javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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(Java Secure Socket Extension - JSSE) Optional Package interfaces and modules.
* @(#)SSLSocket.java 1.8 06/05/23
* Because of various external restrictions (i.e. US export
* regulations, etc.), the actual source code can not be provided
* at this time. This file represents the skeleton of the source
* file, so that javadocs of the API can be created.
package javax.net.ssl;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
* This class extends Socket
s and provides secure
* socket using protocols such as the "Secure
* Sockets Layer" (SSL) or IETF "Transport Layer Security" (TLS) protocols.
* Such sockets are normal stream sockets, but they
* add a layer of security protections over the underlying network transport
* protocol, such as TCP. Those protections include:
* - Integrity Protection. SSL protects against
* modification of messages by an active wiretapper.
- Authentication. In most modes, SSL provides
* peer authentication. Servers are usually authenticated,
* and clients may be authenticated as requested by servers.
- Confidentiality (Privacy Protection). In most
* modes, SSL encrypts data being sent between client and server.
* This protects the confidentiality of data, so that passive
* wiretappers won't see sensitive data such as financial
* information or personal information of many kinds.
* These kinds of protection are specified by a "cipher suite", which
* is a combination of cryptographic algorithms used by a given SSL connection.
* During the negotiation process, the two endpoints must agree on
* a ciphersuite that is available in both environments.
* If there is no such suite in common, no SSL connection can
* be established, and no data can be exchanged.
The cipher suite used is established by a negotiation process
* called "handshaking". The goal of this
* process is to create or rejoin a "session", which may protect many
* connections over time. After handshaking has completed, you can access
* session attributes by using the getSession method.
* The initial handshake on this connection can be initiated in
* one of three ways:
* - calling
which explicitly
* begins handshakes, or
* - any attempt to read or write application data on
* this socket causes an implicit handshake, or
- a call to
tries to set up a session
* if there is no currently valid session, and
* an implicit handshake is done.
* If handshaking fails for any reason, the SSLSocket
* is closed, and no futher communications can be done.
There are two groups of cipher suites which you will need to know
* about when managing cipher suites:
* - Supported cipher suites: all the suites which are
* supported by the SSL implementation. This list is reported
* using getSupportedCipherSuites.
- Enabled cipher suites, which may be fewer
* than the full set of supported suites. This group is
* set using the setEnabledCipherSuites method, and
* queried using the getEnabledCipherSuites method.
* Initially, a default set of cipher suites will be enabled on
* a new socket that represents the minimum suggested configuration.
* Implementation defaults require that only cipher
* suites which authenticate servers and provide confidentiality
* be enabled by default.
* Only if both sides explicitly agree to unauthenticated and/or
* non-private (unencrypted) communications will such a ciphersuite be
* selected.
When SSLSocket
s are first created, no handshaking
* is done so that applications may first set their communication
* preferences: what cipher suites to use, whether the socket should be
* in client or server mode, etc.
* However, security is always provided by the time that application data
* is sent over the connection.
You may register to receive event notification of handshake
* completion. This involves
* the use of two additional classes. HandshakeCompletedEvent
* objects are passed to HandshakeCompletedListener instances,
* which are registered by users of this API.
* SSLSocket
s are created by SSLSocketFactory
* or by accept
ing a connection from a
* SSLServerSocket
A SSL socket may choose to operate in the client or server mode.
* This will determine who begins the handshaking process, as well
* as which messages should be sent by each party. However, each
* connection must have one client and one server, or handshaking
* will not progress properly.
* @see java.net.Socket
* @see SSLServerSocket
* @see SSLSocketFactory
* @since 1.4
* @version 1.22
* @author David Brownell
public abstract class SSLSocket extends Socket
* Used only by subclasses.
* Constructs an uninitialized, unconnected TCP socket.
protected SSLSocket() { }
* Used only by subclasses.
* Constructs a TCP connection to a named host at a specified port.
* This acts as the SSL client.
* @param host name of the host with which to connect
* @param port number of the server's port
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs when creating the socket
* @throws UnknownHostException if the host is not known
protected SSLSocket(String host, int port)
throws IOException, UnknownHostException
{ }
* Used only by subclasses.
