com.groupbyinc.api.Query Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.groupbyinc.api;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.Bias;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.Biasing;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.CustomUrlParam;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.MatchStrategy;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.Navigation;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.PartialMatchRule;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.Refinement;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.Sort;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.refinement.RefinementRange;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.refinement.RefinementValue;
import com.groupbyinc.api.request.RefinementsRequest;
import com.groupbyinc.api.request.Request;
import com.groupbyinc.api.request.RestrictNavigation;
import com.groupbyinc.api.request.SelectedRefinement;
import com.groupbyinc.api.request.refinement.SelectedRefinementRange;
import com.groupbyinc.api.request.refinement.SelectedRefinementValue;
import com.groupbyinc.common.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import com.groupbyinc.common.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import com.groupbyinc.common.jackson.Mappers;
import com.groupbyinc.common.jregex.Pattern;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class Query {
private static final Pattern REFINEMENTS_SPLITTER_PATTERN = new Pattern("~((?=[\\w.]*[=:]))");
private static final String[] EMPTY_REFINEMENTS = new String[]{};
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Query.class.getName());
private static final String DOTS = "\\.\\.";
private List sort = new ArrayList();
private MatchStrategy matchStrategy;
private boolean wildcardSearchEnabled;
private List includedNavigations = new ArrayList();
private List excludedNavigations = new ArrayList();
private String visitorId;
private String query;
private int skip = 0;
private int pageSize = 10;
private String collection;
private String area;
private String biasingProfile;
private String language;
private Map queryUrlParams = new HashMap();
private List customUrlParams = new ArrayList();
private LinkedHashMap navigations = new LinkedHashMap();
private List fields = new ArrayList();
private List orFields = new ArrayList();
private boolean pruneRefinements = true;
private boolean returnBinary = true;
private boolean disableAutocorrection = false;
private RestrictNavigation restrictNavigation;
private Biasing biasing = new Biasing();
* Used internally by the bridge object to generate the JSON that is sent to the search service.
* @param clientKey
* The client key used to authenticate this request.
* @return A JSON representation of this query object.
public String getBridgeJson(String clientKey) {
return requestToJson(populateRequest(clientKey));
private static String requestToJson(Request request) {
try {
return Mappers.writeValueAsString(request);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return "{}";
private Request populateRequest(String clientKey) {
Request request = new Request();
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(sort)) {
for (Sort s : sort) {
if (!pruneRefinements) {
if (returnBinary) {
if (disableAutocorrection) {
return request;
protected static com.groupbyinc.api.request.Biasing convertBiasing(Biasing biasing) {
com.groupbyinc.api.request.Biasing convertedBiasing = new com.groupbyinc.api.request.Biasing();
boolean hasData = false;
if (biasing != null) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(biasing.getBringToTop())) {
convertedBiasing.setBringToTop(new ArrayList(biasing.getBringToTop()));
hasData = true;
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(biasing.getBiases())) {
convertedBiasing.setBiases(new ArrayList(convertBiases(biasing.getBiases())));
hasData = true;
if (biasing.getInfluence() != null) {
hasData = true;
return hasData ? convertedBiasing : null;
* @return A list of custom url params
public List getCustomUrlParams() {
return customUrlParams;
private List generateSelectedRefinements(LinkedHashMap navigations) {
List refinements = new ArrayList();
for (Navigation n : navigations.values()) {
for (Refinement r : n.getRefinements()) {
switch (r.getType()) {
case Range: {
RefinementRange rr = (RefinementRange) r;
refinements.add(new SelectedRefinementRange().setNavigationName(n.getName())
case Value: {
RefinementValue rv = (RefinementValue) r;
refinements.add(new SelectedRefinementValue().setNavigationName(n.getName())
return refinements;
private com.groupbyinc.api.request.RestrictNavigation convertRestrictNavigation() {
