com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.string.joiner.Joiner2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.string.joiner;
* #%L
* This file is part of Papaya.
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Kevin Connor ARPE ([email protected])
* %%
* Papaya is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GPL Classpath Exception:
* This project is subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided in
* the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* Papaya is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Papaya. If not, see .
* #L%
import com.googlecode.kevinarpe.papaya.string.joiner.formatter.Formatter2;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Extension of Google Guava's {@link Joiner}. To construct a new instance, see
* {@link Joiner2Utils#withSeparator(String)} and {@link Joiner2Utils#withSeparator(char)}.
* Differences to {@link Joiner}:
* - {@link #withElementFormatter(Formatter2)}: Format each joined element precisely. Easily
* add a prefix and/or suffix, e.g., {@code new StringFormatter("[%s]")}
* - {@link #withFinalFormatter(Formatter2)}: Format all joined elements.
* - Default text for {@code null} values is {@code "null"}. This matches the behavior of
* {@link Formatter}. By default, class {@link Joiner} will throw a {@link NullPointerException}
* when joining a {@code null} value, unless {@link Joiner#useForNull(String)} is called before
* joining. This is a source of many surprising/annoying/accidental runtime exceptions.
* - {@link #useForNoElements(String)}: During a join, if no elements are found, this text
* is used. When joining elements for an exception or log message, {@code "
"} is a good
* value to indicate to (exception and log) readers that no elements were found.
* - Uses interface {@link Joiner2}, instead of a concrete class. This follows JavaEE
* design principles and is helpful for mocking and testing. Due to Java interface limitations
* with generic methods, the methods {@code appendTo(Appendable, *)} are slightly different from
* {@link Joiner}. The {@code Appendable} reference is not a generic type (for input and
* output).
* - All settings may always be changed, e.g., separator, null text, etc. Class
* {@link Joiner} does now allow these attributes to be set more than once.
* - Settings accessors, e.g., {@link #withSeparator()}.
* - Default settings are available as {@code public static final} members, e.g.,
* {@link Joiner2Utils#DEFAULT_NULL_TEXT}.
* Examples:
* Joiner2Utils.INSTANCE.withSeparator(", ")
* .withElementFormatter(new StringFormatter("[%s]"))
* .withFinalFormatter(new StringFormatter("(%s)"))
* .join(list) -> "([a], [b], [c], ...)"
* Joiner2Utils.INSTANCE.withSeparator(", ")
* .withElementFormatter(new StringFormatter("[%s]"))
* .withFinalFormatter(new StringFormatter("(%s)"))
* .join(listWithNulls) -> "([a], [b], [null], [c], ...)"
* Joiner2Utils.INSTANCE.withSeparator(", ")
* .withElementFormatter(new StringFormatter("[%s]"))
* .withFinalFormatter(new StringFormatter("(%s)"))
* .skipNulls(true)
* .join(listWithNulls) -> "([a], [b], [c], ...)"
* Joiner2Utils.INSTANCE.withSeparator(", ")
* .withElementFormatter(new StringFormatter("[%s]"))
* .useForNoElements("")
* .join(emptyList) -> ""
* }
* See {@link SharedJoiner2Settings} for an inheritance diagram.
* @author Kevin Connor ARPE ([email protected])
* @see Joiner2Utils
* @see Joiner2Settings
* @see MapJoiner2
// TODO: Consider Joiner2 and TypedJoiner2 where 'Typed' allows generic param for values
// Will also help with Formatter2 being untyped. Can have TypedFormatter2 also
public interface Joiner2
extends Joiner2Settings {
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #appendTo(Appendable, Iterable)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code appendable} or {@code partArr} is {@code null}
Appendable appendTo(Appendable appendable, Object part1, Object part2, Object... partArr)
throws IOException;
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #appendTo(Appendable, Iterable)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code appendable} or {@code partArr} is {@code null}
Appendable appendTo(Appendable appendable, Object[] partArr)
throws IOException;
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #appendTo(Appendable, Iterator)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code appendable} or {@code partIterable} is {@code null}
Appendable appendTo(Appendable appendable, Iterable> partIterable)
throws IOException;
* Appends all remaining elements from an {@link Iterator} to an instance of {@link Appendable}.
* Due to Java interface limitations with generic methods, this method signature is slightly
* different to {@link Joiner#appendTo(Appendable, Iterator)}. The {@code Appendable} reference
* is not a generic type (for input and output).
* @param appendable
* where to append text. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param partIter
* stream of elements to join. Must not be {@code null}.
* {@code null} elements receive special treatment that depends upon settings from
* {@link #skipNulls()} and {@link #useForNull()}.
* @return argument {@code appendable} (for method chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code appendable} or {@code partIter} is {@code null}
* @throws IOException
* if {@code appendable} throws an {@link IOException}
* @see #appendTo(Appendable, Iterable)
* @see #appendTo(Appendable, Object[])
* @see #appendTo(Appendable, Object, Object, Object...)
* @see #appendTo(StringBuilder, Iterator)
* @see #join(Iterator)
Appendable appendTo(Appendable appendable, Iterator> partIter)
throws IOException;
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #appendTo(StringBuilder, Iterable)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code builder} or {@code partArr} is {@code null}
StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder, Object part1, Object part2, Object... partArr);
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #appendTo(StringBuilder, Iterable)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code builder} or {@code partArr} is {@code null}
StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder, Object[] partArr);
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #appendTo(StringBuilder, Iterator)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code builder} or {@code partIterable} is {@code null}
StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder, Iterable> partIterable);
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #appendTo(Appendable, Iterator)}.
* @see #appendTo(StringBuilder, Iterable)
* @see #appendTo(StringBuilder, Object[])
* @see #appendTo(StringBuilder, Object, Object, Object...)
StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder, Iterator> partIter);
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #join(Iterable)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code partArr} is {@code null}
String join(Object part1, Object part2, Object... partArr);
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #join(Iterable)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code partArr} is {@code null}
String join(Object[] partArr);
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #join(Iterator)}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code partIterable} is {@code null}
String join(Iterable> partIterable);
* This is a convenience method to call {@link #appendTo(StringBuilder, Iterator)} with a new
* instance of {@link StringBuilder}.
String join(Iterator> partIter);