Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
* Truth subject for maps with protocol buffers for values.
* {@code ProtoTruth.assertThat(actual).containsExactlyEntriesIn(expected)} performs the same
* assertion as {@code Truth.assertThat(actual).containsExactlyEntriesIn(expected)}. By default, the
* assertions are strict with respect to repeated field order, missing fields, etc. This behavior
* can be changed with the configuration methods on this subject, e.g. {@code
* ProtoTruth.assertThat(actual).ignoringRepeatedFieldOrder().containsExactly(expected)}.
By default, floating-point fields are compared using exact equality, which is probably not what you want if the values are the
* results of some arithmetic. To check for approximate equality, use {@link
* #usingDoubleToleranceForValues}, {@link #usingFloatToleranceForValues}, and {@linkplain
* #usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues(double, int, int...) their per-field equivalents}.
Equality tests, and other methods, may yield slightly different behavior for versions 2 and 3
* of Protocol Buffers. If testing protos of multiple versions, make sure you understand the
* behaviors of default and unknown fields so you don't under or over test.
* @param the type of the message values in the map
public class MapWithProtoValuesSubject extends MapSubject {
* Storing a FailureMetadata instance in a Subject subclass is generally a bad practice. For an
* explanation of why it works out OK here, see LiteProtoSubject.
private final FailureMetadata metadata;
private final Map, M> actual;
private final FluentEqualityConfig config;
protected MapWithProtoValuesSubject(FailureMetadata failureMetadata, @Nullable Map, M> map) {
this(failureMetadata, FluentEqualityConfig.defaultInstance(), map);
FailureMetadata failureMetadata, FluentEqualityConfig config, @Nullable Map, M> map) {
super(failureMetadata, map);
this.metadata = failureMetadata;
this.actual = map;
this.config = config;
// MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion Configuration
MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingConfig(FluentEqualityConfig newConfig) {
return new MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertionImpl<>(
new MapWithProtoValuesSubject<>(metadata, newConfig, actual));
* Specifies that the 'has' bit of individual fields should be ignored when comparing for
* equality.
* For version 2 Protocol Buffers, this setting determines whether two protos with the same
* value for a field compare equal if one explicitly sets the value, and the other merely
* implicitly uses the schema-defined default. This setting also determines whether unknown fields
* should be considered in the comparison. By {@code ignoringFieldAbsence()}, unknown fields are
* ignored, and value-equal fields as specified above are considered equal.
For version 3 Protocol Buffers, this setting does not affect primitive fields, because their
* default value is indistinguishable from unset.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues() {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringFieldAbsence());
* Specifies that the 'has' bit of these explicitly specified top-level field numbers should be
* ignored when comparing for equality. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly (via {@link
* FieldDescriptor}) if they are to be ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues()} instead to ignore the 'has' bit for all fields.
* @see #ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues() for details
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldsForValues(
int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFields(asList(firstFieldNumber, rest)));
* Specifies that the 'has' bit of these explicitly specified top-level field numbers should be
* ignored when comparing for equality. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly (via {@link
* FieldDescriptor}) if they are to be ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues()} instead to ignore the 'has' bit for all fields.
* @see #ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues() for details
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldsForValues(
Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFields(fieldNumbers));
* Specifies that the 'has' bit of these explicitly specified field descriptors should be ignored
* when comparing for equality. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly if they are to be ignored
* as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues()} instead to ignore the 'has' bit for all fields.
* @see #ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues() for details
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return usingConfig(
config.ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldDescriptors(asList(firstFieldDescriptor, rest)));
* Specifies that the 'has' bit of these explicitly specified field descriptors should be ignored
* when comparing for equality. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly if they are to be ignored
* as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues()} instead to ignore the 'has' bit for all fields.
* @see #ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues() for details
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldDescriptors(fieldDescriptors));
* Specifies that the ordering of repeated fields, at all levels, should be ignored when comparing
* for equality.
* This setting applies to all repeated fields recursively, but it does not ignore structure.
* For example, with {@link #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues()}, a repeated {@code int32}
* field {@code bar}, set inside a repeated message field {@code foo}, the following protos will
* all compare equal:
* message1: {
* foo: {
* bar: 1
* bar: 2
* }
* foo: {
* bar: 3
* bar: 4
* }
* }
* message2: {
* foo: {
* bar: 2
* bar: 1
* }
* foo: {
* bar: 4
* bar: 3
* }
* }
* message3: {
* foo: {
* bar: 4
* bar: 3
* }
* foo: {
* bar: 2
* bar: 1
* }
* }
* }
* However, the following message will compare equal to none of these:
* message4: {
* foo: {
* bar: 1
* bar: 3
* }
* foo: {
* bar: 2
* bar: 4
* }
* }
* }
* This setting does not apply to map fields, for which field order is always ignored. The
* serialization order of map fields is undefined, and it may change from runtime to runtime.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues() {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrder());
* Specifies that the ordering of repeated fields for these explicitly specified top-level field
* numbers should be ignored when comparing for equality. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly
* (via {@link FieldDescriptor}) if their orders are to be ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues()} instead to ignore order for all fields.
