graphql.parser.Parser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package graphql.parser;
import graphql.PublicApi;
import graphql.language.Document;
import graphql.language.Node;
import graphql.language.SourceLocation;
import graphql.language.Value;
import graphql.parser.antlr.GraphqlLexer;
import graphql.parser.antlr.GraphqlParser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.BaseErrorListener;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CodePointCharStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.RecognitionException;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Recognizer;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PredictionMode;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
* This can parse graphql syntax, both Query syntax and Schema Definition Language (SDL) syntax, into an
* Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) represented by a {@link Document}
* You should not generally need to call this class as the {@link graphql.GraphQL} code sets this up for you
* but if you are doing specific graphql utilities this class is essential.
* Graphql syntax has a series of characters, such as spaces, new lines and commas that are not considered relevant
* to the syntax. However they can be captured and associated with the AST elements they belong to.
* This costs more memory but for certain use cases (like editors) this maybe be useful. We have chosen to no capture
* ignored characters by default but you can turn this on, either per parse or statically for the whole JVM
* via {@link ParserOptions#setDefaultParserOptions(ParserOptions)} ()}}
* @see graphql.language.IgnoredChar
public class Parser {
* Parses a string input into a graphql AST {@link Document}
* @param input the input to parse
* @return an AST {@link Document}
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException if the input is not valid graphql syntax
public static Document parse(String input) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return new Parser().parseDocument(input);
* Parses a string input into a graphql AST {@link Value}
* @param input the input to parse
* @return an AST {@link Value}
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException if the input is not valid graphql syntax
public static Value> parseValue(String input) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return new Parser().parseValueImpl(input);
* Parses a string input into a graphql AST {@link Document}
* @param input the input to parse
* @return an AST {@link Document}
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException if the input is not valid graphql syntax
public Document parseDocument(String input) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return parseDocument(input, (ParserOptions) null);
* Parses a string input into a graphql AST {@link Document}
* @param input the input to parse
* @param sourceName - the name to attribute to the input text in {@link SourceLocation#getSourceName()}
* @return an AST {@link Document}
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException if the input is not valid graphql syntax
public Document parseDocument(String input, String sourceName) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
MultiSourceReader multiSourceReader = MultiSourceReader.newMultiSourceReader()
.string(input, sourceName)
return parseDocument(multiSourceReader);
* Parses a string input into a graphql AST {@link Document}
* @param input the input to parse
* @param parserOptions the parser options
* @return an AST {@link Document}
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException if the input is not valid graphql syntax
public Document parseDocument(String input, ParserOptions parserOptions) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
MultiSourceReader multiSourceReader = MultiSourceReader.newMultiSourceReader()
.string(input, null)
return parseDocument(multiSourceReader, parserOptions);
* Parses reader input into a graphql AST {@link Document}
* @param reader the reader input to parse
* @return an AST {@link Document}
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException if the input is not valid graphql syntax
public Document parseDocument(Reader reader) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return parseDocumentImpl(reader, null);
* Parses reader input into a graphql AST {@link Document}
* @param reader the reader input to parse
* @param parserOptions the parser options
* @return an AST {@link Document}
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException if the input is not valid graphql syntax
public Document parseDocument(Reader reader, ParserOptions parserOptions) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return parseDocumentImpl(reader, parserOptions);
private Document parseDocumentImpl(Reader reader, ParserOptions parserOptions) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
BiFunction nodeFunction = (parser, toLanguage) -> {
GraphqlParser.DocumentContext documentContext = parser.document();
Document doc = toLanguage.createDocument(documentContext);
return new Object[]{documentContext, doc};
return (Document) parseImpl(reader, nodeFunction, parserOptions);
private Value> parseValueImpl(String input) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
BiFunction nodeFunction = (parser, toLanguage) -> {
GraphqlParser.ValueContext documentContext = parser.value();
Value> value = toLanguage.createValue(documentContext);
return new Object[]{documentContext, value};
MultiSourceReader multiSourceReader = MultiSourceReader.newMultiSourceReader()
.string(input, null)
return (Value>) parseImpl(multiSourceReader, nodeFunction, null);
private Node> parseImpl(Reader reader, BiFunction nodeFunction, ParserOptions parserOptions) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
MultiSourceReader multiSourceReader;
if (reader instanceof MultiSourceReader) {
multiSourceReader = (MultiSourceReader) reader;
} else {
multiSourceReader = MultiSourceReader.newMultiSourceReader()
.reader(reader, null).build();
CodePointCharStream charStream;
try {
charStream = CharStreams.fromReader(multiSourceReader);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
GraphqlLexer lexer = new GraphqlLexer(charStream);
lexer.addErrorListener(new BaseErrorListener() {
public void syntaxError(Recognizer, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) {
SourceLocation sourceLocation = AntlrHelper.createSourceLocation(multiSourceReader, line, charPositionInLine);
String preview = AntlrHelper.createPreview(multiSourceReader, line);
throw new InvalidSyntaxException(sourceLocation, "Invalid syntax: " + msg, preview, null, null);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
GraphqlParser parser = new GraphqlParser(tokens);
ExtendedBailStrategy bailStrategy = new ExtendedBailStrategy(multiSourceReader);
// preserve old protected call semantics - remove at some point
GraphqlAntlrToLanguage toLanguage = getAntlrToLanguage(tokens, multiSourceReader);
if (toLanguage == null) {
toLanguage = getAntlrToLanguage(tokens, multiSourceReader, parserOptions);
Object[] contextAndNode = nodeFunction.apply(parser, toLanguage);
ParserRuleContext parserRuleContext = (ParserRuleContext) contextAndNode[0];
Node> node = (Node>) contextAndNode[1];
Token stop = parserRuleContext.getStop();
List allTokens = tokens.getTokens();
if (stop != null && allTokens != null && !allTokens.isEmpty()) {
Token last = allTokens.get(allTokens.size() - 1);
// do we have more tokens in the stream than we consumed in the parse?
// if yes then its invalid. We make sure its the same channel
boolean notEOF = last.getType() != Token.EOF;
boolean lastGreaterThanDocument = last.getTokenIndex() > stop.getTokenIndex();
boolean sameChannel = last.getChannel() == stop.getChannel();
if (notEOF && lastGreaterThanDocument && sameChannel) {
throw bailStrategy.mkMoreTokensException(last);
return node;
* Allows you to override the ANTLR to AST code.
* @param tokens the token stream
* @param multiSourceReader the source of the query document
* @return a new GraphqlAntlrToLanguage instance
* @deprecated - really should use {@link #getAntlrToLanguage(CommonTokenStream, MultiSourceReader, ParserOptions)}
protected GraphqlAntlrToLanguage getAntlrToLanguage(CommonTokenStream tokens, MultiSourceReader multiSourceReader) {
return null;
* Allows you to override the ANTLR to AST code.
* @param tokens the token stream
* @param multiSourceReader the source of the query document
* @param parserOptions - the parser options
* @return a new GraphqlAntlrToLanguage instance
protected GraphqlAntlrToLanguage getAntlrToLanguage(CommonTokenStream tokens, MultiSourceReader multiSourceReader, ParserOptions parserOptions) {
return new GraphqlAntlrToLanguage(tokens, multiSourceReader, parserOptions);