edu.umd.cs.mtc.TestFramework Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.umd.cs.mtc;
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
* This class provides static methods to perform a {@link MultithreadedTestCase}.
* The method {@link #runOnce(MultithreadedTestCase)} can be used
* to run a MultithreadedTestCase once. The method
* {@link TestFramework#runManyTimes(MultithreadedTestCase, int)} can be used to
* run a MultithreadedTestCase multiple times (to see if different interleavings
* produce different behaviors).
* Each test case starts by running the initialize method, followed by all the thread
* methods in different threads, and finally the finish method when all threads have
* finished. The thread methods are run in a new thread group, and are regulated by a
* separate clock thread. The clock thread checks periodically to see if all threads are
* blocked. If all threads are blocked and at least one is waiting for a tick, the clock
* thread advances the clock to the next desired tick. (A slight delay -- about a
* clock period -- is applied before advancing the clock to ensure that this is not done
* prematurely and any threads trying to unblock are given a chance to do so.)
* The clock thread also detects
* deadlock (when all threads are blocked, none are waiting for a tick, and none are in
* state TIMED_WAITING), and can stop a test that is going on too long (a thread is in
* state RUNNABLE for too long.)
* Since the test case threads are placed in a new thread group, any other threads
* created by these test cases will be placed in this thread group by default. All
* threads in the thread group will be considered by the clock thread when deciding
* whether to advance the clock, declare a deadlock, or stop a long-running test.
* The framework catches exceptions thrown in the threads and propagates them to
* the JUnit test (It also throws AssertionErrors)
* This class also defines a number of parameters to be used to control the tests.
* Set command line parameter -Dtunit.runLimit=n to cause a test case
* to fail if at least one thread stays in a runnable state for more than n
* seconds without becoming blocked or waiting for a metronome tick.
* Set command line parameter -Dtunit.clockPeriod=p to cause the clock thread
* to check the status of all the threads every p milliseconds.
* @see MultithreadedTestCase
* @see #runOnce(MultithreadedTestCase)
* @see #runManyTimes(MultithreadedTestCase, int)
* @author William Pugh
* @author Nathaniel Ayewah
* @since 1.0
public class TestFramework {
* If code is translated to JDK 1.4, some functionality may be unavailable
* (specifically the ability to check the state of a Thread)
private static final boolean isJDK14;
static {
isJDK14 = System.getProperty("java.version").indexOf("1.4.") != -1;
* Command line key for indicating the regularity (in milliseconds)
* with which the clock thread regulates the thread methods.
public static final String CLOCKPERIOD_KEY = "tunit.clockPeriod";
* Command line key for indicating the time limit (in seconds) for
* runnable threads.
public static final String RUNLIMIT_KEY = "tunit.runLimit";
* The default clock period in milliseconds
public static final Integer DEFAULT_CLOCKPERIOD = 10;
* The default run limit in seconds
public static final Integer DEFAULT_RUNLIMIT = 5;
* Change/set the system property for the clock period
* @param v
* the new value for the clock period
public static void setGlobalClockPeriod(Integer v) {
if (v != null)
System.setProperty(CLOCKPERIOD_KEY, v.toString());
* Change/set the system property for the run limit
* @param v
* the new value for the run limit
public static void setGlobalRunLimit(Integer v) {
if (v != null)
System.setProperty(RUNLIMIT_KEY, v.toString());
* Run multithreaded test case multiple times using the default or global settings
* for clock period and run limit. This method adds instrumentation to count the
* number of times failures occur (an exception is thrown). If the array
* failureCount
is initialized to be of at least size 1, it returns
* this count in failureCount[0]
. If failures do occur, it saves the
* first failure, and then throws it after running the test count
* @param test
* The multithreaded test case to run
* @param count
* the number of times to run the test case
* @param failureCount
* if this array is initialzed to at least size 1, the number of failures
* is returned in failureCount[0]
* @throws Throwable
* if there is at least one failure -- the first failure is thrown
public static void runInstrumentedManyTimes(final MultithreadedTestCase test, int count,
int [] failureCount) throws Throwable {
int failures = 0;
Throwable t = null;
boolean failed = false;
System.out.println("Testing " + test.getClass());
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
failed = true;
if (t == null)
t = e;
if (i%10 == 9) {
if (failed) { System.out.print("f"); failed=false; }
else System.out.print(".");
if (i%100 == 99) System.out.println(" " + (i+1));
if (failureCount != null && failureCount.length > 0)
failureCount[0] = failures;
if (t!=null)
throw t;
* Run multithreaded test case multiple times using the default or global settings
* for clock period and run limit. The value of this is limited,
* since even running a test case a thousand or a million times may not
* expose any bugs dependent upon particular thread interleavings.
