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aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLModelElimination Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package aima.core.logic.fol.inference;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors;
import aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartInPlace;
import aima.core.logic.fol.SubstVisitor;
import aima.core.logic.fol.SubsumptionElimination;
import aima.core.logic.fol.Unifier;
import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.Proof;
import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofFinal;
import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainCancellation;
import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainDropped;
import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainFromClause;
import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainReduction;
import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepGoal;
import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace.FOLModelEliminationTracer;
import aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase;
import aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.AtomicSentence;
import aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence;
import aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence;
import aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Sentence;
import aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Term;
import aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable;

 * Based on lecture notes from:
* * * * @author Ciaran O'Reilly * */ public class FOLModelElimination implements InferenceProcedure { // Ten seconds is default maximum query time permitted private long maxQueryTime = 10 * 1000; // private FOLModelEliminationTracer tracer = null; // private Unifier unifier = new Unifier(); private SubstVisitor substVisitor = new SubstVisitor(); public FOLModelElimination() { } public FOLModelElimination(long maxQueryTime) { setMaxQueryTime(maxQueryTime); } public FOLModelElimination(FOLModelEliminationTracer tracer) { this.tracer = tracer; } public FOLModelElimination(FOLModelEliminationTracer tracer, long maxQueryTime) { this.tracer = tracer; setMaxQueryTime(maxQueryTime); } public long getMaxQueryTime() { return maxQueryTime; } public void setMaxQueryTime(long maxQueryTime) { this.maxQueryTime = maxQueryTime; } // // START-InferenceProcedure public InferenceResult ask(FOLKnowledgeBase kb, Sentence query) { // // Get the background knowledge - are assuming this is satisfiable // as using Set of Support strategy. Set bgClauses = new LinkedHashSet(kb.getAllClauses()); bgClauses.removeAll(SubsumptionElimination .findSubsumedClauses(bgClauses)); List background = createChainsFromClauses(bgClauses); // Collect the information necessary for constructing // an answer (supports use of answer literals). AnswerHandler ansHandler = new AnswerHandler(kb, query, maxQueryTime); IndexedFarParents ifps = new IndexedFarParents( ansHandler.getSetOfSupport(), background); // Iterative deepening to be used for (int maxDepth = 1; maxDepth < Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxDepth++) { // Track the depth actually reached ansHandler.resetMaxDepthReached(); if (null != tracer) { tracer.reset(); } for (Chain nearParent : ansHandler.getSetOfSupport()) { recursiveDLS(maxDepth, 0, nearParent, ifps, ansHandler); if (ansHandler.isComplete()) { return ansHandler; } } // This means the search tree // has bottomed out (i.e. finite). // Return what I know based on exploring everything. if (ansHandler.getMaxDepthReached() < maxDepth) { return ansHandler; } } return ansHandler; } // END-InferenceProcedure // // // PRIVATE METHODS // private List createChainsFromClauses(Set clauses) { List chains = new ArrayList(); for (Clause c : clauses) { Chain chn = new Chain(c.getLiterals()); chn.setProofStep(new ProofStepChainFromClause(chn, c)); chains.add(chn); chains.addAll(chn.getContrapositives()); } return chains; } // Recursive Depth Limited Search private void recursiveDLS(int maxDepth, int currentDepth, Chain nearParent, IndexedFarParents indexedFarParents, AnswerHandler ansHandler) { // Keep track of the maximum depth reached. ansHandler.updateMaxDepthReached(currentDepth); if (currentDepth == maxDepth) { return; } int noCandidateFarParents = indexedFarParents .getNumberCandidateFarParents(nearParent); if (null != tracer) { tracer.increment(currentDepth, noCandidateFarParents); } indexedFarParents.standardizeApart(nearParent); for (int farParentIdx = 0; farParentIdx < noCandidateFarParents; farParentIdx++) { // If have a complete answer, don't keep // checking candidate far parents if (ansHandler.isComplete()) { break; } // Reduction Chain nextNearParent = indexedFarParents.attemptReduction( nearParent, farParentIdx); if (null == nextNearParent) { // Unable to remove the head via reduction continue; } // Handle Canceling and Dropping boolean cancelled = false; boolean dropped = false; do { cancelled = false; Chain nextParent = null; while (nextNearParent != (nextParent = tryCancellation(nextNearParent))) { nextNearParent = nextParent; cancelled = true; } dropped = false; while (nextNearParent != (nextParent = tryDropping(nextNearParent))) { nextNearParent = nextParent; dropped = true; } } while (dropped || cancelled); // Check if have answer before // going to the next level if (!ansHandler.isAnswer(nextNearParent)) { // Keep track of the current # of // far parents that are possible for the next near parent. int noNextFarParents = indexedFarParents .getNumberFarParents(nextNearParent); // Add to indexed far parents nextNearParent = indexedFarParents.addToIndex(nextNearParent); // Check the next level recursiveDLS(maxDepth, currentDepth + 1, nextNearParent, indexedFarParents, ansHandler); // Reset the number of far parents possible // when recursing back up. indexedFarParents.resetNumberFarParentsTo(nextNearParent, noNextFarParents); } } } // Returns c if no cancellation occurred private Chain tryCancellation(Chain c) { Literal head = c.getHead(); if (null != head && !(head instanceof ReducedLiteral)) { for (Literal l : c.getTail()) { if (l instanceof ReducedLiteral) { // if they can be resolved if (head.isNegativeLiteral() != l.isNegativeLiteral()) { Map subst = unifier .unify(head.getAtomicSentence(), l.getAtomicSentence()); if (null != subst) { // I have a cancellation // Need to apply subst to all of the // literals in the cancellation List cancLits = new ArrayList(); for (Literal lfc : c.getTail()) { AtomicSentence a = (AtomicSentence) substVisitor .subst(subst, lfc.getAtomicSentence()); cancLits.add(lfc.newInstance(a)); } Chain cancellation = new Chain(cancLits); cancellation .setProofStep(new ProofStepChainCancellation( cancellation, c, subst)); return cancellation; } } } } } return c; } // Returns c if no dropping occurred private Chain tryDropping(Chain c) { Literal head = c.getHead(); if (null != head && (head instanceof ReducedLiteral)) { Chain dropped = new Chain(c.getTail()); dropped.setProofStep(new ProofStepChainDropped(dropped, c)); return dropped; } return c; } class AnswerHandler implements InferenceResult { private Chain answerChain = new Chain(); private Set answerLiteralVariables; private List sos = null; private boolean complete = false; private long finishTime = 0L; private int maxDepthReached = 0; private List proofs = new ArrayList(); private boolean timedOut = false; public AnswerHandler(FOLKnowledgeBase kb, Sentence query, long maxQueryTime) { finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxQueryTime; Sentence refutationQuery = new NotSentence(query); // Want to use an answer literal to pull // query variables where necessary Literal answerLiteral = kb.createAnswerLiteral(refutationQuery); answerLiteralVariables = kb.collectAllVariables(answerLiteral .getAtomicSentence()); // Create the Set of Support based on the Query. if (answerLiteralVariables.size() > 0) { Sentence refutationQueryWithAnswer = new ConnectedSentence( Connectors.OR, refutationQuery, answerLiteral .getAtomicSentence().copy()); sos = createChainsFromClauses(kb .convertToClauses(refutationQueryWithAnswer)); answerChain.addLiteral(answerLiteral); } else { sos = createChainsFromClauses(kb .convertToClauses(refutationQuery)); } for (Chain s : sos) { s.setProofStep(new ProofStepGoal(s)); } } // // START-InferenceResult public boolean isPossiblyFalse() { return !timedOut && proofs.size() == 0; } public boolean isTrue() { return proofs.size() > 0; } public boolean isUnknownDueToTimeout() { return timedOut && proofs.size() == 0; } public boolean isPartialResultDueToTimeout() { return timedOut && proofs.size() > 0; } public List getProofs() { return proofs; } // END-InferenceResult // public List getSetOfSupport() { return sos; } public boolean isComplete() { return complete; } public void resetMaxDepthReached() { maxDepthReached = 0; } public int getMaxDepthReached() { return maxDepthReached; } public void updateMaxDepthReached(int depth) { if (depth > maxDepthReached) { maxDepthReached = depth; } } public boolean isAnswer(Chain nearParent) { boolean isAns = false; if (answerChain.isEmpty()) { if (nearParent.isEmpty()) { proofs.add(new ProofFinal(nearParent.getProofStep(), new HashMap())); complete = true; isAns = true; } } else { if (nearParent.isEmpty()) { // This should not happen // as added an answer literal to sos, which // implies the database (i.e. premises) are // unsatisfiable to begin with. throw new IllegalStateException( "Generated an empty chain while looking for an answer, implies original KB is unsatisfiable"); } if (1 == nearParent.getNumberLiterals() && nearParent .getHead() .getAtomicSentence() .getSymbolicName() .equals(answerChain.getHead() .getAtomicSentence().getSymbolicName())) { Map answerBindings = new HashMap(); List answerTerms = nearParent.getHead() .getAtomicSentence().getArgs(); int idx = 0; for (Variable v : answerLiteralVariables) { answerBindings.put(v, answerTerms.get(idx)); idx++; } boolean