graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package graphql.schema;
import graphql.Directives;
import graphql.DirectivesUtil;
import graphql.Internal;
import graphql.PublicApi;
import graphql.introspection.Introspection;
import graphql.language.SchemaDefinition;
import graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition;
import graphql.schema.validation.InvalidSchemaException;
import graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationError;
import graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidator;
import graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import static graphql.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static graphql.Assert.assertShouldNeverHappen;
import static graphql.Assert.assertTrue;
import static graphql.collect.ImmutableKit.emptyList;
import static;
import static graphql.collect.ImmutableKit.nonNullCopyOf;
import static graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparators.byNameAsc;
import static graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparators.sortTypes;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
* The schema represents the combined type system of the graphql engine. This is how the engine knows
* what graphql queries represent what data.
* See for more details
public class GraphQLSchema {
private final GraphQLObjectType queryType;
private final GraphQLObjectType mutationType;
private final GraphQLObjectType subscriptionType;
private final GraphQLObjectType introspectionSchemaType;
private final ImmutableSet additionalTypes;
private final GraphQLFieldDefinition intospectionSchemaField;
private final GraphQLFieldDefinition introspectionTypeField;
// we don't allow modification of "__typename" - its a scalar
private final GraphQLFieldDefinition __typename = Introspection.TypeNameMetaFieldDef;
private final DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder directives;
private final DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder schemaDirectives;
private final SchemaDefinition definition;
private final ImmutableList extensionDefinitions;
private final GraphQLCodeRegistry codeRegistry;
private final ImmutableMap typeMap;
private final ImmutableMap> interfaceNameToObjectTypes;
private final ImmutableMap> interfaceNameToObjectTypeNames;
private final String description;
* @param queryType the query type
* @deprecated use the {@link #newSchema()} builder pattern instead, as this constructor will be made private in a future version.
public GraphQLSchema(GraphQLObjectType queryType) {
this(queryType, null, Collections.emptySet());
* @param queryType the query type
* @param mutationType the mutation type
* @param additionalTypes additional types
* @deprecated use the {@link #newSchema()} builder pattern instead, as this constructor will be made private in a future version.
public GraphQLSchema(GraphQLObjectType queryType, GraphQLObjectType mutationType, Set additionalTypes) {
this(queryType, mutationType, null, additionalTypes);
* @param queryType the query type
* @param mutationType the mutation type
* @param subscriptionType the subscription type
* @param additionalTypes additional types
* @deprecated use the {@link #newSchema()} builder pattern instead, as this constructor will be made private in a future version.
public GraphQLSchema(GraphQLObjectType queryType, GraphQLObjectType mutationType, GraphQLObjectType subscriptionType, Set additionalTypes) {
this(newSchema().query(queryType).mutation(mutationType).subscription(subscriptionType).additionalTypes(additionalTypes), false);
private GraphQLSchema(Builder builder, boolean afterTransform) {
assertNotNull(builder.additionalTypes, () -> "additionalTypes can't be null");
assertNotNull(builder.queryType, () -> "queryType can't be null");
assertNotNull(builder.additionalDirectives, () -> "directives can't be null");
assertNotNull(builder.codeRegistry, () -> "codeRegistry can't be null");
this.queryType = builder.queryType;
this.mutationType = builder.mutationType;
this.subscriptionType = builder.subscriptionType;
this.additionalTypes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(builder.additionalTypes);
this.introspectionSchemaType = builder.introspectionSchemaType;
this.intospectionSchemaField = Introspection.buildSchemaField(builder.introspectionSchemaType);
this.introspectionTypeField = Introspection.buildTypeField(builder.introspectionSchemaType);
this.directives = new DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder(builder.additionalDirectives);
this.schemaDirectives = new DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder(builder.schemaDirectives);
this.definition = builder.definition;
this.extensionDefinitions = nonNullCopyOf(builder.extensionDefinitions);
this.codeRegistry = builder.codeRegistry;
// sorted by type name
SchemaUtil schemaUtil = new SchemaUtil();
this.typeMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(schemaUtil.allTypes(this, additionalTypes, afterTransform));
this.interfaceNameToObjectTypes = buildInterfacesToObjectTypes(schemaUtil.groupImplementations(this));
this.interfaceNameToObjectTypeNames = buildInterfacesToObjectName(interfaceNameToObjectTypes);
this.description = builder.description;
// This can be removed once we no longer extract legacy code from types such as data fetchers but for now
// we need it to make an efficient copy that does not walk the types twice
private GraphQLSchema(GraphQLSchema otherSchema, GraphQLCodeRegistry codeRegistry) {
this.queryType = otherSchema.queryType;
this.mutationType = otherSchema.mutationType;
this.subscriptionType = otherSchema.subscriptionType;
this.introspectionSchemaType = otherSchema.introspectionSchemaType;
this.additionalTypes = otherSchema.additionalTypes;
this.intospectionSchemaField = otherSchema.intospectionSchemaField;
this.introspectionTypeField = otherSchema.introspectionTypeField;
this.directives = otherSchema.directives;
this.schemaDirectives = otherSchema.schemaDirectives;
this.definition = otherSchema.definition;
this.extensionDefinitions = nonNullCopyOf(otherSchema.extensionDefinitions);
this.codeRegistry = codeRegistry;
this.typeMap = otherSchema.typeMap;
this.interfaceNameToObjectTypes = otherSchema.interfaceNameToObjectTypes;
this.interfaceNameToObjectTypeNames = otherSchema.interfaceNameToObjectTypeNames;
this.description = otherSchema.description;
* @return a new schema builder
public static Builder newSchema() {
return new Builder();
* This allows you to build a schema from an existing schema. It copies everything from the existing
* schema and then allows you to replace them.
