package graphql.execution;
import graphql.ExecutionResult;
import graphql.ExecutionResultImpl;
import graphql.GraphQLError;
import graphql.Internal;
import graphql.PublicSpi;
import graphql.SerializationError;
import graphql.TrivialDataFetcher;
import graphql.TypeMismatchError;
import graphql.UnresolvedTypeError;
import graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives;
import graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesImpl;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.InstrumentationContext;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldParameters;
import graphql.introspection.Introspection;
import graphql.language.Argument;
import graphql.language.Field;
import graphql.normalized.NormalizedField;
import graphql.normalized.NormalizedQuery;
import graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException;
import graphql.schema.DataFetcher;
import graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment;
import graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet;
import graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLOutputType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLType;
import graphql.util.FpKit;
import graphql.util.LogKit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static graphql.execution.Async.exceptionallyCompletedFuture;
import static graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.newExecutionStepInfo;
import static graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters.newParameters;
import static graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType.ENUM;
import static graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType.LIST;
import static graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType.NULL;
import static graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType.OBJECT;
import static graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType.SCALAR;
import static graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.newDataFetchingEnvironment;
import static graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil.isEnum;
import static graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil.isList;
import static graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil.isScalar;
import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completedFuture;
* An execution strategy is give a list of fields from the graphql query to execute and find values for using a recursive strategy.
* query {
* friends {
* id
* name
* friends {
* id
* name
* }
* }
* enemies {
* id
* name
* allies {
* id
* name
* }
* }
* }
* Given the graphql query above, an execution strategy will be called for the top level fields 'friends' and 'enemies' and it will be asked to find an object
* to describe them. Because they are both complex object types, it needs to descend down that query and start fetching and completing
* fields such as 'id','name' and other complex fields such as 'friends' and 'allies', by recursively calling to itself to execute these lower
* field layers
* The execution of a field has two phases, first a raw object must be fetched for a field via a {@link DataFetcher} which
* is defined on the {@link GraphQLFieldDefinition}. This object must then be 'completed' into a suitable value, either as a scalar/enum type via
* coercion or if its a complex object type by recursively calling the execution strategy for the lower level fields.
* The first phase (data fetching) is handled by the method {@link #fetchField(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters)}
* The second phase (value completion) is handled by the methods {@link #completeField(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, FetchedValue)}
* and the other "completeXXX" methods.
* The order of fields fetching and completion is up to the execution strategy. As the graphql specification
* says:
* Normally the executor can execute the entries in a grouped field set in whatever order it chooses (often in parallel). Because
* the resolution of fields other than top-level mutation fields must always be side effect-free and idempotent, the
* execution order must not affect the result, and hence the server has the freedom to execute the
* field entries in whatever order it deems optimal.
* So in the case above you could execute the fields depth first ('friends' and its sub fields then do 'enemies' and its sub fields or it
* could do breadth first ('fiends' and 'enemies' data fetch first and then all the sub fields) or in parallel via asynchronous
* facilities like {@link CompletableFuture}s.
* {@link #execute(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters)} is the entry point of the execution strategy.
public abstract class ExecutionStrategy {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecutionStrategy.class);
private static final Logger logNotSafe = LogKit.getNotPrivacySafeLogger(ExecutionStrategy.class);
protected final ValuesResolver valuesResolver = new ValuesResolver();
protected final FieldCollector fieldCollector = new FieldCollector();
protected final ExecutionStepInfoFactory executionStepInfoFactory = new ExecutionStepInfoFactory();
private final ResolveType resolvedType = new ResolveType();
protected final DataFetcherExceptionHandler dataFetcherExceptionHandler;
* The default execution strategy constructor uses the {@link SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler}
* for data fetching errors.
protected ExecutionStrategy() {
dataFetcherExceptionHandler = new SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler();
* The consumers of the execution strategy can pass in a {@link DataFetcherExceptionHandler} to better
* decide what do when a data fetching error happens
* @param dataFetcherExceptionHandler the callback invoked if an exception happens during data fetching
protected ExecutionStrategy(DataFetcherExceptionHandler dataFetcherExceptionHandler) {
this.dataFetcherExceptionHandler = dataFetcherExceptionHandler;
* This is the entry point to an execution strategy. It will be passed the fields to execute and get values for.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @return a promise to an {@link ExecutionResult}
* @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException in the future if a non null field resolves to a null value
public abstract CompletableFuture execute(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters) throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException;
* Called to fetch a value for a field and resolve it further in terms of the graphql query. This will call
* #fetchField followed by #completeField and the completed {@link ExecutionResult} is returned.
