graphql.GraphQL Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package graphql;
import graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException;
import graphql.execution.AsyncExecutionStrategy;
import graphql.execution.AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy;
import graphql.execution.Execution;
import graphql.execution.ExecutionId;
import graphql.execution.ExecutionIdProvider;
import graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy;
import graphql.execution.SubscriptionExecutionStrategy;
import graphql.execution.ValueUnboxer;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.InstrumentationContext;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.InstrumentationState;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentation;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationCreateStateParameters;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters;
import graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationValidationParameters;
import graphql.execution.preparsed.NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider;
import graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentEntry;
import graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentProvider;
import graphql.language.Document;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema;
import graphql.util.LogKit;
import graphql.validation.ValidationError;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import static graphql.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static graphql.execution.ExecutionIdProvider.DEFAULT_EXECUTION_ID_PROVIDER;
* This class is where all graphql-java query execution begins. It combines the objects that are needed
* to make a successful graphql query, with the most important being the {@link graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema schema}
* and the {@link graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy execution strategy}
* Building this object is very cheap and can be done on each execution if necessary. Building the schema is often not
* as cheap, especially if its parsed from graphql IDL schema format via {@link graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser}.
* The data for a query is returned via {@link ExecutionResult#getData()} and any errors encountered as placed in
* {@link ExecutionResult#getErrors()}.
Runtime Exceptions
* Runtime exceptions can be thrown by the graphql engine if certain situations are encountered. These are not errors
* in execution but rather totally unacceptable conditions in which to execute a graphql query.
* - {@link graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException} - is thrown when a value cannot be serialised by a Scalar type, for example
* a String value being coerced as an Int.
* - {@link graphql.execution.UnresolvedTypeException} - is thrown if a {@link graphql.schema.TypeResolver} fails to provide a concrete
* object type given a interface or union type.
* - {@link graphql.schema.validation.InvalidSchemaException} - is thrown if the schema is not valid when built via
* {@link graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder#build()}
* - {@link graphql.GraphQLException} - is thrown as a general purpose runtime exception, for example if the code cant
* access a named field when examining a POJO.
* - {@link graphql.AssertException} - is thrown as a low level code assertion exception for truly unexpected code conditions
public class GraphQL {
* When @defer directives are used, this is the extension key name used to contain the {@link org.reactivestreams.Publisher}
* of deferred results
public static final String DEFERRED_RESULTS = "deferredResults";
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphQL.class);
private static final Logger logNotSafe = LogKit.getNotPrivacySafeLogger(GraphQL.class);
private final static Instrumentation DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION = new DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation();
private final GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema;
private final ExecutionStrategy queryStrategy;
private final ExecutionStrategy mutationStrategy;
private final ExecutionStrategy subscriptionStrategy;
private final ExecutionIdProvider idProvider;
private final Instrumentation instrumentation;
private final PreparsedDocumentProvider preparsedDocumentProvider;
private final ValueUnboxer valueUnboxer;
* A GraphQL object ready to execute queries
* @param graphQLSchema the schema to use
* @deprecated use the {@link #newGraphQL(GraphQLSchema)} builder instead. This will be removed in a future version.
public GraphQL(GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema) {
this(graphQLSchema, null, null);
* A GraphQL object ready to execute queries
* @param graphQLSchema the schema to use
* @param queryStrategy the query execution strategy to use
* @deprecated use the {@link #newGraphQL(GraphQLSchema)} builder instead. This will be removed in a future version.
public GraphQL(GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema, ExecutionStrategy queryStrategy) {
this(graphQLSchema, queryStrategy, null);
* A GraphQL object ready to execute queries
* @param graphQLSchema the schema to use
* @param queryStrategy the query execution strategy to use
* @param mutationStrategy the mutation execution strategy to use
* @deprecated use the {@link #newGraphQL(GraphQLSchema)} builder instead. This will be removed in a future version.
public GraphQL(GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema, ExecutionStrategy queryStrategy, ExecutionStrategy mutationStrategy) {
this(graphQLSchema, queryStrategy, mutationStrategy, null, DEFAULT_EXECUTION_ID_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION, NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider.INSTANCE, ValueUnboxer.DEFAULT);
* A GraphQL object ready to execute queries
* @param graphQLSchema the schema to use
* @param queryStrategy the query execution strategy to use
* @param mutationStrategy the mutation execution strategy to use
* @param subscriptionStrategy the subscription execution strategy to use
* @deprecated use the {@link #newGraphQL(GraphQLSchema)} builder instead. This will be removed in a future version.
