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mockit.internal.annotations.AnnotationsModifier Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Rogério Liesenfeld
* This file is subject to the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt).
package mockit.internal.annotations;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import static mockit.external.asm4.Opcodes.*;
import mockit.external.asm4.*;
import mockit.external.asm4.Type;
import mockit.internal.*;
import mockit.internal.filtering.*;
import mockit.internal.startup.*;
import mockit.internal.state.*;
import mockit.internal.util.*;
* Responsible for generating all necessary bytecode in the redefined (real) class.
* Such code will redirect calls made on "real" methods to equivalent calls on the corresponding "mock" methods.
* The original code won't be executed by the running JVM until the class redefinition is undone.
* Methods in the real class which have no corresponding mock method are unaffected.
* Any fields (static or not) in the real class remain untouched.
public final class AnnotationsModifier extends BaseClassModifier
private static final int IGNORED_ACCESS = Modifier.ABSTRACT + Modifier.NATIVE;
private static final String CLASS_WITH_STATE = "mockit/internal/state/TestRun";
private final String itFieldDesc;
private final int mockInstanceIndex;
private final boolean forStartupMock;
private final AnnotatedMockMethods annotatedMocks;
private final MockingConfiguration mockingCfg;
private final boolean useMockingBridgeForUpdatingMockState;
private Type mockClassType;
// Helper fields:
private String realSuperClassName;
private AnnotatedMockMethods.MockMethod mockMethod;
private int varIndex;
* Initializes the modifier for a given real/mock class pair.
* If a mock instance is provided, it will receive calls for any instance methods defined in the mock class.
* If not, a new instance will be created for such calls. In the first case, the mock instance will need to be
* recovered by the modified bytecode inside the real method. To enable this, the given mock instance is added to the
* end of a global list made available through {@link mockit.internal.state.TestRun#getMock(int)}.
* @param cr the class file reader for the real class
* @param mock an instance of the mock class or null to create one
* @param mockMethods contains the set of mock methods collected from the mock class; each mock method is identified
* by a pair composed of "name" and "desc", where "name" is the method name, and "desc" is the JVM internal
* description of the parameters; once the real class modification is complete this set will be empty, unless no
* corresponding real method was found for any of its method identifiers
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if no mock instance is given but the mock class is an inner class, which cannot
* be instantiated since the enclosing instance is not known
public AnnotationsModifier(
ClassReader cr, Class> realClass, Object mock, AnnotatedMockMethods mockMethods,
MockingConfiguration mockingConfiguration, boolean forStartupMock)
itFieldDesc = getItFieldDescriptor(realClass);
annotatedMocks = mockMethods;
mockingCfg = mockingConfiguration;
this.forStartupMock = forStartupMock;
mockInstanceIndex = getMockInstanceIndex(mock);
useMockingBridgeForUpdatingMockState = useMockingBridge;
if (
!useMockingBridge && mock != null && Utilities.isAnonymousClass(mock.getClass()) &&
realClass.getPackage() != mock.getClass().getPackage()
) {
useMockingBridge = true;
private String getItFieldDescriptor(Class> realClass)
if (Proxy.isProxyClass(realClass)) {
//noinspection AssignmentToMethodParameter
realClass = realClass.getInterfaces()[0];
return Type.getDescriptor(realClass);
private int getMockInstanceIndex(Object mock)
if (mock != null) {
return TestRun.getMockClasses().getMocks(forStartupMock).addMock(mock);
else if (!annotatedMocks.isInnerMockClass()) {
return -1;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"An inner mock class cannot be instantiated without its enclosing instance; " +
"you must either pass a mock instance, or make the class static");
public void useOneMockInstancePerMockedInstance(Class> mockClass)
mockClassType = Type.getType(mockClass);
public void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces)
super.visit(version, access, name, signature, superName, interfaces);
realSuperClassName = superName;
* If the specified method has a mock definition, then generates bytecode to redirect calls made to it to the mock
* method. If it has no mock, does nothing.
