com.groupbyinc.common.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* General-purpose annotation used for configuring details of how
* values of properties are to be serialized.
* Unlike most other Jackson annotations, annotation does not
* have specific universal interpretation: instead, effect depends on datatype
* of property being annotated (or more specifically, deserializer
* and serializer being used).
* Common uses include choosing between alternate representations -- for example,
* whether {@link java.util.Date} is to be serialized as number (Java timestamp)
* or String (such as ISO-8601 compatible time value) -- as well as configuring
* exact details with {@link #pattern} property.
* As of Jackson 2.6, known special handling includes:
* - {@link java.util.Date}: Shape can be {@link Shape#STRING} or {@link Shape#NUMBER};
* pattern may contain {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat}-compatible pattern definition.
* - Can be used on Classes (types) as well, for modified default behavior, possibly
* overridden by per-property annotation
* - {@link java.lang.Enum}s: Shapes {@link Shape#STRING} and {@link Shape#NUMBER} can be
* used to change between numeric (index) and textual (name or
* but it is also possible to use {@link Shape#OBJECT} to serialize (but not deserialize)
* {@link java.lang.Enum}s as JSON Objects (as if they were POJOs). NOTE: serialization
* as JSON Object only works with class annotation;
* will not work as per-property annotation.
* - {@link java.util.Collection}s can be serialized as (and deserialized from) JSON Objects,
* if {@link Shape#OBJECT} is used. NOTE: can ONLY be used as class annotation;
* will not work as per-property annotation.
* - {@link java.lang.Number} subclasses can be serialized as full objects if
* {@link Shape#OBJECT} is used. Otherwise the default behavior of serializing to a
* scalar number value will be preferred. NOTE: can ONLY be used as class annotation;
* will not work as per-property annotation.
* @since 2.0
@Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER,
public @interface JsonFormat
* Value that indicates that default {@link java.util.Locale}
* (from deserialization or serialization context) should be used:
* annotation does not define value to use.
public final static String DEFAULT_LOCALE = "##default";
* Value that indicates that default {@link java.util.TimeZone}
* (from deserialization or serialization context) should be used:
* annotation does not define value to use.
public final static String DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = "##default";
* Datatype-specific additional piece of configuration that may be used
* to further refine formatting aspects. This may, for example, determine
* low-level format String used for {@link java.util.Date} serialization;
* however, exact use is determined by specific JsonSerializer
public String pattern() default "";
* Structure to use for serialization: definition of mapping depends on datatype,
* but usually has straight-forward counterpart in data format (JSON).
* Note that commonly only a subset of shapes is available; and if 'invalid' value
* is chosen, defaults are usually used.
public Shape shape() default Shape.ANY;
* {@link java.util.Locale} to use for serialization (if needed).
* Special value of {@link #DEFAULT_LOCALE}
* can be used to mean "just use the default", where default is specified
* by the serialization context, which in turn defaults to system
* defaults ({@link java.util.Locale#getDefault()}) unless explicitly
* set to another locale.
public String locale() default DEFAULT_LOCALE;
* {@link java.util.TimeZone} to use for serialization (if needed).
* Special value of {@link #DEFAULT_TIMEZONE}
* can be used to mean "just use the default", where default is specified
* by the serialization context, which in turn defaults to system
* defaults ({@link java.util.TimeZone#getDefault()}) unless explicitly
* set to another locale.
public String timezone() default DEFAULT_TIMEZONE;
* Set of {@link JsonFormat.Feature}s to explicitly enable with respect
* to handling of annotated property. This will have precedence over possible
* global configuration.
* @since 2.6
public JsonFormat.Feature[] with() default { };
* Set of {@link JsonFormat.Feature}s to explicitly disable with respect
* to handling of annotated property. This will have precedence over possible
* global configuration.
