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com.groupbyinc.util.UrlBeautifier Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.groupbyinc.util;
import com.groupbyinc.api.Query;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.Navigation;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.Refinement;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.refinement.RefinementRange;
import com.groupbyinc.api.model.refinement.RefinementValue;
import com.groupbyinc.api.parser.ParserException;
import com.groupbyinc.common.apache.commons.collections4.MapUtils;
import com.groupbyinc.common.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import com.groupbyinc.common.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import com.groupbyinc.common.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import com.groupbyinc.injector.StaticInjector;
import com.groupbyinc.injector.StaticInjectorFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
* @author will
public class UrlBeautifier {
public static final String PARAM_REPLACEMENT = "z";
public static final String SEARCH_NAVIGATION_NAME = "search";
static final StaticInjector> INJECTOR = new StaticInjectorFactory>().create();
private static final String REFINEMENTS_PARAM_DEFAULT = "refinements";
private static final String ID = "id";
private static final Pattern idPattern = Pattern.compile("(?:\\A|.*&)id=([^&]*).*");
public static class UrlBeautificationException extends Exception {
public UrlBeautificationException(String message) {
public UrlBeautificationException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
static {
INJECTOR.set(new HashMap());
private final Navigation SEARCH_NAVIGATION = new Navigation().setDisplayName("");
private List replacementRules = new ArrayList();
private LinkedHashMap tokenToName = new LinkedHashMap();
private LinkedHashMap nameToToken = new LinkedHashMap();
private List remainingMappings = new ArrayList();
private String refinementsQueryParameterName = REFINEMENTS_PARAM_DEFAULT;
private String append = null;
private UrlBeautifier() {
* Create a UrlBeautifier and store it for the lifetime of this JVM under the name specified.
* @param name The handle back to this UrlBeautifier
public static void createUrlBeautifier(String name) {
getUrlBeautifiers().put(name, new UrlBeautifier());
* Get a map of UrlBeautifiers keyed by name.
* @return
public static Map getUrlBeautifiers() {
return INJECTOR.get();
* Convert a search term and a list of refinements into a beautified URL.
* Each refinement that has a mapping will be turned into a path segment.
* If a mapping has been created for search, the search term will also be
* placed into a URL path segment.
* @deprecated Use {@link #toUrl(String, Map)} ()}
* @param searchString
* The current search state.
* @param existingRefinements
* The current refinement state
* @return
* @throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException
public String toUrl(String searchString, String existingRefinements) throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException {
StringBuilder pathSegmentLookup = new StringBuilder("/");
Query query = createQuery();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchString)) {
URIBuilder uri = new URIBuilder();
Map navigations = getDistinctRefinements(query);
addRefinements(query.getQuery(), navigations, pathSegmentLookup, uri);
addReferenceBlock(pathSegmentLookup, uri);
addUnmappedRefinements(navigations, uri);
String uriString = uri.toString();
return uriString.startsWith("null") ? uriString.substring(4) : uriString;
protected Query createQuery() {
return new Query();
private Map getDistinctRefinements(Query query) {
Map navigations = query.getNavigations();
for (Navigation n : navigations.values()) {
Set names = new HashSet();
Iterator iterator = n.getRefinements()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Refinement refinement =;
String name = n.getName() + refinement.toTildeString();
if (!names.contains(name)) {
} else {
return navigations;
private void addRefinements(
String searchString, Map navigations, StringBuilder pathSegmentLookup, URIBuilder uri) throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException {
int indexOffSet = StringUtils.length(uri.getPath()) + 1;
List replacements = new ArrayList();
for (Navigation m : remainingMappings) {
if (m == SEARCH_NAVIGATION && StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchString)) {
searchString = applyReplacementRule(m, searchString, indexOffSet, replacements);
indexOffSet += searchString.length() + 1;
addSearchString(searchString, pathSegmentLookup, uri);
Navigation n = navigations.get(m.getName());
if (n != null) {
Iterator ri = n.getRefinements()
while (ri.hasNext()) {
Refinement r =;
switch (r.getType()) {
case Value:
RefinementValue rv = (RefinementValue) r;
rv.setValue(applyReplacementRule(n, rv.getValue(), indexOffSet, replacements));
String encodedRefValue = "/" + UrlEncoder.encode(rv.getValue());
indexOffSet += rv.getValue()
.length() + 1;
uri.setPath(uri.getPath() + encodedRefValue);
case Range:
throw new UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException("You should not map ranges into URLs.");
if (n.getRefinements()
.isEmpty()) {
if (!replacements.isEmpty()) {
uri.addParameter(PARAM_REPLACEMENT, UrlReplacement.buildQueryString(replacements));
private void addReferenceBlock(StringBuilder reference, URIBuilder uri) {
if (reference.length() > 1) {
uri.setPath(uri.getPath() + reference.toString());
private void addAppend(URIBuilder uri) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(append)) {
uri.setPath(uri.getPath() + append);
private void addUnmappedRefinements(Map navigations, URIBuilder uri) {
if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(navigations)) {
Query query = createQuery();
Map distinctRefinements = getDistinctRefinements(query);
for (Map.Entry entry : navigations.entrySet()) {
Navigation n = distinctRefinements.get(entry.getKey());
if (n == null) {
distinctRefinements.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
String refinements = query.getRefinementString();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(refinements)) {
uri.addParameter(refinementsQueryParameterName, query.getRefinementString());
private String applyReplacementRule(
Navigation pNavigation, String pValue, int pIndexOffSet, List pReplacements) {
StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder(pValue);
for (UrlReplacementRule replacementRule : replacementRules) {
replacementRule.apply(urlBuilder, pIndexOffSet, pNavigation.getName(), pReplacements);
return urlBuilder.toString();
private void addSearchString(String searchString, StringBuilder reference, URIBuilder pUri) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchString)) {
pUri.setPath(pUri.getPath() + "/" + UrlEncoder.encode(searchString));
private String getToken(String name) {
Navigation mapping = nameToToken.get(name);
return mapping == null ? null : mapping.getDisplayName();
* Convert a search term and a list of refinements into a beautified URL.
