apparat.bytecode.optimization.InlineExpansion.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of Apparat.
* Apparat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Apparat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Apparat. If not, see .
* Copyright (C) 2009 Joa Ebert
package apparat.bytecode.optimization
import apparat.bytecode.Bytecode
import apparat.bytecode.operations._
import apparat.bytecode.analysis.{StackAnalysis, LocalCount}
import apparat.log.SimpleLog
import annotation.tailrec
* @author Joa Ebert
class InlineExpansion(abcs: List[Abc]) extends SimpleLog {
lazy val voidName = AbcQName('void, AbcNamespace(AbcNamespaceKind.Package, Symbol("")))
lazy val apparatMacro = AbcQName('Inlined, AbcNamespace(AbcNamespaceKind.Package, Symbol("apparat.inline")))
lazy val macros: Map[AbcName, AbcNominalType] = {
Map((for(abc <- abcs; nominal <- abc.types if ((nominal.inst.base getOrElse AbcConstantPool.EMPTY_NAME) == apparatMacro) && !nominal.inst.isInterface) yield ( -> nominal)):_*)
def validate() = {
for(nominal <- macros.valuesIterator) {
if(nominal.inst.traits.length != 1) error("No instance members are allowed.")
if(!nominal.inst.isSealed) error("Macro must not be a dynamic class.")
for(t <- nominal.klass.traits) {
t match {
case AbcTraitMethod(_, _, method, _, _, _) => {
if(!method.body.isDefined) error("Method body is not defined.")
if(method.hasOptionalParameters) error("Macro may not have any optional parameters.")
if(method.needsActivation) error("Macro may not require an activation scope.")
if(method.needsRest) error("Macro may not use rest parameters.")
if(method.setsDXNS) error("Macro may not change the default XML namespace.")
if(method.body.get.exceptions.length != 0) error("Macro may not throw any exception.")
if(method.body.get.traits != 0) error("Macro may not use constant variables or throw any exceptions.")
case other => error("Only static methods are allowed.")
@inline private def registerOf(op: AbstractOp): Int = op match {
case opWithRegister: OpWithRegister => opWithRegister.register
case _ => error("Unexpected "+op+".")
@tailrec final def expand(bytecode: Bytecode, haveBeenModified:Boolean=false): Boolean = {
var modified = false
var balance = 0
var removes = List.empty[AbstractOp]
var removePop = false
var macroStack = List.empty[AbcNominalType]
var replacements = Map.empty[AbstractOp, List[AbstractOp]]
var localCount = LocalCount(bytecode)
var markers = bytecode.markers
val debugFile = bytecode.ops find (_.opCode == Op.debugfile)
@inline def insert(op: AbstractOp, property: AbcName, numArguments: Int) = {
macroStack.head.klass.traits find ( == property) match {
case Some(anyTrait) => {
anyTrait match {
case methodTrait: AbcTraitMethod => {
val method = methodTrait.method
method.body match {
case Some(body) => body.bytecode match {
case Some(macro) => {
val parameterCount = method.parameters.length
val newLocals = body.localCount - 1
val oldDebugFile = macro.ops.find (_.opCode == Op.debugfile)
val gathering = Nop()
val delta = -macro.ops.indexWhere(_.opCode == Op.pushscope) - 1 + parameterCount
val nopReturn = macro.ops.last.isInstanceOf[OpThatReturns] && (macro.ops.count { case x: OpThatReturns => true; case _ => false } == 1)
val replacement =
(((parameterCount - 1) to 0 by -1) map { register => SetLocal(localCount + register) } toList) :::
(macro.ops.slice(macro.ops.indexWhere(_.opCode == Op.pushscope) + 1, macro.ops.length) map {
// Prohibit use of "this".
case GetLocal(0) => error("Illegal GetLocal(0).")
case SetLocal(0) => error("Illegal SetLocal(0).")
case DecLocal(0) => error("Illegal DecLocal(0).")
case DecLocalInt(0) => error("Illegal DecLocalInt(0).")
case IncLocal(0) => error("Illegal IncLocal(0).")
