org.havi.ui.HLook Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.havi.ui;
* Copyright 2000-2003 by HAVi, Inc. Java is a trademark of Sun
* Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.util.Hashtable;
The {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} interface defines the
"look" of a component and may be regarded as a mechanism
to allow a "pluggable" paint method to be attached to the
component. Instead of having to subclass the entire
component to change its look, it is possible to simply implement an
{@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} that will render the component
"look" and then associate this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook
HLook} implementation with the component.
An implementation of {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} will also
include code to draw implementation-specific borders. The
application or component can query the reserved space for an {@link
org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} with the {@link
org.havi.ui.HLook#getInsets getInsets} method.
Since the border area is included in the overall size of the
component, the border effectively constrains the area available for
rendering content to the rectangle which has an upper-left corner
location of (insets.left, insets.top)
, and has a size
of width - (insets.left + insets.right)
height - (insets.top + insets.bottom)
Invocation Mechanism
The {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#showLook showLook} method of the
{@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} interface will be called by the
havi.ui framework in response to the paint method of the {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} being called by the AWT lightweight
component framework. Applications should simply invoke the
component repaint method as in normal AWT, rather than calling the
{@link org.havi.ui.HLook#showLook showLook} method directly.
Content Rendering
Some looks make use of content stored on an associated
{@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible}. These looks are:
- {@link org.havi.ui.HAnimateLook HAnimateLook} - for animated
graphical content
- {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicLook HGraphicLook} - for static
graphical content
- {@link org.havi.ui.HTextLook HTextLook} - for static textual
- {@link org.havi.ui.HSinglelineEntryLook HSinglelineEntryLook} -
for single line text entry content
- {@link org.havi.ui.HMultilineEntryLook HMultilineEntryLook} -
for multiline text entry content
- {@link org.havi.ui.HListGroupLook HListGroupLook} -
for list element content
Some of these looks may support the scaling and alignment of their
content as an implementation option. The scaling and alignment
modes supported are specified in the class description of {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible}. The table below details which
features the content-based platform looks should support:
HLook Scaling Alignment
HAnimateLook Optional Mandatory
HGraphicLook Optional Mandatory
HListGroupLook Optional Mandatory
HTextLook Not used Mandatory
HSinglelineEntryLook Not used Not used
HMultilineEntryLook Not used Not used
Where scaling support is optional all implementations must
as a minimum support the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#RESIZE_NONE
RESIZE_NONE} scaling mode. Platforms are
not required to support scaling of textual content by default.
Looks should use the {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible#getHorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment}
and {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#getVerticalAlignment
getVerticalAlignment} methods to retrieve the current alignment
modes, and the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#getResizeMode
getResizeMode} method to determine the active scaling mode, where
supported. However, note that HAVi platform looks which render text
content using the {@link org.havi.ui.HDefaultTextLayoutManager
HDefaultTextLayoutManager} class shall delegate the alignment of
text content to the layout manager.
Rendering Hints
HLook provides a method, {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#widgetChanged
widgetChanged} which can be called by an {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} with one or more hints to inform the
look that something has changed. This method provides information
to the look about what has changed, which allows smarter repainting
than having the HVisible simply call its repaint
method. The hint constants are defined on {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible}. See the class definition for {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} for more information.
Private Data
Implementations of {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} may store
private data on each instance of an {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible
HVisible} to optimize the drawing of that component. However, this
is an implementation option. Furthermore such data may be
invalidated by another part of the system, for example if
{@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#setLook setLook}
is called on {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible}.
Therefore if this mechanism is used by implementations
of {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} those implementations
must be capable of regenerating such data on the fly,
according to the current state of the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible
Platform Looks
The HAVi UI provides a number of classes implementing the {@link
org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} interface. Applications wishing to provide
their own {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLooks} may directly implement
this interface or may subclass those provided by the platform.
Default Behavior
Unless already specified in a particular {@link org.havi.ui.HLook
HLook}, implementations of {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} should
- the foreground color of each associated {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible
HVisible} (using the java.awt.Component method getForeground) to
determine the Color to render both the content and border (as necessary)
- the background color of each associated {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} (using the java.awt.Component method
getBackground) to determine the Color used to render a rectangular
area to fill the component and erase any previous content, as
specified by the current background drawing mode for that component
- see {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#setBackgroundMode
setBackgroundMode} on {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible}.
- the current alignment mode of each associated {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} (using {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible#getHorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment}
and {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#getVerticalAlignment
getVerticalAlignment}) to determine how to align content.
- the current scaling mode of each associated {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} (using to {@link
org.havi.ui.HVisible#getResizeMode getResizeMode}) to determine how
to scale content.
