java.io.ObjectStreamField Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package java.io;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
* A description of a Serializable field from a Serializable class.
* An array of ObjectStreamFields is used to declare the Serializable
* fields of a class.
* @author Mike Warres
* @author Roger Riggs
* @version 1.38, 01/07/25
* @see ObjectStreamClass
* @since 1.2
public class ObjectStreamField implements Comparable
* Create a Serializable field with the specified type.
* This field should be documented with a serialField
* tag.
* @param n the name of the serializable field
* @param clazz the Class
object of the serializable field
public ObjectStreamField(String name, Class type) { }
* Creates an ObjectStreamField representing a serializable field with the
* given name and type. If unshared is false, values of the represented
* field are serialized and deserialized in the default manner--if the
* field is non-primitive, object values are serialized and deserialized as
* if they had been written and read by calls to writeObject and
* readObject. If unshared is true, values of the represented field are
* serialized and deserialized as if they had been written and read by
* calls to writeUnshared and readUnshared.
* @param name field name
* @param type field type
* @param unshared if false, write/read field values in the same manner
* as writeObject/readObject; if true, write/read in the same
* manner as writeUnshared/readUnshared
public ObjectStreamField(String name, Class type, boolean unshared) { }
* Get the name of this field.
* @return a String
representing the name of the serializable
* field
public String getName() {
return null;
* Get the type of the field.
* @return the Class
object of the serializable field
public Class getType() {
return null;
* Returns character encoding of field type. The encoding is as follows:
* B byte
* C char
* D double
* F float
* I int
* J long
* L class or interface
* S short
* Z boolean
* [ array
* @return the typecode of the serializable field
public char getTypeCode() {
return ' ';
* Return the JVM type signature.
* @return null if this field has a primitive type.
public String getTypeString() {
return null;
* Offset of field within instance data.
* @return the offset of this field
* @see #setOffset
public int getOffset() {
return 0;
* Offset within instance data.
* @param offset the offset of the field
* @see #getOffset
protected void setOffset(int offset) { }
* Return true if this field has a primitive type.
* @return true if and only if this field corresponds to a primitive type
public boolean isPrimitive() {
return false;
* Compare this field with another ObjectStreamField
* Return -1 if this is smaller, 0 if equal, 1 if greater.
* Types that are primitives are "smaller" than object types.
* If equal, the field names are compared.
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
return 0;
* Return a string that describes this field.
public String toString() {
return null;