com.googlecode.sarasvati.impl.BaseEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
This file is part of Sarasvati.
Sarasvati is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
Sarasvati is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with Sarasvati. If not, see .
Copyright 2008-2009 Paul Lorenz
package com.googlecode.sarasvati.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.Arc;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.ArcToken;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.ArcTokenSetMember;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.CustomNode;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.Engine;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.ExecutionType;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.Graph;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.GraphProcess;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.GuardAction;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.GuardResult;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.JoinAction;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.JoinResult;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.Node;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.NodeToken;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.NodeTokenSetMember;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.ProcessState;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.SarasvatiException;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.TokenSet;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.TokenSetMember;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.env.Env;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.env.TokenSetMemberEnv;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.ArcTokenEvent;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.DefaultExecutionEventQueue;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.EventActionType;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.EventActions;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.ExecutionEvent;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.ExecutionEventType;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.ExecutionListener;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.GraphDefinedEventListenerInvoker;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.NodeTokenEvent;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.ProcessDefinedEventListenerInvoker;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.event.ProcessEvent;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.join.lang.JoinLangEnv;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.join.lang.JoinLangEnvImpl;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.rubric.RubricCompiler;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.rubric.env.DefaultRubricEnv;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.rubric.env.DefaultRubricFunctionRepository;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.rubric.env.RubricEnv;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.script.ScriptEnv;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.visitor.BacktrackTokenVisitor;
import com.googlecode.sarasvati.visitor.TokenTraversals;
* Contains all the engine logic which is not backend specific.
* Instances of BaseEngine have local state which is not thread-safe. Create
* a new Engine instance for each thread that needs one.
* @author Paul Lorenz
public abstract class BaseEngine implements Engine
protected static final String DEFAULT_APPLICATION_CONTEXT = "";
protected static final Map globalQueueMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
protected boolean arcExecutionStarted = false;
protected final List asyncQueue = new LinkedList();
protected final DefaultExecutionEventQueue globalEventQueue;
protected final String applicationContext;
protected BaseEngine parentEngine;
* Creates a new Engine with the given application context.
* Each application context has its own set of global listeners.
* This allows different applications running the same JVM to
* have different sets of listeners without having to add
* them at the process level.
* @param applicationContext The application context
public BaseEngine (final String applicationContext)
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
this.globalEventQueue = getGlobalQueueForContext(applicationContext);
private DefaultExecutionEventQueue getGlobalQueueForContext (final String context)
DefaultExecutionEventQueue queue = globalQueueMap.get(context);
if ( queue == null )
queue = DefaultExecutionEventQueue.newCopyOnWriteListInstance();
contributeGlobalListeners( queue );
globalQueueMap.put(context, queue );
return queue;
* Provides a subclass to override which execution event listeners are added to
* new global queues. By default this adds the following listeners:
* - {@link TokenSetCompletionListener}
* - {@link GraphDefinedEventListenerInvoker}
* - {@link ProcessDefinedEventListenerInvoker}
* @param queue The new global queue
protected void contributeGlobalListeners (final DefaultExecutionEventQueue queue)