return restrictNavigation == null ? null : new com.groupbyinc.api.request.RestrictNavigation().setName(restrictNavigation.getName())
public boolean isWildcardSearchEnabled() {
return wildcardSearchEnabled;
protected static com.groupbyinc.api.request.Sort convertSort(Sort sort) {
com.groupbyinc.api.request.Sort convertedSort = null;
if (sort != null) {
convertedSort = new com.groupbyinc.api.request.Sort().setField(sort.getField());
switch (sort.getOrder()) {
case Ascending:
case Descending:
return convertedSort;
protected static com.groupbyinc.api.request.MatchStrategy convertPartialMatchStrategy(MatchStrategy strategy) {
com.groupbyinc.api.request.MatchStrategy convertedStrategy = null;
if (strategy != null) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(strategy.getRules())) {
convertedStrategy = new com.groupbyinc.api.request.MatchStrategy();
for (PartialMatchRule r : strategy.getRules()) {
return convertedStrategy;
private static List convertBiases(List biases) {
List convertedBiases = new ArrayList();
for (Bias bias : biases) {
return convertedBiases;
protected static com.groupbyinc.api.request.PartialMatchRule convertPartialMatchRule(PartialMatchRule rule) {
return rule == null ? null : new com.groupbyinc.api.request.PartialMatchRule().setTerms(rule.getTerms())
private static com.groupbyinc.api.request.Bias convertBias(Bias bias) {
return new com.groupbyinc.api.request.Bias().setName(bias.getName())
private static com.groupbyinc.api.request.Bias.Strength convertStrength(Bias.Strength strength) {
com.groupbyinc.api.request.Bias.Strength convertedStrength;
try {
convertedStrength = com.groupbyinc.api.request.Bias.Strength.valueOf(strength.name());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.warning("Could not convert bias strength: " + strength.name());
convertedStrength = com.groupbyinc.api.request.Bias.Strength.Leave_Unchanged;
return convertedStrength;
* Indicate if the *(star) character in the search string should be treated as a wildcard prefix search.
* For example, `sta*` will match `star` and `start`.
* JSON Reference:
* { "wildcardSearchEnabled" : true }
* @param wildcardSearchEnabled true to enable wildcard search, false otherwise.
* @return the Query object itself
public Query setWildcardSearchEnabled(boolean wildcardSearchEnabled) {
this.wildcardSearchEnabled = wildcardSearchEnabled;
return this;
* Used internally by the bridge object to generate the JSON that is sent to the search service.
* @param clientKey
* The client key used to authenticate this request.
* @return A JSON representation of this query object.
public String getBridgeRefinementsJson(String clientKey, String navigationName) {
RefinementsRequest request = new RefinementsRequest();
return requestToJson(request);
private static String requestToJson(RefinementsRequest request) {
try {
return Mappers.writeValueAsString(request);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return "{}";
* @return The current search string.
public String getQuery() {
return query;
* Set a search string. If query is blank all records are considered.
* JSON Reference:
* { "query": "gloves" }
* @param query
* The search term to fire against the engine
* @return
public Query setQuery(String query) {
this.query = query;
return this;
* @return The data collection
* @deprecated since 2.0, use getCollection instead.
public String getSubCollection() {
return collection;
* @param subCollection
* The string representation of a collection query.
* @return
* @deprecated since 2.0, use setCollection instead.
public Query setSubCollection(String subCollection) {
collection = subCollection;
return this;
* @return The data collection
public String getCollection() {
return collection;
* The collection to use. If you have uploaded additional data into collections apart from the default
* collection using the stream tool, you can access them by specifying them here.
* You can also search across multiple collections. It is important to note that relevancy is affected across
* collections and it is recommended that collections be modeled so that cross-collection searching is not required.
* As an example, to search across FAQs and Manuals you would use "FAQs|Manuals".
* JSON Reference:
* { "collection": "FAQs" }
* { "collection": "FAQs|Manuals" }
* @param collection
* The string representation of a collection query.
* @return
public Query setCollection(String collection) {
this.collection = collection;
return this;
* @return The area name
public String getArea() {
return area;
* The area you wish to fire against, production, staging, etc...
* If blank, the default production area will be used.
* JSON Reference:
* { "area": "Development" }
* @param area
* The area name.
