graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package graphql.schema.idl;
import graphql.Assert;
import graphql.PublicApi;
import graphql.language.AstPrinter;
import graphql.language.AstValueHelper;
import graphql.language.Comment;
import graphql.language.Description;
import graphql.language.Document;
import graphql.language.Node;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLInputType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLOutputType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType;
import graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static graphql.schema.visibility.DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility.DEFAULT_FIELD_VISIBILITY;
import static;
import static;
* This can print an in memory GraphQL schema back to a logical schema definition
public class SchemaPrinter {
* Options to use when printing a schema
public static class Options {
private final boolean includeIntrospectionTypes;
private final boolean includeScalars;
private final boolean includeExtendedScalars;
private final boolean includeSchemaDefinition;
private Options(boolean includeIntrospectionTypes,
boolean includeScalars,
boolean includeExtendedScalars,
boolean includeSchemaDefinition) {
this.includeIntrospectionTypes = includeIntrospectionTypes;
this.includeScalars = includeScalars;
this.includeExtendedScalars = includeExtendedScalars;
this.includeSchemaDefinition = includeSchemaDefinition;
public boolean isIncludeIntrospectionTypes() {
return includeIntrospectionTypes;
public boolean isIncludeScalars() {
return includeScalars;
public boolean isIncludeExtendedScalars() {
return includeExtendedScalars;
public boolean isIncludeSchemaDefinition() {
return includeSchemaDefinition;
public static Options defaultOptions() {
return new Options(false, false, false, false);
* This will allow you to include introspection types that are contained in a schema
* @param flag whether to include them
* @return options
public Options includeIntrospectionTypes(boolean flag) {
return new Options(flag, this.includeScalars, includeExtendedScalars, this.includeSchemaDefinition);
* This will allow you to include scalar types that are contained in a schema
* @param flag whether to include them
* @return options
public Options includeScalarTypes(boolean flag) {
return new Options(this.includeIntrospectionTypes, flag, includeExtendedScalars, this.includeSchemaDefinition);
* This will allow you to include the graphql 'extended' scalar types that come with graphql-java such as
* GraphQLBigDecimal or GraphQLBigInteger
* @param flag whether to include them
* @return options
public Options includeExtendedScalarTypes(boolean flag) {
return new Options(this.includeIntrospectionTypes, this.includeScalars, flag, this.includeSchemaDefinition);
* This will force the printing of the graphql schema definition even if the query, mutation, and/or subscription
* types use the default names. Some graphql parsers require this information even if the schema uses the
* default type names. The schema definition will always be printed if any of the query, mutation, or subscription
* types do not use the default names.
* @param flag whether to force include the schema definition
* @return options
public Options includeSchemaDefintion(boolean flag) {
return new Options(this.includeIntrospectionTypes, this.includeScalars, this.includeExtendedScalars, flag);
private final Map> printers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final Options options;
public SchemaPrinter() {
public SchemaPrinter(Options options) {
this.options = options;
printers.put(GraphQLSchema.class, schemaPrinter());
printers.put(GraphQLObjectType.class, objectPrinter());
printers.put(GraphQLEnumType.class, enumPrinter());
printers.put(GraphQLScalarType.class, scalarPrinter());
printers.put(GraphQLInterfaceType.class, interfacePrinter());
printers.put(GraphQLUnionType.class, unionPrinter());
printers.put(GraphQLInputObjectType.class, inputObjectPrinter());
* This can print an in memory GraphQL IDL document back to a logical schema definition.
* If you want to turn a Introspection query result into a Document (and then into a printed
* schema) then use {@link graphql.introspection.IntrospectionResultToSchema#createSchemaDefinition(java.util.Map)}
* first to get the {@link graphql.language.Document} and then print that.
