java.awt.AWTEvent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package java.awt;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.EventObject;
// import java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer;
// import java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer;
* The root event class for all AWT events.
* This class and its subclasses supercede the original
* java.awt.Event class.
* Subclasses of this root AWTEvent class defined outside of the
* java.awt.event package should define event ID values greater than
* the value defined by RESERVED_ID_MAX.
* The event masks defined in this class are needed by Component subclasses
* which are using Component.enableEvents() to select for event types not
* selected by registered listeners. If a listener is registered on a
* component, the appropriate event mask is already set internally by the
* component.
* The masks are also used to specify to which types of events an
* AWTEventListener should listen. The masks are bitwise-ORed together
* and passed to Toolkit.addAWTEventListener.
* @see Component#enableEvents
* @see Toolkit#addAWTEventListener
* @see java.awt.event.ActionEvent
* @see java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent
* @see java.awt.event.ComponentEvent
* @see java.awt.event.ContainerEvent
* @see java.awt.event.FocusEvent
* @see java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
* @see java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
* @see java.awt.event.ItemEvent
* @see java.awt.event.KeyEvent
* @see java.awt.event.MouseEvent
* @see java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent
* @see java.awt.event.PaintEvent
* @see java.awt.event.TextEvent
* @see java.awt.event.WindowEvent
* @author Carl Quinn
* @author Amy Fowler
* @version 1.50 01/27/03
* @since 1.1
public abstract class AWTEvent extends EventObject
* The event's id.
* @serial
* @see #getID()
* @see #AWTEvent
protected int id;
* Controls whether or not the event is sent back down to the peer once the
* source has processed it - false means it's sent to the peer; true means
* it's not. Semantic events always have a 'true' value since they were
* generated by the peer in response to a low-level event.
* @serial
* @see #consume
* @see #isConsumed
protected boolean consumed;
* The event mask for selecting component events.
public static final long COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK = 0x01;
* The event mask for selecting container events.
public static final long CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK = 0x02;
* The event mask for selecting focus events.
public static final long FOCUS_EVENT_MASK = 0x04;
* The event mask for selecting key events.
public static final long KEY_EVENT_MASK = 0x08;
* The event mask for selecting mouse events.
public static final long MOUSE_EVENT_MASK = 0x10;
* The event mask for selecting mouse motion events.
public static final long MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK = 0x20;
* The event mask for selecting window events.
public static final long WINDOW_EVENT_MASK = 0x40;
* The event mask for selecting action events.
public static final long ACTION_EVENT_MASK = 0x80;
* The event mask for selecting adjustment events.
public static final long ADJUSTMENT_EVENT_MASK = 0x100;
* The event mask for selecting item events.
public static final long ITEM_EVENT_MASK = 0x200;
* The event mask for selecting text events.
public static final long TEXT_EVENT_MASK = 0x400;
* The event mask for selecting input method events.
public static final long INPUT_METHOD_EVENT_MASK = 0x800;
* The event mask for selecting paint events.
public static final long PAINT_EVENT_MASK = 0x2000;
* The event mask for selecting invocation events.
public static final long INVOCATION_EVENT_MASK = 0x4000;
// /**
// * The event mask for selecting hierarchy events.
// */
// public static final long HIERARCHY_EVENT_MASK = -1;
// /**
// * The event mask for selecting hierarchy bounds events.
// */
// public static final long HIERARCHY_BOUNDS_EVENT_MASK = -1;
* The event mask for selecting mouse wheel events.
* @since 1.4
public static final long MOUSE_WHEEL_EVENT_MASK = 0x20000;
* The event mask for selecting window state events.
* @since 1.4
// public static final long WINDOW_STATE_EVENT_MASK = 0x40000;
* The event mask for selecting window focus events.
* @since 1.4
public static final long WINDOW_FOCUS_EVENT_MASK = 0x80000;
* The maximum value for reserved AWT event IDs. Programs defining
* their own event IDs should use IDs greater than this value.
public static final int RESERVED_ID_MAX = 1999;
* JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1825314779160409405L;
// [6246050] (This is a proprietary field.)
// private byte[] bdata;
// /**
// * Constructs an AWTEvent object from the parameters of a 1.0-style event.
// * @param event the old-style event
// */
// public AWTEvent(Event event) {super(null); }
* Constructs an AWTEvent object with the specified source object and type.
* @param source the object where the event originated
* @id the event type
public AWTEvent(Object source, int id) { super(null);}
* Retargets an event to a new source. This method is typically used to
* retarget an event to a lightweight child Component of the original
* heavyweight source.
* This method is intended to be used only by event targeting subsystems,
* such as client-defined KeyboardFocusManagers. It is not for general
* client use.
* @param newSource the new Object to which the event should be dispatched
// public void setSource(Object newSource) { }
* Returns the event type.
public int getID() { return 0; }
* Returns a String representation of this object.
public String toString() { return null; }
* Returns a string representing the state of this Event
* This method is intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the
* content and format of the returned string may vary between
* implementations. The returned string may be empty but may not be
* null
* @return a string representation of this event
public String paramString() { return null; }
* Consumes this event, if this event can be consumed. Only low-level,
* system events can be consumed
protected void consume() { }
* Returns whether this event has been consumed.
protected boolean isConsumed() { return false; }