* @return
public Query setArea(String area) {
this.area = area;
return this;
* @return A string representation of all of the currently set refinements
public String getRefinementString() {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(navigations.values())) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (Navigation n : navigations.values()) {
for (Refinement r : n.getRefinements()) {
if (result.length() > 0) {
return result.toString();
return null;
* @return A string representation of all of the currently set custom url
* parameters
public String getCustomUrlParamsString() {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(customUrlParams)) {
return null;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (CustomUrlParam customUrlParam : customUrlParams) {
return result.toString();
* @param clientKey
* Your client key
* @return
* @internal
protected String getBridgeJsonRefinementSearch(String clientKey) {
Request request = new Request();
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(sort)) {
for (Sort s : sort) {
return requestToJson(request);
* A helper method to parse and set refinements.
* If you pass in refinements of the format
* Brand=Bose~price:20..80
* The query object will correctly parse out the refinements.
* @param refinementString
* A tilde separated list of refinements
* @return
public Query addRefinementsByString(String refinementString) {
if (refinementString == null) {
return this;
String[] filterStrings = splitRefinements(refinementString);
for (String filterString : filterStrings) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(filterString) || "=".equals(filterString)) {
int colon = filterString.indexOf(":");
int equals = filterString.indexOf("=");
boolean isRange = colon != -1 && equals == -1;
String[] nameValue = filterString.split("[:=]", 2);
Refinement refinement;
if (isRange) {
RefinementRange rr = new RefinementRange();
if (nameValue[1].endsWith("..")) {
} else if (nameValue[1].startsWith("..")) {
} else {
String[] lowHigh = nameValue[1].split(DOTS);
refinement = rr;
} else {
refinement = new RefinementValue();
((RefinementValue) refinement).setValue(nameValue[1]);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameValue[0])) {
addRefinement(nameValue[0], refinement);
return this;
protected String[] splitRefinements(String refinementString) {
return StringUtils.isBlank(refinementString) ? EMPTY_REFINEMENTS : REFINEMENTS_SPLITTER_PATTERN.tokenizer(refinementString)
* Add a refinement. Please note that refinements are case-sensitive
* JSON Reference:
* Value and range refinements are both appended to an array on the refinements field.
* Note the 'type' field, which marks the refinement as either a value or range refinement.
* { "refinements": [ {"type": "Range", "navigationName": "price", "low": "1.0", "high": "2.0"},
* {"type": "Value", "navigationName": "brand", "value": "Nike" } ] }
* Refinements can be negated by setting the exclude property. An excluded refinement will return
* results that do not match the value or fall into the range specified in the refinement.
* { "refinements": [ {"type": "Range", "navigationName": "price", "low": "1.0", "high": "2.0", "exclude": true},
* {"type": "Value", "navigationName": "brand", "value": "Nike", "exclude": true } ] }
* @param navigationName
* The name of the refinement
* @param refinement
* The refinement to add
* @return
private Query addRefinement(String navigationName, Refinement refinement) {
Navigation navigation = navigations.get(navigationName);
if (navigation == null) {
navigation = new Navigation().setName(navigationName);
navigation.setRange(refinement instanceof RefinementRange);
navigations.put(navigationName, navigation);
return this;
* Sets any additional parameters that can be used to trigger rules.
* Takes a CustomUrlParam object.
* @param customUrlParam
* The parameter to add
* @return
public Query addCustomUrlParam(CustomUrlParam customUrlParam) {
return this;
* Sets any additional parameters that can be used to trigger rules.
* Takes a name and a value.
* JSON Reference:
* Custom URL parameters separated by ~ in the form:
* { "customUrlParams": [ { "key": "region", "value": "east" } ] }
* @param key
* The parameter key
* @param value
* The parameter value
* @return
public Query addCustomUrlParam(String key, String value) {
customUrlParams.add(new CustomUrlParam().setKey(key)
return this;
* Helper method that takes a ~ separated string of additional parameters that can be
* used to trigger rules. Takes ~ separated name/value list
* @param values
* The list of name/values
* @return
public Query addCustomUrlParamsByString(String values) {
if (values == null) {
return this;
String[] params = values.split("&");
for (String value : params) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
String[] keyValue = value.split("=");
if (keyValue.length == 2 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(keyValue[0]) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(keyValue[1])) {
customUrlParams.add(new CustomUrlParam().setKey(keyValue[0])
return this;
* @return A list of fields that will be returned by the engine.
public List getFields() {
return fields;
* Specify which fields should be returned on each record that comes back from the engine. You may specify more
* than one field, if you specify \\* all fields will be returned.
