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graphql.kickstart.tools.SchemaClassScanner.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package graphql.kickstart.tools
import graphql.kickstart.tools.resolver.FieldResolver
import graphql.kickstart.tools.resolver.FieldResolverScanner
import graphql.kickstart.tools.util.*
import graphql.language.*
import graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
import graphql.schema.idl.ScalarInfo
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.lang.reflect.Method
* @author Andrew Potter
internal class SchemaClassScanner(
initialDictionary: BiMap>,
allDefinitions: List>,
resolvers: List>,
private val scalars: CustomScalarMap,
private val options: SchemaParserOptions
) {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
private val rootInfo = RootTypeInfo.fromSchemaDefinitions(allDefinitions.filterIsInstance())
private val queryResolvers = resolvers.filterIsInstance()
private val mutationResolvers = resolvers.filterIsInstance()
private val subscriptionResolvers = resolvers.filterIsInstance()
private val resolverInfos = resolvers.asSequence().minus(queryResolvers).minus(mutationResolvers).minus(subscriptionResolvers).map { NormalResolverInfo(it, options) }.toList()
private val resolverInfosByDataClass = this.resolverInfos.associateBy { it.dataClassType }
private val initialDictionary = initialDictionary.mapValues { InitialDictionaryEntry(it.value) }
private val extensionDefinitions = allDefinitions.filterIsInstance()
private val inputExtensionDefinitions = allDefinitions.filterIsInstance()
private val definitionsByName = (allDefinitions.filterIsInstance>() - extensionDefinitions - inputExtensionDefinitions).associateBy { it.name }
private val objectDefinitions = (allDefinitions.filterIsInstance() - extensionDefinitions)
private val objectDefinitionsByName = objectDefinitions.associateBy { it.name }
private val interfaceDefinitionsByName = allDefinitions.filterIsInstance().associateBy { it.name }
private val fieldResolverScanner = FieldResolverScanner(options)
private val typeClassMatcher = TypeClassMatcher(definitionsByName)
private val dictionary = mutableMapOf, DictionaryEntry>()
private val unvalidatedTypes = mutableSetOf>()
private val queue = linkedSetOf()
private val fieldResolversByType = mutableMapOf>()
init {
initialDictionary.forEach { (name, clazz) ->
if (!definitionsByName.containsKey(name)) {
throw SchemaClassScannerError("Class in supplied dictionary '${clazz.name}' specified type name '$name', but a type definition with that name was not found!")
if (options.allowUnimplementedResolvers) {
log.warn("Option 'allowUnimplementedResolvers' should only be set to true during development, as it can cause schema errors to be moved to query time instead of schema creation time. Make sure this is turned off in production.")
* Attempts to discover GraphQL Type -> Java Class relationships by matching return types/argument types on known fields
fun scanForClasses(): ScannedSchemaObjects {
// Figure out what query, mutation and subscription types are called
val rootTypeHolder = RootTypesHolder(options, rootInfo, definitionsByName, queryResolvers, mutationResolvers, subscriptionResolvers)
// Loop over all objects scanning each one only once for more objects to discover.
do {
do {
// Require all implementors of discovered interfaces to be discovered or provided.
handleDictionaryTypes(getAllObjectTypesImplementingDiscoveredInterfaces()) { "Object type '${it.name}' implements a known interface, but no class could be found for that type name. Please pass a class for type '${it.name}' in the parser's dictionary." }
} while (scanQueue())
// Require all members of discovered unions to be discovered.
