com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.argument.ObjectArgs Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.argument;
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.annotation.FullyTested;
* #%L
* This file is part of Papaya.
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Kevin Connor ARPE ([email protected])
* %%
* Papaya is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GPL Classpath Exception:
* This project is subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided in
* the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* Papaya is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Papaya. If not, see .
* #L%
* This is a collection of static methods to check arguments received by methods. They range from
* the very simple but venerable {@link #checkNotNull(Object, String)} to much more complex.
* The goal is to provide a wide range of checks that produce readable, detailed errors.
* A few examples:
* - {@link CollectionArgs#checkIndexAndCount(java.util.Collection, int, int, String, String, String)}
* - {@link ArrayArgs#checkNotEmptyAndElementsNotNull(Object[], String)}
- {@link MapArgs#checkKeysAndValuesNotNull(java.util.Map, String)}
* Like {@link}, most methods return the validated input.
* Javadocs carefully document all exceptions, both checked and unchecked, that may be
* thrown under various scenarios.
* With the exception of {@link PathArgs} (and possibly a few others), all methods throw unchecked
* exceptions -- {@link RuntimeException} and its subclasses. Most frequently,
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
* public void myMethod(List<String> strList) {
* this._strList = ObjectsArgs.checkNotNull(strList, "strList");
* // Do work here.
* }
* Argument Names ({@code argName}, {@code indexArgName}, {@code countArgName}, etc.)
* Argument names should not be null, empty (""), or only whitespace (" "). This would undermine
* efforts to report useful exception messages. If (and only if) a check fails and the argument
* name is considered invalid, additional text is appended to the exception message in the form of
* a warning. Example: {@code "WARNING: Argument name 'indexArgName' is null"}
* This will alert developers about deficiencies in arguments passed to the check method without
* changing the behavior of the validation rules.
* Finally, a note about my motivation to create this package of classes:
* I have written similiar argument checking routines libraries in C, C++, Perl, Python,
* JavaScript, VBA, C#, and Java over the years. It's time to put these ideas into open source.
* @author Kevin Connor ARPE ([email protected])
public final class ObjectArgs {
// Disable default constructor
private ObjectArgs() {
* Tests if an object reference passed as an argument is not null.
* @param ref
* an object reference
* @param argName
* argument name for {@code ref}, e.g., "strList" or "searchRegex"
* @return the validated object reference
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code ref} is {@code null}
public static T checkNotNull(T ref, String argName) {
if (null == ref) {
String w = StringArgs._getArgNameWarning(argName, "argName");
throw new NullPointerException(String.format("Argument '%s' is null%s", argName, w));
return ref;
* This is a convenience method for {@link #checkInstanceOfType(Object, Class, String, String)}
* where {@code destClassArgName = "destClass"}.
public static T checkInstanceOfType(T ref, Class> destClass, String refArgName) {
checkInstanceOfType(ref, destClass, refArgName, "destClass");
return ref;
* Tests if a reference can be safely cast to another type. If you only have {@link Class}
* reference and not an object reference, see
* {@link #checkAssignableToType(Class, Class, String, String)}.
* Type cast rules are defined by {@link Class#isInstance(Object)}.
* Examples of valid type casts:
* String str = "abc";
* CharSequence seq = str; // OK
* CharSequence seq2 = (CharSequence) str; // OK
* CharSequence seq3 = (CharSequence) ((Object) str); // OK
* Examples of invalid type casts:
* String str = "abc";
* Long num = str; // compile-time type check error
* Long num = (Long) str; // compile-time type check error
* Long num = (Long) ((Object) str); // throws ClassCastException at run-time
* @param ref
* an object reference
* @param destClass
* class for destination type after cast
* @param refArgName
* argument name for {@code ref}, e.g., "strList" or "searchRegex"
* @param destClassArgName
* argument name for {@code destClass}, e.g., "strListClass" or "searchRegexClass"
* @return the validated object reference
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code ref} or {@code destClass} is {@code null}
* @throws ClassCastException
* if {@code ref} cannot be safely cast to type {@code destClass}
* @see #checkInstanceOfType(Object, Class, String)
* @see #checkAssignableToType(Class, Class, String, String)
public static T checkInstanceOfType(
T ref, Class> destClass, String refArgName, String destClassArgName) {
checkNotNull(ref, refArgName);
checkNotNull(destClass, destClassArgName);
_coreCheckInstanceOfType(ref, destClass, refArgName, destClassArgName);
return ref;
private static void _coreCheckInstanceOfType(
T ref, Class> destClass, String refArgName, String destClassArgName) {
// From the Javadoc for Class.isInstance():
// Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with the object represented
// by this Class.