queue.addListener( new TokenSetCompletionListener(),
ExecutionEventType.NODE_TOKEN_COMPLETED );
queue.addListener( new GraphDefinedEventListenerInvoker() );
queue.addListener( new ProcessDefinedEventListenerInvoker() );
public GraphProcess startProcess (final String graphName)
return startProcess(graphName, null);
public GraphProcess startProcess (final String graphName, final Env initialEnv)
if ( graphName == null )
throw new SarasvatiException( "Can not start process for a null graph name" );
final Graph graph = getRepository().getLatestGraph( graphName );
if ( graph == null )
throw new SarasvatiException( "No graph found with name '" + graphName + "'" );
return startProcess(graph, initialEnv);
public GraphProcess startProcess (final Graph graph)
return startProcess(graph, null);
public GraphProcess startProcess (final Graph graph, final Env env)
if ( graph == null )
throw new SarasvatiException( "Can not start process for a null graph" );
final GraphProcess process = getFactory().newProcess( graph );
if (env != null)
ProcessEvent.fireCreatedEvent( this, process );
startProcess( process );
return process;
public void startProcess (final GraphProcess process)
process.setState( ProcessState.Executing );
ProcessEvent.fireStartedEvent( this, process );
arcExecutionStarted = true;
final List startNodes = process.getGraph().getStartNodes();
if ( startNodes.isEmpty() )
throw new SarasvatiException( "Cannot start a workflow which has no start nodes! " +
"Please check your process definition: '" +
process.getGraph().getName() );
for ( final Node startNode : startNodes )
final NodeToken startToken = getFactory().newNodeToken( process, startNode, new ArrayList(0) );
NodeTokenEvent.fireCreatedEvent(this, startToken);
process.addNodeToken( startToken );
executeNode( process, startToken );
executeQueuedArcTokens( process );
arcExecutionStarted = false;
drainAsyncQueue( process );
if ( process.isExecuting() )
checkForCompletion( process );
public void cancelProcess (final GraphProcess process)
for (final GraphProcess subProcess : getRepository().getActiveNestedProcesses(process))
process.setState( ProcessState.PendingCancel );
final EventActions actions = ProcessEvent.firePendingCancelEvent( this, process );
if ( !actions.isEventTypeIncluded( EventActionType.DELAY_PROCESS_FINALIZE_CANCEL ) )
finalizeCancel( process );
public void finalizeComplete (final GraphProcess process)
process.setState( ProcessState.Completed );
ProcessEvent.fireCompletedEvent( this, process );
final NodeToken parentToken = process.getParentToken();
if ( parentToken != null )
final Engine engine = getParentEngine() == null ? newEngine( false ) : getParentEngine();
engine.complete( parentToken, Arc.DEFAULT_ARC );
public void finalizeCancel (final GraphProcess process)
process.setState( ProcessState.Canceled );
ProcessEvent.fireCanceledEvent( this, process );
private void executeArc (final GraphProcess process, final ArcToken token)
if ( token.isPending() )
ArcTokenEvent.fireProcessedEvent( this, token );
process.addActiveArcToken( token );
final JoinAction joinAction = retryIncompleteArcToken(token);
if ( JoinAction.Nothing == joinAction )
ArcTokenEvent.fireIncompleteJoinEvent( this, token );
public JoinAction retryIncompleteArcToken (final ArcToken token)
if ( !token.isComplete() )
final GraphProcess process = token.getProcess();
final Node targetNode = token.getArc().getEndNode();
final JoinResult result = targetNode.getJoinStrategy( token.getArc() ).performJoin( this, token );
if ( JoinAction.Complete == result.getJoinAction() )
completeExecuteArc( process, targetNode, result.getArcTokensCompletingJoin(), result.getTerminatingTokenSets() );
else if ( JoinAction.Merge == result.getJoinAction() )
for ( final ArcToken arcToken : result.getArcTokensCompletingJoin() )
result.getMergeTarget().getParentTokens().add( arcToken );
completeArcToken( process, arcToken, result.getMergeTarget() );
ArcTokenEvent.fireMergedEvent( this, arcToken );
return result.getJoinAction();
return null;
private void completeExecuteArc (final GraphProcess process,
final Node targetNode,
final Collection tokens,
final List terminatingTokenSets)
final NodeToken nodeToken = getFactory().newNodeToken( process, targetNode, new ArrayList( tokens ) );
process.addNodeToken( nodeToken );
// Add new node token to add the token sets which its generating arc tokens are members of
final Set tokenSets = new HashSet();
for ( final ArcToken token : tokens )
for ( final ArcTokenSetMember setMember : token.getTokenSetMemberships() )
final TokenSet tokenSet = setMember.getTokenSet();
if ( !terminatingTokenSets.contains(tokenSet) && !tokenSets.contains( tokenSet ) )
tokenSets.add( tokenSet );
final NodeTokenSetMember newSetMember = getFactory().newNodeTokenSetMember( tokenSet, nodeToken, setMember.getMemberIndex() );
tokenSet.getActiveNodeTokens( this ).add( nodeToken );
nodeToken.getTokenSetMemberships().add( newSetMember );
NodeTokenEvent.fireCreatedEvent( this, nodeToken );
for ( final ArcToken token : tokens )
completeArcToken( process, token, nodeToken );
executeNode( process, nodeToken );