* @param schemaIDL the parsed schema IDL
* @return the logical schema definition
public String print(Document schemaIDL) {
TypeDefinitionRegistry registry = new SchemaParser().buildRegistry(schemaIDL);
return print(UnExecutableSchemaGenerator.makeUnExecutableSchema(registry));
* This can print an in memory GraphQL schema back to a logical schema definition
* @param schema the schema in play
* @return the logical schema definition
public String print(GraphQLSchema schema) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
GraphqlFieldVisibility visibility = schema.getFieldVisibility();
printer(schema.getClass()).print(out, schema, visibility);
List typesAsList = schema.getAllTypesAsList()
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLInterfaceType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLUnionType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLObjectType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLEnumType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLScalarType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLInputObjectType.class, visibility);
String result = sw.toString();
if (result.endsWith("\n\n")) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
return result;
private interface TypePrinter {
void print(PrintWriter out, T type, GraphqlFieldVisibility visibility);
private boolean isIntrospectionType(GraphQLType type) {
return !options.isIncludeIntrospectionTypes() && type.getName().startsWith("__");
private TypePrinter scalarPrinter() {
return (out, type, visibility) -> {
if (!options.isIncludeScalars()) {
boolean printScalar;
if (ScalarInfo.isStandardScalar(type)) {
printScalar = false;
//noinspection RedundantIfStatement
if (options.isIncludeExtendedScalars() && !ScalarInfo.isGraphqlSpecifiedScalar(type)) {
printScalar = true;
} else {
printScalar = true;
if (printScalar) {
printComments(out, type, "");
out.format("scalar %s%s\n\n", type.getName(), directivesString(type.getDirectives()));
private TypePrinter enumPrinter() {
return (out, type, visibility) -> {
if (isIntrospectionType(type)) {
printComments(out, type, "");
out.format("enum %s%s {\n", type.getName(), directivesString(type.getDirectives()));
List values = type.getValues()
for (GraphQLEnumValueDefinition enumValueDefinition : values) {
printComments(out, enumValueDefinition, " ");
out.format(" %s%s\n", enumValueDefinition.getName(), directivesString(enumValueDefinition.getDirectives()));
private TypePrinter interfacePrinter() {
return (out, type, visibility) -> {
if (isIntrospectionType(type)) {
printComments(out, type, "");
out.format("interface %s%s {\n", type.getName(), directivesString(type.getDirectives()));
.forEach(fd -> {
printComments(out, fd, " ");
out.format(" %s%s: %s%s\n",
fd.getName(), argsString(fd.getArguments()), typeString(fd.getType()), directivesString(fd.getDirectives()));
private TypePrinter unionPrinter() {
return (out, type, visibility) -> {
if (isIntrospectionType(type)) {
printComments(out, type, "");
out.format("union %s%s = ", type.getName(), directivesString(type.getDirectives()));
List types = type.getTypes()
for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) {
GraphQLOutputType objectType = types.get(i);
if (i > 0) {
out.format(" | ");
out.format("%s", objectType.getName());
private TypePrinter objectPrinter() {
return (out, type, visibility) -> {
if (isIntrospectionType(type)) {
printComments(out, type, "");
if (type.getInterfaces().isEmpty()) {
out.format("type %s%s {\n", type.getName(), directivesString(type.getDirectives()));
} else {
Stream interfaceNames = type.getInterfaces()
out.format("type %s implements %s%s {\n",
interfaceNames.collect(joining(" & ")),
.forEach(fd -> {
printComments(out, fd, " ");
out.format(" %s%s: %s%s\n",
fd.getName(), argsString(fd.getArguments()), typeString(fd.getType()), directivesString(fd.getDirectives()));
private TypePrinter inputObjectPrinter() {
return (out, type, visibility) -> {
if (isIntrospectionType(type)) {
printComments(out, type, "");
out.format("input %s%s {\n", type.getName(), directivesString(type.getDirectives()));
.forEach(fd -> {
printComments(out, fd, " ");
out.format(" %s: %s",
fd.getName(), typeString(fd.getType()));
Object defaultValue = fd.getDefaultValue();
if (defaultValue != null) {
String astValue = printAst(defaultValue, fd.getType());
out.format(" = %s", astValue);
private static String printAst(Object value, GraphQLInputType type) {
return AstPrinter.printAst(AstValueHelper.astFromValue(value, type));
private TypePrinter schemaPrinter() {
return (out, type, visibility) -> {
GraphQLObjectType queryType = type.getQueryType();
GraphQLObjectType mutationType = type.getMutationType();
GraphQLObjectType subscriptionType = type.getSubscriptionType();
// when serializing a GraphQL schema using the type system language, a
// schema definition should be omitted if only uses the default root type names.
