portal.default.redbox.scripts.actions.andsDoi.py Maven / Gradle / Ivy
from com.googlecode.fascinator.api.storage import StorageException
from com.googlecode.fascinator.common import BasicHttpClient, JsonSimple
from java.lang import Exception
from org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods import GetMethod
from org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods import PostMethod
class AndsDoiData:
def __init__(self):
# Some templates for making our XML
self.xml_xmlWrapper = "\n%s "
self.xml_id = "%s \n"
self.xml_title = "%s \n"
self.xml_publisher = "%s \n"
self.xml_pubYear = "%s \n"
self.xml_creator = "%s \n"
self.xml_creatorWrapper = "\n%s \n"
def __activate__(self, context):
self.velocityContext = context
self.log = context["log"]
self.storage = self.vc("Services").getStorage()
self.responseJson = JsonSimple()
self.writer = self.vc("response").getPrintWriter("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
if self.doiSecurityCheck():
self.throwError("Access Denied")
def doiConfig(self, key):
config = self.vc("systemConfig")
return config.getString(None, ["andsDoi", key]);
def doiSecurityCheck(self):
config = self.vc("systemConfig")
allowedUsers = config.getStringList(["andsDoi", "security", "users"])
allowedRoles = config.getStringList(["andsDoi", "security", "roles"])
userName = self.vc("page").authentication.get_username()
userRoles = self.vc("page").authentication.get_roles_list()
if userName in allowedUsers:
return True
for role in userRoles:
if role in allowedRoles:
return True
return False
def getApiUrl(self, page):
baseUrl = self.doiConfig("apiBaseUrl")
apiKey = self.doiConfig("apiKey")
# Create = https://services.ands.org.au/doi/1.1/mint.json?app_id=$app_id&url=$url
if page == "create":
#return baseUrl + "mint.json?app_id=" + apiKey + "&url="
return baseUrl + "mint.json/?app_id=" + apiKey + "&url="
# Update = https://services.ands.org.au/doi/1.1/update.json?app_id=$app_id&doi=$DOI_id[&url=$url]
if page == "update":
return baseUrl + "update.json/?app_id=" + apiKey + "&doi="
# Activate = https://services.ands.org.au/doi/1.1/activate.json?app_id=$app_id&doi=$DOI_id
if page == "activate":
return baseUrl + "activate.json/?app_id=" + apiKey + "&doi="
# Deactivate = https://services.ands.org.au/doi/1.1/deactivate.json?app_id=$app_id&doi=$DOI_id
if page == "deactivate":
return baseUrl + "deactivate.json/?app_id=" + apiKey + "&doi="
# Get = https://services.ands.org.au/doi/1.1/xml.json?doi=$DOI_id
if page == "get":
return baseUrl + "xml.json/?doi="
# Get from velocity context
def vc(self, index):
if self.velocityContext[index] is not None:
return self.velocityContext[index]
log.error("ERROR: Requested context entry '" + index + "' doesn't exist")
return None
def activateDoi(self):
self.throwError("Not implemented yet")
def buildXml(self, json, doi):
xmlString = "";
## Check metadata validity along the way
if doi is None or doi == "":
## During DOI creation a URL is mandatory,
## but not part of the XML, so...
## 1) Skip this is we have a DOI
## 2) Make sure it exists otherwise
## 3) But don't add into the XML
url = json.getString(None, ["url"])
if url is None or url == "":
return None
# We have to fake a DOI to get through the validator
xmlString += self.xml_id % ("10.0/0")
## Once we have a DOI it needs to go in the XML.
## URL is optional in this case, and still not in XML
xmlString += self.xml_id % (doi)
creators = json.getStringList(["creators"])
if creators is None or creators.isEmpty():
return None
creatorString = ""
for creator in creators:
creatorString += self.xml_creator % (creator)
xmlString += self.xml_creatorWrapper % (creatorString)
title = json.getString(None, ["title"])
if title is None or title == "":
return None
xmlString += self.xml_title % (title)
publisher = json.getString(None, ["publisher"])
if publisher is None or publisher == "":
return None
xmlString += self.xml_publisher % (publisher)
pubYear = json.getString(None, ["pubYear"])
if pubYear is None or pubYear == "":
return None
xmlString += self.xml_pubYear % (pubYear)
return self.xml_xmlWrapper % (xmlString)
def urlGet(self, url):
client = BasicHttpClient(url)
get = GetMethod(url)
code = client.executeMethod(get)
body = get.getResponseBodyAsString().strip()
return (str(code), body)
except Exception, e:
self.log.error("Error during HTTP request: ", e)
return (None, None)
def urlPost(self, url, postBody):
client = BasicHttpClient(url)
post = PostMethod(url)
