java.awt.font.TextAttribute Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - 1997, All Rights Reserved
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package java.awt.font;
import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
* The TextAttribute
class defines attribute keys and
* attribute values used for text rendering.
* TextAttribute
instances are used as attribute keys to
* identify attributes in
* {@link java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator AttributedCharacterIterator},
* {@link java.awt.Font Font}, and other classes handling text
* attributes. Other constants defined in this class are used
* as attribute values.
* For each text attribute, the documentation describes:
* - the type of their values,
- the valid values if there are limitations
- relevant constants
- the default effect if the attribute is absent (or has a
* - a description of the effect.
- the fallback behavior if the exact attribute requested is not
* available.
Types of Values
* - The values of attributes must always be immutable.
- Where a list of limitations is given, any value outside of that
* set is reserved for future use, and ignored at present.
- If the value is
or not of the proper type
* then it has the default effect. The effect of a particular value
* can be interpolated, especially in the case of multiple master
* fonts. This interpolation is done based on the nearest defined
* constants above and below the request:
* interpolation = (request - below)/(above - below);
* - Fonts should interpolate values in certain circumstances. For example,
* when the WEIGHT value is 2.13. If the nearest surrounding values
* in the font are WEIGHT_BOLD = 2.0 and WEIGHT_HEAVY = 2.25 then font would
* then interpret the WEIGHT request as being 52% of the way between what
* it considers BOLD and what it considers HEAVY. If the nearest surrounding
* values are WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD = 1.25 and WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD = 2.75 then the
* WEIGHT request is interpreted as being 58.67% of the way between SEMIBOLD
- Where a font does not have enough capability to handle a given
* request, such as superscript, then it should simulate it to the best of
* its ability. To determine if simulation is being performed, the client
* should query the font to see what actual attributes were used.
* @see java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator
* @see java.awt.Font
public final class TextAttribute extends Attribute {
// PBP/PP 6225607
// table of all instances in this class, used by readResolve
private static final Map instanceMap = new HashMap(29);
* Constructs a TextAttribute
with the specified name.
* @param name the attribute name to assign to this
* TextAttribute
// protected TextAttribute(String name) {
TextAttribute(String name) {
if (this.getClass() == TextAttribute.class) {
instanceMap.put(name, this);
* Resolves instances being deserialized to the predefined constants.
protected Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException {
if (this.getClass() != TextAttribute.class) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("subclass didn't correctly implement readResolve");
TextAttribute instance = (TextAttribute) instanceMap.get(getName());
if (instance != null) {
return instance;
} else {
throw new InvalidObjectException("unknown attribute name");
// Serialization compatibility with Java 2 platform v1.2.
// 1.2 will throw an InvalidObjectException if ever asked to deserialize INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE.
// This shouldn't happen in real life.
static final long serialVersionUID = 7744112784117861702L;
// For use with Font.
* Attribute key for the unlocalized font family name.
* Key
* Value
* String
* Constants
* "Serif", "SansSerif"
* Default
* Host default;
* Description
* The name of the font family. If the family name is not
* found, the default font is used. The name should not be the full
* font name or specify other attributes (such as the name
* "Helvetica Bold"). Such names might result in the default
* font if the name does not match a known
* family name.
public static final TextAttribute FAMILY = new TextAttribute("family");
* Attribute key for the weight of a font.
* Key
* Value
* Float
* Constants
* WEIGHT_LIGHT = 0.75,
* WEIGHT_BOLD = 2.0,
* WEIGHT_HEAVY = 2.25,
* Default
* Description
* The value is roughly the ratio of the stem width to
* that of the regular weight. If the font has a different value for
* specific constants, then the value is interpolated as described in
* the class description.
