portal.default.redbox.scripts.hkjobs.alerts.py Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import csv
import os
import shutil
import time
from com.googlecode.fascinator import HarvestClient
from com.googlecode.fascinator.common import FascinatorHome
from com.googlecode.fascinator.common import JsonObject
from com.googlecode.fascinator.common import JsonSimple
from java.io import File
from java.io import FileInputStream
from java.io import InputStreamReader
from java.lang import Exception
from org.dom4j import DocumentFactory
from org.dom4j.io import SAXReader
from org.json.simple import JSONArray
class AlertsData:
def __activate__(self, context):
self.log = context["log"]
self.config = context["systemConfig"]
response = context["response"]
## Variable prep
defaultPath = FascinatorHome.getPath("alerts")
self.alertsPath = self.config.getString(defaultPath, ["alerts", "path"])
self.configFile = None # We'll allocate this later... if needed
self.redboxVersion = self.config.getString("", "redbox.version.string")
self.csvDialect = csv.excel
self.csvDialect.skipinitialspace = True
## XML Parsing
docFactory = DocumentFactory()
self.saxReader = SAXReader(docFactory)
## Do our job
(success, failed) = self.__processDir()
## Send response to the client (if debugging in browser)
writer = response.getPrintWriter("text/plain; charset=UTF-8")
writer.println("%s successful, %s failed" % (success, failed))
except Exception,e:
writer = response.getPrintWriter("text/plain; charset=UTF-8")
writer.println("Unexpected error during script execution:\n%s" % str(e))
## Process the file in the the alerts directory
def __processDir(self):
successCount = 0
failedCount = 0
files = os.listdir(self.alertsPath)
for file in files:
## CSV Files
if file.endswith(".csv"):
(success, failed) = self.__processCSV(file)
## XML Files
if file.endswith(".xml"):
mapPath = self.config.getString(None, ["alerts", "xmlMaps", "xml"])
(success, failed) = self.__processXML(file, mapPath)
## Everything else... errors
## Except our directories of course
filePath = self.pBase(file)
if os.path.isfile(filePath):
self.log.error("Unknown file extension in alerts directory: '{}'", file)
success = 0
failed = 0
successCount += success
failedCount += failed
return successCount, failedCount
## Processing method for a single XML File.
## Each XML file is expected to contain only
## a single Collection
def __processXML(self, fileName, mapPath):
filePath = self.pBase(fileName)
if mapPath is None:
self.log.error("Error accessing XML mappings for '{}'", fileName)
return 0, 1
## Make sure we can see our mappings
self.log.info("Reading XML mapping file: '{}'", mapPath)
inStream = FileInputStream(File(mapPath))
xmlMappings = JsonSimple(inStream)
except Exception,e:
## Move the CSV to the 'failed' directory
shutil.move(filePath, self.pFail(fileName))
## And write our error data to disk beside it
self.writeError(fileName, e)
return 0, 1
jsonObject = None
jsonObject = self.__xmlToJson(fileName, xmlMappings.getObject(["mappings"]), xmlMappings.getObject(["exceptions"]))
except Exception,e:
## Move the CSV to the 'failed' directory
shutil.move(filePath, self.pFail(fileName))
## And write our error data to disk beside it
self.writeError(fileName, e)
## Now ingested the JSON Object into the tool chain
if jsonObject is not None:
success = self.__ingestJson(fileName, jsonObject, True)
if success:
return 1, 0
return 0, 1
## Processing method for a single CSV File.
## Each CSV file may contain multiple rows
## which should become ReDBox Collections
def __processCSV(self, fileName):
## Counters
successCount = 0
failedCount = 0
## Here's the data parsing/processing,
## should have a list of JSON objects
filePath = self.pBase(fileName)
jsonList = self.__csvToJson(fileName)
except Exception,e:
## Processing failed
failedCount += 1
jsonList = []
## Move the CSV to the 'failed' directory
shutil.move(filePath, self.pFail(fileName))
## And write our error data to disk beside it
self.writeError(fileName, e)
## Now all of the JSON Objects need to
## be ingested into the tool chain
if len(jsonList) > 0:
for json in jsonList:
success = self.__ingestJson("%s.%s"%(fileName,successCount), json, False)
if success:
successCount += 1;
failedCount += 1;
## Return the counts we got from this file
shutil.move(self.pBase(fileName), self.pDone(fileName))
return successCount, failedCount
## Create packages from a CSV
def __csvToJson(self, fileName):
self.log.info("Converting '{}' to JSON...", fileName)
filePath = self.pBase(fileName)
timestamp = time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(filePath))
## Parse our CSV file
f = open(filePath, "rb")
csvReader = csv.reader(f, dialect=self.csvDialect)
## We don't need the header row
headerRow = csvReader.next()