* @param test
* The multithreaded test case to run
* @param count
* the number of times to run the test case
* @throws Throwable
* -- if any of the test runs fails, the exception is thrown immediately
* without completing the rest of the test runs.
public static void runManyTimes(final MultithreadedTestCase test, int count)
throws Throwable {
runManyTimes(test, count, null, null);
* Run multithreaded test case multiple times. The value of this is limited,
* since even running a test case a thousand or a million times may not
* expose any bugs dependent upon particular thread interleavings.
* @param test
* The multithreaded test case to run
* @param count
* the number of times to run the test case
* @param clockPeriod
* The period (in ms) between checks for the clock (or null for
* default or global setting)
* @param runLimit
* The limit to run the test in seconds (or null for default or
* global setting)
* @throws Throwable
* -- if any of the test runs fails, the exception is thrown immediately
* without completing the rest of the test runs.
public static void runManyTimes(final MultithreadedTestCase test, int count,
Integer clockPeriod, Integer runLimit)
throws Throwable {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
runOnce(test, clockPeriod, runLimit);
* Run a multithreaded test case once, using the default or global settings
* for clock period and run limit
* @param test
* The multithreaded test case to run
* @throws Throwable
* if the test runs fails or causes an exception
public static void runOnce(final MultithreadedTestCase test)
throws Throwable {
runOnce(test, null, null);
* Run multithreaded test case once.
* @param test
* The multithreaded test case to run
* @param clockPeriod
* The period (in ms) between checks for the clock (or null for
* default or global setting)
* @param runLimit
* The limit to run the test in seconds (or null for default or
* global setting)
* @throws Throwable
* if the test runs fails or causes an exception
public static void runOnce(final MultithreadedTestCase test,
Integer clockPeriod, Integer runLimit)
throws Throwable {
// choose global setting if parameter is null, or default value if there
// is no global setting
if (clockPeriod == null)
clockPeriod = Integer.getInteger(CLOCKPERIOD_KEY, DEFAULT_CLOCKPERIOD);
if (runLimit == null)
runLimit = Integer.getInteger(RUNLIMIT_KEY, DEFAULT_RUNLIMIT);
// prepare run data structures
Collection methods = getAllThreads(test);
LinkedList threads = new LinkedList();
final Throwable[] error = new Throwable[1];
// invoke initialize method before each run
test.clock = 0;
// invoke each thread method in a seperate thread and place all threads in a
// new thread group
ThreadGroup threadGroup = startMethodThreads(test, methods, threads, error);
// start and add clock thread
threads.add(startClock(test, threadGroup, error, clockPeriod, runLimit));
// wait until all threads have ended
waitForMethodThreads(threads, error);
// invoke finish at the end of each run
* Use reflection to get the thread methods in this test. Thread methods
* start with the name "thread", have no parameters and return void
* @param test
* the test case from which to extract methods
* @return
* a collection of Method objects, one for each thread method
private static Collection getAllThreads(MultithreadedTestCase test) {
Class c = test.getClass();
TreeMap result = new TreeMap();
for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (m.getName().startsWith("thread")
&& m.getParameterTypes().length == 0
&& m.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE))
result.put(m.getName(), m);
return result.values();
* Start and return a clock thread which periodically checks all the test case
* threads and regulates them.
* If all the threads are blocked and at least one is waiting for a tick, the clock
* advances to the next tick and the waiting thread is notified. If none of the
* threads are waiting for a tick or in timed waiting, a deadlock is detected. The
* clock thread times out if a thread is in runnable or all are blocked and one is
* in timed waiting for longer than the runLimit.
