apparat.pbj.PbjInputStream.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of Apparat.
* Apparat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Apparat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Apparat. If not, see .
* Copyright (C) 2009 Joa Ebert
package apparat.pbj
import{InputStream => JInputStream}
import apparat.pbj.pbjdata.implicits._
import apparat.pbj.pbjdata._
import annotation.tailrec
import apparat.utils.IO
* @author Joa Ebert
class PbjInputStream(input: JInputStream) extends JInputStream {
def foreach(body: POp => Unit) = while(available() > 0) { body(readOp()) }
@inline private def signed(mask: Long, r: Long): Int = {
if (0 != (r & mask)) ((r & (mask - 1L)) - mask).asInstanceOf[Int]
else r.asInstanceOf[Int]
def readFloat() = java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat((read() << 0x18) | (read() << 0x10) | (read() << 0x08) | read())
def readString() = {
@tailrec def loop(seq: List[Byte]): List[Byte] = readUI08() match {
case 0 => seq
case y => loop(y.asInstanceOf[Byte] :: seq)
new String(loop(Nil).reverse.toArray, "UTF8")
def readUI08(): Int = read()
def readUI16(): Int = read() | (read() << 0x08)
def readUI24(): Int = read() | (read() << 0x08) | (read() << 0x10)
def readUI32(): Long = read() | (read() << 0x08) | (read() << 0x10) | (read() << 0x18)
def readSI32(): Int = signed(0x80000000L, readUI32())
def readConst(`type`: PType): PConst = `type` match {
case PFloatType => PFloat(readFloat())
case PFloat2Type => PFloat2(readFloat(), readFloat())
case PFloat3Type => PFloat3(readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat())
case PFloat4Type => PFloat4(readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat())
case PFloat2x2Type => PFloat2x2(readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat())
case PFloat3x3Type => PFloat3x3(
readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(),
readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(),
readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat())
case PFloat4x4Type => PFloat4x4(
readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(),
readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(),
readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(),
readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat(), readFloat())
case PIntType => PInt(readUI16())
case PInt2Type => PInt2(readUI16(), readUI16())
case PInt3Type => PInt3(readUI16(), readUI16(), readUI16())
case PInt4Type => PInt4(readUI16(), readUI16(), readUI16(), readUI16())
case PStringType => PString(readString())
case PBoolType => PBool(readUI16() == 1)
case PBool2Type => PBool2(readUI16() == 1, readUI16() == 1)
case PBool3Type => PBool3(readUI16() == 1, readUI16() == 1, readUI16() == 1)
case PBool4Type => PBool4(readUI16() == 1, readUI16() == 1, readUI16() == 1, readUI16() == 1)
def readType(): PType = readUI08()
def readMeta(): PMeta = {
val `type` = readType()
PMeta(readString(), readConst(`type`))
def readParam(): PParam = {
import PbjRegisterMagic._
val qualifier = readUI08()
val `type` = readType() match {
case PStringType => error("Parameter must not be of type String.")
case x: PNumeric => x
val register = readUI16()
val mask = `type` match {
case PFloat2x2Type => assert(readUI08() == 2); 0xf
case PFloat3x3Type => assert(readUI08() == 3); 0xf
case PFloat4x4Type => assert(readUI08() == 4); 0xf
case _ => val b = readUI08(); assert((b >> 4) == 0); b
val name = readString()
qualifier match {
case 1 => PInParameter(name, `type`, createDstRegister(register, mask))
case 2 => POutParameter(name, `type`, createDstRegister(register, mask))
case _ => error("Qualifier must be either \"1\" or \"2\".")
