, @Nullable Path pathWithFilesystem) {
// Check if this path should be inferred as a ZIP entry path.
int bangSlashIndex = path.indexOf(BANG_SLASH);
if (bangSlashIndex >= 0) {
String zipPath = path.substring(0, bangSlashIndex);
String entryPath = path.substring(bangSlashIndex + BANG_SLASH.length());
if (zipPath.endsWith(".zip")
&& (entryPath.endsWith(".js") || entryPath.endsWith(""))) {
return this.withZipEntryPath(zipPath, entryPath);
// Path instances have an implicit reference to a FileSystem. Make sure to preserve it.
this.path = path;
this.pathWithFilesystem = pathWithFilesystem;
return this;
// Implementations
private abstract static class CodeLoader implements Serializable {
* Return the source text of this file from its original storage.
The implementation may be a slow operation such as reading from a file. SourceFile
* guarantees that this method is only called under synchronization.
String loadUncachedCode() throws IOException {
throw new AssertionError();
* Return a Reader for the source text of this file from its original storage.
The implementation may be a slow operation such as reading from a file. SourceFile
* guarantees that this method is only called under synchronization.
Reader openUncachedReader() throws IOException {
return null;
* Returns a representation of this loader that can be serialized/deserialized to reconstruct
* this SourceFile
abstract SourceFileProto.Builder toProtoLocationBuilder(String fileName);
static final class Preloaded extends CodeLoader {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
private final String preloadedCode;
Preloaded(String preloadedCode) {
this.preloadedCode = checkNotNull(preloadedCode);
String loadUncachedCode() {
return this.preloadedCode;
SourceFileProto.Builder toProtoLocationBuilder(String fileName) {
return SourceFileProto.newBuilder().setPreloadedContents(this.preloadedCode);
static final class OnDisk extends CodeLoader {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final String serializableCharset;
private final Path relativePath;
OnDisk(Path relativePath, Charset c) {
this.serializableCharset =;
this.relativePath = relativePath;
String loadUncachedCode() throws IOException {
try {
return Files.readString(this.relativePath, this.getCharset());
} catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
throw new IOException(
"Failed to read: " + this.relativePath + ", is this input UTF-8 encoded?", e);
Reader openUncachedReader() throws IOException {
return Files.newBufferedReader(this.relativePath, this.getCharset());
private Charset getCharset() {
return Charset.forName(this.serializableCharset);
SourceFileProto.Builder toProtoLocationBuilder(String fileName) {
String actualPath = this.relativePath.toString();
return SourceFileProto.newBuilder()
// to save space, don't serialize the path if equal to the fileName.
fileName.equals(actualPath) ? "" : actualPath)
// save space by not serializing UTF_8 (the default charset)
.setCharset(this.getCharset().equals(UTF_8) ? "" : this.serializableCharset));
static final class AtZip extends CodeLoader {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final String zipName;
private final String entryName;
private final String serializableCharset;
AtZip(String zipName, String entryName, Charset c) {
this.zipName = zipName;
this.entryName = entryName;
this.serializableCharset =;
String loadUncachedCode() throws IOException {
return CharStreams.toString(this.openUncachedReader());
Reader openUncachedReader() throws IOException {
return new InputStreamReader(
JSCompZipFileCache.getEntryStream(this.zipName, this.entryName), this.getCharset());
private Charset getCharset() {
return Charset.forName(this.serializableCharset);
SourceFileProto.Builder toProtoLocationBuilder(String fileName) {
return SourceFileProto.newBuilder()
// save space by not serializing UTF_8 (the default charset)
.setCharset(this.getCharset().equals(UTF_8) ? "" : this.serializableCharset)
public SourceFileProto getProto() {
return this.loader
.setNumLinesPlusOne(this.numLines + 1)
.setNumBytesPlusOne(this.numBytes + 1)
private static SourceFileProto.SourceKind sourceKindToProto(SourceKind sourceKind) {
switch (sourceKind) {
case EXTERN:
return SourceFileProto.SourceKind.EXTERN;
case STRONG:
case WEAK:
return SourceFileProto.SourceKind.CODE;
case NON_CODE:
throw new AssertionError();