Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of Apparat.
* Apparat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Apparat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Apparat. If not, see .
* Copyright (C) 2010 Joa Ebert
import{ApparatConfiguration, ApparatTool, ApparatApplication}
import apparat.swf.{DoABC, SwfTags}
import apparat.actors.Futures._
import{FileWriter, File => JFile}
import apparat.utils.{IndentingPrintWriter, TagContainer}
import apparat.utils.IO._
import apparat.log.{Debug => DebugLevel}
import apparat.bytecode.operations._
import apparat.bytecode.{Marker, Bytecode}
* @author Joa Ebert
object ASMifier {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = ApparatApplication(new ASMifierTool, args)
class ASMifierTool extends ApparatTool {
var input: JFile = _
var output: Option[JFile] = None
override def name = "ASMifier"
override def help = """ -i [file] Input file
-o [dir] Output directory (optional)"""
override def configure(config: ApparatConfiguration): Unit = configure(ASMifierConfigurationFactory fromConfiguration config)
def configure(config: ASMifierConfiguration): Unit = {
input = config.input
output = config.output
override def run() = {
SwfTags.tagFactory = (kind: Int) => kind match {
case SwfTags.DoABC => Some(new DoABC)
case SwfTags.DoABC1 => Some(new DoABC)
case _ => None
if(input.getName.toLowerCase endsWith ".abc") {
exportAbcs((Abc fromFile input) :: Nil)
} else {
val cont = TagContainer fromFile input
tag <- cont.tags
abc <- Abc fromTag tag
} yield { abc }).toList
private def exportAbcs(abcs: List[Abc]) = {
if(abcs.size > 1) {
abcs map { abc => future { exportAbc(abc) } } foreach { _() }
} else {
abcs foreach exportAbc
private def exportAbc(abc: Abc) = {
abc.types foreach exportNominal
abc.scripts foreach exportScript
private def exportNominal(nominal: AbcNominalType) = if(!nominal.inst.isInterface) {
using(writerFor( {
writer => {
writer <= "package "" {"
writer <= ""
writer withIndent {
writer <= "class "" {"
writer <= ""
writer withIndent {
writer <= "//cinit"
for {
body <- nominal.klass.init.body
} {
exportMethodBody(writer, body)
writer <= ""
for {
t <- nominal.klass.traits
} {
exportTrait(writer, t, true)
writer <= ""
val iinit = nominal.inst.init
writer <= "function ""("+
(iinit.parameters.zipWithIndex map { p => "p"+p._2+": "+prettyPrint(p._1.typeName) } mkString ", ")+") {"
writer withIndent {
for {
body <- iinit.body
} {
exportMethodBody(writer, body)
writer <= "}"
writer <= ""
for {
t <- nominal.inst.traits
} {
exportTrait(writer, t, false)
writer <= ""
writer <= "}"
writer <= "}"
private def exportScript(script: AbcScript) = {
for(t <- script.traits) t match {
case anyMethod: AbcTraitAnyMethod => {
using(writerFor( {
writer => {
val method = anyMethod.method
writer <= "package "" {"
writer <= ""
writer withIndent {
writer <= "function "+methodTypeOf(anyMethod)+"("+
(method.parameters.zipWithIndex map { p => "p"+p._2+": "+prettyPrint(p._1.typeName) } mkString ", ")+
"): "+prettyPrint(method.returnType)+" {"
writer withIndent {
if(method.body.isDefined) {
exportMethodBody(writer, method.body.get)
} else {
writer <= "//empty methodbody"
writer <= "}"
writer <= "}"
case _ =>
private def exportTrait(writer: IndentingPrintWriter, t: AbcTrait, static: Boolean) = t match {
case anyMethod: AbcTraitAnyMethod => {
val method = anyMethod.method
writer <= (if(static) "static " else "")+"function "+methodTypeOf(anyMethod)+"("+
(method.parameters.zipWithIndex map { p => "p"+p._2+": "+prettyPrint(p._1.typeName) } mkString ", ")+
"): "+prettyPrint(method.returnType)+" {"
writer withIndent {
if(method.body.isDefined) {
exportMethodBody(writer, method.body.get)