* If this parameter is blank the search service will return no attributes with the records.
* JSON Reference:
* { "fields": [ "width", "brand", "height" ] }
* @param name
* The case-sensitive name of the attribute to return
* @return
public Query addFields(String... name) {
return addField(fields, name);
protected Query addField(List fields, String... name) {
if (name == null) {
return this;
Collections.addAll(fields, name);
return this;
* @return A list of the fields that the search service will treat as OR-able.
public List getOrFields() {
return orFields;
* Specify which fields should be queried with 'OR' instead of the default 'AND'.
* This behavior is typically defined in command center on a per navigation basis. However,
* you can set which fields should be treated as an OR field at the query level if desired.
* As with normal refinement selections, once you have refined, the list of refinements for
* that selected navigation will no longer be returned.
* JSON Reference:
* { "orFields": [ "field1", "field2" ] }
* @param name
* The field that should be treated as OR by the search service before
* being executed.
* @return
public Query addOrField(String... name) {
return addField(orFields, name);
* Add a range refinement. Takes a refinement name, a lower and upper bounds.
* @param navigationName
* The name of the refinement
* @param low
* The low value
* @param high
* The high value
* @return
public Query addRangeRefinement(String navigationName, String low, String high) {
return addRangeRefinement(navigationName, low, high, false);
* Add a range refinement. Takes a refinement name, a lower and upper bounds, and whether or not to exclude
* this refinement.
* @param navigationName
* The name of the refinement
* @param low
* The low value
* @param high
* The high value
* @param exclude
* True if the results should exclude this range refinement, false otherwise
* @return
public Query addRangeRefinement(String navigationName, String low, String high, boolean exclude) {
return addRefinement(navigationName, new RefinementRange().setLow(low)
* Add a value refinement. Takes a refinement name and a value.
* @param navigationName
* The name of the navigation
* @param value
* The refinement value
* @return
public Query addValueRefinement(String navigationName, String value) {
return addValueRefinement(navigationName, value, false);
* Add a value refinement. Takes a refinement name, a value, and whether or not to exclude this refinement.
* @param navigationName
* The name of the navigation
* @param value
* The refinement value
* @param exclude
* True if the results should exclude this value refinement, false otherwise
* @return
public Query addValueRefinement(String navigationName, String value, boolean exclude) {
return addRefinement(navigationName, new RefinementValue().setValue(value)
* @return The number of documents to skip
public int getSkip() {
return skip;
* Tell the search service to offset by N records. For example, if N is 10, the records returned will start at 11.
* JSON Reference:
* { "skip": 400 }
* @param skip
* The number of documents to skip
* @return
public Query setSkip(int skip) {
this.skip = skip;
return this;
* @return The current page size
public int getPageSize() {
return pageSize;
* Page size. Default is 10.
* JSON Reference:
* { "pageSize": 8 }
* @param pageSize
* The number of records to return with the query.
* @return
public Query setPageSize(int pageSize) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
return this;
* @return A map of the currently set refinements
public Map getNavigations() {
return navigations;
* @return Is return JSON set to true.
public boolean isReturnBinary() {
return returnBinary;
* Tells the search service to return binary data. This is enabled by default in the APIs for more efficient transport.
* To disable this in an API, set this to `false`.
* JSON Reference:
* If passed true, informs the search service to return binary data rather than JSON.
* { "returnBinary": true }
* @param returnBinary
* Whether to tell the search service to return binary data rather than JSON.
* @return
public Query setReturnBinary(boolean returnBinary) {
this.returnBinary = returnBinary;
return this;
* @return The current biasing profile name.
public String getBiasingProfile() {
return biasingProfile;
* Override the biasing profile used for this query - takes precedence over any
* biasing profile set in the command center.
* JSON Reference:
* { "biasingProfile": "PopularityBias" }
* @param biasingProfile The name of the biasing profile
* @return
public Query setBiasingProfile(String biasingProfile) {
this.biasingProfile = biasingProfile;
return this;
* @return The current language filter on the query.
public String getLanguage() {
return language;
* Sets the language filter on the query and restricts the results to a certain language. If you do not specify a
* language, english ("lang_en") will be considered the default. An unrecognized language will result in an error.
