java.fedora.swing.jhelp.SimpleContentViewerUI Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* License and Copyright: The contents of this file are subject to the
* Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.fedora-commons.org/licenses.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The entire file consists of original code.
* Copyright © 2008 Fedora Commons, Inc.
Copyright © 2002-2007 The Rector and Visitors of the University of
* Virginia and Cornell University
* All rights reserved.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
package fedora.swing.jhelp;
import javax.help.*;
import javax.help.plaf.HelpContentViewerUI;
import javax.help.event.*;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
import javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
import java.awt.*;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.io.*;
import javax.help.Map.ID;
* Title: SimpleContentViewerUI.java
* Description: Based on SimpleContentViewerUI in javax.help.plaf.basic,
* which comes with JavaHelp, which comes with Java1.4, and is written by Sun
* Microsystems. More information on JavaHelp can be found at
* http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp/faq.html
* But this version doesn't call setBackingStoreEnable(true)
* which is a deprecated method (as of java1.4) anyway.
* This simple modification has the net effect of allowing images displayed in
* help content windows to not be mangled (actually, they mysteriously
* disappear) when the scrollbar is first used.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Portions created by Sun Microsystems are Copyright © Sun Microsystems,
* originally made available at java.sun.com
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @author Sun Microsystems, [email protected]
* @version $Id: SimpleContentViewerUI.java 5162 2006-10-25 00:49:06Z eddie $
public class SimpleContentViewerUI extends HelpContentViewerUI implements
HelpModelListener, TextHelpModelListener, HyperlinkListener,
PropertyChangeListener, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// Suggestion: Refactor the class and remove the menu bar and the
// HTML viewer into subclasses. This would allow easier
// replacement of both components to
// cwilper:note ^^^ haha, looks like they were thinking about making
// replacement easier at some point... ahh well.
protected JHelpContentViewer theViewer;
private static Dimension PREF_SIZE = new Dimension(200, 300);
private static Dimension MIN_SIZE = new Dimension(80, 80);
private JEditorPane html;
private JViewport vp;
private Hashtable registry;
private boolean loadingURL;
private TextHelpModelEvent pendingHighlightsEvent;
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent x) {
return new SimpleContentViewerUI((JHelpContentViewer) x);
public SimpleContentViewerUI(JHelpContentViewer b) {
debug("createUI - sort of");
public void setEditorKit(String type, EditorKit kit) {
debug("setEditorKit(" + type + ", " + kit + ")");
if (registry == null) {
registry = new Hashtable(3);
registry.put(type, kit);
if (html != null) {
debug(" type: " + type);
debug(" kit: " + kit);
html.setEditorKitForContentType(type, kit);
if (debug)
debug(" kit got: " + html.getEditorKitForContentType(type));
* Subclass of JEditorPane that uses the JHelpContentViewer type registry.
public class JHEditorPane extends JEditorPane {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Hashtable typeHandlers;
public EditorKit getEditorKitForContentType(String type) {
if (typeHandlers == null) {
typeHandlers = new Hashtable(3);
EditorKit k = (EditorKit) typeHandlers.get(type);
if (k == null) {
k = theViewer.createEditorKitForContentType(type);
if (k != null) {
setEditorKitForContentType(type, k);
typeHandlers.put(type, k);
if (k == null) {
k = super.getEditorKitForContentType(type);
if (k != null) {
typeHandlers.put(type, k);
return k;
public void installUI(JComponent c) {
theViewer = (JHelpContentViewer) c;
theViewer.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// listen to property changes...
TextHelpModel model = theViewer.getModel();
if (model != null) {
// listen to id changes...
// listen to highlight changes...
html = new JHEditorPane();
JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane();
scroller.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED, Color.white,
vp = scroller.getViewport();
// here is the suspect line:
// Interesting fact: It took about eight hours to come up with
// a solution which incorporated removal of this line while
// keeping the base javahelp classes intact, and dealing with
// miscellaneous errors that came up.
// But I won, see. I won. That's all that matters,
// mister computer. Bite me!! nyeh nyeh!!!!
// vp.setBackingStoreEnabled(true);
theViewer.add("Center", scroller);
loadingURL = false;
pendingHighlightsEvent = null;
public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) {
JHelpContentViewer viewer = (JHelpContentViewer) c;
TextHelpModel model = viewer.getModel();
if (model != null) {
public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) {
return PREF_SIZE;
public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent c) {
return MIN_SIZE;
public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent c) {
// This doesn't seem right. But I'm not sure what to do for now
return new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public void idChanged(HelpModelEvent e) {
ID id = e.getID();
URL url = e.getURL();
TextHelpModel model = theViewer.getModel();
debug("idChanged(" + e + ")");
debug(" = " + id + "--" + url);
debug(" my helpModel: " + model);
// HERE - REMIND - event should be generated after visit
// with the title already in there - epll.
try {
Highlighter h = html.getHighlighter();
try {
loadingURL = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
loadingURL = false;
// IGNORE FOR EA2 --- !! - epll
debug("html current EditorKit is: " + html.getEditorKit());
debug("html current ContentType is: " + html.getContentType());
} catch (Exception e3) {
// e.g. and incorrect URL will generate a nullexception!!