* Each refinement that has a mapping will be turned into a path segment.
* If a mapping has been created for search, the search term will also be
* placed into a URL path segment.
* @param searchString
* The current search state.
* @param navigations
* The current refinement state
* @return
* @throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException
public String toUrl(String searchString, Map navigations) throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException {
StringBuilder pathSegmentLookup = new StringBuilder("/");
Query query = createQuery();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchString)) {
URIBuilder uri = new URIBuilder();
if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(navigations)) {
for (Navigation n : navigations.values()) {
for (Refinement r : n.getRefinements()) {
if (r instanceof RefinementRange) {
RefinementRange rr = (RefinementRange) r;
query.addRangeRefinement(n.getName(), rr.getLow(), rr.getHigh());
} else {
query.addValueRefinement(n.getName(), ((RefinementValue) r).getValue());
Map groupedRefinements = getDistinctRefinements(query);
addRefinements(query.getQuery(), groupedRefinements, pathSegmentLookup, uri);
addReferenceBlock(pathSegmentLookup, uri);
addUnmappedRefinements(groupedRefinements, uri);
String uriString = uri.toString();
return uriString.startsWith("null") ? uriString.substring(4) : uriString;
* Convert a URI into a query object. Mappings will be converted to the
* correct search and refinement state.
* @param uri
* The URI to parse into a query object
* @return
* @throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException
public Query fromUrl(String uri) throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException {
Query query = fromUrl(uri, null);
if (query == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("URL reference block is invalid, could not convert to query");
return query;
* Convert a URI into a query object. Mappings will be converted to the
* correct search and refinement state.
* @param url
* The URI to parse into a query object
* @param defaultQuery
* The default query to use if this URL does not correctly parse.
* @return
* @throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException
public Query fromUrl(String url, Query defaultQuery) throws UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException {
URI uri;
try {
uri = new URI(url);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException("Unable to parse url", e);
String urlQueryString = uri.getQuery();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urlQueryString) && idPattern.matcher(urlQueryString)
.matches()) {
Matcher m = idPattern.matcher(urlQueryString);
return createQuery().addValueRefinement(ID,;
} else {
Query query = createQuery();
String replacementUrlQueryString = getReplacementQuery(uri.getRawQuery());
List pathSegments = new ArrayList();
String uriPath = uri.getPath();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(append) && uriPath.endsWith(append)) {
uriPath = uriPath.substring(0, uriPath.length() - append.length());
String pathSegmentLookup = lastSegment(pathSegments);
if (pathSegments.size() > pathSegmentLookup.length()) {
removeUnusedPathSegments(pathSegments, pathSegmentLookup);
} else if (pathSegments.size() < pathSegmentLookup.length()) {
return defaultQuery;
try {
pathSegments = applyReplacementToPathSegment(pathSegments, UrlReplacement.parseQueryString(replacementUrlQueryString));
} catch (ParserException e) {
throw new UrlBeautifier.UrlBeautificationException("Replacement Query is malformed, returning default query", e);
while (pathSegments.size() > 0) {
addRefinement(pathSegments, query, pathSegmentLookup);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urlQueryString)) {
String[] queryParams = urlQueryString.split("\\&");
if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(queryParams)) {
for (String keyValue : queryParams) {
if (keyValue.startsWith(refinementsQueryParameterName + "=")) {
String v = keyValue.substring(refinementsQueryParameterName.length());
return query;
private String getReplacementQuery(String pQuery) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pQuery)) {
for (String token : pQuery.split("&")) {
if (token.startsWith(PARAM_REPLACEMENT + "=")) {
return UrlEncoder.decode(token.substring(2));
return "";
private String lastSegment(List pathSegments) {
return pathSegments.remove(pathSegments.size() - 1);
private void removeUnusedPathSegments(List pathSegments, String pathSegmentLookup) {
while (pathSegments.size() > pathSegmentLookup.length()) {
private List applyReplacementToPathSegment(List pPathSegments, List pReplacements) {
if (pPathSegments.isEmpty()) {
return pPathSegments;
List replacedPathSegments = new ArrayList(pPathSegments.size());
int indexOffSet = 1;
for (String pathSegment : pPathSegments) {
StringBuilder decodedPathSegment = new StringBuilder(UrlEncoder.decode(pathSegment));
for (UrlReplacement replacement : pReplacements) {
replacement.apply(decodedPathSegment, indexOffSet);
indexOffSet += decodedPathSegment.length() + 1;
return replacedPathSegments;
private void addRefinement(List pathSegments, Query query, String referenceBlock) {
String token = String.valueOf(referenceBlock.charAt(referenceBlock.length() - pathSegments.size()));
if (token.equals(SEARCH_NAVIGATION.getDisplayName())) {
} else if (getFieldName(token) != null) {
query.addValueRefinement(getFieldName(token), pathSegments.remove(0));
} else {
private String getFieldName(String token) {
Navigation mapping = tokenToName.get(token);
return mapping == null ? null : mapping.getName();
* Set the mapping from a search term to a path segment.