@see org.havi.ui.HVisible#setLook
@see org.havi.ui.HVisible#setLookData
@see org.havi.ui.HVisible#paint
@see org.havi.ui.HVisible#setBackgroundMode
@see org.havi.ui.HVisible#setHorizontalAlignment
@see org.havi.ui.HVisible#setVerticalAlignment
@see org.havi.ui.HVisible#setResizeMode
@see org.havi.ui.HTextLook
@see org.havi.ui.HGraphicLook
@see org.havi.ui.HAnimateLook
@see org.havi.ui.HRangeLook
@see org.havi.ui.HSinglelineEntryLook
@see org.havi.ui.HMultilineEntryLook
public interface HLook extends java.lang.Cloneable
* The {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#showLook showLook} method is
* responsible for repainting the entire {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} component, (including any
* content set on the component, and the component background), subject to
* the clipping rectangle of the Graphics object passed to it.
* The {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#showLook showLook} method should
* not modify the clipRect (clipping rectangle) of the
* Graphics
object that is passed to it in a way
* which includes any area not part of that original clipRect. If any
* modifications are made, the original clipRect shall be restored.
* For looks which draw content (e.g. {@link
* org.havi.ui.HTextLook HTextLook}, {@link
* org.havi.ui.HGraphicLook HGraphicLook} and {@link
* org.havi.ui.HAnimateLook HAnimateLook}), if no content is
* associated with the component, the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HLook#showLook showLook} method paints the component
* with its current background Color
according to the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible#setBackgroundMode setBackgroundMode}
* method of {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} and draws any
* (implementation-specific) borders. Note that by default the
* background mode is set so as to not paint a
* background. Furthermore on platforms which support transparent
* colors the background Color
may be partially or completely
* transparent.
* Any resources explicitly associated with an {@link
* org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} should be loaded by the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} during its creation, etc.
* Note that the "standard" looks don't load content by default.
* This method is called from the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible#paint paint} method of {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} and must never be called from
* elsewhere. Components wishing to redraw themselves should call
* their repaint method in the usual way.
* @param g the graphics context.
* @param visible the visible.
* @param state the state parameter indicates the state of the
* visible, allowing the look to render the appropriate content
* for that state. Note that some components (e.g. HStaticRange,
* HRange, HRangeValue) do not use state-based content.
public void showLook(java.awt.Graphics g, HVisible visible, int state);
* Called by the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} whenever
* its content, state, or any other data changes. See the class
* description of {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} for more
* information about the changes
* The implementation of this method should work out which
* graphical areas of the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible}
* have changed and make any relevant calls to trigger the
* repainting of those areas.
* A minimum implementation of this method could simply call
* visible.repaint()
* @param visible the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} which
* has changed
* @param changes an array containing hint data and associated hint
* objects. If this argument is null
a full repaint
* will be triggered.
public void widgetChanged (HVisible visible, HChangeData[] changes);
* Gets the minimum size of the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible
* HVisible} component when drawn with this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HLook HLook}.
* This size may be determined in several ways depending on the
* information available to the look. These steps are performed in
* order and the first available result is returned. For the
* purposes of this algorithm {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook}
* classes that do not use content (e.g. {@link
* org.havi.ui.HRangeLook HRangeLook}) are treated as if no
* content was present.
* The extra space required for border decoration can be determined from
* the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#getInsets getInsets} method.
* - If this look is an {@link org.havi.ui.HTextLook HTextLook} and
* if {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#getTextLayoutManager
* HVisible.getTextLayoutManager()} returns an {@link
* org.havi.ui.HDefaultTextLayoutManager HDefaultTextLayoutManager}, then
* this method should delegate the call to its {@link
* org.havi.ui.HDefaultTextLayoutManager#getMinimumSize getMinimumSize()}
* method plus any additional dimensions that the HLook requires
* for border decoration etc. If the HDefaultTextLayoutManager
* returns a zero size, then proceed with the following steps.
- If the HLook supports the scaling of its content (e.g.
* an HGraphicLook) and scaling is requested and content is set,
* then the return value is a size containing the width of the
* narrowest content and the height of the shortest content plus
* any additional dimensions that the HLook requires for border
* decoration etc.
- If the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} does not support
* scaling of content or no scaling is requested, and
* content is set then the return value is a size sufficiently
* large to hold each
* piece of content plus any additional dimensions that the HLook
* requires for border decoration etc.
- If no content is available but a default preferred size
* has been set using {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#setDefaultSize
* setDefaultSize} has been called to set then the return value is
* this value (as obtained with {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible#getDefaultSize getDefaultSize}) plus any
* additional dimensions that the HLook requires for border
* decoration etc.
- If there is no content or default size set then the
* return value is an implementation-specific minimum size plus
* any additional dimensions that the HLook requires for border
* decoration etc.
* @param hvisible {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} to which
* this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} is attached.
* @return A dimension object indicating this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HLook HLook's} minimum size.
* @see org.havi.ui.HVisible#getMinimumSize
public Dimension getMinimumSize(HVisible hvisible);
* Gets the preferred size of the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible
* HVisible} component when drawn with this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HLook HLook}.
* This size may be determined in several ways depending on the
* information available to the look. These steps are performed in
* order and the first available result is returned. For the
* purposes of this algorithm {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook}
* classes that do not use content (e.g. {@link
* org.havi.ui.HRangeLook HRangeLook}) are treated as if no
* content was present.
* The extra space required for border decoration can be determined from
* the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#getInsets getInsets} method.
