java.fedora.client.batch.AutoModify Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* License and Copyright: The contents of this file are subject to the
* Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The entire file consists of original code.
* Copyright © 2008 Fedora Commons, Inc.
Copyright © 2002-2007 The Rector and Visitors of the University of
* Virginia and Cornell University
* All rights reserved.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
package fedora.client.batch;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
//import fedora.client.APIMStubFactory;
//import fedora.client.APIAStubFactory;
import fedora.client.FedoraClient;
import fedora.client.batch.BatchModifyParser;
import fedora.client.Uploader;
import fedora.server.access.FedoraAPIA;
import fedora.server.utilities.StreamUtility;
* Title:
* Description: This is a command-line version of the Batch Modify
* utility that's available in the admin GUI client. It processes an xml
* input file containing modify directives enabling mass updating of existing
* objects. The utility has six required arguments:
* - hostName - Name of the Fedora repository server.
* - portNum - port number o fthe Fedora server.
* - username - username of the Fedora server admin user
* - password - password of the Fedora server admin user
* - directivesFilePath - absolute file path of the input file containing
* modify directives. Note that his file should
* should validate against the batchModify schema.
* - logFilePath - absolute file path of the log file; an xml file providing
* a history of the transactions processed.
* @author [email protected]
* @version $Id: 4423 2005-09-16 21:26:40Z payette $
public class AutoModify
private static String s_rootName = null;
private static PrintStream s_log = null;
private static FedoraAPIM s_APIM = null;
private static FedoraAPIA s_APIA = null;
private static Uploader s_UPLOADER = null;
public static FedoraAPIA APIA=null;
public static FedoraAPIM APIM=null;
//public AutoModify(String protocol, String host, int port, String user, String pass)
// throws MalformedURLException, ServiceException, IOException
// AutoModify.s_APIM=APIMStubFactory.getStub(protocol, host, port, user, pass);
// AutoModify.s_APIA=APIAStubFactory.getStub(protocol, host, port, user, pass);
// AutoModify.s_UPLOADER = new Uploader(protocol, host, port, user, pass);
* Constructor for the class.
* @param apia - SOAP stub for APIA service.
* @param apim - SOAP stub for APIM service.
* @param host - Hostname of the Fedora server.
* @param port - Port number of the Fedora server.
* @param user - username of the Fedora server admin user.
* @param pass - password of the Fedora server admin user.
* @throws MalformedURLException - If the URL generated from host and port
* is invalid.
* @throws ServiceException - If unable to connect via SOAP to the Fedora
* API-M web service.
* @throws IOException - If an error occurs in creating an instance of the
* Uploader.
public AutoModify(FedoraAPIA apia, FedoraAPIM apim,
String protocol, String host, int port, String user, String pass)
throws MalformedURLException, ServiceException, IOException
AutoModify.s_UPLOADER = new Uploader(protocol, host, port, user, pass);
* Processes the modify directives.
* @param directivesFilePath - The absolute file path of the file containing
* the modify directives.
* @param logFilePath - The absolute file path of the log file.
* @param isValidateOnly - Boolean flag; true indicates validate only; false indicates
* process the directives file.
public void modify(String directivesFilePath, String logFilePath, boolean isValidateOnly)
modify(s_APIM, s_UPLOADER, s_APIA, directivesFilePath, logFilePath, isValidateOnly);
* Process the modify directives.
* @param APIM - An instance of FedoraAPIM.
* @param UPLOADER - An instance of the Uploader.
* @param directivesFilePath - The absolute file path of the file containing
* the modify directives.
* @param APIA - An instance of FedoraAPIA.
* @param logFilePath - The absolute file path of the log file.
* @param isValidateOnly - Boolean flag; true indicates validate only; false indicates
* process the directives file.
public static void modify(FedoraAPIM APIM, Uploader UPLOADER, FedoraAPIA APIA,
String directivesFilePath, String logFilePath, boolean isValidateOnly) {
InputStream in = null;
BatchModifyParser bmp = null;
BatchModifyValidator bmv = null;
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
long et = 0;
try {
in = new FileInputStream(directivesFilePath);
if (isValidateOnly) {
openLog(logFilePath, "validate-modify-directives");
bmv = new BatchModifyValidator(in, s_log);
} else {
openLog(logFilePath, "modify-batch");
bmp = new BatchModifyParser(UPLOADER, APIM, APIA, in, s_log);
} catch (Exception e) {
+ " - "
+ (e.getMessage() == null ? "(no detail provided)" : e.getMessage()));
} finally {
try {
if (in != null)
if (s_log != null) {
et = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (bmp != null) {
if (bmp.getFailedCount() == -1) {
+ bmp.getSucceededCount()
+ " modify directives successfully processed.\n"
+ "Parser error encountered.\n"
+ "An unknown number of modify directives were not processed.\n"
+ "See log file for details of those directives processed before the error.\n"
+ "Time elapsed: "
+ getDuration(et - st));
s_log.println(" ");
s_log.println(" "
+ StreamUtility.enc(bmp.getSucceededCount()
+ " modify directives successfully processed.\n"
+ " Parser error encountered.\n"
+ " An unknown number of modify directives were not processed.\n"
+ " Time elapsed: "
+ getDuration(et - st)));
s_log.println(" ");
} else {
+ bmp.getSucceededCount()
+ " modify directives successfully processed.\n"
+ bmp.getFailedCount()
+ " modify directives failed.\n"
+ "See log file for details.\n"
+ "Time elapsed: "
+ getDuration(et - st));
s_log.println(" ");
s_log.println(" "
+ StreamUtility.enc(bmp.getSucceededCount()
+ " modify directives successfully processed.\n "
+ bmp.getFailedCount()
+ " modify directives failed.\n"
+ " Time elapsed: "
+ getDuration(et - st)));
s_log.println(" ");
} else if (bmv != null) {
et = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (bmv.isValid()) {
System.out.println("Modify Directives File in \n"
+ directivesFilePath
+ "\n is Valid !"