* @param existingSchema the existing schema
* @return a new schema builder
public static Builder newSchema(GraphQLSchema existingSchema) {
return new Builder()
.additionalDirectives(new LinkedHashSet<>(existingSchema.getDirectives()))
private static GraphQLDirective[] schemaDirectivesArray(GraphQLSchema existingSchema) {
return existingSchema.schemaDirectives.getDirectives().toArray(new GraphQLDirective[0]);
private ImmutableMap> buildInterfacesToObjectTypes(Map> groupImplementations) {
ImmutableMap.Builder> map = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Map.Entry> e : groupImplementations.entrySet()) {
ImmutableList sortedObjectTypes = ImmutableList.copyOf(sortTypes(byNameAsc(), e.getValue()));
map.put(e.getKey(), sortedObjectTypes);
private ImmutableMap> buildInterfacesToObjectName(ImmutableMap> byInterface) {
ImmutableMap.Builder> map = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Map.Entry> e : byInterface.entrySet()) {
ImmutableList objectTypeNames = map(e.getValue(), GraphQLObjectType::getName);
map.put(e.getKey(), objectTypeNames);
public GraphQLCodeRegistry getCodeRegistry() {
return codeRegistry;
* @return the special system field called "__schema"
public GraphQLFieldDefinition getIntrospectionSchemaFieldDefinition() {
return intospectionSchemaField;
* @return the special system field called "__type"
public GraphQLFieldDefinition getIntrospectionTypeFieldDefinition() {
return introspectionTypeField;
* @return the special system field called "__typename"
public GraphQLFieldDefinition getIntrospectionTypenameFieldDefinition() {
return __typename;
public GraphQLObjectType getIntrospectionSchemaType() {
return introspectionSchemaType;
public Set getAdditionalTypes() {
return additionalTypes;
* Gets the named type from the schema or null if its not present
* @param typeName the name of the type to retrieve
* @return the type
public GraphQLType getType(String typeName) {
return typeMap.get(typeName);
* Gets the named type from the schema or null if its not present.
* Warning - your are inviting class cast errors if you the types are not what you expect.
* @param typeName the name of the type to retrieve
* @param for two
* @return the type cast to the target type.
public T getTypeAs(String typeName) {
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) typeMap.get(typeName);
* Returns true if the schema contains a type with the specified name
* @param typeName the name of the type to check
* @return true if there is a type with the specified name
public boolean containsType(String typeName) {
return typeMap.containsKey(typeName);
* Called to return a named {@link graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType} from the schema
* @param typeName the name of the type
* @return a graphql object type or null if there is one
* @throws graphql.GraphQLException if the type is NOT a object type
public GraphQLObjectType getObjectType(String typeName) {
GraphQLType graphQLType = typeMap.get(typeName);
if (graphQLType != null) {
assertTrue(graphQLType instanceof GraphQLObjectType,
() -> String.format("You have asked for named object type '%s' but its not an object type but rather a '%s'", typeName, graphQLType.getClass().getName()));
return (GraphQLObjectType) graphQLType;
public Map getTypeMap() {
return typeMap;
public List getAllTypesAsList() {
return sortTypes(byNameAsc(), typeMap.values());
* This will return the list of {@link graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType} types that implement the given
* interface type.
* @param type interface type to obtain implementations of.
* @return list of types implementing provided interface
public List getImplementations(GraphQLInterfaceType type) {
return interfaceNameToObjectTypes.getOrDefault(type.getName(), emptyList());
* Returns true if a specified concrete type is a possible type of a provided abstract type.
* If the provided abstract type is:
* - an interface, it checks whether the concrete type is one of its implementations.