* Constructs a TCP connection to a server at a specified address
* and port. This acts as the SSL client.
* @param address the server's host
* @param port its port
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs when creating the socket
* @throws UnknownHostException if the host is not known
protected SSLSocket(InetAddress address, int port)
throws IOException, UnknownHostException
{ }
* Used only by subclasses.
* Constructs an SSL connection to a named host at a specified port,
* binding the client side of the connection a given address and port.
* This acts as the SSL client.
* @param host name of the host with which to connect
* @param port number of the server's port
* @param clientAddress the client's host
* @param clientPort number of the client's port
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs when creating the socket
* @throws UnknownHostException if the host is not known
protected SSLSocket(String host, int port, InetAddress clientAddress, int
clientPort) throws IOException, UnknownHostException
{ }
* Used only by subclasses.
* Constructs an SSL connection to a server at a specified address
* and TCP port, binding the client side of the connection a given
* address and port. This acts as the SSL client.
* @param address the server's host
* @param port its port
* @param clientAddress the client's host
* @param clientPort number of the client's port
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs when creating the socket
* @throws UnknownHostException if the host is not known
protected SSLSocket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress
clientAddress, int clientPort) throws IOException, UnknownHostException
{ }
* Returns the names of the cipher suites which could be enabled for use
* on this connection. Normally, only a subset of these will actually
* be enabled by default, since this list may include cipher suites which
* do not meet quality of service requirements for those defaults. Such
* cipher suites are useful in specialized applications.
* @return an array of cipher suite names
* @see #getEnabledCipherSuites()
* @see #setEnabledCipherSuites(String [])
public abstract String[] getSupportedCipherSuites();
* Returns the names of the SSL cipher suites which are currently enabled
* for use on this connection. When an SSL socket is first created,
* all enabled cipher suites support a minium quality of service. Thus,
* in some environments this value might be empty.
There are several reasons why an enabled cipher suite might
* not actually be used. For example: the server socket might
* not have appropriate private keys available to it or the cipher
* suite might be anonymous, precluding the use of client authentication,
* while the server socket has been told to require that sort of
* authentication.
* @return an array of cipher suite names
* @see #getSupportedCipherSuites()
* @see #setEnabledCipherSuites(String [])
public abstract String[] getEnabledCipherSuites();
* Controls which particular cipher suites are enabled for use on
* this connection. The cipher suites must have been listed by
* getSupportedCipherSuites() as being supported. Even if a suite
* has been enabled, it might never be used if no peer supports it,
* or the requisite certificates (and private keys) are not available.
* @param suites Names of all the cipher suites to enable
* @exception IllegalArgumentException when one or more of the ciphers
* named by the parameter is not supported, or when the
* parameter is null.
* @see #getSupportedCipherSuites()
* @see #getEnabledCipherSuites()
public abstract void setEnabledCipherSuites(String[] suites);
* Returns the names of the protocols which could be enabled for use
* on an SSL connection.
* @return an array of protocols supported
public abstract String[] getSupportedProtocols();
* Returns the names of the protocol versions which are currently
* enabled for use on this connection.
* @see #setEnabledProtocols
* @return an array of protocols
public abstract String[] getEnabledProtocols();
* Controls which particular protocol versions are enabled for use on
* this connection. The protocols must have been listed by
* getSupportedProtocols() as being supported.
* @param protocols Names of all the protocols to enable.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException when one or more of
* the protocols named by the parameter is not supported or
* when the protocols parameter is null.
* @see #getEnabledProtocols
public abstract void setEnabledProtocols(String[] protocols);
* Returns the SSL Session in use by this connection. These can
* be long lived, and frequently correspond to an entire login session
* for some user. The session specifies a particular cipher suite
* which is being actively used by all connections in that session,
* as well as the identities of the session's client and server.
* This method will initiate the initial handshake if
* necessary and then block until the handshake has been
* established.
* If an error occurs during the initial handshake, this method
* returns an invalid session object which reports an invalid
* cipher suite of "SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL".
* @return the SSLSession
public abstract SSLSession getSession();
* Registers an event listener to receive notifications that an
* SSL handshake has completed on this connection.