+ "\nTime elapsed: "
+ getDuration(et - st));
s_log.println(" ");
s_log.println(" Modify Directives File: \n "
+ directivesFilePath + "\n is Valid !"
+ "\n Time elapsed: "
+ getDuration(et - st));
s_log.println(" ");
} else {
+ " XML validation Errors found in Modify Directives file.\n"
+ "See log file for details.\n"
+ "Time elapsed: "
+ getDuration(et - st));
s_log.println(" ");
s_log.println(" "
+ StreamUtility.enc(bmv.getErrorCount()
+ " XML validation Errors found in Modify Directives file.\n"
+ " See log file for details.\n"
+ " Time elapsed: "
+ getDuration(et - st)));
s_log.println(" ");
System.out.println("A detailed log file was created at\n"
+ logFilePath + "\n\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
+ " - "
+ (e.getMessage() == null ? "(no detail provided)" : e.getMessage()));
* Convert the duration time from milliseconds to standard hours, minutes,
* and seconds format.
* @param millis - The time interval to convert in miliseconds.
* @return A string with the converted time.
private static String getDuration(long millis)
long tsec=millis/1000;
long h=tsec/60/60;
long m=(tsec - (h*60*60))/60;
long s=(tsec - (h*60*60) - (m*60));
StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer();
if (h>0)
out.append(h + " hour");
if (h>1) out.append('s');
if (m>0)
if (h>0) out.append(", ");
out.append(m + " minute");
if (m>1) out.append('s');
if (s>0 || (h==0 && m==0))
if (h>0 || m>0) out.append(", ");
out.append(s + " second");
if (s!=1) out.append('s');
return out.toString();
* Initializes the log file for writing.
* @param outFile - The absolute file path of the log file.
* @param rootName - The name of the root element for the xml log file.
* @throws Exception - If any type of error occurs in trying to open the
* log file for writing.
private static void openLog(String outFile, String rootName) throws Exception
s_rootName = rootName;
s_log=new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile), true, "UTF-8");
s_log.println("<" + s_rootName + ">");
* Closes the log file.
* @throws Exception - If any type of error occurs in closing the log file.
private static void closeLog() throws Exception
s_log.println("" + s_rootName + ">");
* Displays the command-line syntax.
* @param errMessage - The error message to be displayed.
public static void showUsage(String errMessage)
System.out.println("Error: " + errMessage);
System.out.println("Usage: AutoModify host:port username password "
+ "directives-filepath log-filepath protocol [validate-only-option]");
System.out.println("Note: protocol must be either http or https.");
public static void main(String[] args) {
String logFilePath = null;
String directivesFilePath = null;
String protocol = null;
String hostName = null;
String username = null;
String password = null;
int portNum = 0;
boolean isValidateOnly = true;
try {
if (args.length < 6 || args.length > 7) {
AutoModify.showUsage("You must provide either 6 or 7 arguments.");
} else {
String[] hostPort = args[0].split(":");
if (hostPort.length!=2) {
AutoModify.showUsage("First argument must contain target"
+ " Fedora server hostname and port using the syntax"
+ " \"hostname:port\"");
hostName = hostPort[0];
portNum = Integer.parseInt(hostPort[1]);
username = args[1];
password = args[2];
directivesFilePath = args[3];
logFilePath = args[4];
protocol = args[5];
if (args.length == 6) {
isValidateOnly = false;
} else {
isValidateOnly = true;
if (new File(directivesFilePath).exists()) {
System.out.println("\nCONNECTING to Fedora server....");
// ******************************************
// NEW: use new client utility class
// FIXME: Get around hardcoding the path in the baseURL
String baseURL = protocol + "://" + hostName + ":" + portNum + "/fedora";
FedoraClient fc = new FedoraClient(baseURL, username, password);
AutoModify am = new AutoModify(APIA, APIM,
protocol, hostName, portNum, username, password);
if (isValidateOnly) {
System.out.println("\n----- VALIDATING DIRECTIVES FILE ONLY -----\n");
} else {
System.out.println("\n----- PROCESSING DIRECTIVES FILE -----\n");
am.modify(directivesFilePath, logFilePath, isValidateOnly);
} else {
AutoModify.showUsage("Directives input file does not exist: "
+ directivesFilePath + " .");
} catch (Exception e) {
+ " - "
+ (e.getMessage() == null ? "(no detail provided)" : e