org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.havi.ui;
* Copyright 2000-2003 by HAVi, Inc. Java is a trademark of Sun
* Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Locale;
The {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration
HGraphicsConfiguration} class describes the characteristics
(settings) of an {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsDevice}.
There can be many {@link
org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration} objects
associated with a single {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsDevice}.
The parameters to the constructors are as follows, in cases where
parameters are not used, then the constructor should use the default
Default parameter values exposed in the constructors
Parameter Description Default value
Set method Get method
Default parameter values not exposed in the constructors
Description Default value Set method
Get method
@see HGraphicsDevice
public class HGraphicsConfiguration
extends HScreenConfiguration
* It is not intended that applications should directly construct
* {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration} objects.
* Creates an {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration} object.
* See the class description for
* details of constructor parameters and default values.
protected HGraphicsConfiguration()
* Returns the {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsDevice}
* associated with this {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}.
* @return the {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsDevice}
* object that is associated with this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration},
public HGraphicsDevice getDevice()
return (null);
* Returns an {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfigTemplate
* HGraphicsConfigTemplate} object that describes and uniquely
* identifies this {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}.
* Hence, the following sequence should return the original {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}.
* HGraphicsDevice.getBestMatch(HGraphicsConfiguration.getConfigTemplate())
* Features that are implemented in the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration} will
* return {@link HScreenConfigTemplate#REQUIRED}
* priority. Features that are not implemented in the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}
* will return {@link HScreenConfigTemplate#REQUIRED_NOT}
* priority. Preferences that are not filled in by
* the platform will return {@link
* HScreenConfigTemplate#DONT_CARE} priority.
* @return an {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfigTemplate}
* object which both describes and
* uniquely identifies this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}.
public HGraphicsConfigTemplate getConfigTemplate()
return (null);
* Returns the on-screen location of a given visible
* java.awt.Component as an {@link org.havi.ui.HScreenRectangle}
* for this {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsDevice}.
* @param component the java.awt.Component whose on-screen area is
* to be determined.
* @return the on-screen location of component as an {@link
* org.havi.ui.HScreenRectangle} for this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsDevice}, or null if the
* component is not currently added to the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HScene} (or one of its "child"
* containers).
* @see HScreenRectangle
public HScreenRectangle getComponentHScreenRectangle(Component component)
return (null);
* Returns a java.awt.Rectangle which contains the graphics (AWT)
* pixel area for an {@link org.havi.ui.HScreenRectangle}
* relative to the supplied java.awt.Container.
* @param sr the screen location expressed as an {@link
* org.havi.ui.HScreenRectangle}.
* @param cont the java.awt.Container in whose coordinate system
* the screen location should be expressed.
* @return a java.awt.Rectangle which contains the graphics (AWT)
* pixel area for an {@link org.havi.ui.HScreenRectangle}
* relative to the supplied
* java.awt.Container. The returned x, y, width, height values in
* the java.awt.Rectangle should be such that a
* - r = getPixelCoordinatesHScreenRectangle(sr, cont);
- cont.add(component);
- component.setBounds(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
* should ensure that the dimensions of the component on-screen
* should correspond to the given {@link
* org.havi.ui.HScreenRectangle}, subject to
* clipping by its parent container, cont.
* Note that the {@link org.havi.ui.HScreenRectangle}
* ({@link org.havi.ui.HScreenPoint}) coordinates are in
* floats - conversion to pixel
* coordinate systems necessarily implies a potential loss of
* precision - however, such conversion should be to the
* "nearest" integer pixel coordinate.
public Rectangle getPixelCoordinatesHScreenRectangle(HScreenRectangle sr,
Container cont)
return (null);
* Generate a java.awt.Image which may be a modified copy
* of the image passed as input
. Such a copy is
* modified as necessary such that it is compatible with the
* current {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}.
* For example this may involve dithering
* the image to a restricted color palette. In the case where no
* modification is required a reference to the original image
* input
will be returned instead of a separate new
* java.awt.Image.
* Note: Unmodified Images, or Images modified for other {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}
* should still be able to be rendered within this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}, but
* may not be as efficient (rapid) in terms of rendering, and may
* not be presented optimally. For example, an 8 bit per RGB
* pixel image loaded onto a configuration with a 4 bit per RGB
* pixel framebuffer may have its pixel values truncated, if
* this Image is then displayed on an alternate configuration with
* 16 bits per RGB pixel then it will obviously not be
* displayed optimally.
* The {@link org.havi.ui.HImageHints} provide a
* mechanism to indicate how any conversion to a constrained
* graphics environment might best be performed, by describing the
* general image contents.
* It is implementation (and algorithmically) dependent whether
* this method operates on partial, or complete Image pixel data.
* @param input the java.awt.Image to be modified
* @param ih an {@link org.havi.ui.HImageHints} object
* that indicates the expected type of the input Image, so that
* its presentation can be optimally adjusted.
