org.ocap.storage.StorageProxy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.ocap.storage;
import org.ocap.storage.ExtendedFileAccessPermissions;
import org.davic.resources.ResourceProxy;
import java.io.IOException;
* This interface represents a persistent storage device. The current set of storage
* proxies is queried from the {@link org.ocap.storage.StorageManager}.
* A StorageProxy may contain one or more logical volumes. See {@link
* org.ocap.storage.LogicalStorageVolume}. A LogicalStorageVolume is a construct for organizing files on a
* disk and corresponds to a directory subtree that is treated as a whole for some
* purposes. A StorageProxy only represents the application visible storage on the device,
* i.e. it does not include portions of the device reserved for internal system use.
* If this proxy represents a detachable or hot-pluggable device, the proxy is not listed
* until the device is connected. When a storage device is attached, the proxy is added
* to the list returned by the StorageManager and an appropriate event is sent to any
* {@link org.ocap.storage.StorageManagerListener} registered with the {@link org.ocap.storage.StorageManager}. When a
* storage device is no longer available for use (or for reactivation after being made
* detachable), the corresponding proxy is removed from the StorageManager's list and a
* {@link org.ocap.storage.StorageManagerEvent} is sent to any StorageManagerListeners registered with the
* StorageManager.
* StorageProxy extends ResourceProxy as an implementation convenience for resource
* contention handling. This ResourceProxy is not meant for access by applications and
* the StorageProxy.getClient method SHALL always return null.
public interface StorageProxy extends ResourceProxy
* Returned by {@link #getStatus} to indicate that the device is initialized, mounted
* and ready for use.
public static final int READY = 0;
* Returned by {@link #getStatus} to indicate that the device is present but some
* other action is required before the device can be used (e.g., {@link
* org.ocap.storage.DetachableStorageOption#makeReady}).
public static final int OFFLINE = 1;
* Returned by {@link #getStatus} to indicate that the device is busy, e.g., being
* initialized, configured, checked for consistency or being made ready to detach.
* This value is not used to indicate that the device is currently reading or writing
* data.
public static final int BUSY = 2;
* Returned by {@link #getStatus} to indicate that the device that has been plugged in
* is not supported by the platform.
public static final int UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE = 3;
* Returned by {@link #getStatus} to indicate that although the device is a supported
* type and model, it currently has a format, e.g., partitions or filesystems, that is
* not usable by the platform without reinitialization and the loss of the existing
* contents.
public static final int UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT = 4;
* Returned by {@link #getStatus} to indicate that the device is completely
* uninitialized and contains no existing data. It must be initialized by calling the
* initialize method to make the device is usable.
public static final int UNINITIALIZED = 5;
* Returned by {@link #getStatus} to indicate that the device is in an unrecoverable
* error state and cannot be used.
public static final int DEVICE_ERROR = 6;
* Returned by {@link #getStatus} to indicate that a detected storage
* device bay does not contain a removable storage device, i.e.
* StorageProxy
containing a {@link RemovableStorageOption}.
public static final int NOT_PRESENT = 7;
* Gets the storage device name assigned by the implementation. This name must be
* unique across all storage devices. The name can be used to determine equality between
* two storage devices, but does not contain path information.
* @return The name of the resource represented by the proxy.
public String getName();
* Gets a storage device name that can be displayed to a user for selection. The
* implementation must keep this name at or below 40 characters in length. This name
* should match naming conventions displayed to the consumer via any implementation
* specific setup and configuration menus.
* @return The display name of the resource represented by the proxy.
public String getDisplayName();
* Gets the array of storage device options (e.g., {@link org.ocap.storage.DetachableStorageOption}).
* @return The array of StorageOptions associated with this StorageProxy.
public StorageOption [] getOptions();
* Returns the status of the storage device. An application can be notified of
* changes in the status of storage proxies by registering a {@link
* org.ocap.storage.StorageManagerListener} with
* {@link org.ocap.storage.StorageManager#addStorageManagerListener
* StorageManager.addStorageManagerListener() }.
public int getStatus();
* Gets the total storage capacity of the device in bytes. Storage that is reserved
* for system use is not included in this number.