* Fallback
* Currently none. However, in the future, shape
* manipulations might be
available to simulate weight variations
* for fonts that don't have them.
public static final TextAttribute WEIGHT = new TextAttribute("weight");
* The lightest predefined weight.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT = new Float(0.5f);
* The standard light weight.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_LIGHT = new Float(0.75f);
* An intermediate weight between LIGHT and STANDARD.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT = new Float(0.875f);
* The standard weight. This weight is used if WEIGHT is unspecified.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f);
* A moderately heavier weight than REGULAR.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD = new Float(1.25f);
* An intermediate weight between the REGULAR and BOLD weights.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_MEDIUM = new Float(1.5f);
* A moderately lighter weight than BOLD.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD = new Float(1.75f);
* The standard bold weight.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_BOLD = new Float(2.0f);
* A moderately heavier weight than BOLD.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_HEAVY = new Float(2.25f);
* An extra heavy weight.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD = new Float(2.5f);
* The heaviest predefined weight.
* @see #WEIGHT
public static final Float WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD = new Float(2.75f);
* Attribute key for the width of a font.
* Key
* Value
* Float
* Constants
* Default
* Description
* The value is roughly the ratio of the advance width
* to that of the regular width. If the font has a different value for
* specific constants, then the value is interpolated as described in
* the class description.
* Fallback
* If a Narrow font is available and matches, use that.
* Otherwise scale with a transform based on the value.
// public static final TextAttribute WIDTH = new TextAttribute("width");
* The most condensed predefined width.
* @see #WIDTH
// public static final Float WIDTH_CONDENSED = new Float(0.75f);
* A moderately condensed width.
* @see #WIDTH
// public static final Float WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED = new Float(0.875f);
* The standard width. This width is used if WIDTH is unspecified.
* @see #WIDTH
// public static final Float WIDTH_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f);
* A moderately extended width.
* @see #WIDTH
// public static final Float WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED = new Float(1.25f);
* The most extended predefined width.
* @see #WIDTH
// public static final Float WIDTH_EXTENDED = new Float(1.5f);
// PBP/PP 6217607
* Attribute key for the posture of a font.
* Key
* Value
* Float
* Constants
* Default
* Description
* The value is interpreted generally as a skew slope,
* positive leans to the right. If the font has a different value for
* specific constants, then the value is interpolated as described in
* the class description. With fonts that have italic faces, not only
* the skew of the character changes, but also the letter shapes
* might change.
* Notes:
* To set the value by angle, use:
* value = new Float(Math.tan(Math.PI*degrees/180.0)
* To determine the angle from the value, use:
* angle = Math.atan(value.floatValue())*180/Math.PI
* Fallback
* If an Oblique font is available and matches, use that.
public static final TextAttribute POSTURE = new TextAttribute("posture");
* The standard posture, upright.
* @see #POSTURE
public static final Float POSTURE_REGULAR = new Float(0.0f);
* The standard italic posture.
* @see #POSTURE
public static final Float POSTURE_OBLIQUE = new Float(0.20f);
* Attribute key for the font size.
* Key
* Value
* Float
* Default
* from System Properties
* Description
* Represents point size.
* Fallback
* Currently None
public static final TextAttribute SIZE = new TextAttribute("size");
* Attribute key for the transform of a font.
* Key
* Value
* TransformAttribute
* Default
* Identity transform
* Description
* Used to transform glyphs rendered by this font. The
* primary intent is to support scaling, skewing, and translation. In
* general, large rotations do not produce very useful results. The
* transform modifies both the glyph and the advance. The translations
* in the transform are interpreted as a ratio of the point size. That
* is, with a point size of 12, a translation of 0.5 results in a
* movement of 6 points.
* The advance point of the transformed glyph is the transform of the
* advance point projected onto the baseline. If the advance ends up
* to the left (top) of the glyph origin, the two points are swapped.
Example one: The point
* size is 20, the original advance is 10.0, and the transform is a 60
* degree counterclockwise rotation plus an offset up and to the right
* of 0.1, -0.1. The translation results in an offset of <2.0, -2.0>.