* - a union, it checks whether the concrete type is one of its possible types.
* @param abstractType abstract type either interface or union
* @param concreteType concrete type
* @return true if possible type, false otherwise.
public boolean isPossibleType(GraphQLNamedType abstractType, GraphQLObjectType concreteType) {
if (abstractType instanceof GraphQLInterfaceType) {
ImmutableList objectNames = this.interfaceNameToObjectTypeNames.getOrDefault(abstractType.getName(), emptyList());
return objectNames.contains(concreteType.getName());
} else if (abstractType instanceof GraphQLUnionType) {
return ((GraphQLUnionType) abstractType).isPossibleType(concreteType);
return assertShouldNeverHappen("Unsupported abstract type %s. Abstract types supported are Union and Interface.", abstractType.getName());
public GraphQLObjectType getQueryType() {
return queryType;
public GraphQLObjectType getMutationType() {
return mutationType;
public GraphQLObjectType getSubscriptionType() {
return subscriptionType;
* @return the field visibility
* @deprecated use {@link GraphQLCodeRegistry#getFieldVisibility()} instead
public GraphqlFieldVisibility getFieldVisibility() {
return codeRegistry.getFieldVisibility();
* This returns the list of directives that are associated with this schema object including
* built in ones.
* @return a list of directives
public List getDirectives() {
return directives.getDirectives();
* @return a a map of non repeatable directives by directive name
public Map getDirectivesByName() {
return directives.getDirectivesByName();
* Directives can be `repeatable` and hence this returns a list of directives by name, some with an arity of 1 and some with an arity of greater than
* 1.
* @return a map of all directives by directive name
public Map> getAllDirectivesByName() {
return directives.getAllDirectivesByName();
* Returns a named directive that (for legacy reasons) will be only in the set of non repeatable directives
* @param directiveName the name of the directive to retrieve
* @return the directive or null if there is not one with that name
public GraphQLDirective getDirective(String directiveName) {
return directives.getDirective(directiveName);
* Returns a list of named directive that can include non repeatable and repeatable directives.
* @param directiveName the name of the directives to retrieve
* @return the directive or empty list if there is not one with that name
public List getDirectives(String directiveName) {
return directives.getDirectives(directiveName);
* Returns a the first named directive that can include non repeatable and repeatable directives
* or null if there is not one called that name
* @param directiveName the name of the directives to retrieve
* @return the directive or null if there is not one with that name
public GraphQLDirective getFirstDirective(String directiveName) {
return DirectivesUtil.getFirstDirective(directiveName, getAllDirectivesByName());
* This returns the list of directives that have been explicitly put on the
* schema object. Note that {@link #getDirectives()} will return
* directives for all schema elements, whereas this is just for the schema
* element itself
* @return a list of directives
public List getSchemaDirectives() {
return schemaDirectives.getDirectives();
* This returns a map of non repeatable directives that have been explicitly put on the
* schema object. Note that {@link #getDirectives()} will return
* directives for all schema elements, whereas this is just for the schema
* element itself
* @return a list of directives
public Map getSchemaDirectiveByName() {
return schemaDirectives.getDirectivesByName();
* Schema directives can be `repeatable` and hence this returns a list of directives by name, some with an arity of 1 and some with an arity of greater than
* 1.
* @return a map of all schema directives by directive name
public Map> getAllSchemaDirectivesByName() {
return schemaDirectives.getAllDirectivesByName();
* This returns the named directive that have been explicitly put on the
* schema object. Note that {@link graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer#getDirective(String)} will return
* directives for all schema elements, whereas this is just for the schema
* element itself
* @param directiveName the name of the directive
* @return a named directive
public GraphQLDirective getSchemaDirective(String directiveName) {
return schemaDirectives.getDirective(directiveName);
public List getSchemaDirectives(String directiveName) {
return schemaDirectives.getDirectives(directiveName);
public SchemaDefinition getDefinition() {
return definition;
public List getExtensionDefinitions() {
return extensionDefinitions;
public boolean isSupportingMutations() {
return mutationType != null;
public boolean isSupportingSubscriptions() {
return subscriptionType != null;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* This helps you transform the current GraphQLSchema object into another one by starting a builder with all
* the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
* @param builderConsumer the consumer code that will be given a builder to transform
* @return a new GraphQLSchema object based on calling build on that builder
public GraphQLSchema transform(Consumer builderConsumer) {