* @param access not relevant
* @param name together with desc, used to identity the method in given set of mock methods
* @param signature not relevant
* @param exceptions not relevant
* @return null if the method was redefined, otherwise a MethodWriter that writes out the visited method code without
* changes
public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions)
if ((access & ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) {
return super.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions);
if (!hasMock(name, desc)) {
shouldCopyOriginalMethodBytecode(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions) ?
super.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions) : methodAnnotationsVisitor;
validateMethodModifiers(access, name);
startModifiedMethodVersion(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions);
MethodVisitor alternativeWriter = getAlternativeMethodWriter(access, desc);
if (alternativeWriter == null) {
generateCallsForMockExecution(access, desc);
mw.visitMaxs(1, 0); // dummy values, real ones are calculated by ASM
return methodAnnotationsVisitor;
return alternativeWriter;
private boolean hasMock(String name, String desc)
String mockName = getCorrespondingMockName(name);
mockMethod = annotatedMocks.containsMethod(mockName, desc);
return mockMethod != null;
private String getCorrespondingMockName(String name)
if ("".equals(name)) {
return "$init";
else if ("".equals(name)) {
return "$clinit";
else {
return name;
private boolean shouldCopyOriginalMethodBytecode(
int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions)
if ((access & IGNORED_ACCESS) == 0 && mockingCfg != null && mockingCfg.matchesFilters(name, desc)) {
startModifiedMethodVersion(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions);
generateEmptyStubImplementation(name, desc);
return false;
return true;
private void generateEmptyStubImplementation(String name, String desc)
if ("".equals(name)) {
private void validateMethodModifiers(int access, String name)
if ((access & ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to mock abstract method \"" + name + '\"');
else if ((access & ACC_NATIVE) != 0 && !Startup.isJava6OrLater()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mocking of native methods not supported under JDK 1.5: \"" + name + '\"');
private MethodVisitor getAlternativeMethodWriter(int access, String desc)
if (!mockMethod.isReentrant()) {
return null;
if (Modifier.isNative(access)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Reentrant mocks for native methods are not supported: \"" + mockMethod.name + '\"');
generateCallToMock(access, desc);
return new MethodVisitor(mw)
public void visitLocalVariable(String name, String desc2, String signature, Label start, Label end, int index)
// Discards debug info with missing information, to avoid a ClassFormatError (happens with EMMA).
if (end.position > 0) {
mw.visitLocalVariable(name, desc2, signature, start, end, index);
private void generateCallsForMockExecution(int access, String desc)
if ("$init".equals(mockMethod.name)) {
generateCallToMock(access, desc);
private void generateCallToSuper()
mw.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
String constructorDesc = SuperConstructorCollector.INSTANCE.findConstructor(realSuperClassName);
mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, realSuperClassName, "", constructorDesc);
private void generateMockObjectInstantiation()
String classInternalName = annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName();
mw.visitTypeInsn(NEW, classInternalName);
mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, classInternalName, "", "()V");
private void generateCallToMock(int access, String desc)
Label afterCallToMock = generateCallToUpdateMockStateIfAny(access);
Label l1 = null;
Label l2 = null;
Label l3 = null;
if (afterCallToMock != null) {
Label l0 = new Label();
l1 = new Label();
l2 = new Label();
mw.visitTryCatchBlock(l0, l1, l2, null);
l3 = new Label();
mw.visitTryCatchBlock(l2, l3, l2, null);
generateCallToMockMethod(access, desc);
if (afterCallToMock != null) {
mw.visitVarInsn(ASTORE, varIndex);
mw.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, varIndex);
private Label generateCallToUpdateMockStateIfAny(int access)
int mockStateIndex = mockMethod.getIndexForMockExpectations();
Label afterCallToMock = null;
if (mockStateIndex >= 0) {
String mockClassDesc = annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName();
if (useMockingBridgeForUpdatingMockState) {
MockingBridge.UPDATE_MOCK_STATE, mockClassDesc, access, null, null, null, null, null,
mockStateIndex, 0, 0);
mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Boolean", "booleanValue", "()Z");
else {
mw.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, mockStateIndex);
mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, CLASS_WITH_STATE, "updateMockState", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)Z");
if (mockMethod.isReentrant()) {
afterCallToMock = new Label();
mw.visitJumpInsn(IFEQ, afterCallToMock);
return afterCallToMock;
private void generateCallToMockMethod(int access, String desc)
if (mockMethod.isStatic) {
generateStaticMethodCall(access, desc);
else {
generateInstanceMethodCall(access, desc);
private void generateStaticMethodCall(int access, String desc)
String mockClassName = annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName();
if (useMockingBridge) {
MockingBridge.CALL_STATIC_MOCK, mockClassName, access, mockMethod.name, desc, mockMethod.desc, null, null,
mockMethod.getIndexForMockExpectations(), 0, 0);
else {
mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, mockClassName, mockMethod.name, mockMethod.desc);
private void generateInstanceMethodCall(int access, String desc)
if (useMockingBridge) {
MockingBridge.CALL_INSTANCE_MOCK, annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName(), access,
mockMethod.name, desc, mockMethod.desc, null, null,
mockMethod.getIndexForMockExpectations(), mockInstanceIndex, forStartupMock ? 1 : 0);
if (mockInstanceIndex < 0) {
// No mock instance available yet.
else {
// A mock instance is available, so retrieve it from the global list.
if ((access & ACC_STATIC) == 0 && annotatedMocks.isWithItField()) {
private void obtainMockInstanceForInvocation(int access)
if (mockClassType == null || Modifier.isStatic(access)) {
else {
private void generateGetMockCallWithMockClassAndMockedInstance()
mw.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); // loads "this" onto the operand stack
INVOKESTATIC, "mockit/internal/state/TestRun", "getMock",
mw.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName());
private void generateGetMockCallWithMockInstanceIndex()
mw.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, mockInstanceIndex);
String methodName = forStartupMock ? "getStartupMock" : "getMock";
mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, "mockit/internal/state/TestRun", methodName, "(I)Ljava/lang/Object;");
mw.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName());
private void generateItFieldSetting()
Type[] argTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(mockMethod.desc);
int var = 1;
for (Type argType : argTypes) {
var += argType.getSize();
mw.visitVarInsn(ASTORE, var); // stores the mock instance into local variable
mw.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, var); // loads the mock instance onto the operand stack
mw.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); // loads "this" onto the operand stack
mw.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName(), "it", itFieldDesc);
mw.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, var); // again loads the mock instance onto the stack
private void generateMockInstanceMethodInvocationWithRealMethodArgs(int access)
mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName(), mockMethod.name, mockMethod.desc);
private void generateMethodOrConstructorArguments(int access)
boolean hasInvokedInstance = (access & ACC_STATIC) == 0;
int initialVar = hasInvokedInstance ? 1 : 0;
Type[] argTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(mockMethod.desc);
int i = 0;
if (mockMethod.hasInvocationParameter) {
mw.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, mockMethod.getIndexForMockExpectations());
i = 1;
varIndex = initialVar;
while (i < argTypes.length) {
Type argType = argTypes[i];
int opcode = argType.getOpcode(ILOAD);
mw.visitVarInsn(opcode, varIndex);
varIndex += argType.getSize();
private void generateMethodReturn(String desc)
if (useMockingBridge) {
else {
Type returnType = Type.getReturnType(desc);
private void generateCallToExitReentrantMock()
String mockClassDesc = annotatedMocks.getMockClassInternalName();
int mockStateIndex = mockMethod.getIndexForMockExpectations();
if (useMockingBridgeForUpdatingMockState) {
MockingBridge.EXIT_REENTRANT_MOCK, mockClassDesc, ACC_STATIC, null, null, null, null, null,
mockStateIndex, 0, 0);
else {
mw.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, mockStateIndex);
mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, CLASS_WITH_STATE, "exitReentrantMock", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V");
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