* @param test
* the test case the clock thread is regulating
* @param threadGroup
* the thread group containing the running thread methods
* @param error
* an array containing any Errors/Exceptions that occur in thread methods
* or that are thrown by the clock thread
* @param clockPeriod
* The period (in ms) between checks for the clock (or null for
* default or global setting)
* @param runLimit
* The limit to run the test in seconds (or null for default or
* global setting)
* @return
* The (already started) clock thread
private static Thread startClock(
final MultithreadedTestCase test,
final ThreadGroup threadGroup,
final Throwable[] error,
final int clockPeriod,
final int runLimit) {
// hold a reference to the current thread. This thread
// will be waiting for all the test threads to finish. It
// should be interrupted if there is an deadlock or timeout
// in the clock thread
final Thread mainThread = Thread.currentThread();
Thread t = new Thread("Tick thread") {
public void run() {
try {
long lastProgress = System.currentTimeMillis();
int deadlocksDetected = 0;
int readyToTick = 0;
while (true) {
// Attempt to get a write lock; this succeeds
// if clock is not frozen
if (!test.clockLock.writeLock().tryLock(
1000L * runLimit, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
synchronized (test.lock) {
test.failed = true;
if (error[0] == null)
error[0] = new IllegalStateException(
"No progress");
synchronized (test.lock) {
try {
// Get the contents of the thread group
int tgCount = threadGroup.activeCount() + 10;
Thread [] ths = new Thread [tgCount];
tgCount = threadGroup.enumerate(ths, false);
if (tgCount == 0) return; // all threads are done
// will set to true to force a check for timeout conditions
// and restart the loop
boolean checkProgress = false;
// will set true if any thread is in state TIMED_WAITING
boolean timedWaiting = false;
int nextTick = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// examine the threads in the thread group; look for
// next tick
for (int ii = 0; ii < tgCount; ii++) {
Thread t = ths[ii];
if (!isJDK14) {
try {
if (test.getTrace())
System.out.println(t.getName() + " is in state "
+ t.getState());
if (t.getState() == Thread.State.RUNNABLE)
checkProgress = true;
if (t.getState() == Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING)
timedWaiting = true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
// JVM may not support Thread.State
checkProgress = false;
timedWaiting = true;
} else {
// JVM does not support Thread.State
checkProgress = false;
timedWaiting = true;
Integer waitingFor = test.threads.get(t);
if (waitingFor != null && waitingFor > test.clock)
nextTick = Math.min(nextTick, waitingFor);
// If not waiting for anything, but a thread is in
// TIMED_WAITING, then check progress and loop again
if (nextTick == Integer.MAX_VALUE && timedWaiting)
checkProgress = true;
// Check for timeout conditions and restart the loop
if (checkProgress) {
if (readyToTick > 0) {
if (test.getTrace())
System.out.println("Was Ready to tick too early");
readyToTick = 0;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (now - lastProgress > 1000L * runLimit) {
test.failed = true;
if (error[0] == null)
error[0] = new IllegalStateException(
"No progress");
deadlocksDetected = 0;
// Detect deadlock
if (nextTick == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (readyToTick > 0) {
if (test.getTrace())
System.out.println("Was Ready to tick too early");
readyToTick = 0;
if (++deadlocksDetected < 50) {
if (deadlocksDetected % 10 == 0 && test.getTrace())
System.out.println("[Detecting deadlock... " +
deadlocksDetected + " trys]");
if (test.getTrace()) System.out.println("Deadlock!");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
for (Map.Entry e : test.threads
.entrySet()) {
Thread t = e.getKey();
out.println(t.getName() + " "
+ t.getState());
for (StackTraceElement st : t
.getStackTrace()) {
out.println(" " + st);
test.failed = true;
if (error[0] == null)
error[0] = new IllegalStateException(
"Apparent deadlock\n" + sw.toString());
deadlocksDetected = 0;
if (++readyToTick < 2) {
readyToTick = 0;
// Advance to next tick
test.clock = nextTick;
lastProgress = System.currentTimeMillis();
// notify any threads that are waiting for this tick
if (test.getTrace())
System.out.println("Time is now " + test.clock);
} finally {
} catch (Throwable e) {
// killed
if (test.getTrace())
System.out.println("Tick thread killed");
return t;
* Wait for all of the test case threads to complete, or for one
* of the threads to throw an exception, or for the clock thread to
* interrupt this (main) thread of execution. When the clock thread
* or other threads fail, the error is placed in the shared error array
* and thrown by this method.
* @param threads
* List of all the test case threads and the clock thread
* @param error
* an array containing any Errors/Exceptions that occur in thread methods
* or that are thrown by the clock thread
* @throws Throwable
* The first error or exception that is thrown by one of the threads
private static void waitForMethodThreads(LinkedList threads,
final Throwable[] error) throws Throwable {
for (Thread t : threads)
try {
if (t.isAlive() && error[0] != null)
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
if (error[0] != null)
throw error[0];
throw new AssertionError(e1);
if (error[0] != null)
throw error[0];
* Invoke each of the thread methods in a seperate thread and
* place them all in a common (new) thread group. As a side-effect
* all the threads are placed in the 'threads' LinkedList parameter,
* and any errors detected are placed in the 'error' array parameter.
* @param test
* The test case containing the thread methods
* @param methods
* Collection of the methods to be invoked
* @param threads
* By the time this method returns, this parameter will
* contain all the test case threads
* @param error
* By the time this method returns, this parameter will
* contains the first error thrown by one of the threads.
