apparat.graph.immutable.Graph.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of Apparat.
* Apparat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Apparat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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* Copyright (C) 2009 Joa Ebert
package apparat.graph.immutable
import apparat.graph._
import analysis.{StronglyConnectedComponentFinder, Dominance}
object Graph {
def apply[V](edges: Edge[V]*): Graph[V] = {
def loop(edges: Seq[Edge[V]], graph: Graph[V]): Graph[V] = {
if (edges.isEmpty) graph else {
val edge = edges.head
val remaining = edges drop 1
val g = if (graph contains edge.startVertex) {graph} else {graph + edge.startVertex}
loop(remaining, (if (g contains edge.endVertex) {g} else {g + edge.endVertex}) + edge)
loop(edges, empty[V])
def apply[V](edges: Tuple2[V, V]*)(implicit f: (V, V) => Edge[V]): Graph[V] = {
apply(edges map {edge => f(edge._1, edge._2)}: _*)
def empty[V]: Graph[V] = new EmptyGraph[V]
class Graph[V](val adjacency: Map[V, List[Edge[V]]]) extends GraphLike[V] with DefaultDOTExport[V] with Immutable {
def this() = this (Map.empty[V, List[Edge[V]]])
type G = Graph[V]
lazy val topsort = new TopsortTraversal(this)
lazy val dominance = new Dominance(this)
lazy val sccs = new StronglyConnectedComponentFinder(this)
private def newGraph(adjacency: Map[V, List[E]]) = new Graph(adjacency)
def ++(that: Traversable[V]) = {
def loop(that: Traversable[V]): Graph[V] = {
if (that.isEmpty) {
} else {
loop(that drop 1) + that.head
def +(vertex: V) = {
assert(!contains(vertex), "Graph must not contain vertex "+vertex+".")
newGraph(adjacency + (vertex -> Nil))
def +>(that: Traversable[E]) = {
def loop(that: Traversable[E]): Graph[V] = {
if (that.isEmpty) {
} else {
loop(that drop 1) + that.head
def +(edge: E) = {
assert(contains(edge.startVertex), "Graph must contain start vertex "+edge.startVertex+".")
assert(contains(edge.endVertex), "Graph must contain end vertex "+edge.endVertex+".")
assert(!contains(edge), "Graph must not contain edge object "+edge+" already.")
newGraph(adjacency updated (edge.startVertex, edge :: adjacency(edge.startVertex)))
def +(edge: (V, V))(implicit f: (V, V) => Edge[V]): G = ((contains(edge._1), contains(edge._2)) match {
case (true, true) => this
case (false, true) => this + edge._1
case (true, false) => this + edge._2
case (false, false) => this + edge._1 + edge._2
}) + f(edge._1, edge._2)
def -(vertex: V) = {
newGraph(adjacency filterNot (_._1 == vertex) map {e => e._1 -> (e._2 filterNot (_.endVertex == vertex))})
def -(edge: E) = {
assert(contains(edge.startVertex), "Graph must contain start vertex "+edge.startVertex+".")
assert(contains(edge.endVertex), "Graph must contain end vertex "+edge.endVertex+".")
assert(contains(edge), "Graph must contain edge "+edge+".")
newGraph(adjacency updated (edge.startVertex, adjacency(edge.startVertex) filterNot (_ == edge)))
def -(edge: (V, V)) = if (contains(edge._1) && contains(edge._2)) {
newGraph(adjacency updated (edge._1, adjacency(edge._1) filterNot (_.endVertex == edge._2)))
} else {this}
override def replace(v0: V, v1: V) = {
assert(contains(v0), "Graph must contain v0 "+v0+".")
assert(!contains(v1), "Graph must not contain v1 "+v1+".")
val oo = outgoingOf(v0)
val io = incomingOf(v0)
var result = this - v0 + v1
for (e <- oo) result = result + Edge.copy(e, Some(v1))
for (e <- io) result = result + Edge.copy(e, Some(e.startVertex), Some(v1))
override def contains(vertex: V) = adjacency contains vertex
override def contains(edge: E) = (adjacency get edge.startVertex) match {
case Some(list) => list exists (_ == edge)
case None => false
override def incomingOf(vertex: V) = {
assert(contains(vertex), "Graph must contain vertex "+vertex+".")
adjacency flatMap (_._2) filter (_.endVertex == vertex)
override def outgoingOf(vertex: V) = {
assert(contains(vertex), "Graph must contain vertex "+vertex+".")
override def outdegreeOf(vertex: V) = outgoingOf(vertex).length
override def indegreeOf(vertex: V) = {
assert(contains(vertex), "Graph must contain vertex "+vertex+".")
adjacency flatMap (_._2) count (_.endVertex == vertex)
override def predecessorsOf(vertex: V) = incomingOf(vertex) map (_.startVertex)
override def successorsOf(vertex: V) = outgoingOf(vertex) map (_.endVertex)
override def verticesIterator = adjacency.keysIterator
override def edgesIterator = adjacency.valuesIterator flatMap (_.iterator)
override def optimized = this
override def toString = "[Graph]"
protected[immutable] final class EmptyGraph[V] extends Graph[V] {
override def contains(vertex: V) = false
override def contains(edge: E) = false
override def incomingOf(vertex: V) = Nil
override def outgoingOf(vertex: V) = Nil
override def outdegreeOf(vertex: V) = 0
override def indegreeOf(vertex: V) = 0
override def predecessorsOf(vertex: V) = Nil
override def successorsOf(vertex: V) = Nil
override def verticesIterator = Iterator.empty
override def edgesIterator = Iterator.empty
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