com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.filesystem.DirectoryListing Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.filesystem;
* #%L
* This file is part of Papaya.
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Kevin Connor ARPE ([email protected])
* %%
* Papaya is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GPL Classpath Exception:
* This project is subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided in
* the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* Papaya is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Papaya. If not, see .
* #L%
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.annotation.FullyTested;
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.argument.ObjectArgs;
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.argument.PathArgs;
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.container.ContainerFactory;
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.container.ContainerFactoryImpl;
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.exception.PathException;
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.exception.PathExceptionReason;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.RandomAccess;
* Replaces {@link File#listFiles()}. Provides ability to filter and sort the listing, similar
* to the UNIX command line tool {@code /bin/ls}.
* Numerous {@link Comparator}s for class {@link File} are included in this library, including:
* - {@link FileAbsolutePathLexicographicalComparator}
* - {@link FileLastModifiedOldestToNewestComparator}
* - {@link FileNameLexicographicalComparator}
* - {@link FileNameNumericPrefixSmallestToLargestComparator}
* - {@link FileSizeSmallestToLargestComparator}
* - {@link FileTypeComparator}
* @author Kevin Connor ARPE ([email protected])
// TODO: implements Iteratable? Not sure yet. Think about counterarguments first.
// TODO: Convert to use I/*Utils. Maybe all together in I/FileSystemUtils?
public final class DirectoryListing {
* Default {@link List} class for constructor {@link #DirectoryListing(File)}:
* {@link ArrayList}.
* @see #DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing, Class)
public static final Class extends List> DEFAULT_LIST_CLASS = ArrayList.class;
private final File _dirPath;
private List _childPathList;
* This is a convenience constructor for {@link #DirectoryListing(File, Class)}
* where {@code listClass} is {@link #DEFAULT_LIST_CLASS}.
public DirectoryListing(File dirPath)
throws PathException {
this(dirPath, DEFAULT_LIST_CLASS);
* Builds a list of child paths for a directory. Access the list of child paths via
* {@link #getChildPathList()}.
* @param dirPath
* path to directory used to obtain a listing of child paths
* @param listClass
* controls the {@link List} class used internally. If filtering a large list of paths,
* it will be more efficient to use {@code LinkedList.class}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code path} or {@code listClass} is {@code null}
* @throws PathException
* - with reason {@link PathExceptionReason#PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST}
* if {@code path} does not exist
* - with reason {@link PathExceptionReason#PATH_IS_NORMAL_FILE}
* if {@code path} exists, but is not a directory
* - with reason {@link PathExceptionReason#PATH_IS_NON_EXECUTABLE_DIRECTORY}
* if {@code path} exists as a directory, but is not accessible for listing
* - with reason {@link PathExceptionReason#UNKNOWN}
* if reason for error is unknown
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if calling method {@link Class#newInstance()} fails for {@code listClass}
* @see #DirectoryListing(File)
* @see #getDirPath()
* @see #getChildPathList()
public DirectoryListing(File dirPath, Class extends List> listClass)
throws PathException {
_dirPath = PathArgs.checkDirectoryExists(dirPath, "dirPath");
ObjectArgs.checkNotNull(listClass, "listClass");
File[] childPathArr = dirPath.listFiles();
if (null == childPathArr) {
if (!dirPath.exists()) {
String msg = String.format(
"Failed to list files for path (does not exist): '%s'",
throw new PathException(
PathExceptionReason.PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST, dirPath, null, msg);
if (dirPath.isFile()) {
String msg = String.format(
"Failed to list files for path (exists as file, not directory): '%s'",
throw new PathException(
PathExceptionReason.PATH_IS_NORMAL_FILE, dirPath, null, msg);
// Exists + Directory...
if (!dirPath.canExecute()) {
String msg = String.format(
"Failed to list files for path (execute permission not set): '%s'",
throw new PathException(
dirPath, null, msg);
String msg = String.format(
"Failed to list files for path (unknown error): '%s'",
throw new PathException(PathExceptionReason.UNKNOWN, dirPath, null, msg);
_childPathList = _newInstance(ContainerFactoryImpl.INSTANCE, listClass);
if (0 != childPathArr.length) {
* This is a convenience constructor for {@link #DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing, Class)}
* where {@code listClass} is {@code getChildPathList().getClass()}.
public DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing other) {
(null == other ? null : other._childPathList.getClass()),
* Copies another instance of this class including the {@link List} class used internally to
* store child paths.