* Note: you cannot use vowels for mapping tokens to prevent dictionary word creation.
* The order in which this method is called determines where in the URL the search term will show up.
* @param pToken
* The single letter to represent search in the lookup.
public void setSearchMapping(char pToken) {
private void addMapping(Navigation mapping) {
String name = mapping.getName();
String token = mapping.getDisplayName();
if (token.length() != 1 || StringUtils.isBlank(token)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Token length must be one");
if (token.matches("[aoeuiAOEUIyY]")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Vowels are not allowed to avoid Dictionary words appearing");
if (tokenToName.containsKey(token)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This token: " + token + " is already mapped to: " + tokenToName.get(token)
tokenToName.put(token, mapping);
nameToToken.put(name, mapping);
* Set up a mapping for a refinement.
* Note: you cannot use vowels for mapping tokens to prevent dictionary word creation.
* The order in which this method is called determines where in the URL the refinements will show up.
* @param pToken
* The single letter to represent this refinement in the lookup.
* @param pName
* The name of the navigation that will be mapped using this
* token.
public void addRefinementMapping(char pToken, String pName) {
Navigation mapping = new Navigation();
setValues(mapping, pName, String.valueOf(pToken));
private void setValues(Navigation pMapping, String pName, String pToken) {
* Clean up all mappings.
public void clearSavedFields() {
append = null;
tokenToName = new LinkedHashMap();
nameToToken = new LinkedHashMap();
remainingMappings = new ArrayList();
* Return the current appended URL segment
* @return
public String getAppend() {
return append;
* Quite often URLs need to end with specific extensions to map to the correct controller in the backend.
* Here you can set this value.
* For example:
* /index.html
* @param pAppend
* The value to append to each beautified URL.
public void setAppend(String pAppend) {
append = pAppend;
* @return The name with which non-mapped refinements will be mapped into
* the URL query string.
public String getRefinementsQueryParameterName() {
return refinementsQueryParameterName;
* Sets the name of the query parameter with which non-mapped refinements will show up in the query string.
* This includes ranges which are never mapped to beautified URLs.
* @param pRefinementsQueryParameterName
* The name of the query parameter to use.
public void setRefinementsQueryParameterName(String pRefinementsQueryParameterName) {
refinementsQueryParameterName = pRefinementsQueryParameterName;
* Adds a new replacement rule that will be applied to the search term and mapped refinements. The original
* search term and refinements will be put back into the query object.
* If pReplacement is null the target character will be removed.
* Note: Replacements that are chained may still contain the original target character.
* For example:
* addReplacementRule('x','y');
* addReplacementRule('z','x');
* The result of this may contain x's in the final result.
* will become after the first replacement and
* after the second replacement.
* @param pTarget
* The char values to be replaced
* @param pReplacement
* The replacement char value
public void addReplacementRule(char pTarget, Character pReplacement) {
addReplacementRule(pTarget, pReplacement, null);
* Adds a new replacement rule that will only be applied to the specified refinement. The original
* search term and refinements will be put back into the query object.
* If pReplacement is null the target character will be removed.
* Note: Replacements that are chained may still contain the original target character.
* For example:
* addReplacementRule('x', 'y', "brand");
* addReplacementRule('z', 'x', "brand");
* The result of this may contain x's in the final result.
* will become after the first replacement and
* after the second replacement.
* @param pTarget
* The char values to be replaced
* @param pReplacement
* The replacement char value
* @param pRefinementName
* The name of the refinement that this replacement should be applied to.
public void addReplacementRule(char pTarget, Character pReplacement, String pRefinementName) {
if (!((Character) pTarget).equals(pReplacement)) {
replacementRules.add(new UrlReplacementRule(pTarget, pReplacement, pRefinementName));