## File has no data??
self.log.error("File '{}' contains no rows of data!", fileName)
return []
## Process each row in turn
data = None
jsonList = []
for row in csvReader:
data = {
"viewId": "default",
"title": row[0].strip(),
"description": row[1].strip(),
"workflow_source": row[5].strip(),
"packageType": "dataset",
"redbox:formVersion": self.redboxVersion,
"redbox:newForm": "true",
"redbox:submissionProcess.redbox:submitted": "true",
"redbox:submissionProcess.dc:date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timestamp),
"redbox:submissionProcess.dc:title": row[0].strip(),
"redbox:submissionProcess.dc:description": row[1].strip(),
"redbox:submissionProcess.locrel:prc.foaf:Person.foaf:name": row[2].strip(),
"redbox:submissionProcess.locrel:prc.foaf:Person.foaf:phone": row[3].strip(),
"redbox:submissionProcess.locrel:prc.foaf:Person.foaf:mbox": row[4].strip(),
"redbox:submissionProcess.skos:note": row[6].strip()
json = JsonSimple(JsonObject(data))
return jsonList
## Create packages from a CSV
def __xmlToJson(self, fileName, xmlMappings, xmlExceptions):
self.log.info("Converting '{}' to JSON...", fileName)
filePath = self.pBase(fileName)
timestamp = time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(filePath))
# Run the XML through our parser
inStream = FileInputStream(File(filePath))
reader = InputStreamReader(inStream, "UTF-8")
document = self.saxReader.read(reader)
# Parse fails
except Exception, e:
## Move the XML to the 'failed' directory
shutil.move(filePath, self.pFail(fileName))
## And write our error data to disk beside it
self.writeError(fileName, e)
return None
# Close our file access objects
if reader is not None:
if inStream is not None:
# Now go looking for all our data
json = JsonObject()
json.put("workflow_source", "XML Ingest") # Default
self.__mapXpathToFields(document, xmlMappings, xmlExceptions, json)
# Operational fields
json.put("viewId", "default")
json.put("packageType", "dataset")
json.put("redbox:formVersion", self.redboxVersion)
json.put("redbox:newForm", "true")
json.put("redbox:submissionProcess.redbox:submitted", "true")
json.put("redbox:submissionProcess.dc:date", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timestamp))
return JsonSimple(json)
## Used recursively
def __mapXpathToFields(self, sourceData, map, exceptions, responseData, index = 1):
for xpath in map.keySet():
field = map.get(xpath)
if xpath == "":
self.log.debug("Ignoring unmapped field: '{}'", field)
nodes = sourceData.selectNodes(xpath)
if isinstance(field, JsonObject):
i = 1
for node in nodes:
self.__mapXpathToFields(node, field, exceptions, responseData, i)
i += 1
# Lists indicate we're copying the several fields
if isinstance(field, JSONArray):
for eachField in field:
self.__insertFieldData(nodes, eachField, responseData, index, exceptions)
# or just one field
self.__insertFieldData(nodes, field, responseData, index, exceptions)
def __insertFieldData(self, xmlNodes, field, responseData, index, exceptions):
# Is this field an exception?
if exceptions["fields"].containsKey(field):
output = exceptions["output"]
self.log.warn("Redirecting excepted data: '{}' => '{}'", field, output)
fieldString = output.replace(".0.", ".%s."%index, 1)
excepted = True
# Nope, just normal
fieldString = field.replace(".0.", ".%s."%index, 1)
excepted = False
for node in xmlNodes:
text = node.getTextTrim()
text = node.getValue().strip()
text = node
if fieldString != "" and text != "":
if excepted:
exceptionString = "%s: '%s' (%s)" % (exceptions["fields"][field], text, field)
responseData.put(fieldString, exceptionString)
responseData.put(fieldString, text)
def __ingestJson(self, fileName, jsonObject, move):
if self.configFile is None:
self.configFile = FascinatorHome.getPathFile("harvest/workflows/dataset.json")
harvester = None
## Cache the file out to disk... although requires it
## .tfpackage extension due to jsonVelocity transformer
jsonPath = self.pTemp(fileName)
jsonFile = open(jsonPath, "wb")
## Now instantiate a HarvestClient just for this File.
harvester = HarvestClient(self.configFile, File(jsonPath), "guest")
## And cleanup afterwards
oid = harvester.getUploadOid()
self.log.info("Harvested alert '{}' to '{}'", fileName, oid)
if move:
shutil.move(self.pBase(fileName), self.pDone(fileName))
return True
except Exception, e:
## TODO: This block looks to just be a copy of the
## top-level one, yet it runs per ROW, not for the
## whole File. Just the JSON data should be stored
## Move the CSV to the 'failed' directory
shutil.move(self.pBase(fileName), self.pFail(fileName))
## And write our error data to disk beside it
self.writeError(fileName, e)
return False
## Cleanup
if harvester is not None:
## Wrapper for writing exception details to disk
def writeError(self, fileName, err):
errorString = "%s ERROR %s\n%s" % (time.ctime(), err.getMessage(), str(err))
f = open(self.pErr(fileName), "ab")
## Short nameed Wrappers for convention based file paths
def pBase(self, file):
# A base path file
return os.path.join(self.alertsPath, file)
def pErr(self, file):
# Error file to accompany failed data
return self.__alertsFilePath("failed", file+".errors")
def pFail(self, file):
# A failed attempt to ingest
failedPath = self.__alertsFilePath("failed", file)
except OSError, exception:
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
return failedPath
def pTemp(self, file):
# Cache file for the HarvestClient... '.tfpackage' extension
# required inside system due to jsonVelocity transformer
return self.__alertsFilePath("processed", file+".tfpackage")
def pDone(self, file):
# Archived originals
successPath = self.__alertsFilePath("success", file)
except OSError, exception:
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
return successPath
def __alertsFilePath(self, subdirectory, file):
return os.path.join(self.alertsPath, subdirectory, file)
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