# Which will work?
post.addParameter("xml", postBody)
code = client.executeMethod(post)
if str(code) == "302":
locationHeader = post.getResponseHeader("location");
if locationHeader is not None:
redirectLocation = locationHeader.getValue();
self.log.info("302 Redirection was requested: '{}'", redirectLocation)
##return self.urlPost(redirectLocation, postBody)
body = post.getResponseBodyAsString().strip()
return (str(code), body)
except Exception, e:
self.log.error("Error during HTTP request: ", e)
return (None, None)
def createDoi(self):
jsonString = self.vc("formData").get("json")
json = self.parseJson(jsonString)
if json is None:
oid = json.getString(None, ["oid"])
oldDoi = self.getDoiFromStorage(oid)
if oldDoi is not None:
if oldDoi is False:
# An error, and it has already been thrown
self.throwError("There's already a DOI for this object! '"+oldDoi+"'")
xmlString = self.buildXml(json, None)
if xmlString is None:
self.throwError("Error during XML creation")
self.log.debug("XML:\n{}", xmlString)
andsUrl = self.getApiUrl("create")
ourUrl = json.getString(None, ["url"])
if (andsUrl is not None and ourUrl is not None):
andsUrl += ourUrl
#andsUrl += "http://www.example.org"
self.log.debug("About to create DOI via URL: '{}'", andsUrl)
(code, body) = self.urlPost(andsUrl, xmlString)
self.log.debug("Response Code: '{}'", code)
self.log.debug("Response Body: '{}'", body)
if code != "200":
self.throwError("Invalid response from ANDS server, code "+code+ ": "+body)
# Grab the DOI from their response string
# Modified to match ANDS service point version 2.2
andsJsonResp = self.parseJson(body)
if andsJsonResp is None:
self.throwError("We received a 200 response from ANDS, but the body format was not as expected. Response body: '"+body.replace("\n", "\\n")+"'")
responseCode = andsJsonResp.getString(None, ["response", "responsecode"])
if responseCode != "MT001":
self.throwError(responseCode + "-" + andsJsonResp.getString(None, ["response", "verbosemessage"]))
doi = andsJsonResp.getString(None, ["response", "doi"])
stored = self.storeDoi(doi, oid)
if not stored:
# We've already thrown the error
self.responseJson.getJsonObject().put("doi", doi)
respStr = self.responseJson.toString(True)
self.log.debug("Sending response to client:")
def getDoiFromStorage(self, oid):
propName = self.doiConfig("doiProperty");
if propName is None:
self.throwError("Error accessing storing, no configured storage property name for DOIs!")
return False
object = self.storage.getObject(oid);
metadata = object.getMetadata()
return metadata.getProperty(propName)
except StorageException, e:
self.throwError("Error accessing DOI. See system logs!")
self.log.error("Error stacktrace: ", e)
return False
def storeDoi(self, doi, oid):
propName = self.doiConfig("doiProperty");
if propName is None:
self.throwError("Error storing DOI, no configured storage property name!")
return False
object = self.storage.getObject(oid);
metadata = object.getMetadata()
metadata.setProperty(propName, doi)
self.log.debug("DOI '{}' stored for OID '{}'", doi, oid)
return True
except StorageException, e:
self.throwError("Error storing DOI. See system logs!")
self.log.error("Error stacktrace: ", e)
return False
def deactivateDoi(self):
self.throwError("Not implemented yet")
def getXml(self):
self.throwError("Not implemented yet")
def parseJson(self, jsonString):
## Parse JSON Metadata
return JsonSimple(jsonString)
except Exception, e:
self.log.error("ERROR invalid JSON: ", e)
self.log.error("Invalid JSON was:\n{}", jsonString)
self.throwError("Parsing JSON failed : " + e.getMessage())
return None
def process(self):
valid = self.vc("page").csrfSecurePage()
if not valid:
self.throwError("Invalid request")
action = self.vc("formData").get("verb")
switch = {
"createDoi" : self.createDoi,
"updateDoi" : self.updateDoi,
"activateDoi" : self.activateDoi,
"deactivateDoi" : self.deactivateDoi,
"getXml" : self.getXml
switch.get(action, self.unknownAction)()
def throwError(self, message):
self.log.error("andsDoi.py : " + message);
self.responseJson.getJsonObject().put("error", "Error: " + message)
def updateDoi(self):
self.throwError("Not implemented yet")
def unknownAction(self):
verb = self.vc("formData").get("verb") or "null"
self.throwError("Unknown action requested - '" + verb + "'")
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