* @since 2.6
public JsonFormat.Feature[] without() default { };
/* Value enumeration(s), value class(es)
* Value enumeration used for indicating preferred Shape; translates
* loosely to JSON types, with some extra values to indicate less precise
* choices (i.e. allowing one of multiple actual shapes)
public enum Shape
* Marker enum value that indicates "default" (or "whatever") choice; needed
* since Annotations can not have null values for enums.
* Value that indicates shape should not be structural (that is, not
* {@link #ARRAY} or {@link #OBJECT}, but can be any other shape.
* Value that indicates that (JSON) Array type should be used.
* Value that indicates that (JSON) Object type should be used.
* Value that indicates that a numeric (JSON) type should be used
* (but does not specify whether integer or floating-point representation
* should be used)
* Value that indicates that floating-point numeric type should be used
* Value that indicates that integer number type should be used
* (and not {@link #NUMBER_FLOAT}).
* Value that indicates that (JSON) String type should be used.
* Value that indicates that (JSON) boolean type
* (true, false) should be used.
public boolean isNumeric() {
return (this == NUMBER) || (this == NUMBER_INT) || (this == NUMBER_FLOAT);
public boolean isStructured() {
return (this == OBJECT) || (this == ARRAY);
* Set of features that can be enabled/disabled for property annotated.
* These often relate to specific SerializationFeature
* or DeserializationFeature
, as noted by entries.
* Note that whether specific setting has an effect depends on whether
* JsonSerializer
/ JsonDeserializer
being used
* takes the format setting into account. If not, please file an issue
* for adding support via issue tracker for package that has handlers
* (if you know which one; if not, just use `jackson-databind`).
* @since 2.6
public enum Feature {
* Override for DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY
* which will allow deserialization of JSON non-array values into single-element
* Java arrays and {@link java.util.Collection}s.
* Override for SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATE_TIMESTAMPS_AS_NANOSECONDS
* similar constraints apply.
* Override for SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_WITH_ZONE_ID
* similar constraints apply.
* Override for SerializationFeature.WRITE_SINGLE_ELEM_ARRAYS_UNWRAPPED
* which will force serialization of single-element arrays and {@link java.util.Collection}s
* as that single element and excluding array wrapper.
* Override for SerializationFeature.ORDER_MAP_ENTRIES_BY_KEYS
* enabling of which will force sorting of {@link java.util.Map} keys before
* serialization.
* Helper class that encapsulates information equivalent to {@link java.lang.Boolean}
* valued {@link java.util.EnumMap}.
* @since 2.6
public static class Features
private final int enabled, disabled;
private final static Features EMPTY = new Features(0, 0);
private Features(int e, int d) {
enabled = e;
disabled = d;
public static Features empty() {
return EMPTY;
public static Features construct(JsonFormat f) {
return construct(f.with(), f.without());
public static Features construct(Feature[] enabled, Feature[] disabled)
int e = 0;
for (Feature f : enabled) {
e |= (1 << f.ordinal());
int d = 0;
for (Feature f : disabled) {
d |= (1 << f.ordinal());
return new Features(e, d);
public Features with(Feature...features) {
int e = enabled;
for (Feature f : features) {
e |= (1 << f.ordinal());
return (e == enabled) ? this : new Features(e, disabled);
public Features without(Feature...features) {
int d = disabled;
for (Feature f : features) {
d |= (1 << f.ordinal());
return (d == disabled) ? this : new Features(enabled, d);
public Boolean get(Feature f) {
int mask = (1 << f.ordinal());
if ((disabled & mask) != 0) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
if ((enabled & mask) != 0) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
return null;
* Helper class used to contain information from a single {@link JsonFormat}
* annotation.
public static class Value
implements JacksonAnnotationValue // since 2.6
private final String pattern;
private final Shape shape;
private final Locale locale;
private final String timezoneStr;
* @since 2.6
private final Features features;
// lazily constructed when created from annotations
private TimeZone _timezone;
public Value() {
this("", Shape.ANY, "", "", Features.empty());
public Value(JsonFormat ann) {
this(ann.pattern(), ann.shape(), ann.locale(), ann.timezone(),
* @since 2.6
public Value(String p, Shape sh, String localeStr, String tzStr, Features f)
this(p, sh,
(localeStr == null || localeStr.length() == 0 || DEFAULT_LOCALE.equals(localeStr)) ?