* An execution strategy can iterate the fields to be executed and call this method for each one
* Graphql fragments mean that for any give logical field can have one or more {@link Field} values associated with it
* in the query, hence the fieldList. However the first entry is representative of the field for most purposes.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @return a promise to an {@link ExecutionResult}
* @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException in the future if a non null field resolves to a null value
protected CompletableFuture resolveField(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters) {
return resolveFieldWithInfo(executionContext, parameters).thenCompose(FieldValueInfo::getFieldValue);
* Called to fetch a value for a field and its extra runtime info and resolve it further in terms of the graphql query. This will call
* #fetchField followed by #completeField and the completed {@link graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo} is returned.
* An execution strategy can iterate the fields to be executed and call this method for each one
* Graphql fragments mean that for any give logical field can have one or more {@link Field} values associated with it
* in the query, hence the fieldList. However the first entry is representative of the field for most purposes.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @return a promise to a {@link FieldValueInfo}
* @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException in the {@link FieldValueInfo#getFieldValue()} future if a non null field resolves to a null value
protected CompletableFuture resolveFieldWithInfo(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters) {
GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDef = getFieldDef(executionContext, parameters, parameters.getField().getSingleField());
Supplier executionStepInfo = FpKit.intraThreadMemoize(() -> createExecutionStepInfo(executionContext, parameters, fieldDef, null));
Instrumentation instrumentation = executionContext.getInstrumentation();
InstrumentationContext fieldCtx = instrumentation.beginField(
new InstrumentationFieldParameters(executionContext, executionStepInfo)
CompletableFuture fetchFieldFuture = fetchField(executionContext, parameters);
CompletableFuture result = fetchFieldFuture.thenApply((fetchedValue) ->
completeField(executionContext, parameters, fetchedValue));
CompletableFuture executionResultFuture = result.thenCompose(FieldValueInfo::getFieldValue);
return result;
* Called to fetch a value for a field from the {@link DataFetcher} associated with the field
* {@link GraphQLFieldDefinition}.
* Graphql fragments mean that for any give logical field can have one or more {@link Field} values associated with it
* in the query, hence the fieldList. However the first entry is representative of the field for most purposes.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @return a promise to a fetched object
* @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException in the future if a non null field resolves to a null value
protected CompletableFuture fetchField(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters) {
MergedField field = parameters.getField();
GraphQLObjectType parentType = (GraphQLObjectType) parameters.getExecutionStepInfo().getUnwrappedNonNullType();
GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDef = getFieldDef(executionContext.getGraphQLSchema(), parentType, field.getSingleField());
GraphQLCodeRegistry codeRegistry = executionContext.getGraphQLSchema().getCodeRegistry();
GraphQLOutputType fieldType = fieldDef.getType();
// if the DF (like PropertyDataFetcher) does not use the arguments of execution step info then dont build any
Supplier executionStepInfo = FpKit.intraThreadMemoize(
() -> createExecutionStepInfo(executionContext, parameters, fieldDef, parentType));
Supplier> argumentValues = () -> executionStepInfo.get().getArguments();
Supplier normalizedFieldSupplier = getNormalizedField(executionContext, parameters, executionStepInfo);
// DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet and QueryDirectives is a supplier of sorts - eg a lazy pattern
DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet fieldCollector = DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl.newCollector(executionContext.getGraphQLSchema(), fieldType, normalizedFieldSupplier);
QueryDirectives queryDirectives = new QueryDirectivesImpl(field, executionContext.getGraphQLSchema(), executionContext.getVariables());
DataFetchingEnvironment environment = newDataFetchingEnvironment(executionContext)
DataFetcher> dataFetcher = codeRegistry.getDataFetcher(parentType, fieldDef);
Instrumentation instrumentation = executionContext.getInstrumentation();
InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters instrumentationFieldFetchParams = new InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters(executionContext, fieldDef, environment, parameters, dataFetcher instanceof TrivialDataFetcher);
InstrumentationContext fetchCtx = instrumentation.beginFieldFetch(instrumentationFieldFetchParams);
CompletableFuture fetchedValue;
dataFetcher = instrumentation.instrumentDataFetcher(dataFetcher, instrumentationFieldFetchParams);
ExecutionId executionId = executionContext.getExecutionId();