public GraphQL(GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema, ExecutionStrategy queryStrategy, ExecutionStrategy mutationStrategy, ExecutionStrategy subscriptionStrategy) {
this(graphQLSchema, queryStrategy, mutationStrategy, subscriptionStrategy, DEFAULT_EXECUTION_ID_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION, NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider.INSTANCE, ValueUnboxer.DEFAULT);
private GraphQL(GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema,
ExecutionStrategy queryStrategy,
ExecutionStrategy mutationStrategy,
ExecutionStrategy subscriptionStrategy,
ExecutionIdProvider idProvider,
Instrumentation instrumentation,
PreparsedDocumentProvider preparsedDocumentProvider,
ValueUnboxer valueUnboxer) {
this.graphQLSchema = assertNotNull(graphQLSchema, () -> "graphQLSchema must be non null");
this.queryStrategy = queryStrategy != null ? queryStrategy : new AsyncExecutionStrategy();
this.mutationStrategy = mutationStrategy != null ? mutationStrategy : new AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy();
this.subscriptionStrategy = subscriptionStrategy != null ? subscriptionStrategy : new SubscriptionExecutionStrategy();
this.idProvider = assertNotNull(idProvider, () -> "idProvider must be non null");
this.instrumentation = assertNotNull(instrumentation);
this.preparsedDocumentProvider = assertNotNull(preparsedDocumentProvider, () -> "preparsedDocumentProvider must be non null");
this.valueUnboxer = valueUnboxer;
* Helps you build a GraphQL object ready to execute queries
* @param graphQLSchema the schema to use
* @return a builder of GraphQL objects
public static Builder newGraphQL(GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema) {
return new Builder(graphQLSchema);
* This helps you transform the current GraphQL object into another one by starting a builder with all
* the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
* @param builderConsumer the consumer code that will be given a builder to transform
* @return a new GraphQL object based on calling build on that builder
public GraphQL transform(Consumer builderConsumer) {
Builder builder = new Builder(this.graphQLSchema);
.queryExecutionStrategy(nvl(this.queryStrategy, builder.queryExecutionStrategy))
.mutationExecutionStrategy(nvl(this.mutationStrategy, builder.mutationExecutionStrategy))
.subscriptionExecutionStrategy(nvl(this.subscriptionStrategy, builder.subscriptionExecutionStrategy))
.executionIdProvider(nvl(this.idProvider, builder.idProvider))
.instrumentation(nvl(this.instrumentation, builder.instrumentation))
.preparsedDocumentProvider(nvl(this.preparsedDocumentProvider, builder.preparsedDocumentProvider));
return builder.build();
private static T nvl(T obj, T elseObj) {
return obj == null ? elseObj : obj;
public static class Builder {
private GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema;
private ExecutionStrategy queryExecutionStrategy = new AsyncExecutionStrategy();
private ExecutionStrategy mutationExecutionStrategy = new AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy();
private ExecutionStrategy subscriptionExecutionStrategy = new SubscriptionExecutionStrategy();
private ExecutionIdProvider idProvider = DEFAULT_EXECUTION_ID_PROVIDER;
private Instrumentation instrumentation = null; // deliberate default here
private PreparsedDocumentProvider preparsedDocumentProvider = NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider.INSTANCE;
private boolean doNotAddDefaultInstrumentations = false;
private ValueUnboxer valueUnboxer = ValueUnboxer.DEFAULT;
public Builder(GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema) {
this.graphQLSchema = graphQLSchema;
public Builder schema(GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema) {
this.graphQLSchema = assertNotNull(graphQLSchema, () -> "GraphQLSchema must be non null");
return this;
public Builder queryExecutionStrategy(ExecutionStrategy executionStrategy) {
this.queryExecutionStrategy = assertNotNull(executionStrategy, () -> "Query ExecutionStrategy must be non null");
return this;
public Builder mutationExecutionStrategy(ExecutionStrategy executionStrategy) {
this.mutationExecutionStrategy = assertNotNull(executionStrategy, () -> "Mutation ExecutionStrategy must be non null");
return this;
public Builder subscriptionExecutionStrategy(ExecutionStrategy executionStrategy) {
this.subscriptionExecutionStrategy = assertNotNull(executionStrategy, () -> "Subscription ExecutionStrategy must be non null");
return this;
public Builder instrumentation(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
this.instrumentation = assertNotNull(instrumentation, () -> "Instrumentation must be non null");
return this;
public Builder preparsedDocumentProvider(PreparsedDocumentProvider preparsedDocumentProvider) {
this.preparsedDocumentProvider = assertNotNull(preparsedDocumentProvider, () -> "PreparsedDocumentProvider must be non null");
return this;
public Builder executionIdProvider(ExecutionIdProvider executionIdProvider) {
this.idProvider = assertNotNull(executionIdProvider, () -> "ExecutionIdProvider must be non null");
return this;
* For performance reasons you can opt into situation where the default instrumentations (such
* as {@link graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation} will not be
* automatically added into the graphql instance.
