javax.tv.service.navigation.ServiceList Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package javax.tv.service.navigation;
import javax.tv.locator.*;
import javax.tv.service.Service;
* ServiceList
represents an ordered list of
* Service
objects based on a specific grouping rule
* defined by a ServiceFilter
. The objects in a
* ServiceList
are numbered from 0 to size()
* -1
* A ServiceList
is immutable. In other words,
* once a ServiceList
instance is created, the elements
* in the list and their order will never change. All classes that
* implement the ServiceList
interface are required to
* maintain this property.
* @see javax.tv.service.Service
* @see ServiceFilter
* @see #size
public interface ServiceList
* Generates a new ServiceList
containing the
* same elements as the current list, sorted in ascending
* order by service name. The sort order is implementation dependent,
* but should be sensible when presented to a user.
* @return A ServiceList
sorted by service name.
* @see Service#getName
public ServiceList sortByName();
* Generates a new ServiceList
containing the
* same elements as the current list, sorted in ascending
* order by service number.
* @return A ServiceList
sorted by service number.
* @throws SortNotAvailableException If any of the
* Service
objects in this ServiceList
* do not implement the ServiceNumber
* @see javax.tv.service.ServiceNumber
public ServiceList sortByNumber() throws SortNotAvailableException;
* Reports the Service
corresponding to the specified
* locator if it is a member of this list.
* @param locator Specifies the Service
to be searched for.
* @return The Service
corresponding to
* locator
, or null
if the
* Service
is not a member of this list.
* @throws InvalidLocatorException If locator
does not
* reference a valid Service
public Service findService(Locator locator) throws InvalidLocatorException;
* Creates a new ServiceList
object that is a subset of
* this list, based on the conditions specified by a
* ServiceFilter
object. This method may be used to
* generate increasingly specialized lists of Service
* objects based on multiple filtering criteria. If the filter is
* null
, the resulting ServiceList
will be
* a duplicate of this list.
* Note that the accept
method of the given
* ServiceFilter
will be invoked for each
* Service
to be filtered using the same application
* thread that invokes this method.
* @param filter A filter constraining the requested service list,
* or null
* @return A ServiceList
object created based on the
* specified filtering rules.
* @see ServiceFilter#accept
public ServiceList filterServices(ServiceFilter filter);
* Generates an iterator on the Service
* in this list.
* @return A ServiceIterator
on the
* Service
s in this list.
public ServiceIterator createServiceIterator();
* Tests if the indicated Service
object is contained
* in the list.
* @param service The Service
object for which to search.
* @return true
if the specified Service
* is member of the list; false
public boolean contains(Service service);
* Reports the position of the first occurrence of the
* indicated Service
object in the list.
* @param service The Service
object for which to search.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the
* service
, or -1
if service
* is not contained in the list.
public int indexOf(Service service);
* Reports the number of Service
objects in the list.
* @return The number of Service
objects in the list.
public int size();
* Reports the Service
at the specified index position.
* @param index A position in the ServiceList
* @return The Service
at the specified index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index
< 0 or
* index
> size()-1
public Service getService(int index);
* Compares the specified object with this ServiceList
* for equality. Returns true
if and only if the
* specified object is also a ServiceList
, both lists
* have the same size, and all corresponding pairs of elements in
* the two lists are equal. (Two elements e1 and e2 are equal if
* (e1==null ? e2==null : e1.equals(e2)).) In other words, two lists
* are defined to be equal if they contain the same elements in the
* same order.
* @param o The object to be compared for equality with this list.
* @return true
if the specified object is equal to
* this list; false
public boolean equals(Object o);
* Provides the hash code value for this ServiceList
* Two ServiceList
objects that are equal will have
* the same hash code.
* @return The hash code value of this ServiceList
public int hashCode();