graphql.language.AstPrinter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package graphql.language;
import graphql.AssertException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.lang.String.valueOf;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining;
* This can take graphql language AST and print it out as a string
public class AstPrinter {
private static final Map, NodePrinter extends Node>> printers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
static {
printers.put(Argument.class, argument());
printers.put(ArrayValue.class, value());
printers.put(BooleanValue.class, value());
printers.put(NullValue.class, value());
printers.put(Directive.class, directive());
printers.put(DirectiveDefinition.class, directiveDefinition());
printers.put(DirectiveLocation.class, directiveLocation());
printers.put(Document.class, document());
printers.put(EnumTypeDefinition.class, enumTypeDefinition());
printers.put(EnumValue.class, enumValue());
printers.put(EnumValueDefinition.class, enumValueDefinition());
printers.put(Field.class, field());
printers.put(FieldDefinition.class, fieldDefinition());
printers.put(FloatValue.class, value());
printers.put(FragmentDefinition.class, fragmentDefinition());
printers.put(FragmentSpread.class, fragmentSpread());
printers.put(InlineFragment.class, inlineFragment());
printers.put(InputObjectTypeDefinition.class, inputObjectTypeDefinition());
printers.put(InputValueDefinition.class, inputValueDefinition());
printers.put(InterfaceTypeDefinition.class, interfaceTypeDefinition());
printers.put(IntValue.class, value());
printers.put(ListType.class, type());
printers.put(NonNullType.class, type());
printers.put(ObjectField.class, objectField());
printers.put(ObjectTypeDefinition.class, objectTypeDefinition());
printers.put(ObjectValue.class, value());
printers.put(OperationDefinition.class, operationDefinition());
printers.put(OperationTypeDefinition.class, operationTypeDefinition());
printers.put(ScalarTypeDefinition.class, scalarTypeDefinition());
printers.put(SchemaDefinition.class, schemaDefinition());
printers.put(SelectionSet.class, selectionSet());
printers.put(StringValue.class, value());
printers.put(TypeExtensionDefinition.class, typeExtensionDefinition());
printers.put(TypeName.class, type());
printers.put(UnionTypeDefinition.class, unionTypeDefinition());
printers.put(VariableDefinition.class, variableDefinition());
printers.put(VariableReference.class, variableReference());
private static NodePrinter argument() {
return (out, node) -> out.printf("%s: %s", node.getName(), value(node.getValue()));
private static NodePrinter document() {
return (out, node) -> out.printf("%s\n", join(node.getDefinitions(), "\n\n"));
private static NodePrinter directive() {
return (out, node) -> {
String arguments = wrap("(", join(node.getArguments(), ", "), ")");
out.printf("@%s%s", node.getName(), arguments);
private static NodePrinter directiveDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
String arguments = wrap("(", join(node.getInputValueDefinitions(), ", "), ")");
String locations = join(node.getDirectiveLocations(), " | ");
out.printf("directive @%s%s on %s", node.getName(), arguments, locations);
private static NodePrinter directiveLocation() {
return (out, node) -> out.print(node.getName());
private static NodePrinter enumTypeDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
private static NodePrinter enumValue() {
return (out, node) -> out.printf("%s", node.getName());
private static NodePrinter enumValueDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
private static NodePrinter field() {
return (out, node) -> {
String alias = wrap("", node.getAlias(), ": ");
String name = node.getName();
String arguments = wrap("(", join(node.getArguments(), ", "), ")");
String directives = directives(node.getDirectives());
String selectionSet = node(node.getSelectionSet());
out.printf("%s", spaced(
alias + name + arguments,
private static NodePrinter fieldDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
String args;
if (hasComments(node.getInputValueDefinitions())) {
args = join(node.getInputValueDefinitions(), "\n");
out.printf("%s", node.getName() +
wrap("(\n", args, "\n)") +
": " +
} else {
args = join(node.getInputValueDefinitions(), ", ");
out.printf("%s", node.getName() +
wrap("(", args, ")") +
": " +
private static boolean hasComments(List extends Node> nodes) {
return nodes.stream().filter(it -> it.getComments().size() > 0).count() > 0;
private static NodePrinter fragmentDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
String name = node.getName();
String typeCondition = type(node.getTypeCondition());
String directives = directives(node.getDirectives());
String selectionSet = node(node.getSelectionSet());
out.printf("fragment %s on %s ", name, typeCondition);
out.printf("%s", directives + selectionSet);
private static NodePrinter fragmentSpread() {
return (out, node) -> {
String name = node.getName();
String directives = directives(node.getDirectives());
out.printf("...%s%s", name, directives);
private static NodePrinter inlineFragment() {
return (out, node) -> {
String typeCondition = wrap("on ", type(node.getTypeCondition()), "");
String directives = directives(node.getDirectives());
String selectionSet = node(node.getSelectionSet());
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", spaced(
private static NodePrinter inputObjectTypeDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", spaced(
private static NodePrinter inputValueDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
Value defaultValue = node.getDefaultValue();
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", spaced(
node.getName() + ": " + type(node.getType()),
wrap("= ", defaultValue, ""),
private static NodePrinter interfaceTypeDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", spaced(
private static NodePrinter objectField() {
return (out, node) -> out.printf("%s : %s", node.getName(), value(node.getValue()));
private static NodePrinter operationDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
String op = node.getOperation().toString().toLowerCase();
String name = node.getName();
String varDefinitions = wrap("(", join(nvl(node.getVariableDefinitions()), ", "), ")");
String directives = directives(node.getDirectives());
String selectionSet = node(node.getSelectionSet());
// Anonymous queries with no directives or variable definitions can use
// the query short form.
