java.util.zip.ZipConstants Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package java.util.zip;
* This interface defines the constants that are used by the classes
* which manipulate ZIP files.
* @version 1.15, 02/02/00
* @author David Connelly
interface ZipConstants {
* Header signatures
static long LOCSIG = 0x04034b50L; // "PK\003\004"
static long EXTSIG = 0x08074b50L; // "PK\007\008"
static long CENSIG = 0x02014b50L; // "PK\001\002"
static long ENDSIG = 0x06054b50L; // "PK\005\006"
* Header sizes in bytes (including signatures)
static final int LOCHDR = 30; // LOC header size
static final int EXTHDR = 16; // EXT header size
static final int CENHDR = 46; // CEN header size
static final int ENDHDR = 22; // END header size
* Local file (LOC) header field offsets
static final int LOCVER = 4; // version needed to extract
static final int LOCFLG = 6; // general purpose bit flag
static final int LOCHOW = 8; // compression method
static final int LOCTIM = 10; // modification time
static final int LOCCRC = 14; // uncompressed file crc-32 value
static final int LOCSIZ = 18; // compressed size
static final int LOCLEN = 22; // uncompressed size
static final int LOCNAM = 26; // filename length
static final int LOCEXT = 28; // extra field length
* Extra local (EXT) header field offsets
static final int EXTCRC = 4; // uncompressed file crc-32 value
static final int EXTSIZ = 8; // compressed size
static final int EXTLEN = 12; // uncompressed size
* Central directory (CEN) header field offsets
static final int CENVEM = 4; // version made by
static final int CENVER = 6; // version needed to extract
static final int CENFLG = 8; // encrypt, decrypt flags
static final int CENHOW = 10; // compression method
static final int CENTIM = 12; // modification time
static final int CENCRC = 16; // uncompressed file crc-32 value
static final int CENSIZ = 20; // compressed size
static final int CENLEN = 24; // uncompressed size
static final int CENNAM = 28; // filename length
static final int CENEXT = 30; // extra field length
static final int CENCOM = 32; // comment length
static final int CENDSK = 34; // disk number start
static final int CENATT = 36; // internal file attributes
static final int CENATX = 38; // external file attributes
static final int CENOFF = 42; // LOC header offset
* End of central directory (END) header field offsets
static final int ENDSUB = 8; // number of entries on this disk
static final int ENDTOT = 10; // total number of entries
static final int ENDSIZ = 12; // central directory size in bytes
static final int ENDOFF = 16; // offset of first CEN header
static final int ENDCOM = 20; // zip file comment length