} else {
writer <= "//empty methodbody"
writer <= "}"
case _ =>
private def exportMethodBody(writer: IndentingPrintWriter, methodBody: AbcMethodBody) = {
if(methodBody.exceptions.nonEmpty) {
writer <= "//exception handlers are not supported yet"
} else {
if(methodBody.bytecode.isDefined) {
writer <= "//locals: "+methodBody.localCount
exportBytecode(writer, methodBody.bytecode.get)
} else {
writer <= "//bytecode is not defined"
private def exportBytecode(writer: IndentingPrintWriter, bytecode: Bytecode) = {
val last = bytecode.ops.last
val markers = bytecode.markers
writer <= "__asm("
writer withIndent {
for(op <- bytecode.ops) {
markers(op) match {
case Some(marker) => writer <= "\""+marker.toString+":\", "
case None =>
writer <= toAS3(op)+(if(op == last) "" else ", ")
writer <= ");"
private def writerFor(qname: AbcQName) = new IndentingPrintWriter(new FileWriter(output match {
case Some(dir) => new JFile(dir, asFilename(qname))
case None => new JFile(asFilename(qname))
private def asFilename(qname: AbcQName) = {
private def namespaceWithDot(namespace: AbcNamespace) = if(null == namespace || null == || null == { "*" } else {
if( > 0) {"." } else { "" } }
private def methodTypeOf(anyMethod: AbcTraitAnyMethod) = anyMethod match {
case _: AbcTraitGetter => "get"
case _: AbcTraitSetter => "set"
case _ => ""
private def prettyPrint(name: AbcName): String = name match {
case null => "*"
case AbcQName(name, namespace) => if(null == namespace || null == || null == "*" else { namespaceWithDot(namespace) }
case AbcQNameA(name, namespace) => if(null == namespace || null == || null == "*" else { namespaceWithDot(namespace) }
case AbcRTQName(_) => "*"
case AbcRTQNameA(_) => "*"
case AbcRTQNameL => "*"
case AbcRTQNameLA => "*"
case AbcMultiname(_, _) => "*"
case AbcMultinameA(_, _) => "*"
case AbcMultinameL(_) => "*"
case AbcMultinameLA(_) => "*"
case AbcTypename(name: AbcQName, parameters: Array[AbcName]) => prettyPrint(name)+".<"+(parameters map prettyPrint mkString ", ")+">"
private def toAS3(op: AbstractOp): String = op match {
case Add() => "Add"
case AddInt() => "AddInt"
case ApplyType(_) => op.toString
case AsType(typeName) => "AsType("+toAS3(typeName)+")"
case AsTypeLate() => "AsTypeLate"
case BitAnd() => "BitAnd"
case BitNot() => "BitNot"
case BitOr() => "BitOr"
case BitXor() => "BitXor"
case Breakpoint() => "Breakpoint"
case BreakpointLine() => "BreakpointLine"
case Call(_) => op.toString
case CallMethod(_, _) => op.toString
case CallProperty(property, numArguments) => "CallProperty("+toAS3(property)+", "+numArguments+")"
case CallPropLex(property, numArguments) => "CallPropLex("+toAS3(property)+", "+numArguments+")"
case CallPropVoid(property, numArguments) => "CallPropVoid("+toAS3(property)+", "+numArguments+")"
case CallStatic(method, numArguments) => "CallStatic(methodIndex, "+numArguments+")"
case CallSuper(property, numArguments) => "CallSuper("+toAS3(property)+", "+numArguments+")"
case CallSuperVoid(property, numArguments) => "CallSuperVoid("+toAS3(property)+", "+numArguments+")"
case CheckFilter() => "CheckFilter"
case Coerce(typeName) => "Coerce("+toAS3(typeName)+")"
case CoerceAny() => "CoerceAny"
case CoerceBoolean() => "CoerceBoolean"
case CoerceDouble() => "CoerceDouble"
case CoerceInt() => "CoerceInt"
case CoerceObject() => "CoerceObject"
case CoerceString() => "CoerceString"
case CoerceUInt() => "CoerceUInt"
case Construct(_) => op.toString
case ConstructProp(property, numArguments) => "ConstructProp("+toAS3(property)+", "+numArguments+")"
case ConstructSuper(_) => op.toString
case ConvertBoolean() => "ConvertBoolean"
case ConvertDouble() => "ConvertDouble"
case ConvertInt() => "ConvertInt"