addNewAnswer = true; for (Proof p : proofs) { if (p.getAnswerBindings().equals(answerBindings)) { addNewAnswer = false; break; } } if (addNewAnswer) { proofs.add(new ProofFinal(nearParent.getProofStep(), answerBindings)); } isAns = true; } } if (System.currentTimeMillis() > finishTime) { complete = true; // Indicate that I have run out of query time timedOut = true; } return isAns; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("isComplete=" + complete); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("result=" + proofs); return sb.toString(); } } } class IndexedFarParents { // private int saIdx = 0; private Unifier unifier = new Unifier(); private SubstVisitor substVisitor = new SubstVisitor(); // private Map> posHeads = new LinkedHashMap>(); private Map> negHeads = new LinkedHashMap>(); public IndexedFarParents(List sos, List background) { constructInternalDataStructures(sos, background); } public int getNumberFarParents(Chain farParent) { Literal head = farParent.getHead(); Map> heads = null; if (head.isPositiveLiteral()) { heads = posHeads; } else { heads = negHeads; } String headKey = head.getAtomicSentence().getSymbolicName(); List farParents = heads.get(headKey); if (null != farParents) { return farParents.size(); } return 0; } public void resetNumberFarParentsTo(Chain farParent, int toSize) { Literal head = farParent.getHead(); Map> heads = null; if (head.isPositiveLiteral()) { heads = posHeads; } else { heads = negHeads; } String key = head.getAtomicSentence().getSymbolicName(); List farParents = heads.get(key); while (farParents.size() > toSize) { farParents.remove(farParents.size() - 1); } } public int getNumberCandidateFarParents(Chain nearParent) { Literal nearestHead = nearParent.getHead(); Map> candidateHeads = null; if (nearestHead.isPositiveLiteral()) { candidateHeads = negHeads; } else { candidateHeads = posHeads; } String nearestKey = nearestHead.getAtomicSentence().getSymbolicName(); List farParents = candidateHeads.get(nearestKey); if (null != farParents) { return farParents.size(); } return 0; } public Chain attemptReduction(Chain nearParent, int farParentIndex) { Chain nnpc = null; Literal nearLiteral = nearParent.getHead(); Map> candidateHeads = null; if (nearLiteral.isPositiveLiteral()) { candidateHeads = negHeads; } else { candidateHeads = posHeads; } AtomicSentence nearAtom = nearLiteral.getAtomicSentence(); String nearestKey = nearAtom.getSymbolicName(); List farParents = candidateHeads.get(nearestKey); if (null != farParents) { Chain farParent = farParents.get(farParentIndex); standardizeApart(farParent); Literal farLiteral = farParent.getHead(); AtomicSentence farAtom = farLiteral.getAtomicSentence(); Map subst = unifier.unify(nearAtom, farAtom); // If I was able to unify with one // of the far heads if (null != subst) { // Want to always apply reduction uniformly Chain topChain = farParent; Literal botLit = nearLiteral; Chain botChain = nearParent; // Need to apply subst to all of the // literals in the reduction List reduction = new ArrayList(); for (Literal l : topChain.getTail()) { AtomicSentence atom = (AtomicSentence) substVisitor.subst( subst, l.getAtomicSentence()); reduction.add(l.newInstance(atom)); } reduction.add(new ReducedLiteral((AtomicSentence) substVisitor .subst(subst, botLit.getAtomicSentence()), botLit .isNegativeLiteral())); for (Literal l : botChain.getTail()) { AtomicSentence atom = (AtomicSentence) substVisitor.subst( subst, l.getAtomicSentence()); reduction.add(l.newInstance(atom)); } nnpc = new Chain(reduction); nnpc.setProofStep(new ProofStepChainReduction(nnpc, nearParent, farParent, subst)); } } return nnpc; } public Chain addToIndex(Chain c) { Chain added = null; Literal head = c.getHead(); if (null != head) { Map> toAddTo = null; if (head.isPositiveLiteral()) { toAddTo = posHeads; } else { toAddTo = negHeads; } String key = head.getAtomicSentence().getSymbolicName(); List farParents = toAddTo.get(key); if (null == farParents) { farParents = new ArrayList(); toAddTo.put(key, farParents); } added = c; farParents.add(added); } return added; } public void standardizeApart(Chain c) { saIdx = StandardizeApartInPlace.standardizeApart(c, saIdx); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("#"); sb.append(posHeads.size()); for (String key : posHeads.keySet()) { sb.append(","); sb.append(posHeads.get(key).size()); } sb.append(" posHeads="); sb.append(posHeads.toString()); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("#"); sb.append(negHeads.size()); for (String key : negHeads.keySet()) { sb.append(","); sb.append(negHeads.get(key).size()); } sb.append(" negHeads="); sb.append(negHeads.toString()); return sb.toString(); } // // PRIVATE METHODS // private void constructInternalDataStructures(List sos, List background) { List toIndex = new ArrayList(); toIndex.addAll(sos); toIndex.addAll(background); for (Chain c : toIndex) { addToIndex(c); } } }

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