try {
Object fetchedValueRaw = dataFetcher.get(environment);
fetchedValue = Async.toCompletableFuture(fetchedValueRaw);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (logNotSafe.isDebugEnabled()) {
logNotSafe.debug(String.format("'%s', field '%s' fetch threw exception", executionId, executionStepInfo.get().getPath()), e);
fetchedValue = new CompletableFuture<>();
return fetchedValue
.handle((result, exception) -> {
fetchCtx.onCompleted(result, exception);
if (exception != null) {
return handleFetchingException(executionContext, environment, exception);
} else {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(result);
.thenApply(result -> unboxPossibleDataFetcherResult(executionContext, parameters, result));
protected Supplier getNormalizedField(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, Supplier executionStepInfo) {
Supplier normalizedQuery = executionContext.getNormalizedQueryTree();
return () -> normalizedQuery.get().getNormalizedField(parameters.getField(), executionStepInfo.get().getObjectType(), executionStepInfo.get().getPath());
protected FetchedValue unboxPossibleDataFetcherResult(ExecutionContext executionContext,
ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters,
Object result) {
if (result instanceof DataFetcherResult) {
DataFetcherResult> dataFetcherResult = (DataFetcherResult>) result;
Object localContext = dataFetcherResult.getLocalContext();
if (localContext == null) {
// if the field returns nothing then they get the context of their parent field
localContext = parameters.getLocalContext();
return FetchedValue.newFetchedValue()
} else {
return FetchedValue.newFetchedValue()
protected CompletableFuture handleFetchingException(ExecutionContext executionContext,
DataFetchingEnvironment environment,
Throwable e) {
DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters = DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters.newExceptionParameters()
try {
return asyncHandleException(dataFetcherExceptionHandler, handlerParameters, executionContext);
} catch (Exception handlerException) {
handlerParameters = DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters.newExceptionParameters()
return asyncHandleException(new SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler(), handlerParameters, executionContext);
private CompletableFuture asyncHandleException(DataFetcherExceptionHandler handler, DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters, ExecutionContext executionContext) {
return handler.handleException(handlerParameters)
.thenApply(handlerResult -> {
// the side effect is that we added the returned errors to the execution context
// here
// and we return null because there is no data for the executed field
return null;
* Called to complete a field based on the type of the field.
* If the field is a scalar type, then it will be coerced and returned. However if the field type is an complex object type, then
* the execution strategy will be called recursively again to execute the fields of that type before returning.
* Graphql fragments mean that for any give logical field can have one or more {@link Field} values associated with it
* in the query, hence the fieldList. However the first entry is representative of the field for most purposes.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param fetchedValue the fetched raw value
* @return a {@link FieldValueInfo}
* @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException in the {@link FieldValueInfo#getFieldValue()} future if a non null field resolves to a null value
protected FieldValueInfo completeField(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, FetchedValue fetchedValue) {
Field field = parameters.getField().getSingleField();
GraphQLObjectType parentType = (GraphQLObjectType) parameters.getExecutionStepInfo().getUnwrappedNonNullType();
GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDef = getFieldDef(executionContext.getGraphQLSchema(), parentType, field);
ExecutionStepInfo executionStepInfo = createExecutionStepInfo(executionContext, parameters, fieldDef, parentType);
Instrumentation instrumentation = executionContext.getInstrumentation();
InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters instrumentationParams = new InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters(executionContext, parameters, () -> executionStepInfo, fetchedValue);
InstrumentationContext ctxCompleteField = instrumentation.beginFieldComplete(
NonNullableFieldValidator nonNullableFieldValidator = new NonNullableFieldValidator(executionContext, executionStepInfo);
ExecutionStrategyParameters newParameters = parameters.transform(builder ->
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("'{}' completing field '{}'...", executionContext.getExecutionId(), executionStepInfo.getPath());
FieldValueInfo fieldValueInfo = completeValue(executionContext, newParameters);
CompletableFuture executionResultFuture = fieldValueInfo.getFieldValue();
return fieldValueInfo;
* Called to complete a value for a field based on the type of the field.
* If the field is a scalar type, then it will be coerced and returned. However if the field type is an complex object type, then
* the execution strategy will be called recursively again to execute the fields of that type before returning.
