java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package java.lang;
* Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its
* string name using:
* - The
method in class Class
* - The
method in class
* ClassLoader
* - The
method in class ClassLoader
* but no definition for the class with the specified name could be found.
As of release 1.4, this exception has been retrofitted to conform to
* the general purpose exception-chaining mechanism. The "optional exception
* that was raised while loading the class" that may be provided at
* construction time and accessed via the {@link #getException()} method is
* now known as the cause, and may be accessed via the {@link
* Throwable#getCause()} method, as well as the aforementioned "legacy method."
* @author unascribed
* @version 1.13, 02/02/00
* @see java.lang.Class#forName(java.lang.String)
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#findSystemClass(java.lang.String)
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean)
* @since JDK1.0
public class ClassNotFoundException extends java.lang.Exception
* use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1.X for interoperability
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9176873029745254542L;
* This field holds the exception ex if the
* ClassNotFoundException(String s, Throwable ex) constructor was
* used to instantiate the object
* @serial
* @since 1.2
private java.lang.Throwable ex;
* Constructs a ClassNotFoundException
with no detail message.
public ClassNotFoundException() { }
* Constructs a ClassNotFoundException
with the
* specified detail message.
* @param s the detail message.
public ClassNotFoundException(java.lang.String s) { }
* Constructs a ClassNotFoundException
with the
* specified detail message and optional exception that was
* raised while loading the class.
* @param s the detail message
* @param ex the exception that was raised while loading the class
* @since 1.2
public ClassNotFoundException(java.lang.String s, java.lang.Throwable ex)
{ }
* Returns the exception that was raised if an error occurred while
* attempting to load the class. Otherwise, returns null.
This method predates the general-purpose exception chaining facility.
* The {@link Throwable#getCause()} method is now the preferred means of
* obtaining this information.
* @return the Exception
that was raised while loading a class
* @since 1.2
public java.lang.Throwable getException() {
return null;
* Returns the the cause of this exception (the exception that was raised
* if an error occurred while attempting to load the class; otherwise
* null).
* @return the cause of this exception.
* @since 1.4
public java.lang.Throwable getCause() {
return null;