* @see #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues() for details.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldsForValues(
int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFields(asList(firstFieldNumber, rest)));
* Specifies that the ordering of repeated fields for these explicitly specified top-level field
* numbers should be ignored when comparing for equality. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly
* (via {@link FieldDescriptor}) if their orders are to be ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues()} instead to ignore order for all fields.
* @see #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues() for details.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldsForValues(
Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFields(fieldNumbers));
* Specifies that the ordering of repeated fields for these explicitly specified field descriptors
* should be ignored when comparing for equality. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly if their
* orders are to be ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues()} instead to ignore order for all fields.
* @see #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues() for details.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return usingConfig(
config.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldDescriptors(asList(firstFieldDescriptor, rest)));
* Specifies that the ordering of repeated fields for these explicitly specified field descriptors
* should be ignored when comparing for equality. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly if their
* orders are to be ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues()} instead to ignore order for all fields.
* @see #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues() for details.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldDescriptors(fieldDescriptors));
* Specifies that, for all repeated and map fields, any elements in the 'actual' proto which are
* not found in the 'expected' proto are ignored, with the exception of fields in the expected
* proto which are empty. To ignore empty repeated fields as well, use {@link
* #comparingExpectedFieldsOnlyForValues}.
* This rule is applied independently from {@link #ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues}. If
* ignoring repeated field order AND extra repeated field elements, all that is tested is that the
* expected elements comprise a subset of the actual elements. If not ignoring repeated field
* order, but still ignoring extra repeated field elements, the actual elements must contain a
* subsequence that matches the expected elements for the test to pass. (The subsequence rule does
* not apply to Map fields, which are always compared by key.)
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues() {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElements());
* Specifies that extra repeated field elements for these explicitly specified top-level field
* numbers should be ignored. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly (via {@link
* FieldDescriptor}) if their extra elements are to be ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues()} instead to ignore these for all
* fields.
* @see #ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues() for details.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFieldsForValues(
int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return usingConfig(
config.ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFields(asList(firstFieldNumber, rest)));
* Specifies that extra repeated field elements for these explicitly specified top-level field
* numbers should be ignored. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly (via {@link
* FieldDescriptor}) if their extra elements are to be ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues()} instead to ignore these for all
* fields.
* @see #ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues() for details.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFieldsForValues(
Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFields(fieldNumbers));
* Specifies that extra repeated field elements for these explicitly specified field descriptors
* should be ignored. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly if their extra elements are to be
* ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues()} instead to ignore these for all
* fields.
* @see #ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues() for details.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion
FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return usingConfig(
asList(firstFieldDescriptor, rest)));
* Specifies that extra repeated field elements for these explicitly specified field descriptors
* should be ignored. Sub-fields must be specified explicitly if their extra elements are to be
* ignored as well.
* Use {@link #ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues()} instead to ignore these for all
* fields.
* @see #ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues() for details.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion
Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return usingConfig(
* Compares double fields as equal if they are both finite and their absolute difference is less
* than or equal to {@code tolerance}.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForValues(double tolerance) {
return usingConfig(config.usingDoubleTolerance(tolerance));
* Compares double fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the
* provided absolute tolerance.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues(
double tolerance, int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return usingConfig(
config.usingDoubleToleranceForFields(tolerance, asList(firstFieldNumber, rest)));
* Compares double fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the
* provided absolute tolerance.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues(
double tolerance, Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return usingConfig(config.usingDoubleToleranceForFields(tolerance, fieldNumbers));
* Compares double fields with these explicitly specified fields using the provided absolute
* tolerance.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
double tolerance, FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return usingConfig(
tolerance, asList(firstFieldDescriptor, rest)));
* Compares double fields with these explicitly specified fields using the provided absolute
* tolerance.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
double tolerance, Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return usingConfig(config.usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptors(tolerance, fieldDescriptors));
* Compares float fields as equal if they are both finite and their absolute difference is less
* than or equal to {@code tolerance}.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForValues(float tolerance) {
return usingConfig(config.usingFloatTolerance(tolerance));
* Compares float fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the
* provided absolute tolerance.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues(
float tolerance, int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return usingConfig(
config.usingFloatToleranceForFields(tolerance, asList(firstFieldNumber, rest)));
* Compares float fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the
* provided absolute tolerance.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues(
float tolerance, Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return usingConfig(config.usingFloatToleranceForFields(tolerance, fieldNumbers));
* Compares float fields with these explicitly specified fields using the provided absolute
* tolerance.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
float tolerance, FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return usingConfig(
tolerance, asList(firstFieldDescriptor, rest)));
* Compares float fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the
* provided absolute tolerance.
