org.w3c.dom.events.KeyboardEvent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.w3c.dom.events;
import org.w3c.dom.views.AbstractView;
* The KeyboardEvent
interface provides specific contextual
* information associated with keyboard devices. Each keyboard event
* references a key using an identifier. Keyboard events are commonly
* directed at the element that has the focus.
* The KeyboardEvent
interface provides convenient attributes
* for some common modifiers keys: KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey
* KeyboardEvent.shiftKey
, KeyboardEvent.altKey
* KeyboardEvent.metaKey
To create an instance of the KeyboardEvent
interface, use
* the DocumentEvent.createEvent("KeyboardEvent")
method call.
See also the
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification.
* @since DOM Level 3
public interface KeyboardEvent extends UIEvent {
* The key activation is not distinguished as the left or right version
* of the key, and did not originate from the numeric keypad (or did not
* originate with a virtual key corresponding to the numeric keypad).
* Example: the 'Q' key on a PC 101 Key US keyboard.
public static final int DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD = 0x00;
* The key activated is in the left key location (there is more than one
* possible location for this key). Example: the left Shift key on a PC
* 101 Key US keyboard.
public static final int DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT = 0x01;
* The key activation is in the right key location (there is more than
* one possible location for this key). Example: the right Shift key on
* a PC 101 Key US keyboard.
public static final int DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT = 0x02;
* The key activation originated on the numeric keypad or with a virtual
* key corresponding to the numeric keypad. Example: the '1' key on a PC
* 101 Key US keyboard located on the numeric pad.
public static final int DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD = 0x03;
* keyIdentifier
holds the identifier of the key. The key
* identifiers are defined in Appendix A.2
* "Key identifiers set". Implementations that are
* unable to identify a key must use the key identifier
* "Unidentified"
public String getKeyIdentifier();
* The keyLocation
attribute contains an indication of the
* location of they key on the device, as described in
* Keyboard event types.
public int getKeyLocation();
* true
if the control (Ctrl) key modifier is activated.
public boolean getCtrlKey();
* true
if the shift (Shift) key modifier is activated.
public boolean getShiftKey();
* true
if the alternative (Alt) key modifier is activated.
Note: The Option key modifier on Macintosh systems must be
* represented using this key modifier.
public boolean getAltKey();
* true
if the meta (Meta) key modifier is activated.
Note: The Command key modifier on Macintosh systems must be
* represented using this key modifier.
public boolean getMetaKey();
* The initKeyboardEvent
method is used to initialize the
* value of a KeyboardEvent
object and has the same
* behavior as UIEvent.initUIEvent()
. The value of
* UIEvent.detail
remains undefined.
* @param typeArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent()
* for a description of this parameter.
* @param canBubbleArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent()
* method for a description of this parameter.
* @param cancelableArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent()
* method for a description of this parameter.
* @param viewArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent()
* for a description of this parameter.
* @param keyIdentifierArg Specifies
* KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier
* @param keyLocationArg Specifies KeyboardEvent.keyLocation
* .
* @param modifiersList A
* white space
* separated list of modifier key identifiers to be activated on
* this object.
public void initKeyboardEvent(String typeArg,
boolean canBubbleArg,
boolean cancelableArg,
AbstractView viewArg,
String keyIdentifierArg,
int keyLocationArg,
String modifiersList);
* The initKeyboardEventNS
method is used to initialize the
* value of a KeyboardEvent
object and has the same
* behavior as UIEvent.initUIEventNS()
. The value of
* UIEvent.detail
remains undefined.
* @param namespaceURIArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS()
* method for a description of this parameter.
* @param typeArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS()
* method for a description of this parameter.
* @param canBubbleArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS()
* method for a description of this parameter.
* @param cancelableArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS()
* method for a description of this parameter.
* @param viewArg Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS()
* method for a description of this parameter.
* @param keyIdentifierArg Refer to the
* KeyboardEvent.initKeyboardEvent()
method for a
* description of this parameter.
* @param keyLocationArg Refer to the
* KeyboardEvent.initKeyboardEvent()
method for a
* description of this parameter.
* @param modifiersList A
* white space
* separated list of modifier key identifiers to be activated on
* this object. As an example, "Control Alt"
will activated
* the control and alt modifiers.
public void initKeyboardEventNS(String namespaceURIArg,
String typeArg,
boolean canBubbleArg,
boolean cancelableArg,
AbstractView viewArg,
String keyIdentifierArg,
int keyLocationArg,
String modifiersList);