* For most situations this is not needed unless you are really pushing the boundaries of performance
* By default a certain graphql instrumentations will be added to the mix to more easily enable certain functionality. This
* allows you to stop this behavior
* @return this builder
public Builder doNotAddDefaultInstrumentations() {
this.doNotAddDefaultInstrumentations = true;
return this;
public Builder valueUnboxer(ValueUnboxer valueUnboxer) {
this.valueUnboxer = valueUnboxer;
return this;
public GraphQL build() {
assertNotNull(graphQLSchema, () -> "graphQLSchema must be non null");
assertNotNull(queryExecutionStrategy, () -> "queryStrategy must be non null");
assertNotNull(idProvider, () -> "idProvider must be non null");
final Instrumentation augmentedInstrumentation = checkInstrumentationDefaultState(instrumentation, doNotAddDefaultInstrumentations);
return new GraphQL(graphQLSchema, queryExecutionStrategy, mutationExecutionStrategy, subscriptionExecutionStrategy, idProvider, augmentedInstrumentation, preparsedDocumentProvider, valueUnboxer);
* Executes the specified graphql query/mutation/subscription
* @param query the query/mutation/subscription
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
public ExecutionResult execute(String query) {
ExecutionInput executionInput = ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()
return execute(executionInput);
* Info: This sets context = root to be backwards compatible.
* @param query the query/mutation/subscription
* @param context custom object provided to each {@link graphql.schema.DataFetcher}
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
* @deprecated Use {@link #execute(ExecutionInput)}
public ExecutionResult execute(String query, Object context) {
ExecutionInput executionInput = ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()
.root(context) // This we are doing do be backwards compatible
return execute(executionInput);
* Info: This sets context = root to be backwards compatible.
* @param query the query/mutation/subscription
* @param operationName the name of the operation to execute
* @param context custom object provided to each {@link graphql.schema.DataFetcher}
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
* @deprecated Use {@link #execute(ExecutionInput)}
public ExecutionResult execute(String query, String operationName, Object context) {
ExecutionInput executionInput = ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()
.root(context) // This we are doing do be backwards compatible
return execute(executionInput);
* Info: This sets context = root to be backwards compatible.
* @param query the query/mutation/subscription
* @param context custom object provided to each {@link graphql.schema.DataFetcher}
* @param variables variable values uses as argument
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
* @deprecated Use {@link #execute(ExecutionInput)}
public ExecutionResult execute(String query, Object context, Map variables) {
ExecutionInput executionInput = ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()
.root(context) // This we are doing do be backwards compatible
return execute(executionInput);
* Info: This sets context = root to be backwards compatible.
* @param query the query/mutation/subscription
* @param operationName name of the operation to execute
* @param context custom object provided to each {@link graphql.schema.DataFetcher}
* @param variables variable values uses as argument
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
* @deprecated Use {@link #execute(ExecutionInput)}
public ExecutionResult execute(String query, String operationName, Object context, Map variables) {
ExecutionInput executionInput = ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()
.root(context) // This we are doing do be backwards compatible
return execute(executionInput);
* Executes the graphql query using the provided input object builder
* @param executionInputBuilder {@link ExecutionInput.Builder}
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
public ExecutionResult execute(ExecutionInput.Builder executionInputBuilder) {
return execute(executionInputBuilder.build());
* Executes the graphql query using calling the builder function and giving it a new builder.
