graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package graphql.execution;
import graphql.PublicApi;
import graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLOutputType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import static graphql.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static graphql.Assert.assertTrue;
import static graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil.isList;
* As the graphql query executes, it forms a hierarchy from parent fields (and their type) to their child fields (and their type)
* until a scalar type is encountered; this class captures that execution type information.
* The static graphql type system (rightly) does not contain a hierarchy of child to parent types nor the nonnull ness of
* type instances, so this helper class adds this information during query execution.
public class ExecutionStepInfo {
* An ExecutionStepInfo represent either a field or a list element inside a list of objects/interfaces/unions.
* A StepInfo never represent a Scalar/Enum inside a list (e.g. [String]) because GraphQL execution doesn't descend down
* scalar/enums lists.
* If this StepInfo represent a field the type is equal to fieldDefinition.getType()
* if this StepInfo is a list element this type is the actual current list element. For example:
* Query.pets: [[Pet]] with Pet either a Dog or Cat and the actual result is [[Dog1],[[Cat1]]
* Then the type is (for a query "{pets{name}}"):
* [[Pet]] for /pets (representing the field Query.pets, not a list element)
* [Pet] fot /pets[0]
* [Pet] for /pets[1]
* Dog for /pets[0][0]
* Cat for /pets[1][0]
* String for /pets[0][0]/name (representing the field Dog.name, not a list element)
* String for /pets[1][0]/name (representing the field Cat.name, not a list element)
private final GraphQLOutputType type;
* A list element is characterized by having a path ending with an index segment. (ResultPath.isListSegment())
private final ResultPath path;
private final ExecutionStepInfo parent;
* field, fieldDefinition, fieldContainer and arguments differ per field StepInfo.
* But for list StepInfos these properties are the same as the field returning the list.
private final MergedField field;
private final GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDefinition;
private final GraphQLObjectType fieldContainer;
private final ImmutableMapWithNullValues arguments;
private ExecutionStepInfo(GraphQLOutputType type,
GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDefinition,
MergedField field,
ResultPath path,
ExecutionStepInfo parent,
ImmutableMapWithNullValues arguments,
GraphQLObjectType fieldsContainer) {
this.fieldDefinition = fieldDefinition;
this.field = field;
this.path = path;
this.parent = parent;
this.type = assertNotNull(type, () -> "you must provide a graphql type");
this.arguments = arguments;
this.fieldContainer = fieldsContainer;
* @return the GraphQLObjectType defining the {@link #getFieldDefinition()}
* @deprecated use {@link #getObjectType()} instead as it is named better
* @see ExecutionStepInfo#getObjectType()
public GraphQLObjectType getFieldContainer() {
return fieldContainer;
* The GraphQLObjectType where fieldDefinition is defined.
* Note:
* For the Introspection field __typename the returned object type doesn't actually contain the fieldDefinition.
* @return the GraphQLObjectType defining the {@link #getFieldDefinition()}
public GraphQLObjectType getObjectType() {
return fieldContainer;
* This returns the type for the current step.
* @return the graphql type in question
public GraphQLOutputType getType() {
return type;
* This returns the type which is unwrapped if it was {@link GraphQLNonNull} wrapped
* @return the graphql type in question
public GraphQLOutputType getUnwrappedNonNullType() {
return (GraphQLOutputType) GraphQLTypeUtil.unwrapNonNull(this.type);
* This returns the field definition that is in play when this type info was created or null
* if the type is a root query type
* @return the field definition or null if there is not one
public GraphQLFieldDefinition getFieldDefinition() {
return fieldDefinition;
* This returns the AST fields that matches the {@link #getFieldDefinition()} during execution
* @return the merged fields
public MergedField getField() {
return field;
* @return the {@link ResultPath} to this info
public ResultPath getPath() {
return path;
* @return true if the type must be nonnull
public boolean isNonNullType() {
return GraphQLTypeUtil.isNonNull(this.type);
* @return true if the type is a list
public boolean isListType() {
return isList(type);
* @return the resolved arguments that have been passed to this field
public Map getArguments() {
return arguments;
* Returns the named argument
* @param name the name of the argument
* @param you decide what type it is
* @return the named argument or null if its not present
public T getArgument(String name) {
return (T) arguments.get(name);
* @return the parent type information
public ExecutionStepInfo getParent() {
return parent;
* @return true if the type has a parent (most do)
public boolean hasParent() {
return parent != null;
* This allows you to morph a type into a more specialized form yet return the same
* parent and non-null ness, for example taking a {@link GraphQLInterfaceType}
* and turning it into a specific {@link graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType}
* after type resolution has occurred
* @param newType the new type to be
* @return a new type info with the same
public ExecutionStepInfo changeTypeWithPreservedNonNull(GraphQLOutputType newType) {
assertTrue(!GraphQLTypeUtil.isNonNull(newType), () -> "newType can't be non null");
if (isNonNullType()) {
return new ExecutionStepInfo(GraphQLNonNull.nonNull(newType), fieldDefinition, field, path, this.parent, arguments, this.fieldContainer);
} else {
return new ExecutionStepInfo(newType, fieldDefinition, field, path, this.parent, arguments, this.fieldContainer);
* @return the type in graphql SDL format, eg [typeName!]!
public String simplePrint() {
return GraphQLTypeUtil.simplePrint(type);
public String toString() {
return "ExecutionStepInfo{" +
" path=" + path +
", type=" + type +
", fieldDefinition=" + fieldDefinition +
public ExecutionStepInfo transform(Consumer builderConsumer) {
Builder builder = new Builder(this);
return builder.build();
public String getResultKey() {
return field.getResultKey();
* @return a builder of type info
public static ExecutionStepInfo.Builder newExecutionStepInfo() {
return new Builder();
public static ExecutionStepInfo.Builder newExecutionStepInfo(ExecutionStepInfo existing) {
return new Builder(existing);
public static class Builder {
GraphQLOutputType type;
ExecutionStepInfo parentInfo;
GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDefinition;
GraphQLObjectType fieldContainer;
MergedField field;
ResultPath path;
ImmutableMapWithNullValues arguments;
* @see ExecutionStepInfo#newExecutionStepInfo()
private Builder() {
arguments = ImmutableMapWithNullValues.emptyMap();
private Builder(ExecutionStepInfo existing) {
this.type = existing.type;
this.parentInfo = existing.parent;
this.fieldDefinition = existing.fieldDefinition;
this.fieldContainer = existing.fieldContainer;
this.field = existing.field;
this.path = existing.path;
this.arguments = ImmutableMapWithNullValues.copyOf(existing.getArguments());
public Builder type(GraphQLOutputType type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public Builder parentInfo(ExecutionStepInfo executionStepInfo) {
this.parentInfo = executionStepInfo;
return this;
public Builder fieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDefinition) {
this.fieldDefinition = fieldDefinition;
return this;
public Builder field(MergedField field) {
this.field = field;
return this;
public Builder path(ResultPath resultPath) {
this.path = resultPath;
return this;
public Builder arguments(Map arguments) {
this.arguments = arguments == null ? ImmutableMapWithNullValues.emptyMap() : ImmutableMapWithNullValues.copyOf(arguments);
return this;
public Builder fieldContainer(GraphQLObjectType fieldContainer) {
this.fieldContainer = fieldContainer;
return this;
public ExecutionStepInfo build() {
return new ExecutionStepInfo(type, fieldDefinition, field, path, parentInfo, arguments, fieldContainer);