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* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* License and Copyright: The contents of this file are subject to the
* Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The entire file consists of original code.
* Copyright © 2008 Fedora Commons, Inc.
Copyright © 2002-2007 The Rector and Visitors of the University of
* Virginia and Cornell University
* All rights reserved.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import fedora.server.errors.*;
import java.lang.Boolean;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
* Title:
* Description: A class for parsing the special XML format in Fedora
* for a Method Map. A DSInputSpec exists within a Behavior Mechanism
* Object (bmech) and a Behavior Definition Object (bdef). The Method Map
* defines abstract methods definitions. In a bdef these are the "behavior
* contract." In a bmech, these are abstract definitions that are then
* implemented by the service represented by the bmech.
* @author [email protected]
* @version $Id: 3966 2005-04-21 13:33:01Z rlw $
class MmapParser extends DefaultHandler
/** The namespaces we know we will encounter */
private final static String FMM = "";
* URI-to-namespace prefix mapping info from SAX2 startPrefixMapping events.
private HashMap nsPrefixMap;
// Variables for keeping state during SAX parse.
private boolean inMethod = false;
private boolean inUserInputParm = false;
// Fedora Method Map Entities
private Mmap methodMap;
private MmapMethodDef methodMapMethod;
private MmapMethodParmDef methodMapParm;
private String behaviorObjectPID;
//private Hashtable wsdlMsgToMethodTbl;
private Hashtable wsdlOperationToMethodDefTbl;
private Hashtable wsdlMsgPartToParmDefTbl;
// Working variables...
private Vector tmp_enum;
private Vector tmp_parms;
private Vector tmp_methods;
* Constructor to enable another class to initiate the parsing
public MmapParser(String parentPID)
behaviorObjectPID = parentPID;
* Constructor allows this class to initiate the parsing
public MmapParser(String parentPID, InputStream in)
throws RepositoryConfigurationException, ObjectIntegrityException
behaviorObjectPID = parentPID;
XMLReader xmlReader = null;
SAXParserFactory saxfactory=SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser parser=saxfactory.newSAXParser();
xmlReader.setFeature("", false);
xmlReader.setFeature("", false);
catch (Exception e)
throw new RepositoryConfigurationException("Internal SAX error while "
+ "preparing for Method Map datastream parsing: "
+ e.getMessage());
xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(in));
catch (Exception e)
throw new ObjectIntegrityException("Error parsing Method Map datastream" +
e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
protected Mmap getMethodMap()
return methodMap;
public void startDocument() throws SAXException
nsPrefixMap = new HashMap();
wsdlOperationToMethodDefTbl = new Hashtable();
public void endDocument() throws SAXException
nsPrefixMap = null;
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) throws SAXException
nsPrefixMap.put(uri, prefix);
public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
char[] text = new char[sb.length()];
sb.getChars(0, sb.length(), text, 0);
this.characters(text, 0, text.length);
public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException
public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
throws SAXException
if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("MethodMap"))
methodMap = new Mmap();
methodMap.mmapName = attrs.getValue("name");
tmp_methods = new Vector();
else if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("Method"))
inMethod = true;
methodMapMethod = new MmapMethodDef();
methodMapMethod.methodName = attrs.getValue("operationName");
methodMapMethod.methodLabel = "fix me";
methodMapMethod.wsdlOperationName = attrs.getValue("operationName");
methodMapMethod.wsdlMessageName = attrs.getValue("wsdlMsgName");
methodMapMethod.wsdlOutputMessageName = attrs.getValue("wsdlMsgOutput");
tmp_parms = new Vector();
wsdlMsgPartToParmDefTbl = new Hashtable();
else if (inMethod)
if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("DatastreamInputParm"))
methodMapParm = new MmapMethodParmDef();
methodMapParm.wsdlMessagePartName = attrs.getValue("parmName");
methodMapParm.parmName = attrs.getValue("parmName");
methodMapParm.parmLabel = "fix me";
methodMapParm.parmPassBy = attrs.getValue("passBy");
methodMapParm.parmType = MethodParmDef.DATASTREAM_INPUT;
if (attrs.getValue("required") == null)
methodMapParm.parmRequired = true;
methodMapParm.parmRequired = new Boolean(attrs.getValue("required")).booleanValue();
methodMapParm.parmDefaultValue = null;
methodMapParm.parmDomainValues = new String[0];
else if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("DefaultInputParm"))
methodMapParm = new MmapMethodParmDef();
methodMapParm.wsdlMessagePartName = attrs.getValue("parmName");
methodMapParm.parmName = attrs.getValue("parmName");
methodMapParm.parmLabel = "fix me";
methodMapParm.parmPassBy = MethodParmDef.PASS_BY_VALUE;
methodMapParm.parmType = MethodParmDef.DEFAULT_INPUT;
if (attrs.getValue("required") == null)
methodMapParm.parmRequired = true;
methodMapParm.parmRequired = new Boolean(attrs.getValue("required")).booleanValue();
methodMapParm.parmDefaultValue = attrs.getValue("defaultValue");
methodMapParm.parmDomainValues = new String[0];
else if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("UserInputParm"))
inUserInputParm = true;
methodMapParm = new MmapMethodParmDef();
methodMapParm.wsdlMessagePartName = attrs.getValue("parmName");
methodMapParm.parmName = attrs.getValue("parmName");
methodMapParm.parmLabel = "fix me";
methodMapParm.parmPassBy = MethodParmDef.PASS_BY_VALUE;
methodMapParm.parmType = MethodParmDef.USER_INPUT;
if (attrs.getValue("required") == null)
methodMapParm.parmRequired = true;
methodMapParm.parmRequired = new Boolean(attrs.getValue("required")).booleanValue();
methodMapParm.parmDefaultValue = attrs.getValue("defaultValue");
else if (inUserInputParm)
if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("ValidParmValues"))
tmp_enum = new Vector();
else if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("ValidParm"))
public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException
if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("MethodMap"))
methodMap.mmapMethods = (MmapMethodDef[])tmp_methods.toArray(new MmapMethodDef[0]);
methodMap.wsdlOperationToMethodDef = wsdlOperationToMethodDefTbl;
tmp_methods = null;
else if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("Method"))
methodMapMethod.methodParms = (MethodParmDef[])tmp_parms.toArray(new MethodParmDef[0]);
methodMapMethod.wsdlMsgParts = (MmapMethodParmDef[])tmp_parms.toArray(new MmapMethodParmDef[0]);
methodMapMethod.wsdlMsgPartToParmDefTbl = wsdlMsgPartToParmDefTbl;
wsdlOperationToMethodDefTbl.put(methodMapMethod.methodName, methodMapMethod);
wsdlMsgPartToParmDefTbl = null;
methodMapMethod = null;
tmp_parms = null;
inMethod = false;
else if (inMethod)
if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("DatastreamInputParm"))
wsdlMsgPartToParmDefTbl.put(methodMapParm.wsdlMessagePartName, methodMapParm);
methodMapParm = null;
else if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("DefaultInputParm"))
wsdlMsgPartToParmDefTbl.put(methodMapParm.wsdlMessagePartName, methodMapParm);
methodMapParm = null;
else if (namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("UserInputParm"))
wsdlMsgPartToParmDefTbl.put(methodMapParm.wsdlMessagePartName, methodMapParm);
methodMapParm = null;
inUserInputParm = false;
else if (inUserInputParm && namespaceURI.equalsIgnoreCase(FMM) && localName.equalsIgnoreCase("ValidParmValues"))
methodMapParm.parmDomainValues = (String[])tmp_enum.toArray(new String[0]);
tmp_enum = null;