if (!destClass.isInstance(ref)) {
Class> refClass = ref.getClass();
String w = StringArgs._getArgNameWarning(refArgName, "refArgName");
String w2 = StringArgs._getArgNameWarning(destClassArgName, "destClassArgName");
String msg = String.format("Argument '%s': Cannot assign type %s to type %s%s%s",
refArgName, refClass.getName(), destClass.getName(), w, w2);
throw new ClassCastException(msg);
* This is a convenience method for {@link #checkCast(Object, Class, String, String)}
* where {@code clazzArgName = "clazz"}.
public static
TDest checkCast(TSrc ref, Class clazz, String refArgName) {
TDest x = checkCast(ref, clazz, refArgName, "clazz");
return x;
* Tests if a reference can be safely cast to another type. If you only have {@link Class}
* reference and not an object reference, see
* {@link #checkAssignableToType(Class, Class, String, String)}. If you don't need to cast the
* value, see {@link #checkInstanceOfType(Object, Class, String, String)}.
* Type cast rules are defined by {@link Class#isInstance(Object)}.
* Examples of valid type casts:
* String str = "abc";
* CharSequence seq = str; // OK
* CharSequence seq2 = (CharSequence) str; // OK
* CharSequence seq3 = (CharSequence) ((Object) str); // OK
* Examples of invalid type casts:
* String str = "abc";
* Long num = str; // compile-time type check error
* Long num = (Long) str; // compile-time type check error
* Long num = (Long) ((Object) str); // throws ClassCastException at run-time
* @param ref
* an object reference, including {@code null}
* @param clazz
* class for destination type after cast
* @param refArgName
* argument name for {@code ref}, e.g., "strList" or "searchRegex"
* @param clazzArgName
* argument name for {@code clazz}, e.g., "strListClass" or "searchRegexClass"
* @param
* source/input type
* @param
* destination/output type
* @return the validated object reference cast to type {@code TDest}
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code clazz} is {@code null}
* @throws ClassCastException
* if {@code ref} cannot be safely cast to type {@code clazz}
* @see #checkInstanceOfType(Object, Class, String, String)
* @see #checkAssignableToType(Class, Class, String, String)
public static
TDest checkCast(TSrc ref, Class clazz, String refArgName, String clazzArgName) {
checkNotNull(clazz, clazzArgName);
if (null == ref) {
return null;
_coreCheckInstanceOfType(ref, clazz, refArgName, clazzArgName);
TDest x = clazz.cast(ref);
return x;
* This is a convenience method for
* {@link #checkAssignableToType(Class, Class, String, String)}
* where {@code destClassArgName = "destClass"}.
public static void checkAssignableToType(
Class srcClass, Class destClass, String srcClassArgName) {
checkAssignableToType(srcClass, destClass, srcClassArgName, "destClass");
* Tests if a type can be safely cast to another type. If you have an object reference, see
* {@link #checkInstanceOfType(Object, Class, String, String)}.
* Type cast rules are defined by {@link Class#isAssignableFrom(Class)}.
* For examples of valid and invalid type casts, see
* {@link #checkInstanceOfType(Object, Class, String, String)}.
* @param srcClass
* class for source type before cast
* @param destClass
* class for destination type after cast
* @param srcClassArgName
* argument name for {@code srcClass},
* e.g., "strListClass" or "searchRegexClass"
* @param destClassArgName
* argument name for {@code destClass},
* e.g., "strListClass" or "searchRegexClass"
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code srcClass} or {@code destClass} is {@code null}
* @throws ClassCastException
* if type {@code srcClass} cannot be safely cast to type {@code destClass}
* @see #checkAssignableToType(Class, Class, String)
* @see #checkInstanceOfType(Object, Class, String, String)
public static void checkAssignableToType(
Class srcClass,
Class destClass,
String srcClassArgName,
String destClassArgName) {
checkNotNull(srcClass, srcClassArgName);
checkNotNull(destClass, destClassArgName);
// From the Javadoc for Class.isAssignableFrom():
// Determines if the class or interface represented by this Class object is either the same
// as, or is a superclass or superinterface of, the class or interface represented by the
// specified Class parameter.
if (!destClass.isAssignableFrom(srcClass)) {
String w = StringArgs._getArgNameWarning(srcClassArgName, "srcClassArgName");
String w2 = StringArgs._getArgNameWarning(destClassArgName, "destClassArgName");
String msg = String.format("Argument '%s': Cannot assign type %s to type %s%s%s",
srcClassArgName, srcClass.getName(), destClass.getName(), w, w2);
throw new ClassCastException(msg);