Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of Kiama.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Anthony M Sloane, Macquarie University.
* Kiama is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* Kiama is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Kiama. (See files COPYING and COPYING.LESSER.) If not, see
* .
package org.kiama
package rewriting
* Abstract syntax constructs that are common to all nominal rewriters.
* These definitions need to be separate from the NominalRewriter class
* so that the classes here don't get an outer field referring to an
* instance of that class.
object NominalAST {
* A name comprising a base string with an optional integer index. The
* index defaults to being omitted.
case class Name (base : String, opti : Option[Int] = None) {
override def toString = base + opti.getOrElse ("")
* A generic abstract binding of a name in a term.
case class Bind (name : Name, term : Any)
* Generate a fresh name based on a old name. The fresh name will have
* the same base as the old one and will have a unique index.
object GenName {
private val initcount = -1
private var counter = initcount
def apply (oldname : Name) : Name = {
counter = counter + 1
Name (oldname.base, Some (counter))
def reset () {
counter = initcount
* An extension of strategy-based term rewriting with special support for
* nominal rewriting along the lines of FreshML and the FreshLib library
* for Haskell. See Scrap your Nameplate, James Cheney, ICFP 2005 for a
* description of the ideas and the FreshLib library.
class NominalRewriter extends Rewriter {
import NominalAST._
* A transposition of two names is just a tuple.
type Trans = (Name, Name)
* Swap two names (given by `tr`) throughout a term `t`.
def swap[T] (tr : Trans) (t : T) : T = {
val s = everywhere (rule {
case n : Name => if (n == tr._1) tr._2
else if (n == tr._2) tr._1
else n
rewrite (s) (t)
* Is the name `a` fresh (not free) in a term?
def fresh (a : Name) (t : Term) : Boolean =
t match {
case n : Name => a != n
case Bind (b, t) => (a == b) || fresh (a) (t)
case p : Product => p.productIterator.forall (c => fresh (a) (c))
case _ => true
* Alpha equivalence of two terms.
def alphaequiv (a1 : Term, a2 : Term) : Boolean =
(a1, a2) match {
case (n1 : Name, n2 : Name) =>
n1 == n2
case (Bind (a, x), Bind (b, y)) =>
((a == b) && alphaequiv (x, y)) ||
(fresh (a) (y) && alphaequiv (x, swap (a, b) (y)))
case (p1 : Product, p2 : Product) =>
(p1.productPrefix == p2.productPrefix) && (p2.productIterator).forall {
case (x,y) => alphaequiv (x,y)
case _ =>
a1 == a2
* An extractor pattern for terms that contain a single name child.
object HasVar {
def unapply (t : Product) : Option[Name] =
if (t.productArity == 1)
t.productElement (0) match {
case n : Name => Some (n)
case _ => None
* Alternative extractor for Bind constructs. Decomposes an abstraction
* returning the components after freshening the bound name.
object Binding {
def unapply (b : Bind) : Option[(Name,Term)] = {
val n = GenName (
Some ((n, swap (n, (b.term)))
* Substitution of `t1` for free occurrences of `n` in a term.
def subst[T] (n : Name, t1 : Term) : T => T =
rewrite (alltd (
// We use strategyf here instead of rule since rule uses the
// isDefinedAt method of its argument and we want to avoid
// the pattern matching function being called more than once
// due to the side-effect in Binding.
strategyf {
case HasVar (m) if n == m =>
Some (t1)
case Binding (a, x) =>
val y = subst (n, t1) (x)
Some (Bind (a, y))
case _ =>
* Free variables in an term.
def fv (t : Term) : Set[Name] =
t match {
case n : Name => Set (n)
case Bind (b, t) => fv (t) - b
case p : Product => p.productIterator.foldLeft (Set[Name] ()) {
case (s, c) => s | fv (c)
case _ => Set ()
* Strategy-based term rewriting for nominal terms.
object NominalRewriter extends NominalRewriter
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