handleDictionaryTypes(getAllObjectTypeMembersOfDiscoveredUnions()) { "Object type '${it.name}' is a member of a known union, but no class could be found for that type name. Please pass a class for type '${it.name}' in the parser's dictionary." }
} while (scanQueue())
// Find unused types and include them if required
if (options.includeUnusedTypes) {
do {
val unusedDefinitions = (definitionsByName.values - (dictionary.keys.toSet() + unvalidatedTypes))
.filter { definition -> definition.name != "PageInfo" }
if (unusedDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
val unusedDefinition = unusedDefinitions.first()
handleDictionaryTypes(listOf(unusedDefinition)) { "Object type '${it.name}' is unused and includeUnusedTypes is true. Please pass a class for type '${it.name}' in the parser's dictionary." }
} while (scanQueue())
return validateAndCreateResult(rootTypeHolder)
private fun scanQueue(): Boolean {
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
return false
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
scanQueueItemForPotentialMatches(queue.iterator().run { val item = next(); remove(); item })
return true
* Adds all root resolvers for a type to the list of classes to scan
private fun handleRootType(rootType: RootType?) {
if (rootType == null) {
scanResolverInfoForPotentialMatches(rootType.type, rootType.resolverInfo)
private fun validateAndCreateResult(rootTypeHolder: RootTypesHolder): ScannedSchemaObjects {
.filter { !it.value.accessed }
.forEach {
log.warn("Dictionary mapping was provided but never used, and can be safely deleted: \"${it.key}\" -> ${it.value.get().name}")
val observedDefinitions = dictionary.keys.toSet() + unvalidatedTypes
// The dictionary doesn't need to know what classes are used with scalars.
// In addition, scalars can have duplicate classes so that breaks the bi-map.
// Input types can also be excluded from the dictionary, since it's only used for interfaces, unions, and enums.
// Union types can also be excluded, as their possible types are resolved recursively later
val dictionary = try {
BiMap.unmodifiableBiMap(BiMap.create, JavaType>().also {
.filter {
it.value.javaType != null
&& it.value.typeClass() != java.lang.Object::class.java
&& !java.util.Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(it.value.typeClass())
&& it.key !is InputObjectTypeDefinition
&& it.key !is UnionTypeDefinition
}.mapValuesTo(it) { it.value.javaType }
} catch (t: Throwable) {
throw SchemaClassScannerError("Error creating bimap of type => class", t)
val scalarDefinitions = observedDefinitions.filterIsInstance()
// Ensure all scalar definitions have implementations and add the definition to those.
val scalars = scalarDefinitions
.filter {
// Filter for any defined scalars OR scalars that aren't defined but also aren't standard
scalars.containsKey(it.name) || !ScalarInfo.GRAPHQL_SPECIFICATION_SCALARS_DEFINITIONS.containsKey(it.name)
}.map { definition ->
val provided = scalars[definition.name]
?: throw SchemaClassScannerError("Expected a user-defined GraphQL scalar type with name '${definition.name}' but found none!")
.description(getDocumentation(definition, options) ?: provided.description)
}.associateBy { it.name!! }
val unusedDefinitions = (definitionsByName.values - observedDefinitions).toSet()
.filter { definition -> definition.name != "PageInfo" }
.forEach { definition ->
log.warn("Schema type was defined but can never be accessed, and can be safely deleted: ${definition.name}")
val fieldResolvers = fieldResolversByType.flatMap { it.value.map { it.value } }
val observedNormalResolverInfos = fieldResolvers.map { it.resolverInfo }.distinct().filterIsInstance()
val observedMultiResolverInfos = fieldResolvers.map { it.resolverInfo }.distinct().filterIsInstance().flatMap { it.resolverInfoList }
(resolverInfos - observedNormalResolverInfos - observedMultiResolverInfos).forEach { resolverInfo ->
log.warn("Resolver was provided but no methods on it were used in data fetchers, and can be safely deleted: ${resolverInfo.resolver}")
