org.dvb.io.ixc.IxcRegistry Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.dvb.io.ixc;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException;
import java.rmi.Remote;
* This is the bootstrap mechanism for obtaining references to
* remote objects residing in other Xlets executing on the same
* MHP terminal, using a URL-like syntax. The identification of
* a remote
* object is given using a syntax indicating the organisation
* ID and application ID:
organisation_id = the organisation ID of the Xlet,
* as signalled in the application_identifier
* record, defined in the MHP specification.
application_id = the application ID of the Xlet, as
* signalled in the application_identifier
* record, defined in the MHP specification.
name = the name under which the remote object was
* exported.
* The organisation ID and the application ID shall each be encoded as a
* hexadecimal string, as would be accepted by
* java.lang.Integer.parseInt(String s, 16).
* When RMI is used to communicate over a network, stubs generated by a
* tool like rmic are often required. This is not necessary for inter-xlet
* communication initiated with IxcRegistry. If such stubs are present,
* they shall be ignored.
* Similarly, network RMI objects often extend the class
* server.RemoteObject, in order to get appropriate implementations
* for Object.hashCode(), Object.equals(), and Object.toString(). Overriding
* Object's implementation of these methods in this way is not necessary for
* inter-xlet communication initiated with IxcRegistry, although it is not
* harmful. Note that the class server.RemoteObject is not required
* in all MHP profiles.
public class IxcRegistry {
// Disallow anyone from creating an instance of IxcRegistry
private IxcRegistry() { }
* Returns a remote object previously exported by an Xlet that
* has not been destroyed.
* The identification of a remote
* object is given using a syntax indicating the organisation
* ID and application ID:
organisation_id = the organisation ID of the Xlet,
* as signalled in the application_identifier
* record.
application_id = the application ID of the Xlet, as
* signalled in the application_identifier
* record.
name = the name under which the remote object was
* exported.
* The organisation ID and the application ID shall each be encoded as a
* hexadecimal string, as would be accepted by
* java.lang.Integer.parseInt(String s, 16). If the caller is not
* authorized to import a given object due to the security policy, then
* this API will behave as though the object had not been exported, that
* is, a NotBoundException shall be thrown.
* @param xc The context of the current Xlet (that is, the Xlet
* importing the object).
* @param path A file pathname-like string identifying the Xlet and the
* name of the object to be imported.
* @return A remote object
* @exception NotBoundException
* If the path is not currently bound.
* @exception RemoteException
* If a remote stub class cannot be generated for
* the object being imported.
* @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* If the path is not formatted in the syntax given
* above.
* @exception NullPointerException if path is null
public static Remote lookup(javax.tv.xlet.XletContext xc, String path)
throws NotBoundException, RemoteException
return null;
* Exports an object under a given name in the namespace of
* an Xlet. The name can be any valid non-null String. No
* hierarchical namespace exists, e.g. the names "foo" and "bar/../foo"
* are distinct. If the exporting xlet has been destroyed, this method
* may fail silently.
* @param xc The context of the Xlet exporting the object.
* @param name The name identifying the object.
* @param obj The object being exported
* @exception AlreadyBoundException
* if this Xlet has previously exported an object
* under the given name.
* @exception NullPointerException if xc, name or obj is null
public static void bind(javax.tv.xlet.XletContext xc,
String name, Remote obj)
throws AlreadyBoundException {
* Unbind the name.
* @param xc The context of the Xlet that exported the object to
* be unbound.
* @param name The name identifying the object.
* @exception NotBoundException
* if this is not currently any object exported by
* this Xlet under the given name.
* @exception NullPointerException if xc or name is null
public static void unbind(javax.tv.xlet.XletContext xc,
String name)
throws NotBoundException {
* Rebind the name to a new object in the context of an Xlet;
* replaces any existing binding.
* The name can be any valid non-null String. No
* hierarchical namespace exists, e.g. the names "foo" and "bar/../foo"
* are distinct. If the exporting xlet has been destroyed, this method
* may fail silently.
* @param xc The context of the Xlet that exported the object.
* @param name The name identifying the object.
* @param obj The object being exported
* @exception NullPointerException if xc, name or obj is null
public static void rebind(javax.tv.xlet.XletContext xc,
String name, Remote obj) {
* Returns an array of string path objects available in the
* registry. The array contains a snapshot of the names present
* in the registry that the current Xlet would be allowed to import using
* IxcRegistry.lookup.
* @param xc The context of the current Xlet.
* @return A non-null array of strings containing a snapshot of the
* path names of all objects available to the caller in
* this registry.
* @see IxcRegistry#lookup(javax.tv.xlet.XletContext,String)
public static String[] list(javax.tv.xlet.XletContext xc) { return null;