case ConvertObject() => "ConvertObject"
case ConvertString() => "ConvertString"
case ConvertUInt() => "ConvertUInt"
case Debug(kind, name, register, extra) => "Debug(%d, %s, %d, %d)".format(kind, toAS3(name), register, extra)
case DebugFile(file) => "DebugFile("+toAS3(file)+")"
case DebugLine(_) => op.toString
case DecLocal(_) => op.toString
case DecLocalInt(_) => op.toString
case Decrement() => "Decrement"
case DecrementInt() => "DecrementInt"
case DeleteProperty(property) => "DeleteProperty("+toAS3(property)+")"
case Divide() => "Divide"
case Dup() => "Dup"
case DefaultXMLNamespace(uri) => "DefaultXMLNamespace("+toAS3(uri)+")"
case DefaultXMLNamespaceLate() => "DefaultXMLNamespaceLate"
case Equals() => "Equals"
case EscapeXMLAttribute() => "EscapeXMLAttribute"
case EscapeXMLElement() => "EscapeXMLAttribute"
case FindProperty(property) => "FindProperty("+toAS3(property)+")"
case FindPropStrict(property) => "FindPropStrict("+toAS3(property)+")"
case GetDescendants(property) => "GetDescendants("+toAS3(property)+")"
case GetGlobalScope() => "GetGlobalScope"
case GetGlobalSlot(_) => op.toString
case GetLex(typeName) => "GetLex("+toAS3(typeName)+")"
case GetLocal(_) => op.toString
case GetProperty(property) => "GetProperty("+toAS3(property)+")"
case GetScopeObject(_) => op.toString
case GetSlot(_) => op.toString
case GetSuper(property) => "GetSuper("+toAS3(property)+")"
case GreaterEquals() => "GreaterEquals"
case GreaterThan() => "GreaterThan"
case HasNext() => "HasNext"
case HasNext2(_, _) => op.toString
case IfEqual(marker) => "IfEqual("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfFalse(marker) => "IfFalse("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfGreaterEqual(marker) => "IfGreaterEqual("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfGreaterThan(marker) => "IfGreaterThan("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfLessEqual(marker) => "IfLessEqual("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfLessThan(marker) => "IfLessThan("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfNotEqual(marker) => "IfNotEqual("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfNotGreaterEqual(marker) => "IfNotGreaterEqual("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfNotGreaterThan(marker) => "IfNotGreaterThan("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfNotLessEqual(marker) => "IfNotLessEqual("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfNotLessThan(marker) => "IfNotLessThan("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfStrictEqual(marker) => "IfStrictEqual("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfStrictNotEqual(marker) => "IfStrictNotEqual("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case IfTrue(marker) => "IfTrue("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case In() => "In"
case IncLocal(_) => op.toString
case IncLocalInt(_) => op.toString
case Increment() => "Increment"
case IncrementInt() => "IncrementInt"
case InitProperty(property) => "InitProperty("+toAS3(property)+")"
case InstanceOf() => "InstanceOf"
case IsType(typeName) => "IsType("+toAS3(typeName)+")"
case IsTypeLate() => "IsTypeLate"
case Jump(marker) => "Jump("+toAS3(marker)+")"
case Kill(_) => op.toString
case Label() => "Label"
case LessEquals() => "LessEquals"
case LessThan() => "LessThan"
case LookupSwitch(defaultCase, cases) => "LookupSwitch(%s, %s)".format(toAS3(defaultCase), cases map toAS3 mkString ", ")
case ShiftLeft() => "ShiftLeft"
case Modulo() => "Modulo"
case Multiply() => "Multiply"
case MultiplyInt() => "MultiplyInt"
case Negate() => "Negate"
case NegateInt() => "NegateInt"
case NewActivation() => "NewActivation"