* The original advance point is <10.0, 0.0>; after the rotation it
* is <6.0, -8.0>; when adding the offset this becomes
* <8.0,-10.0>, when projecting on the (horizontal) baseline this
* becomes the new advance point: <8.0, 0.0>. The advance width is
* the distance from the origin to the advance point: 8.0. The rotated
* glyph is rendered two points up and to the right of its origin and
* rotated. This does not affect the baseline for subsequent
* glyphs.
// public static final TextAttribute TRANSFORM = new TextAttribute("transform");
* Attribute key for super and subscripting.
* Key
* Value
* Integer
* Constants
* Default
* Description
* Requests that the font display the characters with
* glyphs at a particular superscript level: 0 = none, 1 =
* superscript, 2 = superscript of superscript,...-1
* = subscript, -2 = subscript of subscript,... Requests that the font
* display text using default superscript (or subscript) glyphs and/or
* scaling.
* Fallback
* Use transform with translation of +/-1/2 and scale
* of 2/3, progressively for each level. That is, for the transform at
* level N (with N != 0):
* offset = sign(N)*1/2*(2/3)^(abs(N)-1)
* scale = (2/3)^abs(N)
// public static final TextAttribute SUPERSCRIPT = new TextAttribute("superscript");
* Standard superscript.
// public static final Integer SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER = new Integer(1);
* Standard subscript.
// public static final Integer SUPERSCRIPT_SUB = new Integer(-1);
* Attribute key for the font to use to render text.
* Key
* Value
* Font
* Default
* None, perform default resolution
* Description
* A way for users to override the resolution of font
* attributes into a Font
, or force use of a particular
* Font
* This also allows users to specify subclasses of Font
* cases where a Font
can be subclassed.
public static final TextAttribute FONT = new TextAttribute("font");
* Attribute key for a user_defined glyph to display in the text in lieu
* of a character.
* Key
* Value
* GraphicAttribute
* Description
* Allows the user to specify an empty position plus
* metric information. This method is used to reserve space for a graphic
* or other embedded component. Required for
* correct BIDI position of 'inline' components within a line. An optional
* convenience method allows drawing for simple cases. Follows the
* Microsoft model: the character that this is applied to should be
* \uFFFC.
// public static final TextAttribute CHAR_REPLACEMENT = new TextAttribute("char_replacement");
// Adornments added to text.
// [6187236]
* Attribute key for the foreground color
* adornment.
* Key
* Value
* Color
* Default
* Color.black
* Description
* Specify the foreground Color of the text.
public static final TextAttribute FOREGROUND = new TextAttribute("foreground");
* Attribute key for the background Paint adornment.
* Key
* Value
* Paint
* Default
* null
* Description
* Specify the background Paint (or Color) of the text.
// public static final TextAttribute BACKGROUND = new TextAttribute("background");
* Attribute key for underline adornments.
* Key
* Value
* Integer
* Constants
* Default
* none
* Description
* An embellishment added to the glyphs rendered by a
* font.
* Fallback
public static final TextAttribute UNDERLINE = new TextAttribute("underline");
* Standard underline at the roman baseline for roman text, and below
* the decenders for other text.
public static final Integer UNDERLINE_ON = new Integer((byte)0);
* Attribute key for the strikethrough adornment.
* Key
* Value
* Boolean
* Constants
* true = on, false = off
* Default
* off
* Description
* An embellishment added to the glyphs rendered by a
* font.
public static final TextAttribute STRIKETHROUGH = new TextAttribute("strikethrough");
* A single strikethrough.
public static final Boolean STRIKETHROUGH_ON = new Boolean(true);
// Attributes use to control layout of text on a line.
* Attribute key for the run direction of the line.
* Key
* Value
* Boolean
* Constants
* Default
* Use the default Unicode base direction from the BIDI
* algorithm.