* @param listener the HandShake Completed event listener
* @see #startHandshake()
* @see #removeHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is null.
public abstract void
addHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener listener);
* Removes a previously registered handshake completion listener.
* @param listener the HandShake Completed event listener
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the listener is not registered,
* or the argument is null.
* @see #addHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener)
public abstract void
removeHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener listener);
* Starts an SSL handshake on this connection. Common reasons include
* a need to use new encryption keys, to change cipher suites, or to
* initiate a new session. To force complete reauthentication, the
* current session could be invalidated before starting this handshake.
If data has already been sent on the connection, it continues
* to flow during this handshake. When the handshake completes, this
* will be signaled with an event.
* This method is synchronous for the initial handshake on a connection
* and returns when the negotiated handshake is complete. Some
* protocols may not support multiple handshakes on an existing socket
* and may throw an IOException.
* @throws IOException on a network level error
* @see #addHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener)
public abstract void startHandshake() throws IOException;
* Configures the socket to use client (or server) mode in its first
* handshake. Servers normally authenticate themselves, and clients
* are not required to do so.
* @param mode true if the socket should start its first handshake
* in "client" mode
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a mode change is attempted
* after handshaking has begun.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if mode
* false
and the underlying implementation does
* not support server mode handshake.
* @see #getUseClientMode()
public abstract void setUseClientMode(boolean mode);
* Returns true if the socket is set to use client mode in its first
* handshake.
* @return true if the socket should start its first handshake
* in "client" mode
* @see #setUseClientMode(boolean)
public abstract boolean getUseClientMode();
* Configures the socket to require client authentication. This
* option is only useful for sockets in the server mode.
* Unlike {@link #setWantClientAuth(boolean)},
* if the client chooses not to provide authentication information
* about itself, the negotiations will stop and the connection
* will be dropped.
* @param need should be set to true if the clients must
* authenticate themselves.
* Setting this parameter to true overrides the current
* setting of {@link #setWantClientAuth(boolean)}.
* @see #getNeedClientAuth()
* @see #setWantClientAuth(boolean)
* @see #getWantClientAuth()
* @see #setUseClientMode(boolean)
public abstract void setNeedClientAuth(boolean need);
* Returns true if the socket will require client authentication. The
* option is only useful to sockets in the server mode.
* @return true if the server mode socket should request that
* the client authenticate itself.
* @see #setNeedClientAuth(boolean)
* @see #setWantClientAuth(boolean)
* @see #getWantClientAuth()
* @see #setUseClientMode(boolean)
public abstract boolean getNeedClientAuth();
* Configures the socket to request client authentication, but
* only if such a request is appropriate to the cipher suite
* negotiated. This option is only useful
* for sockets in the server mode.
* Unlike {@link #setNeedClientAuth(boolean)},
* if the client chooses not to provide authentication information
* about itself, the negotiations will continue.
* The socket must be a server mode socket.
* @param want should be set to true if the clients should
* try to authenticate themselves.
* Setting this parameter to true overrides the current
* setting of {@link #setNeedClientAuth(boolean)}.
* @see #getWantClientAuth()
* @see #setNeedClientAuth(boolean)
* @see #getNeedClientAuth()
* @see #setUseClientMode(boolean)
public abstract void setWantClientAuth(boolean want);
* Returns true if the socket will request client authentication.
* This option is only useful for sockets in the server mode.
* @return true if the server mode socket should request that
* the client authenticate itself
* @see #setNeedClientAuth(boolean)
* @see #getNeedClientAuth()
* @see #setWantClientAuth(boolean)
* @see #setUseClientMode(boolean)
public abstract boolean getWantClientAuth();
* Controls whether new SSL sessions may be established by this socket.
* If sesssion creations are not allowed, and there are no
* existing sessions to resume, there will be no successful
* handshaking.
* @param flag true indicates that sessions may be created; this
* is the default. false indicates that an existing session
* must be resumed
* @see #getEnableSessionCreation()
public abstract void setEnableSessionCreation(boolean flag);
* Returns true if new SSL sessions may be established by this socket.
* @return true indicates that sessions may be created; this
* is the default. false indicates that an existing session
* must be resumed
* @see #setEnableSessionCreation(boolean)
public abstract boolean getEnableSessionCreation();