Download com.googlecode JAR files with all dependencies
gmail4j from group com.googlecode (version 0.3)
Gmail API for Java
google-api-translate-java from group com.googlecode (version 0.92)
Enables use of Google Translate API from a Java application
kryo from group com.googlecode (version 1.04)
Kryo is a fast and efficient object graph serialization framework for Java. The goals of the project are speed, efficiency, and an easy to use API. The project is useful any time objects need to be persisted, whether to a file, database, or over the network.
jfreesane from group com.googlecode (version 0.96)
A Java client for the SANE daemon
reflectasm from group com.googlecode (version 1.01)
ReflectASM is a very small Java library that provides high performance reflection by using code generation.
json-simple.json-simple from group com.googlecode (version 1.1.1)
Group: com.googlecode Artifact: json-simple.json-simple
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minlog from group com.googlecode (version 1.2)
MinLog is a Java logging library.
redmine-java-api from group com.googlecode (version 1.10.0)
Free open-source Java API for Redmine and Chiliproject bug/task management systems.
mantis-java-api from group com.googlecode (version 0.0.3)
Free open-source Java API for Mantis bug/task management systems.
gmail4j from group com.googlecode (version 0.2)
Gmail API for Java
Group: com.googlecode Artifact: gmail4j
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wicket-slides from group com.googlecode (version 0.8.2-smoothgallery2.1dev)
wicket adaptor for Smoothgallery javascript slideshow library based on Mootools 1.2
kiama_2.9.0-1 from group com.googlecode (version 1.1.0)
kiama_2.9.0 from group com.googlecode (version 1.1.0)
gwt-measure from group com.googlecode (version 0.1.2)
GWT Measure is an extension to Google Web Toolkit framework
adding production monitoring and performance measurement capabilities.
Group: com.googlecode Artifact: gwt-measure
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kiama_2.8.1 from group com.googlecode (version 1.0.2)
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