case IncLocalInt(0) => error("Illegal IncLocalInt(0).")
case Kill(0) => error("Illegal Kill(0).")
case Debug(_, _, 0, _) => Nop()
// Shift all local variables
case GetLocal(x) => GetLocal(localCount + x - 1)
case SetLocal(x) => SetLocal(localCount + x - 1)
case DecLocal(x) => DecLocal(localCount + x - 1)
case DecLocalInt(x) => DecLocalInt(localCount + x - 1)
case IncLocal(x) => IncLocal(localCount + x - 1)
case IncLocalInt(x) => IncLocalInt(localCount + x - 1)
case Kill(x) => Kill(localCount + x - 1)
case Debug(kind, name, x, extra) => Debug(kind, name, localCount + x - 1, extra)
// Patch return statements
case ReturnValue() => if(nopReturn) Nop() else Jump(markers mark gathering)
case ReturnVoid() => if(nopReturn) Nop() else Jump(markers mark gathering)
case other => other.opCopy()
}) ::: List(gathering) ::: (List.tabulate(newLocals) { register => Kill(localCount + register) })
// Switch debug file back into place.
/*debugFile match {
case Some(debugFile) => oldDebugFile match {
case Some(oldDebugFile) => (oldDebugFile.opCopy() :: replacement) ::: List(debugFile.opCopy())
case None => replacement
case None => replacement
// Clean up
localCount += newLocals
replacements += op -> (replacement map {
// Patch all markers.
case branch:Jump if branch.marker.op.get != gathering => {
val newOp = Jump(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfEqual => {
val newOp = IfEqual(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfTrue => {
val newOp = IfTrue(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfFalse => {
val newOp = IfFalse(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfGreaterEqual => {
val newOp = IfGreaterEqual(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfGreaterThan => {
val newOp = Jump(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfLessEqual => {
val newOp = IfLessEqual(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfLessThan => {
val newOp = IfLessThan(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfNotGreaterEqual => {
val newOp = IfNotGreaterEqual(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfNotGreaterThan => {
val newOp = IfNotGreaterThan(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfNotLessEqual => {
val newOp = IfNotLessEqual(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfNotLessThan => {
val newOp = IfNotLessThan(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfNotEqual => {
val newOp = IfNotEqual(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfStrictEqual => {
val newOp = IfStrictEqual(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case branch:IfStrictNotEqual => {
val newOp = IfStrictNotEqual(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf branch.marker.op.get) + delta))
markers.forwardMarker(branch, newOp)
case lookup:LookupSwitch => {
val newOp = LookupSwitch(markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf lookup.defaultCase.op.get) + delta), lookup.cases map {
`case` => markers mark replacement((macro.ops indexOf `case`.op.get) + delta)//the reward is cheese!
markers.forwardMarker(lookup, newOp)
case other => other
case None => log.warning("Bytecode of %s is not available.", property)
case None => log.warning("Method body of %s is not defined.", property)
removePop = op.opCode == Op.callproperty && method.returnType == voidName
macroStack = macroStack.tail
balance -= 1
case _ => error("Unexpected trait "+anyTrait)
case None => false
for(op <- bytecode.ops) op match {
case Pop() if removePop => {
removes = op :: removes
removePop = false
case GetLex(name) if macros contains name => {
removes = op :: removes
macroStack = macros(name) :: macroStack
balance += 1
case CallPropVoid(property, numArguments) if balance > 0 => {
if(insert(op, property, numArguments)) {
modified = true
case CallProperty(property, numArguments) if balance > 0 => {
if(insert(op, property, numArguments)) {
modified = true
case _ =>
if(modified) {
removes foreach { bytecode remove _ }
replacements.iterator foreach { x => bytecode.replace(x._1, x._2) }
bytecode.body match {
case Some(body) => {
val (operandStack, scopeStack) = StackAnalysis(bytecode)
body.localCount = localCount
body.maxStack = operandStack
body.maxScopeDepth = body.initScopeDepth + scopeStack
case None => log.warning("Bytecode body missing. Cannot adjust stack/locals.")
expand(bytecode, true)
} else {
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