* Graphql fragments mean that for any give logical field can have one or more {@link Field} values associated with it
* in the query, hence the fieldList. However the first entry is representative of the field for most purposes.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @return a {@link FieldValueInfo}
* @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException if a non null field resolves to a null value
protected FieldValueInfo completeValue(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters) throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException {
ExecutionStepInfo executionStepInfo = parameters.getExecutionStepInfo();
Object result = executionContext.getValueUnboxer().unbox(parameters.getSource());
GraphQLType fieldType = executionStepInfo.getUnwrappedNonNullType();
CompletableFuture fieldValue;
if (result == null) {
fieldValue = completeValueForNull(executionContext, parameters);
return FieldValueInfo.newFieldValueInfo(NULL).fieldValue(fieldValue).build();
} else if (isList(fieldType)) {
return completeValueForList(executionContext, parameters, result);
} else if (isScalar(fieldType)) {
fieldValue = completeValueForScalar(executionContext, parameters, (GraphQLScalarType) fieldType, result);
return FieldValueInfo.newFieldValueInfo(SCALAR).fieldValue(fieldValue).build();
} else if (isEnum(fieldType)) {
fieldValue = completeValueForEnum(executionContext, parameters, (GraphQLEnumType) fieldType, result);
return FieldValueInfo.newFieldValueInfo(ENUM).fieldValue(fieldValue).build();
// when we are here, we have a complex type: Interface, Union or Object
// and we must go deeper
GraphQLObjectType resolvedObjectType;
try {
resolvedObjectType = resolveType(executionContext, parameters, fieldType);
fieldValue = completeValueForObject(executionContext, parameters, resolvedObjectType, result);
} catch (UnresolvedTypeException ex) {
// consider the result to be null and add the error on the context
handleUnresolvedTypeProblem(executionContext, parameters, ex);
// and validate the field is nullable, if non-nullable throw exception
parameters.getNonNullFieldValidator().validate(parameters.getPath(), null);
// complete the field as null
fieldValue = completedFuture(new ExecutionResultImpl(null, null));
return FieldValueInfo.newFieldValueInfo(OBJECT).fieldValue(fieldValue).build();
private void handleUnresolvedTypeProblem(ExecutionContext context, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, UnresolvedTypeException e) {
UnresolvedTypeError error = new UnresolvedTypeError(parameters.getPath(), parameters.getExecutionStepInfo(), e);
logNotSafe.warn(error.getMessage(), e);
protected CompletableFuture completeValueForNull(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters) {
return Async.tryCatch(() -> {
Object nullValue = parameters.getNonNullFieldValidator().validate(parameters.getPath(), null);
return completedFuture(new ExecutionResultImpl(nullValue, null));
* Called to complete a list of value for a field based on a list type. This iterates the values and calls
* {@link #completeValue(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters)} for each value.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param result the result to complete, raw result
* @return a {@link FieldValueInfo}
protected FieldValueInfo completeValueForList(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, Object result) {
Iterable resultIterable = toIterable(executionContext, parameters, result);
try {
resultIterable = parameters.getNonNullFieldValidator().validate(parameters.getPath(), resultIterable);
} catch (NonNullableFieldWasNullException e) {
return FieldValueInfo.newFieldValueInfo(LIST).fieldValue(exceptionallyCompletedFuture(e)).build();
if (resultIterable == null) {
return FieldValueInfo.newFieldValueInfo(LIST).fieldValue(completedFuture(new ExecutionResultImpl(null, null))).build();
return completeValueForList(executionContext, parameters, resultIterable);
* Called to complete a list of value for a field based on a list type. This iterates the values and calls
* {@link #completeValue(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters)} for each value.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param iterableValues the values to complete, can't be null
* @return a {@link FieldValueInfo}
protected FieldValueInfo completeValueForList(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, Iterable iterableValues) {
OptionalInt size = FpKit.toSize(iterableValues);
ExecutionStepInfo executionStepInfo = parameters.getExecutionStepInfo();
InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters instrumentationParams = new InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters(executionContext, parameters, () -> executionStepInfo, iterableValues);