Builder builder = newSchema(this);
public static class Builder {
private GraphQLObjectType queryType;
private GraphQLObjectType mutationType;
private GraphQLObjectType introspectionSchemaType = Introspection.__Schema;
private GraphQLObjectType subscriptionType;
private GraphQLCodeRegistry codeRegistry = GraphQLCodeRegistry.newCodeRegistry().build();
private Set additionalTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private SchemaDefinition definition;
private List extensionDefinitions;
private String description;
// we default these in
private Set additionalDirectives = new LinkedHashSet<>(
asList(Directives.IncludeDirective, Directives.SkipDirective)
private List schemaDirectives = new ArrayList<>();
private SchemaUtil schemaUtil = new SchemaUtil();
public Builder query(GraphQLObjectType.Builder builder) {
return query(;
public Builder query(GraphQLObjectType queryType) {
this.queryType = queryType;
return this;
public Builder mutation(GraphQLObjectType.Builder builder) {
return mutation(;
public Builder mutation(GraphQLObjectType mutationType) {
this.mutationType = mutationType;
return this;
public Builder subscription(GraphQLObjectType.Builder builder) {
return subscription(;
public Builder subscription(GraphQLObjectType subscriptionType) {
this.subscriptionType = subscriptionType;
return this;
* @param fieldVisibility the field visibility
* @return this builder
* @deprecated use {@link graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder#fieldVisibility(graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility)} instead
public Builder fieldVisibility(GraphqlFieldVisibility fieldVisibility) {
this.codeRegistry = this.codeRegistry.transform(builder -> builder.fieldVisibility(fieldVisibility));
return this;
public Builder codeRegistry(GraphQLCodeRegistry codeRegistry) {
this.codeRegistry = codeRegistry;
return this;
public Builder additionalTypes(Set additionalTypes) {
return this;
public Builder additionalType(GraphQLType additionalType) {
return this;
public Builder clearAdditionalTypes() {
return this;
public Builder additionalDirectives(Set additionalDirectives) {
return this;
public Builder additionalDirective(GraphQLDirective additionalDirective) {
return this;
public Builder clearDirectives() {
return this;
public Builder withSchemaDirectives(GraphQLDirective... directives) {
for (GraphQLDirective directive : directives) {
return this;
public Builder withSchemaDirectives(Collection extends GraphQLDirective> directives) {
for (GraphQLDirective directive : directives) {
return this;
public Builder withSchemaDirective(GraphQLDirective directive) {
assertNotNull(directive, () -> "directive can't be null");
return this;
public Builder withSchemaDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder builder) {
return withSchemaDirective(;
* This is used to clear all the directives in the builder so far.
* @return the builder
public Builder clearSchemaDirectives() {
return this;
public Builder definition(SchemaDefinition definition) {
this.definition = definition;
return this;
public Builder extensionDefinitions(List extensionDefinitions) {
this.extensionDefinitions = extensionDefinitions;
return this;
public Builder description(String description) {
this.description = description;
return this;
public Builder introspectionSchemaType(GraphQLObjectType introspectionSchemaType) {
this.introspectionSchemaType = introspectionSchemaType;
return this;
* Builds the schema
* @param additionalTypes - please dont use this any more
* @return the built schema
* @deprecated - Use the {@link #additionalType(GraphQLType)} methods
public GraphQLSchema build(Set additionalTypes) {
return additionalTypes(additionalTypes).build();
* Builds the schema
* @param additionalTypes - please don't use this any more
* @param additionalDirectives - please don't use this any more
* @return the built schema
* @deprecated - Use the {@link #additionalType(GraphQLType)} and {@link #additionalDirective(GraphQLDirective)} methods
public GraphQLSchema build(Set additionalTypes, Set additionalDirectives) {
return additionalTypes(additionalTypes).additionalDirectives(additionalDirectives).build();
* Builds the schema
* @return the built schema
public GraphQLSchema build() {
return buildImpl(false);
GraphQLSchema buildImpl(boolean afterTransform) {
assertNotNull(additionalTypes, () -> "additionalTypes can't be null");
assertNotNull(additionalDirectives, () -> "additionalDirectives can't be null");
// schemas built via the schema generator have the deprecated directive BUT we want it present for hand built
// schemas - its inherently part of the spec!
if ( -> d.getName().equals(Directives.DeprecatedDirective.getName()))) {
if ( -> d.getName().equals(Directives.SpecifiedByDirective.getName()))) {
// grab the legacy code things from types
final GraphQLSchema tempSchema = new GraphQLSchema(this, afterTransform);
codeRegistry = codeRegistry.transform(codeRegistryBuilder -> schemaUtil.extractCodeFromTypes(codeRegistryBuilder, tempSchema));
GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema = new GraphQLSchema(tempSchema, codeRegistry);
Collection errors = new SchemaValidator().validateSchema(graphQLSchema);
if (errors.size() > 0) {
throw new InvalidSchemaException(errors);
return graphQLSchema;