boolean needsSchemaPrinted = options.includeSchemaDefinition;
if (!needsSchemaPrinted) {
if (queryType != null && !queryType.getName().equals("Query")) {
needsSchemaPrinted = true;
if (mutationType != null && !mutationType.getName().equals("Mutation")) {
needsSchemaPrinted = true;
if (subscriptionType != null && !subscriptionType.getName().equals("Subscription")) {
needsSchemaPrinted = true;
if (needsSchemaPrinted) {
out.format("schema {\n");
if (queryType != null) {
out.format(" query: %s\n", queryType.getName());
if (mutationType != null) {
out.format(" mutation: %s\n", mutationType.getName());
if (subscriptionType != null) {
out.format(" subscription: %s\n", subscriptionType.getName());
String typeString(GraphQLType rawType) {
return GraphQLTypeUtil.getUnwrappedTypeName(rawType);
String argsString(List arguments) {
boolean hasDescriptions = -> !isNullOrEmpty(arg.getDescription()));
String prefix = hasDescriptions ? " " : "";
int count = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
arguments = arguments
for (GraphQLArgument argument : arguments) {
if (count == 0) {
} else {
sb.append(", ");
if (hasDescriptions) {
String description = argument.getDescription();
if (!isNullOrEmpty(description)) {
Stream stream ="\n")); -> " #" + s + "\n").forEach(sb::append);
sb.append(prefix).append(argument.getName()).append(": ").append(typeString(argument.getType()));
Object defaultValue = argument.getDefaultValue();
if (defaultValue != null) {
sb.append(" = ");
sb.append(printAst(defaultValue, argument.getType()));
if (count > 0) {
if (hasDescriptions) {
return sb.toString();
private String directivesString(List directives) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!directives.isEmpty()) {
sb.append(" ");
directives = directives
for (int i = 0; i < directives.size(); i++) {
GraphQLDirective directive = directives.get(i);
if (i < directives.size() - 1) {
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
private String directiveString(GraphQLDirective directive) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
List args = directive.getArguments();
args = args
if (!args.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
GraphQLArgument arg = args.get(i);
if (arg.getValue() != null) {
sb.append(" : ");
sb.append(printAst(arg.getValue(), arg.getType()));
if (arg.getDefaultValue() != null) {
sb.append(" = ");
sb.append(printAst(arg.getDefaultValue(), arg.getType()));
if (i < args.size() - 1) {
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
private TypePrinter printer(Class> clazz) {
TypePrinter typePrinter = printers.computeIfAbsent(clazz, k -> {
Class> superClazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
TypePrinter result;
if (superClazz != Object.class)
result = printer(superClazz);
result = (out, type, visibility) -> out.println("Type not implemented : " + type);
return result;
return (TypePrinter) typePrinter;
public String print(GraphQLType type) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
printType(out, type, DEFAULT_FIELD_VISIBILITY);
return sw.toString();
private void printType(PrintWriter out, List typesAsList, Class typeClazz, GraphqlFieldVisibility visibility) {
.filter(type -> typeClazz.isAssignableFrom(type.getClass()))
.forEach(type -> printType(out, type, visibility));
private void printType(PrintWriter out, GraphQLType type, GraphqlFieldVisibility visibility) {
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