validateRootResolversWereUsed(rootTypeHolder.query, fieldResolvers)
validateRootResolversWereUsed(rootTypeHolder.mutation, fieldResolvers)
validateRootResolversWereUsed(rootTypeHolder.subscription, fieldResolvers)
return ScannedSchemaObjects(dictionary, observedDefinitions + extensionDefinitions + inputExtensionDefinitions, scalars, rootInfo, fieldResolversByType.toMap(), unusedDefinitions)
private fun validateRootResolversWereUsed(rootType: RootType?, fieldResolvers: List) {
if (rootType == null) {
val observedRootTypes = fieldResolvers.asSequence().filter { it.resolverInfo is RootResolverInfo && it.resolverInfo == rootType.resolverInfo }.map { it.search.type }.toSet()
rootType.resolvers.forEach { resolver ->
if (rootType.resolverInfo.getRealResolverClass(resolver, options) !in observedRootTypes) {
log.warn("Root ${rootType.name} resolver was provided but no methods on it were used in data fetchers for GraphQL type '${rootType.type.name}'! Either remove the ${rootType.resolverInterface.name} interface from the resolver or remove the resolver entirely: $resolver")
private fun getAllObjectTypesImplementingDiscoveredInterfaces(): List {
return dictionary.keys.filterIsInstance().map { iface ->
objectDefinitions.filter { obj -> obj.implements.filterIsInstance().any { it.name == iface.name } }
}.flatten().distinctBy { it.name }
private fun getAllObjectTypeMembersOfDiscoveredUnions(): List {
val unionTypeNames = dictionary.keys.filterIsInstance().map { union -> union.name }.toSet()
return dictionary.keys.filterIsInstance().map { union ->
union.memberTypes.filterIsInstance().filter { !unionTypeNames.contains(it.name) }.map {
?: throw SchemaClassScannerError("No object type found with name '${it.name}' for union: $union")
private fun handleDictionaryTypes(types: List, failureMessage: (ObjectTypeDefinition) -> String) {
types.forEach { type ->
val dictionaryContainsType = dictionary.filter { it.key.name == type.name }.isNotEmpty()
if (!unvalidatedTypes.contains(type) && !dictionaryContainsType) {
val initialEntry = initialDictionary[type.name]
?: throw SchemaClassScannerError(failureMessage(type))
handleFoundType(type, initialEntry.get(), DictionaryReference())
private fun getResolverInfoFromTypeDictionary(typeName: String): ResolverInfo? {
val dictionaryType = initialDictionary[typeName]?.get()
return if (dictionaryType != null) {
resolverInfosByDataClass[dictionaryType] ?: DataClassResolverInfo(dictionaryType)
} else {
* Scan a new object for types that haven't been mapped yet.
private fun scanQueueItemForPotentialMatches(item: QueueItem) {
val resolverInfoList = this.resolverInfos.filter { it.dataClassType == item.clazz }
val resolverInfo: ResolverInfo = (if (resolverInfoList.size > 1) {
} else {
if (item.clazz == Object::class.java) {
} else {
resolverInfosByDataClass[item.clazz] ?: DataClassResolverInfo(item.clazz)
?: throw throw SchemaClassScannerError("The GraphQL schema type '${item.type.name}' maps to a field of type java.lang.Object however there is no matching entry for this type in the type dictionary. You may need to add this type to the dictionary before building the schema.")
scanResolverInfoForPotentialMatches(item.type, resolverInfo)
private fun scanResolverInfoForPotentialMatches(type: ObjectTypeDefinition, resolverInfo: ResolverInfo) {
type.getExtendedFieldDefinitions(extensionDefinitions).forEach { field ->
val fieldResolver = fieldResolverScanner.findFieldResolver(field, resolverInfo)
fieldResolversByType.getOrPut(type) { mutableMapOf() }[fieldResolver.field] = fieldResolver
fieldResolver.scanForMatches().forEach { potentialMatch ->
private fun handleFoundType(match: TypeClassMatcher.Match) {
when (match) {
is TypeClassMatcher.ScalarMatch -> {
is TypeClassMatcher.ValidMatch -> {
handleFoundType(match.type, match.javaType, match.reference)
private fun handleFoundScalarType(type: ScalarTypeDefinition) {
* Enter a found type into the dictionary if it doesn't exist yet, add a reference pointing back to where it was discovered.