if (isEmpty(name) && isEmpty(directives) && isEmpty(varDefinitions) && op.equals("QUERY")) {
out.printf("%s", selectionSet);
} else {
out.printf("%s", spaced(op, smooshed(name, varDefinitions), directives, selectionSet));
private static NodePrinter operationTypeDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> out.printf("%s: %s", node.getName(), type(node.getType()));
private static NodePrinter objectTypeDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", spaced(
wrap("implements ", join(node.getImplements(), ", "), ""),
private static NodePrinter selectionSet() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", block(node.getSelections()));
private static NodePrinter scalarTypeDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", spaced(node.getName(), directives(node.getDirectives())));
private static NodePrinter schemaDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", spaced(
private static NodePrinter type() {
return (out, node) -> out.print(type(node));
static private String type(Type type) {
if (type instanceof NonNullType) {
NonNullType inner = (NonNullType) type;
return wrap("", type(inner.getType()), "!");
} else if (type instanceof ListType) {
ListType inner = (ListType) type;
return wrap("[", type(inner.getType()), "]");
} else {
TypeName inner = (TypeName) type;
return inner.getName();
private static NodePrinter typeExtensionDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
ObjectTypeDefinition asObjectType = node;
out.printf("extend %s", node(asObjectType));
private static NodePrinter unionTypeDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> {
out.printf("%s", comments(node));
out.printf("%s", spaced(
"= " + join(node.getMemberTypes(), " | ")
private static NodePrinter variableDefinition() {
return (out, node) -> out.printf("$%s: %s%s",
wrap(" = ", node.getDefaultValue(), "")
private static NodePrinter variableReference() {
return (out, node) -> out.printf("$%s", node.getName());
static private String node(Node node) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
NodePrinter printer = _findPrinter(node);
printer.print(out, node);
return sw.toString();
static private NodePrinter _findPrinter(Node node) {
if (node == null) {
return (out, type) -> {
Class clazz = node.getClass();
while (clazz != Object.class) {
NodePrinter nodePrinter = printers.get(clazz);
if (nodePrinter != null) {
return nodePrinter;
clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
throw new AssertException(String.format("We have a missing printer implementation for %s : report a bug!", clazz));
static private boolean isEmpty(List list) {
return list == null || list.isEmpty();
static private boolean isEmpty(String s) {
return s == null || s.trim().length() == 0;
static private List nvl(List list) {
return list != null ? list : Collections.emptyList();
private static NodePrinter value() {
return (out, node) -> out.print(value(node));
static private String value(Value value) {
if (value instanceof IntValue) {
return valueOf(((IntValue) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof FloatValue) {
return valueOf(((FloatValue) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof StringValue) {
return wrap("\"", valueOf(((StringValue) value).getValue()), "\"");
} else if (value instanceof EnumValue) {
return valueOf(((EnumValue) value).getName());
} else if (value instanceof BooleanValue) {
return valueOf(((BooleanValue) value).isValue());
} else if (value instanceof NullValue) {
return "null";
} else if (value instanceof ArrayValue) {
return "[" + join(((ArrayValue) value).getValues(), ", ") + "]";
} else if (value instanceof ObjectValue) {
return "{" + join(((ObjectValue) value).getObjectFields(), ", ") + "}";
} else if (value instanceof VariableReference) {
return "$" + ((VariableReference) value).getName();
return "";
static private String comments(Node node) {
List comments = nvl(node.getComments());
if (isEmpty(comments)) {
return "";
String s = comments.stream().map(c -> "#" + c.getContent()).collect(joining("\n", "", "\n"));
return s;
private static String directives(List directives) {
return join(nvl(directives), " ");
static private String join(List nodes, String delim) {
return join(nodes, delim, "", "");
static private String join(List nodes, String delim, String prefix, String suffix) {
String s = nvl(nodes).stream().map(AstPrinter::node).collect(joining(delim, prefix, suffix));
return s;
static private String spaced(String... args) {
return join(" ", args);
static private String smooshed(String... args) {
return join("", args);
static private String join(String delim, String... args) {
String s = Arrays.stream(args).filter(arg -> !isEmpty(arg)).collect(joining(delim));
return s;
static String wrap(String start, String maybeString, String end) {
if (isEmpty(maybeString)) {
return "";
return start + maybeString + (!isEmpty(end) ? end : "");
private static String block(List nodes) {
if (isEmpty(nodes)) {
return "{}";
return indent("{\n"
+ join(nodes, "\n"))
+ "\n}";
private static String indent(String maybeString) {
if (isEmpty(maybeString)) {
return "";
maybeString = maybeString.replaceAll("\\n", "\n ");
return maybeString;
static String wrap(String start, Node maybeNode, String end) {
if (maybeNode == null) {
return "";
return start + node(maybeNode) + (isEmpty(end) ? "" : end);
* This will pretty print the AST node in graphql language format
* @param node the AST node to print
* @return the printed node in graphql language format
public static String printAst(Node node) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
printAst(sw, node);
return sw.toString();
* This will pretty print the AST node in graphql language format
* @param writer the place to put the output
* @param node the AST node to print
public static void printAst(Writer writer, Node node) {
NodePrinter printer = _findPrinter(node);
printer.print(new PrintWriter(writer), node);
* These print nodes into output writers
* @param the type of node
private interface NodePrinter {
void print(PrintWriter out, T node);
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