* @return Total storage capacity in bytes.
public long getTotalSpace();
* Gets the available storage capacity in bytes. The value returned may already have
* changed by the time this method returns because other applications or the system
* may be writing files, deleting files, or otherwise allocating space.
* @return Available storage capacity in bytes.
public long getFreeSpace();
* Gets the set of logical volumes present on the StorageProxy. If a StorageProxy
* has no logical volumes present, one or more must be created before the device may
* be used for application storage.
* @return The partitioned storage volumes.
public LogicalStorageVolume [] getVolumes();
* Gets the permissions supported by this storage device.
* @return An array of booleans indicating which access rights are supported
* where location 0 is world read access right, 1 is world write access
* right, 2 is application read access right, 3 is application write access
* right, 4 is application's organization read access right, 5 is application's
* organization write access right, 6 is other organization read access right,
* and 7 is other organization write access right. If the boolean for one of
* the access rights is true, the storage device supports it, otherwise the
* storage device does not support that access right.
public boolean [] getSupportedAccessRights();
* Allocates a general purpose {@link org.ocap.storage.LogicalStorageVolume}. A general purpose volume
* can be accessed through file locators and java.io with the absolute path retrieved
* from {@link org.ocap.storage.LogicalStorageVolume#getPath()}. Specialized storage proxies may
* support other types of volumes, such as media volumes used to store DVR content.
* The volume is owned by the application that allocated it (see {@link
* #deleteVolume}).
* The name parameter SHALL be used as the last directory name in the absolute path
* of the logical storage volume when created.
* @param name Name of the new LogicalStorageVolume. Must be unique for
* the organization and application identifiers in the path on this
* StorageProxy.
* @param fap Application access permissions of the new LogicalStorageVolume. Applies to
* the last directory in the path returned by getPath.
* @return Allocated volume storage proxy.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name does not meet the persistentfilename form
* specified by DVB-MHP 1.0.3 chapter 14, or if the length is greater than 255, or
* if the name is not unique, or if the storage device does not support an access
* permission specified in the fap parameter.
* @throws IOException if the storage device represented by the StorageProxy
* is read-only based on a hardware constraint. The
* getSupportedAccessRights
method indicates if the
* StorageProxy
can be written to by the calling application.
* @throws SecurityException if the calling application does not have persistent
* storage permission as requested by its permission request file.
public LogicalStorageVolume allocateGeneralPurposeVolume(String name,
ExtendedFileAccessPermissions fap)
throws IOException;
* Deletes a {@link org.ocap.storage.LogicalStorageVolume}. Only the owning application or a
* privileged application with MonitorAppPermission("storage") may delete a volume.
* This causes all of the file and directories within the volume to be destroyed.
* This method deletes the volume regardless of file locks.
* @param vsp LogicalStorageVolume to delete.
* @throws SecurityException if the calling application is not the owner of the volume or
* an application with MonitorAppPermission("storage").
public void deleteVolume(LogicalStorageVolume vsp);
* Initializes the StorageProxy for use. This method is usually invoked on the proxy
* for a newly attached storage device which is not currently suitable for use, e.g., is
* in the {@link #UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT} state. It is only required to be effective on
* detachable storage devices, but may be implemented for other types of devices as
* well. Successful invocation of this method destroys all application visible
* contents of the device and should not be called unless the application has
* determined, e.g., by prompting the user, that it is safe to do so. If the
* StorageProxy was in the {@link #READY} state and has storage visible to the
* application, access to that storage is removed and the StorageProxy enters the
* {@link #BUSY} state until this method returns.
* @param userAuthorized True if the application has received authorization from the
* user for the destruction of the contents of this device. The implementation may
* use this to determine whether it needs to perform additional user prompting.
* @throws SecurityException if the calling application does not have
* MonitorAppPermission("storage").
* @throws IllegalStateException if the system is unable to initialize the storage
* device. If the device was in the {@link #UNINITIALIZED} state and the error is
* permanent, the StorageProxy status is set to {@link #DEVICE_ERROR}.
void initialize(boolean userAuthorized);