* @param tolerance A finite, non-negative tolerance.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
float tolerance, Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return usingConfig(config.usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptors(tolerance, fieldDescriptors));
* Limits the comparison of Protocol buffers to the fields set in the expected proto(s). When
* multiple protos are specified, the comparison is limited to the union of set fields in all the
* expected protos.
* The "expected proto(s)" are those passed to the method at the end of the call chain, such as
* {@link #containsEntry} or {@link #containsExactlyEntriesIn}.
Fields not set in the expected proto(s) are ignored. In particular, proto3 fields which have
* their default values are ignored, as these are indistinguishable from unset fields. If you want
* to assert that a proto3 message has certain fields with default values, you cannot use this
* method.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion comparingExpectedFieldsOnlyForValues() {
return usingConfig(config.comparingExpectedFieldsOnly());
* Limits the comparison of Protocol buffers to the defined {@link FieldScope}.
* This method is additive and has well-defined ordering semantics. If the invoking {@link
* ProtoFluentAssertion} is already scoped to a {@link FieldScope} {@code X}, and this method is
* invoked with {@link FieldScope} {@code Y}, the resultant {@link ProtoFluentAssertion} is
* constrained to the intersection of {@link FieldScope}s {@code X} and {@code Y}.
By default, {@link MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion} is constrained to {@link
* FieldScopes#all()}, that is, no fields are excluded from comparison.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion withPartialScopeForValues(FieldScope fieldScope) {
return usingConfig(config.withPartialScope(checkNotNull(fieldScope, "fieldScope")));
* Excludes the top-level message fields with the given tag numbers from the comparison.
* This method adds on any previous {@link FieldScope} related settings, overriding previous
* changes to ensure the specified fields are ignored recursively. All sub-fields of these field
* numbers are ignored, and all sub-messages of type {@code M} will also have these field numbers
* ignored.
If an invalid field number is supplied, the terminal comparison operation will throw a
* runtime exception.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldsForValues(
int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return ignoringFieldsForValues(asList(firstFieldNumber, rest));
* Excludes the top-level message fields with the given tag numbers from the comparison.
* This method adds on any previous {@link FieldScope} related settings, overriding previous
* changes to ensure the specified fields are ignored recursively. All sub-fields of these field
* numbers are ignored, and all sub-messages of type {@code M} will also have these field numbers
* ignored.
If an invalid field number is supplied, the terminal comparison operation will throw a
* runtime exception.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldsForValues(
Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringFields(fieldNumbers));
* Excludes all message fields matching the given {@link FieldDescriptor}s from the comparison.
* This method adds on any previous {@link FieldScope} related settings, overriding previous
* changes to ensure the specified fields are ignored recursively. All sub-fields of these field
* descriptors are ignored, no matter where they occur in the tree.
If a field descriptor which does not, or cannot occur in the proto structure is supplied, it
* is silently ignored.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues(
FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues(asList(firstFieldDescriptor, rest));
* Excludes all message fields matching the given {@link FieldDescriptor}s from the comparison.
* This method adds on any previous {@link FieldScope} related settings, overriding previous
* changes to ensure the specified fields are ignored recursively. All sub-fields of these field
* descriptors are ignored, no matter where they occur in the tree.
If a field descriptor which does not, or cannot occur in the proto structure is supplied, it
* is silently ignored.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues(
Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringFieldDescriptors(fieldDescriptors));
* Excludes all specific field paths under the argument {@link FieldScope} from the comparison.
* This method is additive and has well-defined ordering semantics. If the invoking {@link
* ProtoFluentAssertion} is already scoped to a {@link FieldScope} {@code X}, and this method is
* invoked with {@link FieldScope} {@code Y}, the resultant {@link ProtoFluentAssertion} is
* constrained to the subtraction of {@code X - Y}.
By default, {@link ProtoFluentAssertion} is constrained to {@link FieldScopes#all()}, that
* is, no fields are excluded from comparison.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldScopeForValues(FieldScope fieldScope) {
return usingConfig(config.ignoringFieldScope(checkNotNull(fieldScope, "fieldScope")));
* If set, in the event of a comparison failure, the error message printed will list only those
* specific fields that did not match between the actual and expected values. Useful for very
* large protocol buffers.
* This a purely cosmetic setting, and it has no effect on the behavior of the test.
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion reportingMismatchesOnlyForValues() {
return usingConfig(config.reportingMismatchesOnly());
* Specifies the {@link TypeRegistry} and {@link ExtensionRegistry} to use for {@link
* Any} messages.
* To compare the value of an {@code Any} message, ProtoTruth looks in the given type registry
* for a descriptor for the message's type URL:
* - If ProtoTruth finds a descriptor, it unpacks the value and compares it against the
* expected value, respecting any configuration methods used for the assertion.
