org.davic.mpeg.sections.package.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Provides access to MPEG-2 section filtering.
The following errata agreed in DVB have been implemented with respect to
the original DAVIC work.
- org.davic.mpeg.sections.SectionFilter.startFiltering (appData,pid,
tableId)exceptions. (DVB issue #30)
Like other startFiltering methods, org.davic.mpeg.sections.SectionFilter.startFiltering
(appData, pid, tableId)
shall throw an IllegalFilterDefinitionException where :
the java integer parameters are either negative or outside the range allowed by the
MPEG specification.
- org.davic.mpeg.sections.Section.getData. (DVB issue #44)
Remove the following text from the methods of org.davic.mpeg.sections.Section
"(everything after the length field, not including a CRC check)".
- org.davic.mpeg.sections.SectionFilterGroup.attach. (DVB issue #125)
A NotAuthorizedException is added to the list of the exceptions which can be
thrown by this method.
- Section.getFullStatus (DVB issue #855)
This method is considered to have the following text appended to its description:
"Returns true when the Section object contains valid data."
- SectionFilter (DVB issue #869)
In the description of this class there are 12 instances of a cross reference to H7.
In each case this should be a reference to E.8.1.
- RingSectionFilter (DVB issue #879)
Is considered to have the following text appended to its description:
All sections in a ring section filter are initialised to empty when the ring section
filter is first created. Clearing them to empty any time after this is the responsibility
of the application. Starting a ring section filter shall not clear any of the sections to empty.
- Section.clone (DVB issue #862)
Section is considered to have the method clone() with the following behaviour.
A cloned Section object is a new and separate object. It is unaffected by changes in the state
of the original Section object or restarting of the SectionFilter the source Section object
originated from. The clone method must be implemented without declaring exceptions.
- SectionFilter.startFiltering(all signatures) (DVB issue #3330)
In these methods,the description of when the FilterResourceException shall be thrown is
considered to have the following text appended to its description:
When a SectionFilterGroup is detached, either by the client or through resource withdrawal,
started SectionFilters shall remain started. Hence if the SectionFilterGroup is re-attached,
those filters shall re-activate.
In MHP 1.0.1, this was applied to SectionFilter.start which has been corrected (DVB issue #2208).
- SectionFilter.startFiltering(java.lang.Object,int,int) (DVB issue #868)
This method is considered to have the following text appended to its description:
Note that this is applied whether the parent section filter group is connected to a TS or not.
- SectionFilterGroup constructor (DVB issue #882)
The constructors for SectionFilterGroup are considered to have the following text appended
to their description:
Throws illegal argument exception if numberOfFilters <1.
- SectionFilterGroup (DVB issue #889)
The methods with a parameter called sectionSize shall be considered to have the
following text appended to their description.
Throws IllegalArgumentException if sectionSize <1.
- SectionFilterGroup.newRingSectionFilter (DVB issue #892)
These methods shall be considered to have the following text appended to their description.
Throws IllegalArgumentException if ringSize <1.
- SectionFilterGroup Constructor(int,boolean) (DVB issue #909)
This is considered to have the following text appended to its description:
The scope of the resourcePriority shall be a single application only.