apparat.pbj.optimization.PbjOptimizer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of Apparat.
* Apparat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Apparat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Apparat. If not, see .
* Copyright (C) 2010 Joa Ebert
package apparat.pbj.optimization
import apparat.pbj.Pbj
import annotation.tailrec
import apparat.pbj.pbjdata._
* The PbjOptimizer class is a 1-pass optimizer for Pbj code.
* It performs copy-propagation and dead-code-elimination in a single step.
* @author Joa Ebert
object PbjOptimizer extends (Pbj => Unit) {
private val MAX_ITERATIONS = 32
override def apply(pbj: Pbj): Unit = {
@tailrec def loop(i: Int = 0): Unit = i match {
case x if x >= MAX_ITERATIONS =>
case y => if(optimize(pbj)) loop(y+1)
* Optimizes a given Pbj file.
* @return true
if any modification happened; false
def optimize(pbj: Pbj): Boolean = {
@tailrec def splitIntoBlocks(result: List[List[POp]],
in: List[POp]): List[List[POp]] = {
// Split the code into basic blocks.
// b0
// If
// b1
// Else
// b2
// Endif
// b3
// b0 will include the If, b1 will include the Else and b2 will include
// the Endif statement. b3 will be the last block.
val (block, rest) = in splitAt {
(in indexWhere {
op => op.opCode == POp.If || op.opCode == POp.Else || op.opCode == POp.Endif
}) + 1
if(block != Nil) {
splitIntoBlocks(block :: result, rest)
} else {
(rest :: result).reverse
val code = pbj.code
val (newCode, transformed) = if((code exists { _.opCode == POp.If }) &&
code.last.opCode != POp.If) {
val optimizedBlocks = splitIntoBlocks(List.empty, code) map optimizeBlock(pbj, false)
(optimizedBlocks flatMap { _._1 }) -> (optimizedBlocks exists { _._2 })
} else {
optimizeBlock(pbj, true)(code)
val dead = ((pbj.parameters map { _._1.register.code }) ::: (pbj.code collect {
case l: PLogical => 0x8000
case d: PDst => d.dst.code
})).distinct diff ((pbj.parameters map { _._1.register.code }) ::: (pbj.code flatMap {
case PCopy(_, src) => src.code :: Nil
case d: PDstAndSrc => d.dst.code :: d.src.code :: Nil
case s: PSrc => s.src.code :: Nil
case _ => Nil
if(log.debugEnabled) {
log.debug("PBJ globally dead:")
for(d <- dead) log.debug(" %s", d)
pbj.code = pbj.code filterNot {
case l: PLogical => dead contains 0x8000
case d: PDst => dead exists { _ == d.dst.code }
case _ => false
pbj.code = newCode
def optimizeBlock(pbj: Pbj, killCode: Boolean)(block: List[POp]): (List[POp], Boolean )= {
var deadCandidates = List.empty[POp]
var copyCandidates = List.empty[PDst]
var dead = List.empty[POp]
var modified = false
def updateDead(op: POp): POp = op match {
case op: PSelect =>
if(killCode) {
deadCandidates = deadCandidates filterNot {
x => (x definesAny op.dst) || (x definesAny op.src) ||
(x definesAny op.src0) || (x definesAny op.src1) }
dead = (deadCandidates filter { _ definesOnly op.dst }) ::: dead
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates
case op: PBinop =>
if(killCode) {
deadCandidates = deadCandidates filterNot {
x => (x definesAny op.src) || (x definesAny op.dst) }
dead = (deadCandidates filter { _ definesOnly op.dst }) ::: dead
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates
case op: PUnop =>
if(killCode) {
deadCandidates = deadCandidates filterNot { _ definesAny op.src }
dead = (deadCandidates filter { _ definesOnly op.dst }) ::: dead
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates
case op: PArity1 =>
if(killCode) {
deadCandidates = deadCandidates filterNot { _ definesAny op.src }
dead = (deadCandidates filter { _ definesOnly op.dst }) ::: dead
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates
case op: PArity2 =>
if(killCode) {
deadCandidates = deadCandidates filterNot {
x => (x definesAny op.src) || (x definesAny op.dst) }
dead = (deadCandidates filter { _ definesOnly op.dst }) ::: dead
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates
case op: PLogical =>
if(killCode) {
deadCandidates = deadCandidates filterNot {
x => (x definesAny op.src) || (x definesAny op.dst) }
dead = (deadCandidates filter { _ definesOnly op.dst }) ::: dead
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates
case op: PDstAndSrc =>
if(killCode) {
deadCandidates = deadCandidates filterNot {
x => (x definesAny op.src) || (x definesAny op.dst) }
dead = (deadCandidates filter { _ definesOnly op.dst }) ::: dead
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates
case op: PDst =>
if(killCode) {
dead = (deadCandidates filter { _ definesOnly op.dst }) ::: dead
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates
case op: PSrc =>
if(killCode) {
deadCandidates = op :: deadCandidates filterNot { _ definesAny op.src }
case op => op
def updateCopy(op: POp, tail: List[POp]): POp = op match {
case op: PLogical =>
copyCandidates = if(1 == (tail count { _ uses 0x8000 })) {//<- optimize
op :: (copyCandidates filterNot { _ uses 0x8000 })
} else {
(copyCandidates filterNot { _ uses 0x8000 })
case op: PDst =>
val dst = op.dst
copyCandidates = if(1 == (tail count { _ uses dst })) {//<- optimize
op :: (copyCandidates filterNot { _ uses dst })
} else {
(copyCandidates filterNot { _ uses dst })
case op => op
def transform(op: POp, tail: List[POp]): POp = op match {
case PCopy(dst, src) =>
updateCopy(updateDead(copyCandidates find { _ defines src } match {
case Some(x) if x.dst.swizzle == dst.swizzle =>
modified = true
x mapDef dst.code
case _ => op
}), tail)
//case PIf(src) => ...
case op => updateCopy(updateDead(op), tail)
@tailrec def loop(value: List[POp],
result: List[POp] = Nil): List[POp] = value match {
case Nil => result.reverse
case x :: xs => {
val a = transform(x, xs)
loop(xs, a :: result)
val list = loop(block)
if(killCode && deadCandidates.length > 0) {
dead = deadCandidates ::: dead
dead = dead filterNot {
d => pbj.parameters collect { case (POutParameter(_, _, r), _) => r } exists { d definesAny _ }
if(modified) {
if(killCode) {
(list filterNot { dead contains _ }, true)
} else {
(list, true)
} else {
if(killCode && dead.length > 0) {
(list filterNot { dead contains _ }, true)
} else {
(list, false)
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