- If ProtoTruth does not find a descriptor (or if the value can't be deserialized with the
* descriptor), it compares the raw, serialized bytes of the expected and actual values.
* When ProtoTruth unpacks a value, it is parsing a serialized proto. That proto may contain
* extensions. To look up those extensions, ProtoTruth uses the provided {@link
* ExtensionRegistry}.
* @since 1.1
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion unpackingAnyUsingForValues(
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return usingConfig(config.unpackingAnyUsing(typeRegistry, extensionRegistry));
// UsingCorrespondence Methods
private MapSubject.UsingCorrespondence usingCorrespondence(
Iterable extends M> expectedValues) {
return comparingValuesUsing(
// The UsingCorrespondence methods have conflicting erasure with default MapSubject methods,
// so we can't implement them both on the same class, but we want to define both so
// MapWithProtoValuesSubjects are interchangeable with MapSubjects when no configuration is
// specified. So, we implement a dumb, private delegator to return instead.
private static final class MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertionImpl
implements MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion {
private final MapWithProtoValuesSubject subject;
MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertionImpl(MapWithProtoValuesSubject subject) {
this.subject = subject;
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues() {
return subject.ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues();
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldsForValues(
int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return subject.ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldsForValues(firstFieldNumber, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldsForValues(
Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return subject.ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldsForValues(fieldNumbers);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return subject.ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(firstFieldDescriptor, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return subject.ignoringFieldAbsenceOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(fieldDescriptors);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues() {
return subject.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues();
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldsForValues(
int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return subject.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldsForValues(firstFieldNumber, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldsForValues(
Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return subject.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldsForValues(fieldNumbers);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion
FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return subject.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
firstFieldDescriptor, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion
Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return subject.ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(fieldDescriptors);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues() {
return subject.ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues();
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFieldsForValues(
int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return subject.ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFieldsForValues(firstFieldNumber, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFieldsForValues(
Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return subject.ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFieldsForValues(fieldNumbers);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion
FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return subject.ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
firstFieldDescriptor, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion
Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return subject.ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsOfFieldDescriptorsForValues(
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForValues(double tolerance) {
return subject.usingDoubleToleranceForValues(tolerance);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues(
double tolerance, int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return subject.usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues(tolerance, firstFieldNumber, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues(
double tolerance, Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return subject.usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues(tolerance, fieldNumbers);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
double tolerance, FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return subject.usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
tolerance, firstFieldDescriptor, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
double tolerance, Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return subject.usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(tolerance, fieldDescriptors);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForValues(float tolerance) {
return subject.usingFloatToleranceForValues(tolerance);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues(
float tolerance, int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return subject.usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues(tolerance, firstFieldNumber, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues(
float tolerance, Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return subject.usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues(tolerance, fieldNumbers);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
float tolerance, FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return subject.usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
tolerance, firstFieldDescriptor, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(
float tolerance, Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return subject.usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues(tolerance, fieldDescriptors);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion comparingExpectedFieldsOnlyForValues() {
return subject.comparingExpectedFieldsOnlyForValues();
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion withPartialScopeForValues(FieldScope fieldScope) {
return subject.withPartialScopeForValues(fieldScope);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldsForValues(
int firstFieldNumber, int... rest) {
return subject.ignoringFieldsForValues(firstFieldNumber, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldsForValues(
Iterable fieldNumbers) {
return subject.ignoringFieldsForValues(fieldNumbers);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues(
FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptor... rest) {
return subject.ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues(firstFieldDescriptor, rest);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues(
Iterable fieldDescriptors) {
return subject.ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues(fieldDescriptors);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion ignoringFieldScopeForValues(FieldScope fieldScope) {
return subject.ignoringFieldScopeForValues(fieldScope);
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion reportingMismatchesOnlyForValues() {
return subject.reportingMismatchesOnlyForValues();
public MapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion unpackingAnyUsingForValues(
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return subject.unpackingAnyUsingForValues(typeRegistry, extensionRegistry);
public void containsEntry(@Nullable Object expectedKey, @Nullable M expectedValue) {
.containsEntry(expectedKey, expectedValue);
public void doesNotContainEntry(@Nullable Object excludedKey, @Nullable M excludedValue) {
.doesNotContainEntry(excludedKey, excludedValue);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // ClassCastException is fine
public Ordered containsExactly(@Nullable Object k0, @Nullable M v0, @Nullable Object... rest) {
List expectedValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < rest.length; i += 2) {
expectedValues.add((M) rest[i]);
return subject.usingCorrespondence(expectedValues).containsExactly(k0, v0, rest);
public Ordered containsExactlyEntriesIn(Map, ? extends M> expectedMap) {
return subject
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return subject.equals(o);
public int hashCode() {
return subject.hashCode();