def readTexture() = {
val index = readUI08()
val channels = readUI08()
val name = readString()
PTexture(name, index, channels)
def readOp(): POp = {
import POp._
import PbjRegisterMagic._
@inline def create(f: (PReg, PReg) => POp with PDstAndSrc): POp with PDstAndSrc = {
val dstIndex = readUI16()
val mask = readUI08()
val swizzle = mask >> 4
val size = (mask & 3) + 1
val matrix = (mask >> 2) & 3
val srcIndex = readUI24()
assert(0 == readUI08())
if(0 != matrix) {
assert(0 == (srcIndex >> 16))
assert(1 == size)
f( if(mask == 0) {
createMatrixRegister(dstIndex, matrix)
} else {
createDstRegister(dstIndex, swizzle)
}, createMatrixRegister(srcIndex, matrix))
} else {
f(createDstRegister(dstIndex, swizzle), createSrcRegister(srcIndex, size))
@inline def sample(f: (PReg, PReg, Int) => POp with PDstAndSrc): POp with PDstAndSrc = {
val dstIndex = readUI16()
val mask = readUI08()
val srcIndex = readUI24()
val texture = readUI08()
assert(1 == (mask & 0xf))
f(createDstRegister(dstIndex, mask >> 4), createSrcRegister(srcIndex, 2), texture)
@inline def skipBytesAndReturn[@specialized A](x: => A): A = {
assert(0 == readUI24())
assert(0 == readUI32())
readUI08() match {
case Nop => skipBytesAndReturn { PNop() }
case Add => create(PAdd(_, _))
case Subtract => create(PSubtract(_, _))
case Multiply => create(PMultiply(_, _))
case Reciprocal => create(PReciprocal(_, _))
case Divide => create(PDivide(_, _))
case Atan2 => create(PAtan2(_, _))
case Pow => create(PPow(_, _))
case Mod => create(PMod(_, _))
case Min => create(PMin(_, _))
case Max => create(PMax(_, _))
case Step => create(PStep(_, _))
case Sin => create(PSin(_, _))
case Cos => create(PCos(_, _))
case Tan => create(PTan(_, _))
case ASin => create(PASin(_, _))
case ACos => create(PACos(_, _))
case ATan => create(PATan(_, _))
case Exp => create(PExp(_, _))
case Exp2 => create(PExp2(_, _))
case Log => create(PLog(_, _))
case Log2 => create(PLog2(_, _))
case Sqrt => create(PSqrt(_, _))
case RSqrt => create(PRSqrt(_, _))
case Abs => create(PAbs(_, _))
case Sign => create(PSign(_, _))
case Floor => create(PFloor(_, _))
case Ceil => create(PCeil(_, _))
case Fract => create(PFract(_, _))
case Copy => create(PCopy(_, _))
case FloatToInt => create(PFloatToInt(_, _))
case IntToFloat => create(PIntToFloat(_, _))
case MatrixMatrixMultiply => create(PMatrixMatrixMultiply(_, _))
case VectorMatrixMultiply => create(PVectorMatrixMultiply(_, _))
case MatrixVectorMultiply => create(PMatrixVectorMultiply(_, _))
case Normalize => create(PNormalize(_, _))
case Length => create(PLength(_, _))
case Distance => create(PDistance(_, _))
case DotProduct => create(PDotProduct(_, _))
case CrossProduct => create(PCrossProduct(_, _))
case Equal => create(PEqual(_, _))
case NotEqual => create(PNotEqual(_, _))
case LessThan => create(PLessThan(_, _))
case LessThanEqual => create(PLessThanEqual(_, _))
case LogicalNot => create(PLogicalNot(_, _))
case LogicalAnd => create(PLogicalAnd(_, _))
case LogicalOr => create(PLogicalOr(_, _))
case LogicalXor => create(PLogicalXor(_, _))
case SampleNearest => sample(PSampleNearest(_, _, _))
case SampleBilinear => sample(PSampleBilinear(_, _, _))
case LoadConstant => {
val dstIndex = readUI16()
val mask = readUI08()
assert(0 == (mask & 0xf))
createDstRegister(dstIndex, mask >> 4) match {
case r @ PIntReg(_, _) => PLoadInt(r, readSI32())
case r @ PFloatReg(_, _) => PLoadFloat(r, readFloat())
case Select =>
val dstIndex = readUI16()
val mask = readUI08()
val swizzle = mask >> 4
val size = (mask & 3) + 1
val matrix = (mask >> 2) & 3
val srcIndex = readUI24()
assert(0 == readUI08())
val src0Index = readUI24()
assert(0 == readUI08())
val src1Index = readUI24()
assert(0 == readUI08())
if(0 != matrix) {
error("Matrix not expected.")
PSelect(createDstRegister(dstIndex, swizzle),
createSrcRegister(srcIndex, size),
createSrcRegister(src0Index, size),
createSrcRegister(src1Index, size))
case If => {
assert(0 == readUI24())
val src = readUI24()
assert(0 == readUI08())
case Else => skipBytesAndReturn { PElse() }
case Endif => skipBytesAndReturn { PEndif() }
case FloatToBool => create(PFloatToBool(_, _))
case BoolToFloat => create(PBoolToFloat(_, _))
case IntToBool => create(PIntToBool(_, _))
case BoolToInt => create(PBoolToInt(_, _))
case VectorEqual => create(PVectorEqual(_, _))
case VectorNotEqual => create(PVectorNotEqual(_, _))
case Any => create(PAny(_, _))
case All => create(PAll(_, _))
case KernelMetaData => PKernelMetaData(readMeta())
case ParameterData => PParameterData(readParam())
case ParameterMetaData => PParameterMetaData(readMeta())
case TextureData => PTextureData(readTexture())
case KernelName => PKernelName(new String(, "UTF8"))
case VersionData => PVersionData(readUI32().asInstanceOf[Int])
case other => error("Unknown opcode "+other+".")
override def available() = input.available()
override def close() = input.close()
override def read() =
override def read(b: Array[Byte]) =
override def read(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int) =, off, len)
override def reset() = input.reset()
override def skip(n: Long) = input.skip(n)
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