* This allows a lambda style like :
* {@code
* ExecutionResult result = graphql.execute(input -> input.query("{hello}").root(startingObj).context(contextObj));
* }
* @param builderFunction a function that is given a {@link ExecutionInput.Builder}
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
public ExecutionResult execute(UnaryOperator builderFunction) {
return execute(builderFunction.apply(ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()).build());
* Executes the graphql query using the provided input object
* @param executionInput {@link ExecutionInput}
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
public ExecutionResult execute(ExecutionInput executionInput) {
try {
return executeAsync(executionInput).join();
} catch (CompletionException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) e.getCause();
} else {
throw e;
* Executes the graphql query using the provided input object builder
* This will return a promise (aka {@link CompletableFuture}) to provide a {@link ExecutionResult}
* which is the result of executing the provided query.
* @param executionInputBuilder {@link ExecutionInput.Builder}
* @return a promise to an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
public CompletableFuture executeAsync(ExecutionInput.Builder executionInputBuilder) {
return executeAsync(executionInputBuilder.build());
* Executes the graphql query using the provided input object builder
* This will return a promise (aka {@link CompletableFuture}) to provide a {@link ExecutionResult}
* which is the result of executing the provided query.
* This allows a lambda style like :
* {@code
* ExecutionResult result = graphql.execute(input -> input.query("{hello}").root(startingObj).context(contextObj));
* }
* @param builderFunction a function that is given a {@link ExecutionInput.Builder}
* @return a promise to an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
public CompletableFuture executeAsync(UnaryOperator builderFunction) {
return executeAsync(builderFunction.apply(ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()).build());
* Executes the graphql query using the provided input object
* This will return a promise (aka {@link CompletableFuture}) to provide a {@link ExecutionResult}
* which is the result of executing the provided query.
* @param executionInput {@link ExecutionInput}
* @return a promise to an {@link ExecutionResult} which can include errors
public CompletableFuture executeAsync(ExecutionInput executionInput) {
try {
logNotSafe.debug("Executing request. operation name: '{}'. query: '{}'. variables '{}'", executionInput.getOperationName(), executionInput.getQuery(), executionInput.getVariables());
executionInput = ensureInputHasId(executionInput);
InstrumentationState instrumentationState = instrumentation.createState(new InstrumentationCreateStateParameters(this.graphQLSchema, executionInput));
InstrumentationExecutionParameters inputInstrumentationParameters = new InstrumentationExecutionParameters(executionInput, this.graphQLSchema, instrumentationState);
executionInput = instrumentation.instrumentExecutionInput(executionInput, inputInstrumentationParameters);
InstrumentationExecutionParameters instrumentationParameters = new InstrumentationExecutionParameters(executionInput, this.graphQLSchema, instrumentationState);
InstrumentationContext executionInstrumentation = instrumentation.beginExecution(instrumentationParameters);
GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema = instrumentation.instrumentSchema(this.graphQLSchema, instrumentationParameters);
CompletableFuture executionResult = parseValidateAndExecute(executionInput, graphQLSchema, instrumentationState);
// finish up instrumentation
executionResult = executionResult.whenComplete(executionInstrumentation::onCompleted);
// allow instrumentation to tweak the result
executionResult = executionResult.thenCompose(result -> instrumentation.instrumentExecutionResult(result, instrumentationParameters));
return executionResult;
} catch (AbortExecutionException abortException) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(abortException.toExecutionResult());
private ExecutionInput ensureInputHasId(ExecutionInput executionInput) {
if (executionInput.getExecutionId() != null) {
return executionInput;
String queryString = executionInput.getQuery();
String operationName = executionInput.getOperationName();
Object context = executionInput.getContext();
return executionInput.transform(builder -> builder.executionId(idProvider.provide(queryString, operationName, context)));
private CompletableFuture parseValidateAndExecute(ExecutionInput executionInput, GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema, InstrumentationState instrumentationState) {
AtomicReference executionInputRef = new AtomicReference<>(executionInput);
Function computeFunction = transformedInput -> {
// if they change the original query in the pre-parser, then we want to see it downstream from then on
return parseAndValidate(executionInputRef, graphQLSchema, instrumentationState);
PreparsedDocumentEntry preparsedDoc = preparsedDocumentProvider.getDocument(executionInput, computeFunction);
if (preparsedDoc.hasErrors()) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new ExecutionResultImpl(preparsedDoc.getErrors()));
return execute(executionInputRef.get(), preparsedDoc.getDocument(), graphQLSchema, instrumentationState);