* Currently supported languages are:
* lang_en
* JSON Reference:
* { "language": "lang_en" }
* @param language
* The value for language restrict
* @return
public Query setLanguage(String language) {
this.language = language;
return this;
* @return Are refinements with zero counts being removed.
* @internal
public boolean isPruneRefinements() {
return pruneRefinements;
* Specifies whether refinements should be pruned from
* the available navigation.
* A refinement is pruned if the number of results for that refinement is zero.
* If all refinements from a navigation are pruned, that
* navigation is also pruned.
* Defaults to true
* JSON Reference:
* { pruneRefinements: false }
* @param pruneRefinements true to prune refinements, false other
* @return
public Query setPruneRefinements(boolean pruneRefinements) {
this.pruneRefinements = pruneRefinements;
return this;
* @return Is the auto-correction behavior disabled
* @internal
public boolean isAutocorrectionDisabled() {
return disableAutocorrection;
* Specifies whether the auto-correction behavior should be disabled. By default, when no results are returned
* for the given query (and there is a did-you-mean available), the first did-you-mean is automatically queried
* instead.
* Defaults to false
* JSON Reference:
* { "disableAutocorrection": false }
* @param disableAutocorrection true to disable autocorrection, false otherwise
* @return
public Query setDisableAutocorrection(boolean disableAutocorrection) {
this.disableAutocorrection = disableAutocorrection;
return this;
* Warning This will count as two queries against your search index.
* Typically, this feature is used when you have a large number of navigation items that will overwhelm the end
* user. It works by using one of the existing navigation items to decide what the query is about and fires a second
* query to restrict the navigation to the most relevant set of navigation items for this search term.
* For example, if you pass in a search of `paper` and a restrict navigation of `category:2`
* The bridge will find the category navigation refinements in the first query and fire a second query for the top 2
* most populous categories. Therefore, a search for something generic like "paper" will bring back top category
* matches like copy paper (1,030), paper pads (567). The bridge will fire off the second query with the search
* term, plus an OR refinement with the most likely categories. The navigation items in the first query are
* entirely replaced with the navigation items in the second query, except for the navigation that was used for the
* restriction so that users still have the ability to navigate by all category types.
* JSON Reference:
* { "restrictNavigation": { "name": "category", "count": 2 } }
* @param restrictNavigation
* Restriction criteria
* @return this query
public Query setRestrictNavigation(RestrictNavigation restrictNavigation) {
this.restrictNavigation = restrictNavigation;
return this;
* Warning @see Query#setRestrictNavigation(RestrictNavigation). This is a convenience method.
* @param name
* the name of the field should be used in the navigation restriction in the second query.
* @param count
* the number of fields matches
* @return this query
public Query setRestrictNavigation(String name, int count) {
this.restrictNavigation = new RestrictNavigation().setName(name)
return this;
* @return The current list of sort parameters
public List getSort() {
return sort;
* Specifies the sort order applied to the fields in the order specified. If no sort criteria are specified, the
* default is to sort by relevance. There is a special sort field `_relevance`, which also specifies sorting by
* relevance. It is possible to specify multiple sort criteria. The criteria order matters, as the records will be
* sorted by the first criteria and then any matches will be tie-broken using the next criteria. Given an example
* where the sort is specified as `category` then `_relevance`, results will be sorted first by `category` and
* relevance will only affect the order between records that have the same category.
* Please note, sorting is based on the actual value in the record. For example, if sorting on `price`, and
* `price` is a `Range` navigation, the records will be sorted according to the actual price value in the record
* and not the bucket value.
* The order field can be set to either `Ascending` or `Descending`. When sorting by relevance, the order is always
* `Descending`. For any other field, the default order is `Ascending`.
* JSON Reference:
* { "sort": { "field": "price", "order": "Descending" } }
* { "sort": [{ "field": "_relevance" }, { "field": "price", "order": "Descending" }] }
* { "sort": [{ "field": "brand", "order":"Ascending" }, { "field": "_relevance" }, { "field": "price" }] }
* @param sort Any number of sort criteria.