* @return
* The thread group for all the newly created test case threads
private static ThreadGroup startMethodThreads(final MultithreadedTestCase test,
Collection methods, final LinkedList threads,
final Throwable[] error) {
ThreadGroup threadGroup = new ThreadGroup("MTC-Threads");
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(methods.size());
final Semaphore waitForRegistration = new Semaphore(0);
for (final Method m : methods) {
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
// At this point all threads are created and released
// (in random order?) together to run in parallel
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof ThreadDeath)
if (error[0] == null) {
error[0] = cause;
} catch (ThreadDeath e) {
// ignore it
} catch (Throwable e) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " caught " + e.getMessage());
if (error[0] == null)
error[0] = e;
} finally {
String threadName = "thread " + m.getName().substring(6);
Thread t = new Thread(threadGroup, r, threadName);
// add thread to map of method threads, mapped by name
test.putThread(m.getName(), t);
return threadGroup;
* Stop all test case threads and clock thread, except the thread from
* which this method is called. This method is used when a thread is
* ready to end in failure and it wants to make sure all the other
* threads have ended before throwing an exception.
* @param threads
* LinkedList of all the test case threads and the clock thread
private static void signalError(final LinkedList threads) {
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
for (Thread t : threads)
if (t != currentThread) {
AssertionError assertionError = new AssertionError(t.getName()
+ " killed by " + currentThread.getName());
* Change security access on an accessible object (e.g. Method
* or Constructor) so it can be invoked
* @param obj
* the object to make accessible
private static void makeAccessible(final AccessibleObject obj) {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public Void run() {
return null;
* Scan through a given class c
to find any inner classes
* that implement {@link junit.framework.Test}. If the classes have
* a no-arg constructor, they are instantiated added them to a TestSuite.
* If the inner classes are not declared static then an instance of the
* class represented by c
(created with a no-arg constructor)
* is used to construct the inner class. If no relevant inner classes are
* found, then an empty TestSuite is returned.
* @param c
* the class to scan for relevant inner classes
* @return
* A TestSuite containing one test for each relevant inner class
public static TestSuite buildTestSuite(Class> c) {
return buildTestSuite(c, c.getName());
* Scan through a given class c
to find any inner classes
* that implement {@link junit.framework.Test}. If the classes have
* a no-arg constructor, they are instantiated added them to a TestSuite.
* If the inner classes are not declared static then an instance of the
* class represented by c
(created with a no-arg constructor)
* is used to construct the inner class. If no relevant inner classes are
* found, then an empty TestSuite is returned.
* If the class is a TestCase, then an instance of it is passed to any
* non-static innerclass and the appropriate setUp and tearDown methods
* are called.
* @param c
* the class to scan for relevant inner classes
* @param suiteName
* A name for the TestSuite
* @return
* A TestSuite containing one test for each relevant inner class
public static TestSuite buildTestSuite(Class> c, String suiteName) {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(suiteName);
final Class> [] CNULL = null;
final Object [] ONULL = null;
// A no-arg constructor for c will be created if necessary
Constructor> mainCons = null;
Class> [] innerClasses = c.getDeclaredClasses();
for (Class> innerClass : innerClasses) {
// only consider subclasses of junit.framework.Test
if (!Test.class.isAssignableFrom(innerClass)) continue;
// check for static class with no-arg constructor
try {
Constructor> cons = innerClass.getDeclaredConstructor(CNULL);
if (!cons.isAccessible()) makeAccessible(cons);
suite.addTest( (Test) cons.newInstance(ONULL) );
} catch (Exception e) { }
// check for non-static class with no-arg constructor
try {
Constructor> cons = innerClass.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[]{c});
if (!cons.isAccessible()) makeAccessible(cons);
// try to create instance of outer class
if (mainCons == null) {
mainCons = c.getDeclaredConstructor(CNULL);
if (!mainCons.isAccessible()) makeAccessible(mainCons);
// Successful! Create test from non-static class
Object outerInstance = mainCons.newInstance(ONULL);
Test test = (Test) cons.newInstance( new Object[]{outerInstance} );
if (outerInstance instanceof TestCase && test instanceof MultithreadedTest)
(MultithreadedTest) test,
(TestCase) outerInstance );
} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
// if we get to this point, then inner-class is ignored
return suite;
* Update a given test to call "setUp" and "tearDown" before and after
* running the test respectively. Update is done by creating a new test.
* This assumes that the provided TestCase instance was used to create
* the Test, otherwise it does little good to call the "setUp" and "tearDown"
* method in the TestCase.
* @param mtc
* the test to update
* @param tc
* the TestCase that contains the setUp and tearDown methods called
* @throws
* Any exceptions that occur along the process. In this case, just
* use the old uninstrumented Test.
public static void addSetUpAndTearDown(MultithreadedTest mtc, TestCase tc)
throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException
Method setUp = null, tearDown = null;
setUp = TestCase.class.getDeclaredMethod("setUp", (Class> []) null);
if (!setUp.isAccessible()) makeAccessible(setUp);
tearDown = TestCase.class.getDeclaredMethod("tearDown", (Class> []) null);
if (!tearDown.isAccessible()) makeAccessible(tearDown);
mtc.addSetUpAndTearDown(tc, setUp, tearDown);