private fun handleFoundType(type: TypeDefinition<*>, javaType: JavaType?, reference: Reference) {
val realEntry = dictionary.getOrPut(type) { DictionaryEntry() }
var typeWasSet = false
if (javaType != null) {
typeWasSet = realEntry.setTypeIfMissing(javaType)
if (realEntry.javaType != javaType) {
if (options.preferGraphQLResolver && realEntry.hasResolverRef()) {
log.warn("The real entry ${realEntry.joinReferences()} is a GraphQLResolver so ignoring this one ${javaType.unwrap()} $reference")
} else {
if (java.util.Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(javaType.unwrap())) {
throw SchemaClassScannerError("Two different property map classes used for type ${type.name}:\n${realEntry.joinReferences()}\n\n- ${javaType}:\n| ${reference.getDescription()}")
throw SchemaClassScannerError("Two different classes used for type ${type.name}:\n${realEntry.joinReferences()}\n\n- ${javaType.unwrap()}:\n| ${reference.getDescription()}")
// Check if we just added the entry... a little odd, but it works (and thread-safe, FWIW)
if (typeWasSet && javaType != null) {
handleNewType(type, javaType)
* Handle a newly found type, adding it to the list of actually used types and putting it in the scanning queue if it's an object type.
private fun handleNewType(graphQLType: TypeDefinition<*>, javaType: JavaType) {
when (graphQLType) {
is ObjectTypeDefinition -> {
enqueue(graphQLType, javaType)
is InputObjectTypeDefinition -> {
val inputObjectTypes = listOf(graphQLType) + inputExtensionDefinitions.filter { it.name == graphQLType.name }
.flatMap { it.inputValueDefinitions }
.forEach { inputValueDefinition ->
val inputGraphQLType = inputValueDefinition.type.unwrap()
if (inputGraphQLType is TypeName && !ScalarInfo.GRAPHQL_SPECIFICATION_SCALARS_DEFINITIONS.containsKey(inputGraphQLType.name)) {
val inputValueJavaType = findInputValueType(inputValueDefinition.name, inputGraphQLType, javaType.unwrap())
if (inputValueJavaType != null) {
GenericType(javaType, options).relativeToType(inputValueJavaType),
} else {
var mappingAdvice = "Try adding it manually to the dictionary"
if (javaType.unwrap().name.contains("Map")) {
mappingAdvice = " or add a class to represent your input type instead of a Map."
log.warn("Cannot find definition for field '${inputValueDefinition.name}: ${inputGraphQLType.name}' on input type '${graphQLType.name}' -> ${javaType.unwrap().name}. $mappingAdvice")
private fun scanInterfacesOfType(graphQLType: ObjectTypeDefinition) {
graphQLType.implements.forEach {
if (it is TypeName) {
?: throw SchemaClassScannerError("Object type ${graphQLType.name} declared interface ${it.name}, but no interface with that name was found in the schema!"), null, InterfaceReference(graphQLType))
private fun enqueue(graphQLType: ObjectTypeDefinition, javaType: JavaType) {
queue.add(QueueItem(graphQLType, javaType))
private fun findInputValueType(name: String, inputGraphQLType: TypeName, clazz: Class): JavaType? {
val inputValueType = findInputValueTypeInType(name, clazz)
if (inputValueType != null) {
return inputValueType
return initialDictionary[inputGraphQLType.name]?.get()
private fun findInputValueTypeInType(name: String, clazz: Class<*>): JavaType? {
val methods = clazz.methods
val filteredMethods = methods.filter {
it.name == name || it.name == "get${name.capitalize()}"
}.sortedBy { it.name.length }
return filteredMethods.find {
}?.genericReturnType ?: filteredMethods.firstOrNull(
)?.genericReturnType ?: clazz.fields.find {
it.name == name
private data class QueueItem(val type: ObjectTypeDefinition, val clazz: JavaType)
private class DictionaryEntry {
private val references = mutableListOf()
var javaType: JavaType? = null
private set
fun setTypeIfMissing(javaType: JavaType): Boolean {
if (this.javaType == null) {
this.javaType = javaType
return true
return false
// fun type(): JavaType? = classEntry?.type
fun typeClass(): Class? = javaType?.unwrap()
fun addReference(reference: Reference) {