* @return
public Query setSort(Sort... sort) {
CollectionUtils.addAll(this.sort, sort);
return this;
* A match strategy allows you to explicitly manage recall on a per query basis. There must always be one term
* matching in a query, thus `termsGreaterThan` can only be defined from 1 upwards and `terms` can only be defined
* from 2 upwards. It is not possible to match more terms than passed into the query. Relative `mustMatch` values
* can be used in conjunction with `termsGreaterThan`. A `"percentage": true` flag denotes a relative `mustMatch`
* to the portion of the terms and will always round down (i.e. 50% must match of 3 terms, means that 1 term must
* match).
* The following is the default match strategy:
* ```
* { "matchStrategy": { "rules":[{ "terms": 2, "mustMatch": 2 },
* { "terms": 3, "mustMatch": 2 },
* { "terms": 4, "mustMatch": 3 },
* { "terms": 5, "mustMatch": 3 },
* { "terms": 6, "mustMatch": 4 },
* { "terms": 7, "mustMatch": 4 },
* { "terms": 8, "mustMatch": 5 },
* { "termsGreaterThan": 8, "mustMatch": 60, "percentage": true }] } }
* ```
* An exact matching strategy would be:
* ```
* { "matchStrategy": { "rules": { "termsGreaterThan": 1, "mustMatch": 100, "percentage": true } } }
* ```
* Please note, it is highly recommended that the highest rule is defined with `termsGreaterThan`
* and a relative `mustMatch` as that guarantees that the number of matches required grows with the number of terms
* passed into the query.
* JSON Reference:
* { "matchStrategy": { "rules":[{ "terms": 2, "mustMatch": 2 },
* { "terms": 3, "mustMatch": 2 },
* { "terms": 4, "mustMatch": 3 },
* { "terms": 5, "mustMatch": 3 },
* { "terms": 6, "mustMatch": 4 },
* { "terms": 7, "mustMatch": 4 },
* { "terms": 8, "mustMatch": 5 },
* { "termsGreaterThan": 8, "mustMatch": 60, "percentage": true }] } }
* { "matchStrategy": { "rules": { "termsGreaterThan": 1, "mustMatch": 100, "percentage": true } } }
* { "matchStrategy": { "rules":[{ "terms": 2, "mustMatch": 1 },
* { "termsGreaterThan": 2, "mustMatch": 75, "percentage": true }] } }
* @param matchStrategy A match strategy composed of partial matching rules.
* @return
public Query setMatchStrategy(MatchStrategy matchStrategy) {
this.matchStrategy = matchStrategy;
return this;
* @return A list of navigations that will be included with the response.
public List getIncludeNavigations() {
return includedNavigations;
* Specify which navigations should be returned. If set, this overrides the navigations defined
* in Command Center and only returns the navigations specified. If this parameter is blank the
* navigations in Command Center are returned. If a navigation is specified that does not exist,
* it will be ignored. The field name supports two types of wildcard characters: '?' and '\*'.
* The '?' wildcard will match one character. For example "????_price" will match "sale_price",
* but not "sales_price". The '\*' wildcard will match any number of characters. For example, a
* name of "\*_price" will match both "sale_price and "sales_price", but not "sale_prices".
* JSON Reference:
* { "includedNavigations": [ "width", "brand", "categories.categories.value" ] }
* @param navigationName
* The case-sensitive name of the navigation to return
* @return
public Query addIncludedNavigations(String... navigationName) {
return addField(includedNavigations, navigationName);
* @return A list of navigations that will be excluded from the response.
public List getExcludeNavigations() {
return excludedNavigations;
* Specify which navigations should not be returned. If set, this forces the response to
* exclude certain navigations defined in Command Center. If this parameter is blank all
* navigations in Command Center are returned. If a navigation name is specified that does
* not exist, it will be ignored. If "includedNavigations" are specified, then all
* "excludedNavigations" are ignored. Please see the documentation on "includedNavigations"
* for details on wildcard characters in the field name.