// ignore
debug("Exception geneartated");
debug("done with idChanged");
private void rebuild() {
TextHelpModel model = theViewer.getModel();
if (model == null) {
debug("rebuild-end: model is null");
// The model has changed. I'll need to clear the HTML viewer and
// put in the home page
Highlighter h = html.getHighlighter();
HelpSet hs = model.getHelpSet();
try {
ID id = hs.getHomeID();
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
debug("propertyChange: " + event.getPropertyName() + "\n\toldValue:"
+ event.getOldValue() + "\n\tnewValue:" + event.getNewValue());
if (event.getSource() == theViewer) {
String changeName = event.getPropertyName();
if (changeName.equals("helpModel")) {
TextHelpModel oldModel = (TextHelpModel) event.getOldValue();
TextHelpModel newModel = (TextHelpModel) event.getNewValue();
if (oldModel != null) {
if (newModel != null) {
} else if (changeName.equals("font")) {
debug("font changed");
Font newFont = (Font) event.getNewValue();
EditorKit ek = html.getEditorKit();
if (ek instanceof HTMLEditorKit) {
String cssData = "body { font-family: "
+ newFont.getFamily() + " }";
HTMLEditorKit hek = (HTMLEditorKit) ek;
StyleSheet styles = hek.getStyleSheet();
try {
styles.loadRules(new StringReader(cssData), null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} else if (event.getSource() == html) {
String changeName = event.getPropertyName();
if (changeName.equals("page")) {
debug("page finished loading");
loadingURL = false;
if (pendingHighlightsEvent != null) {
debug("Loading the highlights now");
pendingHighlightsEvent = null;
Document doc = html.getDocument();
String title = (String) doc.getProperty(Document.TitleProperty);
TextHelpModel model = theViewer.getModel();
// Propogate this to property listeners of the ContentViewer.
// Can't acutally send the real thing because Objects and
// Strings aren't supported.
theViewer.firePropertyChange(event.getPropertyName(), false,
* Notification of a change relative to a hyperlink.
public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) {
if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
// If in a frame do something different
if (e instanceof HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent) {
((HTMLDocument) html.getDocument())
.processHTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent((HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent) e);
} else {
// Not a frame
* Follows the reference in an link. The given url is the requested
* reference. By default this calls setPage, and if
* an exception is thrown the original previous document is restored and a
* beep sounded. If an attempt was made to follow a link, but it represented
* a malformed url, this method will be called with a null argument.
* @param u
* the URL to follow
protected void linkActivated(URL u) {
debug("linkActivated - URL=" + u);
Cursor c = html.getCursor();
Cursor waitCursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR);
// workaround for bug #418959
// if there is an anchor make sure the file doesn't end in "/" or "\"
// if it does then get the current file name and append the ref
String ref = u.getRef();
if (ref != null) {
String file = u.getFile();
if (file.endsWith("/") || file.endsWith("\\")) {
u = html.getPage();
debug("current u=" + u);
file = u.getFile();
debug("file=" + file);
try {
u = new URL(u.getProtocol(), u.getHost(), u.getPort(), file
+ "#" + ref);
} catch (MalformedURLException e2) {
debug("new u=" + u);
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new PageLoader(u, c));
* Temporary class that loads synchronously (although later than the request
* so that a cursor change can be done).
class PageLoader implements Runnable {
PageLoader(URL u, Cursor c) {
url = u;
cursor = c;
public void run() {
if (url == null) {
// restore the original cursor
} else {
Document doc = html.getDocument();
String title;
try {
loadingURL = true;
doc = html.getDocument();
title = (String) doc.getProperty(Document.TitleProperty);
TextHelpModel model = theViewer.getModel();
ID id = model.getHelpSet().getCombinedMap().getIDFromURL(
if (id != null) {
try {
} catch (InvalidHelpSetContextException ex) {
} else {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
loadingURL = false;
} finally {
// schedule the cursor to revert after
// the paint has happended.
url = null;
URL url;
Cursor cursor;
* Determines if highlights have changed. Collects all the highlights and
* marks the presentation.
* @param e
* The TextHelpModelEvent.
public void highlightsChanged(TextHelpModelEvent e) {
debug("highlightsChanged " + e);
// if we're loading this url this event will need to wait
// until we're notified that the page has finished loaded.
// we could wait(), but that would prevent the execution of
// other events in this thread. Instead preserve the
// TextHelpModelEvent and recall this method when the notification
// occurs.
if (loadingURL) {
debug("Humm. loadingURL wait a little");
pendingHighlightsEvent = e;
Highlighter h = html.getHighlighter();
TextHelpModel m = (TextHelpModel) e.getSource();
TextHelpModel.Highlight highlights[] = m.getHighlights();
Highlighter.HighlightPainter p = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter(
for (int i = 0; i < highlights.length; i++) {
int pos0 = highlights[i].getStartOffset();
int pos1 = highlights[i].getEndOffset();
debug(" highlight: " + pos0 + ", " + pos1);
try {
h.addHighlight(pos0, pos1, p);
// scroll to the first position
if (i == 0) {
Runnable callScrollToPosition = new ScrollToPosition(html,
} catch (BadLocationException bl) {
debug("badLocationExcetpion thrown - " + bl);
private class ScrollToPosition implements Runnable {
private int pos;
private JEditorPane html;
public ScrollToPosition(JEditorPane html, int pos) {
this.html = html;
this.pos = pos;
public void run() {
try {
Rectangle rec = html.modelToView(pos);
if (rec != null) {
} catch (BadLocationException bl) {
* For printf debugging.
private final static boolean debug = false;
private static void debug(String str) {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("SimpleContentViewerUI: " + str);
private final static boolean debug1 = false;
private static void debug1(String str) {
if (debug1) {
System.out.println("SimpleContentViewerUI: " + str);