* Description
* Specifies which base run direction to use when
* positioning mixed directional runs within a paragraph. If this value is
uses the default Unicode
* base direction from the BIDI algorithm.
* This attribute should have the same value over the whole
* paragraph.
// public static final TextAttribute RUN_DIRECTION = new TextAttribute("run_direction");
* Left-to-right run direction.
// public static final Boolean RUN_DIRECTION_LTR = new Boolean(false);
* Right-to-left run direction.
// public static final Boolean RUN_DIRECTION_RTL = new Boolean(true);
* Attribute key for the embedding level for nested bidirectional runs.
* Key
* Value
* Integer
* Limits
* Positive values 1 through 61 are embedding
* levels, negative values
through -61 are override levels
* Default
* Use standard BIDI to compute levels from formatting
* characters in the text.
* Description
* Specifies the bidi embedding level of the character.
* When this attribute is present anywhere in a paragraph, then the
* Unicode characters RLO, LRO, RLE, LRE, PDF are disregarded in the BIDI
* analysis of that paragraph.
* See the Unicode Standard v. 2.0, section 3-11.
// public static final TextAttribute BIDI_EMBEDDING = new TextAttribute("bidi_embedding");
* Attribute key for the justification of a paragraph.
* Key
* Value
* Float
* Limits
* 0.0 through1.0
* Default
* 1.0
* Description
* Specifies which fraction of the extra space to use
* when justification is requested. For example, if the line is 50 points
* wide and the margins are 70 points apart, a value of 0.5 means that the
* line is padded to reach a width of 60 points.
* This attribute should have the same value over the whole
* paragraph.
// public static final TextAttribute JUSTIFICATION = new TextAttribute("justification");
* Justify the line to the full requested width.
// public static final Float JUSTIFICATION_FULL = new Float(1.0f);
* Do not allow the line to be justified.
// public static final Float JUSTIFICATION_NONE = new Float(0.0f);
// For use by input method.
* Attribute key for input method highlight styles.
* Values are instances of
* {@link java.awt.im.InputMethodHighlight InputMethodHighlight}.
* These instances should be wrapped in
* {@link java.text.Annotation Annotation} instances
* if segments need to be highlighted separately.
* Input method highlights are used while text is being composed
* using an input method. Text editing components should retain them
* even if they generally only deal with unstyled text, and make them
* available to the drawing routines.
* @see java.awt.im.InputMethodHighlight
public static final TextAttribute INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT = new TextAttribute("input method highlight");
* Attribute key for input method underline adornments.
* Key
* Value
* Integer
* Constants
* Default
* no underline
* @since 1.3
// public static final TextAttribute INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE
// = new TextAttribute("input method underline");
* Single pixel solid low underline.
* @since 1.3
// public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_ONE_PIXEL = new Integer(1);
* Double pixel solid low underline.
* @since 1.3
// public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_TWO_PIXEL = new Integer(2);
* Single pixel dotted low underline.
* @since 1.3
// public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_DOTTED = new Integer(3);
* Double pixel gray low underline.
* @since 1.3
// public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_GRAY = new Integer(4);
* Single pixel dashed low underline.
* @since 1.3
// public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_DASHED = new Integer(5);
* Attribute key for swapping foreground and background Paints (or Colors).
* Values are instances of Boolean
* The default is not to swap the foreground and background.
* If the foreground and background attributes are both defined,
* this causes them to be swapped when rendering text. If either is
* defaulted, the exact effect is undefined--generally it will produce
* an 'inverted' appearance.
// public static final TextAttribute SWAP_COLORS = new TextAttribute("swap_colors");
/** Swap foreground and background. */
// public static final Boolean SWAP_COLORS_ON = new Boolean(true);
* Attribute key for converting ASCII decimal digits to other decimal ranges.
Values are instances of NumericShaping
* The default is not to perform numeric shaping.
// public static final TextAttribute NUMERIC_SHAPING = new TextAttribute("numeric_shaping");