* JSON Reference:
* { "excludedNavigations": [ "width", "brand", "categories.categories.value" ] }
* @param navigationName
* The case-sensitive name of the navigation to exclude
* @return
public Query addExcludedNavigations(String... navigationName) {
return addField(excludedNavigations, navigationName);
* @return The query level url-parameters.
public Map getQueryUrlParams() {
return queryUrlParams;
* Sets the query level url parameters. These will be used in the future to enable and disable
* features, such as disabling Navigations in the response.
* @param queryUrlParams
* The map of query level url parameters
* @return
public Query setQueryUrlParams(Map queryUrlParams) {
this.queryUrlParams = queryUrlParams;
return this;
* @see Query#setQueryUrlParams(Map). This is a convenience method for when you have no
* value for the url parameter.
* @param key
* The key of the url parameter
* @return
public Query addQueryUrlParams(String key) {
return addQueryUrlParams(key, null);
* @see Query#setQueryUrlParams(Map).
* @param key
* The key of the url parameter
* @param value
* The value of the url parameter
* @return
public Query addQueryUrlParams(String key, String value) {
this.queryUrlParams.put(key, value);
return this;
* Add a biasing profile, which is defined at query time. Possible settings
* include:
* - `bringToTop`: A list of product IDs to bring to the top of the result set. This list
* will ensure that the products are included in the result set and appear in the order
* defined.
* - `influence`: The influence to apply to query-time biases and biases set in Command Center.
* If this field is not defined, then the influence of the biasing profile defined in Command Center will take effect.
* If an influence is not defined in Command Center, then the influence will default to 5.
* - `augmentBiases`: If true, the biases defined here will augment biasing profiles defined in Command Center.
* Otherwise, the biases will override the ones defined in command Center. By default, this is set to false.
* - `biases`: A list of biases, which either override or augment biasing profiles defined
* in Command Center. See the documentation for `addBias` for more information.
* JSON Reference:
* { "biasing": {
* "bringToTop": ["productId1","productId3","productId2"]
* "influence": 5.0,
* "augmentBiases": false,
* "biases": [
* {"name":"brand", "content":"Brand A", "strength":"Medium_Increase"},
* {"name":"brand", "content":"Brand B", "strength":"Strong_Increase"},
* {"name":"material", "content":"Material A", "strength":"Strong_Decrease"}
* ]
* }}
* @param biasing
* The biasing parameters
* @return
* @internal
public Query setBiasing(Biasing biasing) {
this.biasing = biasing;
return this;
* @see Query#setBiasing(Biasing). This is a convenience method to set which products should be
* brought to the top of the result set.
* @param bringToTop
* Any number of product IDs to bring to the top of the result set.
* @return
public Query setBringToTop(String... bringToTop) {
CollectionUtils.addAll(this.biasing.getBringToTop(), bringToTop);
return this;
* @see Query#setBiasing(Biasing). This is a convenience method to set the biasing augment status.
* @param augment
* True to replace the biases defined in Command Center, false to augment.
* @return
public Query setBiasingAugment(boolean augment) {
return this;
* @see Query#setBiasing(Biasing). This is a convenience method to set the biasing influence.
* @param influence
* The influence
* @return
public Query setInfluence(Float influence) {
return this;
* @see Query#setBiasing(Biasing). This is a convenience method to add an individual bias.
* @param name
* The name of the field to bias on
* @param content
* The value to bias
* @param strength
* The strength of the bias. Legal values are: "Absolute_Increase", "Strong_Increase", "Medium_Increase",
* "Weak_Increase", "Leave_Unchanged", "Weak_Decrease", "Medium_Decrease", "Strong_Decrease", "Absolute_Decrease".
* @return
public Query addBias(String name, String content, Bias.Strength strength) {
.add(new Bias().setName(name)
return this;
* @return The user ID
public String getVisitorId() {
return visitorId;
* An ID that is associated with a user. Every user should have a unique ID, and queries sent by the same user
* should have the same ID.
* **Important:** Sending raw session IDs is a security risk. Encrypt or hash session IDs prior to transmission.
* @param visitorId
* The user ID
* @return
public Query setVisitorId(String visitorId) {
this.visitorId = visitorId;
return this;
* @return The biasing
public Biasing getBiasing() {
return biasing;
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