* @param other
* another instance of this class
* @param listClass
* controls the {@link List} class used internally. If filtering a large list of paths,
* it will be more efficient to use {@code LinkedList.class}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code other} or {@code listClass} is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if calling method {@link Class#newInstance()} fails for {@code listClass}
public DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing other, Class extends List> listClass) {
ObjectArgs.checkNotNull(listClass, "listClass"),
* Param {@code dummy} only exists here to distinguish this constructor from
* {@link #DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing, Class)}.
private DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing other, Class extends List> listClass, int dummy) {
ObjectArgs.checkNotNull(other, "other");
_dirPath = other._dirPath;
_childPathList = _newInstance(ContainerFactoryImpl.INSTANCE, listClass);
// Package private for testing purposes.
static List _newInstance(
ContainerFactory containerFactory, Class extends List> listClass) {
try {
List list = containerFactory.newInstance(listClass);
return list;
catch (Exception e) {
String msg = String.format(
"Failed to create new instance of list class %s", listClass.getName());
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg, e);
* @return parent directory for child paths
* @see #getChildPathList()
public File getDirPath() {
return _dirPath;
* @return reference to the internal list of child paths. This is not a copy, so changes made
* to the list will affect the internal state of this instance.
public List getChildPathList() {
return _childPathList;
* Performs an in-place sort on the list of child paths using a {@link Comparator}. This method
* operates directly on the internal list. To preserve the current instance, use the copy
* constructor first, then sort.
* To combine more than one comparator, consider using
* {@link ComparatorUtils#chain(Collection)}.
* @param fileComparator
* how to sort paths. Must not be {@code null}. See {@link DirectoryListing class docs}
* for a information about file comparators included in this library.
* @return reference to {@code this}
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code fileComparator} is {@code null}
* @see #DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing)
* @see #DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing, Class)
* @see #filter(FileFilter)
public DirectoryListing sort(Comparator fileComparator) {
ObjectArgs.checkNotNull(fileComparator, "fileComparator");
Collections.sort(_childPathList, fileComparator);
return this;
* Applies a filter to remove paths from the to the internal list of child paths. This method
* operates directly on the internal list. To preserve the current instance, use a copy
* constructor first, then sort.
* To combine more than one file filter, consider using
* {@link FileFilterUtils#anyOf(Collection)} or {@link FileFilterUtils#allOf(Collection)}.
* As an optimisation, this method uses different strategies for list element removal
* depending upon if the {@link List} class used for internal storage implements interface
* {@link RandomAccess}. For example, list class {@link ArrayList} implements interface
* {@code RandomAccess}, but list class {@link LinkedList} does not.
* @param fileFilter
* how to filter paths. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return reference to {@code this}
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code fileFilter} is {@code null}
* @see #DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing)
* @see #DirectoryListing(DirectoryListing, Class)
* @see #sort(Comparator)
public DirectoryListing filter(FileFilter fileFilter) {
ObjectArgs.checkNotNull(fileFilter, "fileFilter");
if (_childPathList instanceof RandomAccess) {
_childPathList = _filterRandomAccessList(_childPathList, fileFilter);
else { // instanceof SequentialAccess or LinkedList
_filterSequentialAccessList(_childPathList, fileFilter);
return this;
private static List _filterRandomAccessList(
List childPathList, FileFilter fileFilter) {
List newChildPathList =
_newInstance(ContainerFactoryImpl.INSTANCE, childPathList.getClass());
for (File childPath : childPathList) {
if (fileFilter.accept(childPath)) {
if (newChildPathList.size() == childPathList.size()) {
return childPathList;
return newChildPathList;
private static void _filterSequentialAccessList(
List childPathList, FileFilter fileFilter) {
ListIterator iter = childPathList.listIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
File childPath =;
if (!fileFilter.accept(childPath)) {
* Returns hash code of {@link #getDirPath()}, {@link #getChildPathList()}, and the {@link List}
* class used. This will differentiate between two instances of this class using a different
* internal storage {@code List} class.
* {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode() {
int result = Objects.hashCode(_dirPath, _childPathList);
result = 31 * result + _childPathList.getClass().hashCode();
return result;
* Equates by {@link #getDirPath()}, {@link #getChildPathList()}, and the {@link List}
* class used. This will differentiate between two instances of this class using a different
* internal storage {@code List} class.
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// Ref:
boolean result = (this == obj);
if (!result && obj instanceof DirectoryListing) {
final DirectoryListing other = (DirectoryListing) obj;
result = Objects.equal(this._dirPath, other._dirPath)
&& Objects.equal(this._childPathList.getClass(), other._childPathList.getClass())
&& Objects.equal(this._childPathList, other._childPathList);
return result;
// TODO: Add toString for this class and all of filesystem package