scalaz.http.request.Uri.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz
package http
package request
import Util.Nel._
import Scalaz._
* HTTP request URI.
* RFC 2616 Section 5.1.2 Request-URI.
* @author Tony Morris
sealed trait Uri {
* The path of this request URI.
val path: NonEmptyList[Char]
* The query string of this request URI.
val queryString: Option[List[Char]]
import Uri.uri
* Returns a request URI with the given path and this query string.
def apply(p: NonEmptyList[Char]) = uri(p, queryString)
* Returns a request URI with the given potential query string and this path.
def apply(q: Option[List[Char]]) = uri(path, q)
* Returns a request URI after applying the given transformation to the path.
def +++(f: NonEmptyList[Char] => NonEmptyList[Char]) = uri(f(this.path), queryString)
* Returns a request URI after applying the given transformation to the query string.
def ++++(f: Option[List[Char]] => Option[List[Char]]) = uri(path, f(this.queryString))
* Returns the path extension - characters after the last dot (.) in the path.
lazy val pathExtension = path.dropWhile(_ != '.').reverse.takeWhile(_ != '.').reverse.mkString
lazy val parts : List[String] = {
path.list.reverse.foldLeft(List[List[Char]](Nil))((rs, ch) => {
if (ch == '/') { Nil :: rs } else { (ch :: rs.head) :: rs.tail }
import Util.{asHashMap, mapHeads}
* Returns the query string split into values by '='
lazy val parameters = queryString ∘ (Util.parameters(_))
* Returns the query string split into values by '='
backed with a hash map.
lazy val parametersMap = parameters ∘ (asHashMap[List, NonEmptyList](_))
* Returns the query string split into values by '='
(removing duplicate values for a given key) backed
* with a hash map.
lazy val parametersMapHeads = parametersMap ∘ (mapHeads(_))
trait Uris {
* Takes the given string and splits it into a URI and query string by '?'
implicit def ListUri(cs: List[Char]): Option[Uri] = cs match {
case Nil => None
case x :: _ if x == '?' => None
case h :: t => {
val z = t.span(_ != '?')
Some(Uri.uri(nel(h, z._1), z._2 match {
case Nil => None
case _ :: Nil => None
case _ :: k => Some(k)
* HTTP request URI.
* RFC 2616 Section 5.1.2 Request-URI.
object Uri extends Uris {
* An extractor that always matches with the URI path and query string.
def unapply(uri: Uri): Option[(NonEmptyList[Char], Option[List[Char]])] =
Some(uri.path, uri.queryString)
* Constructs a URI with the given path and query string.
def uri(p: NonEmptyList[Char], s: Option[List[Char]]) = new Uri {
val path = p
val queryString = s
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