case NewArray(_) => op.toString
case NewCatch(_) => "NewCatch(exceptionHandler)"
case NewClass(_) => "NewClass(class)"
case NewFunction(_) => "NewFunction(functionIndex)"
case NewObject(_) => op.toString
case NextName() => "NextName"
case NextValue() => "NextValue"
case Nop() => "Nop"
case Not() => "Not"
case Pop() => "Pop"
case PopScope() => "PopScope"
case PushByte(_) => op.toString
case PushDouble(value) => op.toString
case PushFalse() => "PushFalse"
case PushInt(value) => op.toString
case PushNamespace(value) => "PushNamespace("+toAS3(value)+")"
case PushNaN() => "PushNaN"
case PushNull() => "PushNull"
case PushScope() => "PushScope"
case PushShort(_) => op.toString
case PushString(value) => "PushString("+toAS3(value)+")"
case PushTrue() => "PushTrue"
case PushUInt(value) => "PushUInt("+value.toString+")"
case PushUndefined() => "PushUndefined"
case PushWith() => "PushWith"
case ReturnValue() => "ReturnValue"
case ReturnVoid() => "ReturnVoid"
case ShiftRight() => "ShiftRight"
case SetLocal(_) => op.toString
case SetGlobalSlot(_) => op.toString
case SetProperty(property) => "SetProperty("+toAS3(property)+")"
case SetSlot(_) => op.toString
case SetSuper(property) => "SetSuper("+toAS3(property)+")"
case StrictEquals() => "StrictEquals"
case Subtract() => "Subtract"
case SubtractInt() => "SubtractInt"
case Swap() => "Swap"
case Throw() => "Throw"
case TypeOf() => "TypeOf"
case ShiftRightUnsigned() => "ShiftRightUnsigned"
case SetByte() => "SetByte"
case SetShort() => "SetShort"
case SetInt() => "SetInt"
case SetFloat() => "SetFloat"
case SetDouble() => "SetDouble"
case GetByte() => "GetByte"
case GetShort() => "GetShort"
case GetInt() => "GetInt"
case GetFloat() => "GetFloat"
case GetDouble() => "GetDouble"
case Sign1() => "Sign1"
case Sign8() => "Sign8"
case Sign16() => "Sign16"
private def toAS3(name: AbcName): String = name match {
case null => "*"
case AbcQName(name, namespace) => "AbcQName("+toAS3(name)+", "+toAS3(namespace)+")"
case AbcQNameA(name, namespace) => "AbcQNameA("+toAS3(name)+", "+toAS3(namespace)+")"
case AbcRTQName(name) => "AbcRTQName("+toAS3(name)+")"
case AbcRTQNameA(name) => "AbcRTQNameA("+toAS3(name)+")"
case AbcRTQNameL => "AbcRTQNameL"
case AbcRTQNameLA => "AbcRTQNameLA"
case AbcMultiname(name, nsset) => "AbcMultiname("+toAS3(name)+", "+toAS3(nsset)+")"
case AbcMultinameA(name, nsset) => "AbcMultinameA("+toAS3(name)+", "+toAS3(nsset)+")"
case AbcMultinameL(nsset) => "AbcMultinameL("+toAS3(nsset)+")"
case AbcMultinameLA(nsset) => "AbcMultinameLA("+toAS3(nsset)+")"
case AbcTypename(name: AbcQName, parameters: Array[AbcName]) => "AbcTypename(%s, %s)".format(toAS3(name), parameters map toAS3 mkString ", ")
private def toAS3(symbol: Symbol): String = if(null == "null" else "\""+escape("\""
private def escape(value: String): String = value
private def toAS3(marker: Marker): String = "\""+marker.toString+"\""
private def toAS3(namespace: AbcNamespace): String = "AbcNamespace("+kindOf(namespace)+", "+toAS3(")"
private def toAS3(namespaceSet: AbcNSSet): String = "AbcNamespaceSet("+(namespaceSet.set map toAS3 mkString ", ")+")"
private def kindOf(namespace: AbcNamespace): String = "NamespaceKind."+(namespace.kind match {
case x if x == AbcNamespaceKind.Namespace => "NAMESPACE"
case x if x == AbcNamespaceKind.Package => "PACKAGE"
case x if x == AbcNamespaceKind.PackageInternal => "PACKAGEINTERNAL"
case x if x == AbcNamespaceKind.Protected => "PROTECTED"
case x if x == AbcNamespaceKind.Explicit => "EXPLICIT"
case x if x == AbcNamespaceKind.StaticProtected=> "STATICPROTECTED"
case x if x == AbcNamespaceKind.Private => "PRIVATE"
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