Instrumentation instrumentation = executionContext.getInstrumentation();
InstrumentationContext completeListCtx = instrumentation.beginFieldListComplete(
List fieldValueInfos = new ArrayList<>(size.orElse(1));
int index = 0;
for (Object item : iterableValues) {
ResultPath indexedPath = parameters.getPath().segment(index);
ExecutionStepInfo stepInfoForListElement = executionStepInfoFactory.newExecutionStepInfoForListElement(executionStepInfo, index);
NonNullableFieldValidator nonNullableFieldValidator = new NonNullableFieldValidator(executionContext, stepInfoForListElement);
int finalIndex = index;
FetchedValue value = unboxPossibleDataFetcherResult(executionContext, parameters, item);
ExecutionStrategyParameters newParameters = parameters.transform(builder ->
.listSize(size.orElse(-1)) // -1 signals that we don't know the size
fieldValueInfos.add(completeValue(executionContext, newParameters));
CompletableFuture> resultsFuture = Async.each(fieldValueInfos, (item, i) -> item.getFieldValue());
CompletableFuture overallResult = new CompletableFuture<>();
resultsFuture.whenComplete((results, exception) -> {
if (exception != null) {
ExecutionResult executionResult = handleNonNullException(executionContext, overallResult, exception);
completeListCtx.onCompleted(executionResult, exception);
List completedResults = new ArrayList<>(results.size());
for (ExecutionResult completedValue : results) {
ExecutionResultImpl executionResult = new ExecutionResultImpl(completedResults, null);
return FieldValueInfo.newFieldValueInfo(LIST)
* Called to turn an object into a scalar value according to the {@link GraphQLScalarType} by asking that scalar type to coerce the object
* into a valid value
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param scalarType the type of the scalar
* @param result the result to be coerced
* @return a promise to an {@link ExecutionResult}
protected CompletableFuture completeValueForScalar(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, GraphQLScalarType scalarType, Object result) {
Object serialized;
try {
serialized = scalarType.getCoercing().serialize(result);
} catch (CoercingSerializeException e) {
serialized = handleCoercionProblem(executionContext, parameters, e);
// TODO: fix that: this should not be handled here
if (serialized instanceof Double && ((Double) serialized).isNaN()) {
serialized = null;
try {
serialized = parameters.getNonNullFieldValidator().validate(parameters.getPath(), serialized);
} catch (NonNullableFieldWasNullException e) {
return exceptionallyCompletedFuture(e);
return completedFuture(new ExecutionResultImpl(serialized, null));
* Called to turn an object into a enum value according to the {@link GraphQLEnumType} by asking that enum type to coerce the object into a valid value
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param enumType the type of the enum
* @param result the result to be coerced
* @return a promise to an {@link ExecutionResult}
protected CompletableFuture completeValueForEnum(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, GraphQLEnumType enumType, Object result) {
Object serialized;
try {
serialized = enumType.serialize(result);
} catch (CoercingSerializeException e) {
serialized = handleCoercionProblem(executionContext, parameters, e);
try {
serialized = parameters.getNonNullFieldValidator().validate(parameters.getPath(), serialized);
} catch (NonNullableFieldWasNullException e) {
return exceptionallyCompletedFuture(e);
return completedFuture(new ExecutionResultImpl(serialized, null));
* Called to turn an java object value into an graphql object value
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param resolvedObjectType the resolved object type
* @param result the result to be coerced
* @return a promise to an {@link ExecutionResult}
protected CompletableFuture completeValueForObject(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, GraphQLObjectType resolvedObjectType, Object result) {
ExecutionStepInfo executionStepInfo = parameters.getExecutionStepInfo();
FieldCollectorParameters collectorParameters = newParameters()
MergedSelectionSet subFields = fieldCollector.collectFields(collectorParameters, parameters.getField());
ExecutionStepInfo newExecutionStepInfo = executionStepInfo.changeTypeWithPreservedNonNull(resolvedObjectType);
NonNullableFieldValidator nonNullableFieldValidator = new NonNullableFieldValidator(executionContext, newExecutionStepInfo);
ExecutionStrategyParameters newParameters = parameters.transform(builder ->
// Calling this from the executionContext to ensure we shift back from mutation strategy to the query strategy.