fun joinReferences() = "- ${typeClass()}:\n| " + references.joinToString("\n| ") { it.getDescription() }
fun hasResolverRef(): Boolean {
references.filterIsInstance().forEach { reference ->
if (GraphQLResolver::class.java.isAssignableFrom(reference.getMethod().declaringClass)) {
return true
return false
abstract class Reference {
abstract fun getDescription(): String
override fun toString() = getDescription()
private class DictionaryReference : Reference() {
override fun getDescription() = "provided dictionary"
private class InterfaceReference(private val type: ObjectTypeDefinition) : Reference() {
override fun getDescription() = "interface declarations of ${type.name}"
private class InputObjectReference(private val type: InputValueDefinition) : Reference() {
override fun getDescription() = "input object $type"
private class InitialDictionaryEntry(private val clazz: Class<*>) {
var accessed = false
private set
fun get(): Class<*> {
accessed = true
return clazz
internal class ReturnValueReference(private val method: Method) : Reference() {
fun getMethod() = method
override fun getDescription() = "return type of method $method"
internal class MethodParameterReference(private val method: Method, private val index: Int) : Reference() {
override fun getDescription() = "parameter $index of method $method"
internal class FieldTypeReference(private val field: String) : Reference() {
override fun getDescription() = "type of field $field"
private class RootTypesHolder(
options: SchemaParserOptions,
rootInfo: RootTypeInfo,
definitionsByName: Map>,
queryResolvers: List,
mutationResolvers: List,
subscriptionResolvers: List
) {
private val queryName = rootInfo.getQueryName()
private val mutationName = rootInfo.getMutationName()
private val subscriptionName = rootInfo.getSubscriptionName()
private val queryDefinition = definitionsByName[queryName]
private val mutationDefinition = definitionsByName[mutationName]
private val subscriptionDefinition = definitionsByName[subscriptionName]
private val queryResolverInfo = RootResolverInfo(queryResolvers, options)
private val mutationResolverInfo = RootResolverInfo(mutationResolvers, options)
private val subscriptionResolverInfo = RootResolverInfo(subscriptionResolvers, options)
val query = createRootType("query", queryDefinition, queryName, true, queryResolvers, GraphQLQueryResolver::class.java, queryResolverInfo)
val mutation = createRootType("mutation", mutationDefinition, mutationName, rootInfo.isMutationRequired(), mutationResolvers, GraphQLMutationResolver::class.java, mutationResolverInfo)
val subscription = createRootType("subscription", subscriptionDefinition, subscriptionName, rootInfo.isSubscriptionRequired(), subscriptionResolvers, GraphQLSubscriptionResolver::class.java, subscriptionResolverInfo)
private fun createRootType(name: String, type: TypeDefinition<*>?, typeName: String, required: Boolean, resolvers: List, resolverInterface: Class<*>, resolverInfo: RootResolverInfo): RootType? {
if (type == null) {
if (required) {
throw SchemaClassScannerError("Type definition for root $name type '$typeName' not found!")
return null
if (type !is ObjectTypeDefinition) {
throw SchemaClassScannerError("Expected root query type's type to be ${ObjectTypeDefinition::class.java.simpleName}, but it was ${type.javaClass.simpleName}")
// Find query resolver class
if (resolvers.isEmpty()) {
throw SchemaClassScannerError("No Root resolvers for $name type '$typeName' found! Provide one or more ${resolverInterface.name} to the builder.")
return RootType(name, type, resolvers, resolverInterface, resolverInfo)
internal class RootType(val name: String, val type: ObjectTypeDefinition, val resolvers: List, val resolverInterface: Class<*>, val resolverInfo: RootResolverInfo)
internal class SchemaClassScannerError(message: String, throwable: Throwable? = null) : RuntimeException(message, throwable)
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