* @return a java.awt.Image which has been determined to be
* optimally suited for presentation on the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsDevice} associated with
* this {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}.
* Note that on some {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration} a
* reference to the original Image may be returned, this is
* especially true for systems with high-end graphics
* capabilities.
* */
public java.awt.Image getCompatibleImage(java.awt.Image input,
HImageHints ih)
return (null);
* List the fonts that are always available on the device, but
* does not list fonts that may be (temporarily) available for
* download from other sources.
* @return an array of java.awt.Font objects which are always
* available on the device.
public Font[] getAllFonts()
return (null);
* This method returns a Color that may be used in standard
* graphics drawing operations, which has the effect of modifying
* the existing color of a pixel to make it partially (or wholly)
* transparent to the background. The existing pixel percentage
* transparency to the background at that point shall be
* equivalent to the (closest) percentage value as specified in
* the getPunchThroughToBackgroundColor percentage parameter.
* A value of 0% is fully transparent and 100% is fully opaque.
* The existing RGB values of the pixel are unchanged as far as
* possible, within the limits of the platform. Platforms with
* restricted color spaces may make approximations as required to
* obtain the best possible match.
* The precise contents of the background are as defined by the
* platform including any {@link org.havi.ui.HBackgroundDevice}, etc.
* @param percentage the new blending value for each pixel drawn
* with this color with respect to what is outside this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}. The
* specified value will be clamped to the range 0 to 100.
* @return a Color with the desired effect or null for
* configurations which do not or are currently unable to support
* this rendering mode.
public Color getPunchThroughToBackgroundColor(int percentage)
return (null);
* This method returns a Color that may be used in standard
* graphics drawing operations, which has the effect of
* "punching though" the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsDevice} in which the
* drawing operation is performed. The specified {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVideoDevice} is revealed through the
* drawn "hole". The value specified replaces the
* blending value (with respect to this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVideoDevice}) of each pixel drawn
* with this color. The existing RGB values of the pixel are
* unchanged as far as possible within the limits of the platform.
* Platforms with restricted color spaces may make approximations
* as required to obtain the best match possible.
* @param percentage the new alpha value for each pixel drawn with
* this color with respect to the the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVideoDevice} specified. The specified
* value will be clamped to the range 0 to 100.
* @param hvd the {@link org.havi.ui.HVideoDevice} to
* reveal.
* @return a Color with the desired effect or null for
* configurations which do not or are currently unable to support
* this rendering mode.
public Color getPunchThroughToBackgroundColor(int percentage,
HVideoDevice hvd)
return (null);
* This method returns a Color that may be used in standard
* graphics drawing operations, which has the effect of
* "punching though" all Components that are behind the
* Component in which the drawing operation is performed. This
* includes any visual Components acquired from JMF players. What
* is behind this {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}
* is revealed through the drawn
* "hole" blended with the graphics color specified as
* the first parameter to this method. Platforms with restricted
* color spaces may make approximations as required to obtain the
* best match possible.
* @param color the graphics color to blend
* @param percentage the blending value for this color with
* respect to what is outside this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}. The
* specified value will be clamped to the range 0 to 100.
* @return a Color with the desired effect or null for
* configurations which do not or are currently unable to support
* this rendering mode.
public Color getPunchThroughToBackgroundColor(Color color, int percentage)
return (null);
* This method returns a Color that may be used in standard
* graphics drawing operations, which has the effect of modifying
* the existing color of a pixel to make it partially (or wholly)
* transparent to the background. The existing pixel percentage
* transparency to the background at that point shall be
* equivalent to the (closest) percentage value as specified in
* the getPunchThroughToBackgroundColor percentage parameter.
* The existing RGB values of the pixel are unchanged as far as
* possible, within the limits of the platform. Platforms with
* restricted color spaces may make approximations as required to
* obtain the best possible match.
* The precise contents of the background are as defined by the
* platform including any {@link org.havi.ui.HBackgroundDevice}, etc.
* @param color the graphics color to blend
* @param percentage the alpha value for this color with respect
* to what is outside this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicsConfiguration}. The
* specified value will be clamped to the range 0 to 100.
* @param v
* @return a Color with the desired effect or null for
* configurations which do not or are currently unable to support
* this rendering mode.
public Color getPunchThroughToBackgroundColor(Color color,
int percentage,
HVideoDevice v)
return (null);
* This method is used by an application when a color returned
* from those versions of the method
* getPunchThroughToBackgroundColor with a Color as a parameter is
* no longer required. It is the responsibility of applications to
* ensure that no pixels which they had drawn using this color
* are still displayed on the screen before calling this
* method. The result of using such a Color after calling this
* method is implementation dependent. Using a color obtained
* from another source apart from the specified methods will
* result in this method having no effect.
* @param c the Color which is no longer required.
public void dispose(Color c)