* - If a default preferred size has been set for this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} (using {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible#setDefaultSize setDefaultSize}) then the
* return value is this size (obtained with {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible#getDefaultSize getDefaultSize}) plus any
* additional dimensions that the HLook requires for border
* decoration etc.
- If this look is an {@link org.havi.ui.HTextLook
* HTextLook} and if a default preferred size has not been set and {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible#getTextLayoutManager
* HVisible.getTextLayoutManager()} returns an {@link
* org.havi.ui.HDefaultTextLayoutManager HDefaultTextLayoutManager}, then
* this method should delegate the call to its {@link
* org.havi.ui.HDefaultTextLayoutManager#getPreferredSize
* getPreferredSize()} method plus any additional dimensions that the HLook
* requires for border decoration etc. If the HDefaultTextLayoutManager returns
* a zero size, then proceed with the following steps.
- If this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} does not support
* scaling of content or no scaling is requested, and content is
* present then the return value is a size that is sufficiently large
* to hold each piece of content plus any additional dimensions
* that the HLook requires for border decoration etc.
- If this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} supports the
* scaling of its content (e.g. an {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicLook
* HGraphicLook}) and content is set then the return value is the
* current size of the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} as
* returned by {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#getSize getSize}).
- If there is no content and no default size set then the
* return value is the current size of the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} as returned by {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible#getSize getSize}).
* If a default preferred size has been set for this
* HVisible
(using setDefaultSize()
) and
* the default preferred size has a NO_DEFAULT_WIDTH
* then the return value is a Dimension
with this
* height (obtained with getDefaultSize()
) and the
* preferred width for the content plus any additional dimensions
* that the HLook
requires for border decoration etc.
* If a default preferred size has been set for this
* HVisible
(using setDefaultSize()
) and
* the default preferred size has a NO_DEFAULT_HEIGHT
* then the return value is a Dimension
with this width
* (obtained with getDefaultSize()
) and the preferred
* height for the content plus any additional dimensions that the
* HLook
requires for border decoration etc.
* @param hvisible {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} to which
* this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} is attached.
* @return A dimension object indicating the preferred size of the
* {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} when drawn with this
* {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook}.
* @see org.havi.ui.HVisible#getPreferredSize
* @see org.havi.ui.HVisible#setDefaultSize
public Dimension getPreferredSize(HVisible hvisible);
* Gets the maximum size of the {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible
* HVisible} component when drawn with this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HLook HLook}.
* This size may be determined in several ways depending on the
* information available to the look. These steps are performed in
* order and the first available result is returned. For the
* purposes of this algorithm {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook}
* classes that do not use content (e.g. {@link
* org.havi.ui.HRangeLook HRangeLook}) are treated as if no
* content was present.
* The extra space required for border decoration can be determined from
* the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#getInsets getInsets} method.
* - If this look is an {@link org.havi.ui.HTextLook HTextLook} and if
* {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible#getTextLayoutManager
* HVisible.getTextLayoutManager()} returns an {@link
* org.havi.ui.HDefaultTextLayoutManager HDefaultTextLayoutManager}, then
* this method should delegate the call to its {@link
* org.havi.ui.HDefaultTextLayoutManager#getMaximumSize getMaximumSize()}
* method plus any additional dimensions that the HLook requires for border
* decoration etc. If the HDefaultTextLayoutManager returns a zero size, then
* proceed with the following steps.
- If the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} supports the
* scaling of its content (e.g. an {@link org.havi.ui.HGraphicLook
* HGraphicLook}) then the return value is the current size of the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} (as returned by {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible#getSize HVisible#getSize}).
- If the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} does not support
* scaling of content or no scaling is requested, and content is
* set then the return value is a size sufficiently large to hold
* each piece of
* content plus any additional dimensions that the HLook requires
* for border decoration etc.
- If there is no content set then a maximum size of
is returned as
* a Dimension.
* @param hvisible {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} to which
* this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} is attached.
* @return A dimension object indicating this {@link
* org.havi.ui.HLook HLook's} maximum size.
* @see org.havi.ui.HVisible#getMaximumSize
public Dimension getMaximumSize(HVisible hvisible);
* Returns true if the entire painted area of the {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} when using this look is fully opaque,
* i.e. the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#showLook showLook} method
* guarantees that all pixels are painted in an opaque Color.
* The default value is implementation specific and depends on the
* background painting mode of the given {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible}. The consequences of an invalid
* overridden value are implementation specific.
* @param visible the visible to test
* @return true if all the pixels with the
* java.awt.Component#getBounds method of an {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} using this look are fully
* opaque, i.e. the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook#showLook showLook}
* method guarantees that all pixels are painted in an opaque
* Color, otherwise false.
public boolean isOpaque(HVisible visible);
* Determines the insets of this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook},
* which indicate the size of the border. This area is
* reserved for the {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} to use for
* drawing borders around the associated {@link
* org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible}.
* @param hvisible {@link org.havi.ui.HVisible HVisible} to which
* this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook} is attached.
* @return the insets of this {@link org.havi.ui.HLook HLook}.
public java.awt.Insets getInsets(HVisible hvisible);