com.groupbyinc.flux.Build.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 4 ? com/groupbyinc/flux/Build java/lang/Object CURRENT Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/Build;
isSnapshot Z shortHash Ljava/lang/String; date getElasticsearchCodebase ()Ljava/net/URL; java/lang/Class getProtectionDomain "()Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain;
getCodeSource ()Ljava/security/CodeSource;
java/security/CodeSource getLocation
((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V ()V "
% ' ) this ()Ljava/lang/String; readBuild O(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/stream/StreamInput;)Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/Build; java/io/IOException / 0com/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/stream/StreamInput 1
readString 3 ,
2 4 readBoolean ()Z 6 7
2 8 !
: in 2Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/stream/StreamInput; hash snapshot
writeBuild Q(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/Build;Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/stream/StreamOutput;)V
B 1com/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/stream/StreamOutput D writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V F G
E H ,
J 7
L writeBoolean (Z)V N O
E P build out 3Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/stream/StreamOutput; toString java/lang/StringBuilder V
W # [ Y append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; [ \
W ] ][ _ ] a U ,
W c equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z getClass ()Ljava/lang/Class; g h
i java/lang/String k e f
l m o Ljava/lang/Object; hashCode ()I q r
l s result I java/lang/Throwable x java/lang/ClassNotFoundException z elasticsearch- | com/groupbyinc/flux/Version ~ Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/Version; ? ? -(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; [ ?
W ?
? java/net/URL ?
? c file:/ ?
startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z ? ?
l ? .jar ? endsWith ? ?
l ?
-SNAPSHOT.jar ? java/util/jar/JarInputStream ? -com/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/FileSystemUtils ? openFileURLStream %(Ljava/net/URL;)Ljava/io/InputStream; ? ?
? ? (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V ?
? ? getManifest ()Ljava/util/jar/Manifest; ? ?
? ? java/util/jar/Manifest ? getMainAttributes ()Ljava/util/jar/Attributes; ? ?
? ? Change ? java/util/jar/Attributes ? getValue &(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; ? ?
? ?
Build-Date ? true ? X-Compile-Elasticsearch-Snapshot ? close ? "
? ?
addSuppressed (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V ? ?
y ? java/lang/RuntimeException ? ?
? ? Unknown ? build.snapshot ? java/lang/System ? getProperty ? ?
? ? Kcom.groupbyinc.flux.common.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.RandomizedContext ? forName %(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class; ? ?
? java/lang/IllegalStateException ? build.snapshot set to [ ? ] but not running tests ? G
? ? #com/groupbyinc/flux/common/Booleans ? parseBoolean ? ?
? ? ?Error finding the build shortHash. Stopping Elasticsearch now so it doesn't run in subtly broken ways. This is likely a build bug. ? }Error finding the build date. Stopping Elasticsearch now so it doesn't run in subtly broken ways. This is likely a build bug. ? ? manifest Ljava/util/jar/Manifest; jar Ljava/util/jar/JarInputStream; e Ljava/io/IOException; "Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;
buildSnapshot esPrefix url Ljava/net/URL; urlStr Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable
SourceFile !
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