return executionContext.getQueryStrategy().execute(executionContext, newParameters);
private Object handleCoercionProblem(ExecutionContext context, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, CoercingSerializeException e) {
SerializationError error = new SerializationError(parameters.getPath(), e);
logNotSafe.warn(error.getMessage(), e);
return null;
* Converts an object that is known to should be an Iterable into one
* @param result the result object
* @return an Iterable from that object
* @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if its not an Iterable
protected Iterable toIterable(Object result) {
return FpKit.toCollection(result);
protected GraphQLObjectType resolveType(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, GraphQLType fieldType) {
return resolvedType.resolveType(executionContext, parameters.getField(), parameters.getSource(), parameters.getExecutionStepInfo().getArguments(), fieldType);
protected Iterable toIterable(ExecutionContext context, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, Object result) {
if (FpKit.isIterable(result)) {
return FpKit.toIterable(result);
handleTypeMismatchProblem(context, parameters, result);
return null;
private void handleTypeMismatchProblem(ExecutionContext context, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, Object result) {
TypeMismatchError error = new TypeMismatchError(parameters.getPath(), parameters.getExecutionStepInfo().getUnwrappedNonNullType());
logNotSafe.warn("{} got {}", error.getMessage(), result.getClass());
* Called to discover the field definition give the current parameters and the AST {@link Field}
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param field the field to find the definition of
* @return a {@link GraphQLFieldDefinition}
protected GraphQLFieldDefinition getFieldDef(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, Field field) {
GraphQLObjectType parentType = (GraphQLObjectType) parameters.getExecutionStepInfo().getUnwrappedNonNullType();
return getFieldDef(executionContext.getGraphQLSchema(), parentType, field);
* Called to discover the field definition give the current parameters and the AST {@link Field}
* @param schema the schema in play
* @param parentType the parent type of the field
* @param field the field to find the definition of
* @return a {@link GraphQLFieldDefinition}
protected GraphQLFieldDefinition getFieldDef(GraphQLSchema schema, GraphQLObjectType parentType, Field field) {
return Introspection.getFieldDef(schema, parentType, field.getName());
* See (,
* If a non nullable child field type actually resolves to a null value and the parent type is nullable
* then the parent must in fact become null
* so we use exceptions to indicate this special case. However if the parent is in fact a non nullable type
* itself then we need to bubble that upwards again until we get to the root in which case the result
* is meant to be null.
* @param e this indicates that a null value was returned for a non null field, which needs to cause the parent field
* to become null OR continue on as an exception
* @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException if a non null field resolves to a null value
protected void assertNonNullFieldPrecondition(NonNullableFieldWasNullException e) throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException {
ExecutionStepInfo executionStepInfo = e.getExecutionStepInfo();
if (executionStepInfo.hasParent() && executionStepInfo.getParent().isNonNullType()) {
throw new NonNullableFieldWasNullException(e);
protected void assertNonNullFieldPrecondition(NonNullableFieldWasNullException e, CompletableFuture> completableFuture) throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException {
ExecutionStepInfo executionStepInfo = e.getExecutionStepInfo();
if (executionStepInfo.hasParent() && executionStepInfo.getParent().isNonNullType()) {
completableFuture.completeExceptionally(new NonNullableFieldWasNullException(e));
protected ExecutionResult handleNonNullException(ExecutionContext executionContext, CompletableFuture result, Throwable e) {
ExecutionResult executionResult = null;
List errors = ImmutableList.copyOf(executionContext.getErrors());
Throwable underlyingException = e;
if (e instanceof CompletionException) {
underlyingException = e.getCause();
if (underlyingException instanceof NonNullableFieldWasNullException) {
assertNonNullFieldPrecondition((NonNullableFieldWasNullException) underlyingException, result);
if (!result.isDone()) {
executionResult = new ExecutionResultImpl(null, errors);
} else if (underlyingException instanceof AbortExecutionException) {
AbortExecutionException abortException = (AbortExecutionException) underlyingException;
executionResult = abortException.toExecutionResult();
} else {
return executionResult;
* Builds the type info hierarchy for the current field
* @param executionContext the execution context in play
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param fieldDefinition the field definition to build type info for
* @param fieldContainer the field container
* @return a new type info
protected ExecutionStepInfo createExecutionStepInfo(ExecutionContext executionContext,
ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters,
GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDefinition,
GraphQLObjectType fieldContainer) {
MergedField field = parameters.getField();
ExecutionStepInfo parentStepInfo = parameters.getExecutionStepInfo();
GraphQLOutputType fieldType = fieldDefinition.getType();
List fieldArgDefs = fieldDefinition.getArguments();
Map argumentValues = Collections.emptyMap();
// no need to create args at all if there are none on the field def
if (!fieldArgDefs.isEmpty()) {
List fieldArgs = field.getArguments();
GraphQLCodeRegistry codeRegistry = executionContext.getGraphQLSchema().getCodeRegistry();
argumentValues = valuesResolver.getArgumentValues(codeRegistry, fieldArgDefs, fieldArgs, executionContext.getVariables());
return newExecutionStepInfo()
public static String mkNameForPath(Field currentField) {
return mkNameForPath(Collections.singletonList(currentField));
public static String mkNameForPath(MergedField mergedField) {
return mkNameForPath(mergedField.getFields());
public static String mkNameForPath(List currentField) {
Field field = currentField.get(0);
return field.getResultKey();