private PreparsedDocumentEntry parseAndValidate(AtomicReference executionInputRef, GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema, InstrumentationState instrumentationState) {
ExecutionInput executionInput = executionInputRef.get();
String query = executionInput.getQuery();
logNotSafe.debug("Parsing query: '{}'...", query);
ParseAndValidateResult parseResult = parse(executionInput, graphQLSchema, instrumentationState);
if (parseResult.isFailure()) {
logNotSafe.warn("Query failed to parse : '{}'", executionInput.getQuery());
return new PreparsedDocumentEntry(parseResult.getSyntaxException().toInvalidSyntaxError());
} else {
final Document document = parseResult.getDocument();
// they may have changed the document and the variables via instrumentation so update the reference to it
executionInput = executionInput.transform(builder -> builder.variables(parseResult.getVariables()));
logNotSafe.debug("Validating query: '{}'", query);
final List errors = validate(executionInput, document, graphQLSchema, instrumentationState);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
logNotSafe.warn("Query failed to validate : '{}'", query);
return new PreparsedDocumentEntry(errors);
return new PreparsedDocumentEntry(document);
private ParseAndValidateResult parse(ExecutionInput executionInput, GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema, InstrumentationState instrumentationState) {
InstrumentationExecutionParameters parameters = new InstrumentationExecutionParameters(executionInput, graphQLSchema, instrumentationState);
InstrumentationContext parseInstrumentation = instrumentation.beginParse(parameters);
CompletableFuture documentCF = new CompletableFuture<>();
ParseAndValidateResult parseResult = ParseAndValidate.parse(executionInput);
if (parseResult.isFailure()) {
parseInstrumentation.onCompleted(null, parseResult.getSyntaxException());
return parseResult;
} else {
parseInstrumentation.onCompleted(parseResult.getDocument(), null);
DocumentAndVariables documentAndVariables = parseResult.getDocumentAndVariables();
documentAndVariables = instrumentation.instrumentDocumentAndVariables(documentAndVariables, parameters);
return ParseAndValidateResult.newResult()
private List validate(ExecutionInput executionInput, Document document, GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema, InstrumentationState instrumentationState) {
InstrumentationContext> validationCtx = instrumentation.beginValidation(new InstrumentationValidationParameters(executionInput, document, graphQLSchema, instrumentationState));
CompletableFuture> cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
List validationErrors = ParseAndValidate.validate(graphQLSchema, document);
validationCtx.onCompleted(validationErrors, null);
return validationErrors;
private CompletableFuture execute(ExecutionInput executionInput, Document document, GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema, InstrumentationState instrumentationState) {
Execution execution = new Execution(queryStrategy, mutationStrategy, subscriptionStrategy, instrumentation, valueUnboxer);
ExecutionId executionId = executionInput.getExecutionId();
logNotSafe.debug("Executing '{}'. operation name: '{}'. query: '{}'. variables '{}'", executionId, executionInput.getOperationName(), executionInput.getQuery(), executionInput.getVariables());
CompletableFuture future = execution.execute(document, graphQLSchema, executionId, executionInput, instrumentationState);
future = future.whenComplete((result, throwable) -> {
if (throwable != null) {
logNotSafe.error(String.format("Execution '%s' threw exception when executing : query : '%s'. variables '%s'", executionId, executionInput.getQuery(), executionInput.getVariables()), throwable);
} else {
int errorCount = result.getErrors().size();
if (errorCount > 0) {
log.debug("Execution '{}' completed with '{}' errors", executionId, errorCount);
} else {
log.debug("Execution '{}' completed with zero errors", executionId);
return future;
private static Instrumentation checkInstrumentationDefaultState(Instrumentation instrumentation, boolean doNotAddDefaultInstrumentations) {
if (doNotAddDefaultInstrumentations) {
return instrumentation == null ? SimpleInstrumentation.INSTANCE : instrumentation;
if (instrumentation instanceof DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation) {
return instrumentation;
if (instrumentation == null) {
return new DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation();
// if we don't have a DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation in play, we add one. We want DataLoader to be 1st class in graphql without requiring
// people to remember to wire it in. Later we may decide to have more default instrumentations but for now its just the one
List instrumentationList = new ArrayList<>();
if (instrumentation instanceof ChainedInstrumentation) {
instrumentationList.addAll(((ChainedInstrumentation) instrumentation).getInstrumentations());
} else {
boolean containsDLInstrumentation = instrumentationList.stream().anyMatch(instr -> instr instanceof DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation);
if (!containsDLInstrumentation) {
instrumentationList.add(new DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation());
return new ChainedInstrumentation(instrumentationList);