org.ocap.application.package.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
This package contains APIs for controlling the lifecycle of applications.
This package is primarily used by the monitor application.
Application Registration
This package provides methods for registering and unregistering unbound
applications. The AppManagerProxy.registerUnboundApp(InputStream) method registers unbound applications
specified by the InputStream that contains XAIT data. This is a similar
function described as the signaling of unbound application using the XAIT (See
section Signaling of Unbound Applications). The AppManagerProxy.unregisterUnboundApp(AppID) method
unregisters an unbound application specified by AppID.
The format of the XAIT SHALL follow Section OCAP XAIT stated in
this Specification.
Application Information
org.ocap.application.OcapAppAttributes shall be used
instead of the org.dvb.application.AppAttributes.
XAIT updating Management
order to manage the updating of network signaled applications on the receiver,
the monitor application MAY reject a new XAIT to abort updating unbound
application information in the AppsDatabase. It can
set the AppSignalHandler via AppManagerProxy.setAppSignalHandler(AppSignalHandler). When a new XAIT is received, the AppSignalHandler.notifyXAITUpdate(OcapAppAttributes[]) is
called to allow the monitor application to make a decision of whether to update
unbound application information.
Policy and Security Management
and white list support is provided by the AppFilter
class. The application manager allows a filter to be set which all applications
must pass through before being run.
monitor application can register an application filter to prevent applications
from running. When an application is being launched, the application manager
tests the application against the filter. If the test fails, the application
will be blocked as described in Chapter 21. See AppManagerProxy.setAppFilter
method for filter registration.
is sample code of application filtering. The monitor application MAY create a
unique application filter class that extends the org.dvb.application.AppsDatabaseFilter
class. It MAY implement an unique algorithm to filter an application in the accept() method.
import org.ocap.application.*;
import org.dvb.application.*;
public class MAAppFilter extends AppsDatabaseFilter {
??? /**
???? * Constructor of this class.
??? public MAAppFilter() {
????? ??AppManagerProxy appMgrProxy = AppManagerProxy.getInstance();
??????? /* Register an application filter. */
??????? appMgrProxy.setAppFilter(this);
??? }
??? /**
???? * Implement the accept() method defined in the AppsDatabaseFilter.
??? public boolean accept(AppID appid) {
??????? int REJECTED_OID = 0x1234;
????????/* Investigate the specified applications. */
??????? if(appid.getOID() == REJECTED_OID) {
??????????? return false;
??????? }
??????? return true;
??? }
monitor application MAY set the SecurityPolicyHandler
via the AppManagerProxy.setSecurityPolicyHandler(SecurityPolicyHandler) method.
For those applications that pass through the current application filter, the SecurityPolicyHandler.getAppPermissions(PermissionsInformation) method is
called. The monitor application can get a PermissionCollection
and return it as the return value of getAppPermissions
method. The application is launched using the modified PermissionCollection.
applications that set the SecurityPolicyHandler
should take care when setting permissions for Host Device Manufacturer
applications (i.e. applications where PermissionCollection.isManufacturerApp() returns true). Denying permissions to Host Device
Manufacturer applications may cause an extremely poor user experience.
is sample code for modifying PermissionCollection. It
denies the AppsControlPermission to a specified
application, but grants all other requested permissions.
import org.ocap.application.*;
import org.dvb.application.*;
import java.security.*;
import java.util.*;
public class MAPermissionModifier implements SecurityPolicyHandler {
??? /**
???? * Constructor of this class.
??? public MAPermissionModifier() {
??????? AppManagerProxy appMgrProxy = AppManagerProxy.getInstance();
??????? /* Register SecurityPolicyHandler applications. */
??????? appMgrProxy.setSecurityPolicyHandler(this);
??? }
??? /**
???? * Implement the getAppPermission method defined in SecurityPolicyHandler.
??? public PermissionCollection getAppPermissions(
??????????? PermissionInformation permissionInfo) {
??????? /* Investigate the requested PermissionCollection here. */
??????? AppID appid = permissionInfo.getAppID();
??????? PermissionCollection requestedPermissionCollection
????????????????= permissionInfo.getRequestedPermissions();
??????? /* Give manufacturer applications everything they ask for */
??????? if (permissionInfo.isManufacturerApp()) {
??????????? return requestedPermissionCollection;
??????? }
???????/* Start with the basic permissions for unsigned applications */
??????? /* Note that we are guaranteed that these permissions will always */
??????? /* be a subset of the requested permissions */
??????? Permissions newPermissionCollection = new Permissions();
??????? Enumeration e = PermissionInformation.getUnsignedAppPermissions().elements();
??????? while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
??????????? newPermissionCollection.add((Permission)e.nextElement())
??????? }
??????? /* The permission we are going to deny */
??????? Permission appsControlPermission = new AppsControlPermission();
??????? AppId denyAppsControlPermissionAppId = new AppId(1, 2);
??????? /* Modify the PermissionCollection here. */
??????? /* Note that the modified permissions shall be a subset of the */
??????? /* requested permission. */
??????? e = requestedPermissionCollection.elements();
??????? while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
??????????? Permission requested = (Permission)e.nextElement();
??????????? if (!newPermissionCollection.implies(requested)) {
??????????????? /* It's not a permission we have already granted.? Test it. */
??????????????? /* (The above test is an optimization to avoid granting */
??????????????? /* the unsigned app permissions twice) */
??????????????? if (requested.implies(appsControlPermission)
???????????????? && appid.equals(denyAppsControlPermissionAppId)) {
???????????????????? /* Deny requested permission */
??????????????? } else {
???????????????????? /* ... could have other tests here ... */
????????? ???????????/* Grant requested permission */
??????????????????? newPermissionCollection.add(requested);
??????????????? }
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? return newPermissionCollection;
??? }