null : new Locale(localeStr),
(tzStr == null || tzStr.length() == 0 || DEFAULT_TIMEZONE.equals(tzStr)) ?
null : tzStr,
null, f);
* @since 2.6
public Value(String p, Shape sh, Locale l, TimeZone tz, Features f)
pattern = p;
shape = (sh == null) ? Shape.ANY : sh;
locale = l;
_timezone = tz;
timezoneStr = null;
features = (f == null) ? Features.empty() : f;
* @since 2.6
public Value(String p, Shape sh, Locale l, String tzStr, TimeZone tz, Features f)
pattern = p;
shape = (sh == null) ? Shape.ANY : sh;
locale = l;
_timezone = tz;
timezoneStr = tzStr;
features = (f == null) ? Features.empty() : f;
* @deprecated since 2.6
public Value(String p, Shape sh, Locale l, TimeZone tz) {
this(p, sh, l, tz, Features.empty());
* @deprecated since 2.6
public Value(String p, Shape sh, String localeStr, String tzStr) {
this(p, sh, localeStr, tzStr, Features.empty());
* @deprecated since 2.6
public Value(String p, Shape sh, Locale l, String tzStr, TimeZone tz) {
this(p, sh, l, tzStr, tz, Features.empty());
* @since 2.6
public static Value forPattern(String p) {
return new Value(p, null, null, null, null, Features.empty());
* @since 2.1
public Value withPattern(String p) {
return new Value(p, shape, locale, timezoneStr, _timezone, features);
* @since 2.1
public Value withShape(Shape s) {
return new Value(pattern, s, locale, timezoneStr, _timezone, features);
* @since 2.1
public Value withLocale(Locale l) {
return new Value(pattern, shape, l, timezoneStr, _timezone, features);
* @since 2.1
public Value withTimeZone(TimeZone tz) {
return new Value(pattern, shape, locale, null, tz, features);
* @since 2.6
public Value withFeature(JsonFormat.Feature f) {
Features newFeats = features.with(f);
return (newFeats == features) ? this :
new Value(pattern, shape, locale, timezoneStr, _timezone, newFeats);
* @since 2.6
public Value withoutFeature(JsonFormat.Feature f) {
Features newFeats = features.without(f);
return (newFeats == features) ? this :
new Value(pattern, shape, locale, timezoneStr, _timezone, newFeats);
public Class valueFor() {
return JsonFormat.class;
public String getPattern() { return pattern; }
public Shape getShape() { return shape; }
public Locale getLocale() { return locale; }
* Alternate access (compared to {@link #getTimeZone()}) which is useful
* when caller just wants time zone id to convert, but not as JDK
* provided {@link TimeZone}
* @since 2.4
public String timeZoneAsString() {
if (_timezone != null) {
return _timezone.getID();
return timezoneStr;
public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
TimeZone tz = _timezone;
if (tz == null) {
if (timezoneStr == null) {
return null;
tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezoneStr);
_timezone = tz;
return tz;
* @since 2.4
public boolean hasShape() { return shape != Shape.ANY; }
* @since 2.4
public boolean hasPattern() {
return (pattern != null) && (pattern.length() > 0);
* @since 2.4
public boolean hasLocale() { return locale != null; }
* @since 2.4
public boolean hasTimeZone() {
return (_timezone != null) || (timezoneStr != null && !timezoneStr.isEmpty());
* Accessor for checking whether this format value has specific setting for
* given feature. Result is 3-valued with either `null`, {@link Boolean#TRUE} or
* {@link Boolean#FALSE}, indicating 'yes/no/dunno' choices, where `null` ("dunno")
* indicates that the default handling should be used based on global defaults,
* and there is no format override.
* @since 2.6
public Boolean getFeature(JsonFormat.Feature f) {
return features.get(f);