private void completeArcToken (final GraphProcess process, final ArcToken token, final NodeToken child)
process.removeActiveArcToken( token );
if ( token.isPending() )
ArcTokenEvent.fireProcessedEvent( this, token );
token.markComplete( child );
ArcTokenEvent.fireCompletedEvent( this, token );
public void reevaluateDelayedToken(final NodeToken token)
if (token.isComplete())
throw new SarasvatiException("Cannot reevaluate a token which has already been completed.");
if (token.getGuardAction() != GuardAction.DelayUntil)
throw new SarasvatiException("Cannot reevaluate a token which has not been delayed.");
executeNode(token.getProcess(), token);
protected void executeNode (final GraphProcess process, final NodeToken token)
final GuardResult response = token.getNode().guard( this, token );
token.setGuardAction( response.getGuardAction() );
switch ( response.getGuardAction() )
case AcceptToken :
process.addActiveNodeToken( token );
final EventActions actions = NodeTokenEvent.fireAcceptedEvent( this, token );
if ( !actions.isEventTypeIncluded( EventActionType.DELAY_NODE_EXECUTION ) )
token.getNode().execute( this, token );
NodeTokenEvent.fireExecutedEvent( this, token );
case DiscardToken :
process.removeActiveNodeToken( token ); // Although this token has never been explicitly added to the collection,
// a poorly timed lazy load of HibGraphProcess.activeNodeTokens can cause
// the token to be present therein
NodeTokenEvent.fireDiscardedEvent( this, token );
final List exitArcs = Collections.emptyList();
NodeTokenEvent.fireCompletedEvent( this, token, exitArcs);
case SkipNode :
process.addActiveNodeToken( token );
NodeTokenEvent.fireSkippedEvent( this, token, response.getExitArcForSkip() );
complete( token, response.getExitArcForSkip() );
case DelayUntil :
process.addActiveNodeToken( token );
token.markDelayed( response.getDelayTillTime() );
NodeTokenEvent.fireDelayedEvent( this, token );
public void complete(final NodeToken token, final String arcName)
final GraphProcess process = token.getProcess();
completeNodeExecution( token, false, arcName );
if ( process.isExecuting() && !arcExecutionStarted )
executeQueuedArcTokens( process );
public void completeMany(final NodeToken token, final String...arcNames)
final GraphProcess process = token.getProcess();
completeNodeExecution(token, false, arcNames);
if ( process.isExecuting() && !arcExecutionStarted )
executeQueuedArcTokens( process );
public void completeAsynchronous (final NodeToken token, final String arcName)
completeNodeExecution( token, true, arcName );
public void completeManyAsynchronous (final NodeToken token, final String...arcNames)
completeNodeExecution(token, true, arcNames);
public void completeWithNewTokenSet (final NodeToken token,
final String arcName,
final String tokenSetName,
final int numberOfTokens,
final boolean asynchronous,
final Env initialEnv,
final Map> initialMemberEnv)
final GraphProcess process = token.getProcess();
if ( !process.isExecuting() || token.isComplete() )
final List outArcs = process.getGraph().getOutputArcs( token.getNode(), arcName );
completeNodeToken( process, token, outArcs, arcName );
if ( !outArcs.isEmpty() )
int level = 0;
for (final TokenSetMember tokenSetMember : token.getTokenSetMemberships())
level = Math.max(level, tokenSetMember.getTokenSet().getLevel());
final TokenSet tokenSet = getFactory().newTokenSet( process, tokenSetName, numberOfTokens - 1, level + 1 );
if ( initialEnv != null )
tokenSet.getEnv().importEnv( initialEnv );
if ( initialMemberEnv != null )
final TokenSetMemberEnv memberEnv = tokenSet.getMemberEnv();
for ( final Map.Entry> entry : initialMemberEnv.entrySet() )
memberEnv.setAttribute( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
for ( int memberIndex = 0; memberIndex < numberOfTokens; memberIndex++ )
for ( final Arc arc : outArcs )
final ArcToken arcToken = generateArcToken( process, arc, token );
final ArcTokenSetMember setMember = getFactory().newArcTokenSetMember( tokenSet, arcToken, memberIndex );
tokenSet.getActiveArcTokens( this ).add( arcToken );
arcToken.getTokenSetMemberships().add( setMember );
finishNewArcTokenProcessing( process, arcToken, asynchronous );
protected void completeNodeExecution(final NodeToken token,
final boolean asynchronous,
final String...arcNames)
final GraphProcess process = token.getProcess();
if ( !process.isExecuting() || token.isComplete() )
final List exitArcs = process.getGraph().getOutputArcs( token.getNode(), arcNames);
completeNodeToken(process, token, exitArcs, arcNames);
for (final Arc arc : exitArcs)
final ArcToken arcToken = generateArcToken(process, arc, token);
finishNewArcTokenProcessing(process, arcToken, asynchronous);
private void completeNodeToken (final GraphProcess process,
final NodeToken token,
final List exitArcs,
final String...arcNames)
NodeTokenEvent.fireCompletedEvent(this, token, exitArcs, arcNames);
private ArcToken generateArcToken (final GraphProcess process,
final Arc arc,
final NodeToken token)
final Set nodeSetTokenMemberships = token.getTokenSetMemberships();
final ArcToken arcToken = getFactory().newArcToken( process, arc, ExecutionType.Forward, token, !nodeSetTokenMemberships.isEmpty() );
