org.w3c.dom.events.ProgressEvent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.w3c.dom.events;
* A progress event occurs when the user agent makes progress in some data
* transfer operation, such as loading a resource from the web via
* XMLHttpRequest.
Note: This interface has not yet been accepted for
* inclusion in the W3C DOM 3 Event specification. It may be removed from the
* JSR 280 specification or added to a different namespace in a
* subsequent version of the specification.
* Other specifications which have a
* use case for these events should define when ProgressEvent events
* are dispatched.
* - The user agent must dispatch a
event when a
* relevant operation has begun.
* - The user agent may dispatch one or
* more
events while a network operation is taking
* place.
* - If the operation fails to complete the user agent must
* dispatch either an
event, if the failure to complete
* was due to an error (such as a timeout, or network error), or an
* abort
event if the operation was deliberately cancelled
* (e.g. by user interaction or through a script call).
* - If the operation successfully completes, the user agent must
* dispatch a
* In short, there must be at least one start
event, followed by
* zero or more progress
events, followed by one event which may be
* any of error
, abort
or load
, according
* to the outcome of the operation.
* Event definitions
* The following events are defined in this specification
* Name
* Description
* How many?
* When?
* loadstart
* The operation has begun
* once
* Must be dispatched first
* progress
* The operation is in progress
* zero or more
* May be dispatched zero or more times after a loadstart
* event, before any of error, abort or load events are dispatched
* error
* The operation failed to complete, e.g. as a result of a network
* error
* never or once
* Exactly one of these must be
* dispatched
* abort
* The operation was cancelled, e.g. as a result of user
* interaction
* never or once
* load
* The operation successfully completed
* never or once
* These events must not bubble, and must not be
* cancelable.
* These events trigger event listeners attached on Element
* nodes for that event and on the capture and target phases.
No default action is defined for these events.
* These events are in the null
namespace. Two kinds of
* initialization methods are provided: one in which the namespace is
* required (and must be null
) and one which assigns the
* null
namespace automatically, This specification does
* not recommend use of one method over the other, and authors may choose
* whichever method suits them better for any given usage.
public interface ProgressEvent extends Event {
* Specifies whether the total size of the transfer is known.
public boolean getLengthComputable();
* Specifies the number of bytes downloaded since the beginning of the
* download. This refers to the content, excluding headers and overhead
* from the transaction,
* and where there is a content-encoding or transfer-encoding refers
* to the number of bytes to be transferred, i.e. with the relevant
* encodings applied. For more details on HTTP see [RFC2616].
public int getLoaded();
* Specifies the expected total number of bytes of the content
* transferred in the operation. Where the size of the transfer is for
* some reason unknown, the value of this attribute must be zero.
public int getTotal();
* The initProgressEvent method is used to initialize the value of a
* progress event created through the DocumentEvent interface.
* If this method is called multiple times, the final invocation takes
* precedence .
* @param typeArg
* This must be one of loadstart
* progress
, error
, abort
* load
. If it is not one of those values then this
* specification does not define the resulting event.
* @param canBubbleArg
* This must be false. Where a
* value of true is passed, implementations
* must override that and change the value to
* false.
* @param cancelableArg
* This must be false. Where a
* value of true is passed, implementations
* must override that and change the value to
* false.
* @param lengthComputableArg
* If the implementation has reliable information about
* the value of total
, then this should be true.
* If the implementation does not have reliable information about
* the value of total
, this should be false.
* @param loadedArg
* Specifies the total number of bytes already loaded. If this value
* is not a non-negative number,
* the implementation must change it to zero.
* @param totalArg
* Specifies the total number of bytes to be
* loaded. If lengthComputable
is false,
* this must be zero. If any other parameter is passed, and
* lengthComputable
is false, the implementation
* must override this and set the value to zero. If
* lengthComputable
is true, and the value
* of this parameter is not a non-negative number, the implementation
* must set lengthComputable
to false
* and the value of total
to zero.
public void initProgressEvent(String typeArg,
boolean canBubbleArg,
boolean cancelableArg,
boolean lengthComputableArg,
int loadedArg,
int totalArg);
* The initProgressEventNS method is used to initialize the value of a
* namespaced progress event created through the DocumentEvent interface.
* This method may only be called before the progress event has been
* dispatched via the dispatchEvent method, though it may be called
* multiple times during that phase if necessary. If called multiple
* times, the final invocation takes precedence.
* @param namespaceURIArg
* Specifies the URI for the namespace of the event.
* For all events defined in this specification, the
* value of this parameter is null
* @param typeArg
* This must be one of loadstart
* progress
, error
* abort
, load
. If it is not one
* of those values then this specification does not define
* the resulting event.
* @param canBubbleArg
* This must be false. Where a
* value of true is passed, implementations
* must override that and change the value to
* false.
* @param cancelableArg
* This must be false. Where a
* value of true is passed, implementations
* must override that and change the value to
* false.
* @param lengthComputableArg
* If the implementation has reliable information about
* the value of total, then this should be true. If the
* implementation does not have reliable information about
* the value of total, this should be false.
* @param loadedArg
* This parameter specifies the total number of bytes
* already loaded.
* If this value is not a non-negative number, the implementation
* must change it to zero.
* @param totalArg
* This specifies the total number of bytes to be
* loaded. If lengthComputable
is false,
* this must be zero. If any other parameter is passed,
* and lengthComputable
is false, the
* implementation must override this and set the value to
* zero. If lengthComputable
is true, and
* the value of this parameter is not a non-negative number, the
* implementation must set lengthComputable
* to false and the value of total
to zero.
public void initProgressEventNS(String namespaceURIArg,
String typeArg,
boolean canBubbleArg,
boolean cancelableArg,
boolean lengthComputableArg,
int loadedArg,
int totalArg);