javax.tv.media.AWTVideoSizeControl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package javax.tv.media;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Dimension;
* AWTVideoSizeControl
allows setting clipping, scaling, and
* translation of a video stream in a simple, interoperable way. Not
* all possible combinations of positioning will be supported, so this
* interface provides a mechanism to discover how closely the
* underlying platform will approximate a request for positioning.
All interactions via AWTVideoSizeControl happen in the
* coordinate space of the screen. For example, successfully setting
* the video's position to the location reported by
* Component.getLocationOnScreen()
on the
* Xlet
's root container will cause the upper left-hand
* corner of the video and the root container to coincide.
* screen, in the context of AWT, is the area into which graphics
* drawing operations are done. Its size is given by
* java.awt.Toolkit.getScreenSize(), and locations reported by
* Component.getLocationOnScreen() are given in the screen's
* coordinate system.
* Instances of AWTVideoSizeControl
may be obtained from
* a JMF Player
via the methods
* getControl(String)
and getControls()
* Note that a Java TV API implementation may not always or ever
* support AWTVideoSizeControl
for a given Player; in
* such a case, the failure modes specified by the two aforementioned
* methods will apply.
* @version 1.16, 10/09/00
* @author Bill Foote
* @see javax.tv.media.AWTVideoSize
* @see java.awt.Component#getLocationOnScreen java.awt.Component.getLocationOnScreen()
* @see javax.media.Player
public interface AWTVideoSizeControl extends javax.media.Control
* Reports the AWTVideoSize
at which the Player is
* currently operating.
* @return A copy of the JMF Player's current video size, in the AWT
* coordinate space.
public AWTVideoSize getSize();
* Reports the default AWTVideoSize
for this control.
* For the background video plane, this will be the size that the
* video would be presented at if no program had manipulated the
* video size.
* @return The default AWTVideoSize
public AWTVideoSize getDefaultSize();
* Reports the size of the source video, in the screen's
* coordinate system.
* @return The size of the source video.
public Dimension getSourceVideoSize();
* Sets the video size. If the size provided cannot be supported
* by the underlying platform, this method does nothing and
* returns false
* @param sz The desired video size, in the AWT coordinate space.
* @return true
if the size was successfully changed;
* false
if the platform is incapable of supporting
* the given size.
* @see #checkSize(AWTVideoSize)
public boolean setSize(AWTVideoSize sz);
* Reports how closely the underlying platform can approximate a
* desired video size. If the underlying platform cannot support
* the given size, this method gives the closest approximation
* that the platform is capable of.
* @param sz The desired video size.
* @return The actual size that the platform would be able to set.
public AWTVideoSize checkSize(AWTVideoSize sz);