token.getChildTokens().add( arcToken );
for ( final NodeTokenSetMember setMember : nodeSetTokenMemberships )
final TokenSet tokenSet = setMember.getTokenSet();
final ArcTokenSetMember newSetMember = getFactory().newArcTokenSetMember( tokenSet, arcToken, setMember.getMemberIndex() );
tokenSet.getActiveArcTokens( this ).add( arcToken );
arcToken.getTokenSetMemberships().add( newSetMember );
return arcToken;
private void finishNewArcTokenProcessing (final GraphProcess process,
final ArcToken arcToken,
final boolean asynchronous)
ArcTokenEvent.fireCreatedEvent( this, arcToken );
if ( asynchronous && arcExecutionStarted )
asyncQueue.add( arcToken );
process.enqueueArcTokenForExecution( arcToken );
public void executeQueuedArcTokens (final GraphProcess process)
arcExecutionStarted = true;
while ( process.isExecuting() && !process.isArcTokenQueueEmpty() )
executeArc( process, process.dequeueArcTokenForExecution() );
checkForCompletion( process );
arcExecutionStarted = false;
drainAsyncQueue( process );
private void drainAsyncQueue (final GraphProcess process)
while ( !asyncQueue.isEmpty() )
process.enqueueArcTokenForExecution( asyncQueue.remove( 0 ) );
private void checkForCompletion (final GraphProcess process)
if ( process.isExecuting() &&
!process.hasActiveTokens() &&
process.isArcTokenQueueEmpty() &&
asyncQueue.isEmpty() )
process.setState( ProcessState.PendingCompletion );
final EventActions actions = ProcessEvent.firePendingCompleteEvent( this, process );
if ( !actions.isEventTypeIncluded( EventActionType.DELAY_PROCESS_FINALIZE_COMPLETE ) )
finalizeComplete( process );
public void setupScriptEnv (final ScriptEnv env, final NodeToken token)
env.addVariable( "engine", this );
env.addVariable( "token", token );
public void addNodeType (final String type,
final Class extends Node> nodeClass)
getFactory().addType(type, nodeClass);
public void addGlobalCustomNodeType (final String type,
final Class extends CustomNode> nodeClass)
getFactory().addGlobalCustomType( type, nodeClass );
public void backtrack (final NodeToken token)
if ( !token.getProcess().isExecuting() )
throw new SarasvatiException( "Can only backtrack processes with a state of 'Executing'" );
if ( !token.isComplete() )
throw new SarasvatiException( "Cannot backtrack to a node token which isn't completed." );
if ( token.getExecutionType().isBacktracked() )
throw new SarasvatiException( "Cannot backtrack to a node token which has been backtracked." );
NodeToken resultToken = null;
final BacktrackTokenVisitor visitor = new BacktrackTokenVisitor( this, token );
if ( token.getChildTokens().isEmpty() )
resultToken = visitor.backtrackDeadEnd( token );
TokenTraversals.traverseChildrenInCreateOrder( token, visitor );
resultToken = visitor.backtrack();
executeNode( resultToken.getProcess(), resultToken );
if ( !arcExecutionStarted )
executeQueuedArcTokens( token.getProcess() );
public RubricEnv newRubricEnv (final NodeToken token)
return new DefaultRubricEnv( this, token, DefaultRubricFunctionRepository.getGlobalInstance() );
public JoinLangEnv newJoinLangEnv (final ArcToken token)
return new JoinLangEnvImpl( this, token, newRubricEnv( token.getParentToken() ) );
public GuardResult evaluateGuard (final NodeToken token, final String guard)
if ( guard == null || guard.trim().length() == 0 )
return AcceptTokenGuardResult.INSTANCE;
return (GuardResult) RubricCompiler.compile( guard ).eval( newRubricEnv( token ) );
public BaseEngine newEngine (final boolean forNested)
final BaseEngine engine = newEngine();
if ( forNested )
engine.parentEngine = this;
return engine;
public BaseEngine getParentEngine ()
return parentEngine;
public String getApplicationContext()
return applicationContext;
* Creates a new engine base on the same parameters as this. For
* example, if the engine is database backed, it should share
* the same database engine.
* @return A new engine
protected abstract BaseEngine newEngine ();
// ==========================================================================================
// Global Event Queue Methods
// ==========================================================================================
public void addExecutionListener(final Class extends ExecutionListener> listenerClass,
final ExecutionEventType... eventTypes)
globalEventQueue.addListener( this, listenerClass, eventTypes );
public void removeExecutionListener(final Class extends ExecutionListener> listenerClass,
final ExecutionEventType... eventTypes)
globalEventQueue.removeListener( this, listenerClass, eventTypes );
public void addExecutionListener (final GraphProcess process,
final Class extends ExecutionListener> listenerClass,
final ExecutionEventType... eventTypes)
process.getEventQueue().addListener( this, listenerClass, eventTypes );
public void removeExecutionListener (final GraphProcess process,
final Class extends ExecutionListener> listenerClass,
final ExecutionEventType... eventTypes)
process.getEventQueue().removeListener( this, listenerClass, eventTypes );
public EventActions fireEvent (final ExecutionEvent event)
return globalEventQueue.fireEvent( event );